31 research outputs found

    The Extent and Coverage of Current Knowledge of Connected Health: Systematic Mapping Study

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    Background: This paper examines the development of the Connected Health research landscape with a view on providing a historical perspective on existing Connected Health research. Connected Health has become a rapidly growing research field as our healthcare system is facing pressured to become more proactive and patient centred. Objective: We aimed to identify the extent and coverage of the current body of knowledge in Connected Health. With this, we want to identify which topics have drawn the attention of Connected health researchers, and if there are gaps or interdisciplinary opportunities for further research. Methods: We used a systematic mapping study that combines scientific contributions from research on medicine, business, computer science and engineering. We analyse the papers with seven classification criteria, publication source, publication year, research types, empirical types, contribution types research topic and the condition studied in the paper. Results: Altogether, our search resulted in 208 papers which were analysed by a multidisciplinary group of researchers. Our results indicate a slow start for Connected Health research but a more recent steady upswing since 2013. The majority of papers proposed healthcare solutions (37%) or evaluated Connected Health approaches (23%). Case studies (28%) and experiments (26%) were the most popular forms of scientific validation employed. Diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and heart conditions are among the most prevalent conditions studied. Conclusions: We conclude that Connected Health research seems to be an established field of research, which has been growing strongly during the last five years. There seems to be more focus on technology driven research with a strong contribution from medicine, but business aspects of Connected health are not as much studied

    Temporal Coherence Estimators for GBSAR

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    Many Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GBSAR) applications demand preliminary analysis to select areas with high-quality signal. That is, areas in which the phase can be processed to extract the desired information. The interferometric coherence and the amplitude dispersion index are important tools widely used in the literature to assess the quality of GBSAR images. So far, no direct relation has been found between the two. Indeed, they are parameters of different natures: amplitude dispersion index is calculated with only amplitude values, while coherence provides information also on the signal phase. The purpose of this article is to find a relation between the two parameters. Indeed, the amplitude dispersion index provides some practical advantages if compared to coherence estimators, especially to perform fast preliminary analysis. In this article, a theoretical relation between amplitude dispersion index and coherence is retrieved. GBSAR measurements acquired in different scenarios, at different working frequencies are presented and used to validate such a relation

    Fall detection using history triple features

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    Accurate identification and timely handling of involuntary events, such as falls, plays a crucial part in effective as-sistive environment systems. Fall detection, in particular, is quite critical, especially in households of lonely elderly people. However, the task of visually identifying a fall is challenging as there is a variety of daily activities that can be mistakenly characterized as falls. To tackle this issue, various feature extraction methods that aim to effectively distinguish unintentional falls from other everyday activi-ties have been proposed. In this study, we examine the capability of the History Triple Features technique based on Trace transform, to provide noise robust and invariant to different variations features for the spatiotemporal represen-tation of fall occurrences. The aim is to effectively detect falls among other household-related activities that usually take place indoors. For the evaluation of the algorithm the video sequences from two realistic fall detection datasets of different nature have been used. One is constructed using a ceiling mounted depth camera and the other is constructed using an RGB camera placed on arbitrary positions in dif-ferent rooms. After forming the feature vectors, we train a support vector machine using a radial basis function kernel. Results show a very good response of the algorithm achiev-ing 100 % on both datasets indicating the suitability of the technique to the specific task. 1

    Réalisation d’un système de substitution sensorielle de la vision vers l’audition

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    Ce projet de recherche a été mené dans le cadre du groupe de recherche NECOTIS (Neurosciences Computationnelles et Traitement Intelligent du Signal). Ce groupe de recherche agit principalement dans le domaine du traitement de l’image et de l’audio grâce à des méthodes de traitement de signal bio-inspirées. Différentes applications ont été développées en reconnaissance de la parole, dans la séparation de sources sonores ou encore en reconnaissance d’images. Bien qu’ils existent depuis plus de quarante ans, les systèmes d’aide aux personnes atteintes de déficiences visuelles, que cela soit des prothèses visuelles (invasif) ou des système de substitution sensorielle (non invasif), n’ont pas percé dans le milieu du handicap. Il serait difficile d’imputer cet état de fait à des limitations technologiques : depuis les premières approches, les prothèses visuelles ou les systèmes de substitution sensorielle n’ont cessé de se perfectionner et de se diversifier. Toutefois, si la question de savoir comment transmettre le signal est bien documentée, la question de savoir quel signal transmettre a été plus rarement abordée. Différents systèmes ont été développés mais le plus impressionnant est le récit des utilisateurs de tels systèmes. Ainsi, il fait plaisir de lire que l’artiste Neil Harbisson, qui ne voit aucune couleur, explique comment une caméra attachée à se tête lui permet d’entendre des couleurs et ainsi de pouvoir peindre [Montandon, 2004]. Un autre exemple tout aussi impressionnant, la scientifique Wanda Díaz-Merced, qui travaille pour xSonify, explique comment elle analyse différentes données en les encodant de façon sonore [Feder, 2012]. C’est dans ce cadre que ce projet de substitution sensorielle de la vision vers l’audition a été développé. En effet, nous avons utilisé le traitement de signal bio-inspiré afin d’extraire différentes caractéristiques représentatives de la vision. De plus, nous avons essayé de générer un son agréable à l’oreille et représentatif de l’environnement dans lequel évolue la personne. Ce projet a donc davantage été axé sur la nature du signal transmis à la personne ayant des déficiences visuelles

    Intelligent Digital Twins for Personalized Migraine Care

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    Two-stage pursuit strategy for incomplete-information impulsive space pursuit-evasion mission using reinforcement learning

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    This paper presents a novel and robust two-stage pursuit strategy for the incomplete-information impulsive space pursuit-evasion missions considering the J2 perturbation. The strategy firstly models the impulsive pursuit-evasion game problem into a far-distance rendezvous stage and a close-distance game stage according to the perception range of the evader. For the far-distance rendezvous stage, it is transformed into a rendezvous trajectory optimization problem and a new objective function is proposed to obtain the pursuit trajectory with the optimal terminal pursuit capability. For the close-distance game stage, a closed-loop pursuit approach is proposed using one of the reinforcement learning algorithms, i.e. the deep deterministic policy gradient algorithm, to solve and update the pursuit trajectory for the incomplete-information impulsive pursuit-evasion missions. The feasibility of this novel strategy and its robustness to different initial states of the pursuer and evader and to the evasion strategies are demonstrated for the sun-synchronous orbit pursuit-evasion game scenarios. The results of the Monte Carlo tests show that the successful pursuit ratio of the proposed method is over 91% for all the given scenario