78 research outputs found

    Structured Review of the Evidence for Effects of Code Duplication on Software Quality

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    This report presents the detailed steps and results of a structured review of code clone literature. The aim of the review is to investigate the evidence for the claim that code duplication has a negative effect on code changeability. This report contains only the details of the review for which there is not enough place to include them in the companion paper published at a conference (Hordijk, Ponisio et al. 2009 - Harmfulness of Code Duplication - A Structured Review of the Evidence)

    Structured Review of Code Clone Literature

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    This report presents the results of a structured review of code clone literature. The aim of the review is to assemble a conceptual model of clone-related concepts which helps us to reason about clones. This conceptual model unifies clone concepts from a wide range of literature, so that findings about clones can be compared with each other

    Reverseorc:Reverse engineering of resizable user interface layouts with or-constraints

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    Reverse engineering (RE) of user interfaces (UIs) plays an important role in software evolution. However, the large diversity of UI technologies and the need for UIs to be resizable make this challenging. We propose ReverseORC, a novel RE approach able to discover diverse layout types and their dynamic resizing behaviours independently of their implementation, and to specify them by using OR constraints. Unlike previous RE approaches, ReverseORC infers flexible layout constraint specifications by sampling UIs at different sizes and analyzing the differences between them. It can create specifications that replicate even some non-standard layout managers with complex dynamic layout behaviours. We demonstrate that ReverseORC works across different platforms with very different layout approaches, e.g., for GUIs as well as for the Web. Furthermore, it can be used to detect and fix problems in legacy UIs, extend UIs with enhanced layout behaviours, and support the creation of flexible UI layouts.Comment: CHI2021 Full Pape

    An Empirical Assessment of Bellon's Clone Benchmark

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    Context: Clone benchmarks are essential to the assessment and improvement of clone detection tools and algorithms. Among existing benchmarks, Bellon’s benchmark is widely used by the research community. However, a serious threat to the validity of this benchmark is that reference clones it contains have been manually validated by Bellon alone. Other persons may disagree with Bellon’s judgment. Ob-jective: In this paper, we perform an empirical assessment of Bellon’s benchmark. Method: We seek the opinion of eighteen participants on a subset of Bellon’s benchmark to determine if researchers should trust the reference clones it contains. Results: Our experiment shows that a significant amount of the reference clones are debatable, and this phe-nomenon can introduce noise in results obtained using this benchmark

    Analyzing Clone Evolution for Identifying the Important Clones for Management

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    Code clones (identical or similar code fragments in a code-base) have dual but contradictory impacts (i.e., both positive and negative impacts) on the evolution and maintenance of a software system. Because of the negative impacts (such as high change-proneness, bug-proneness, and unintentional inconsistencies), software researchers consider code clones to be the number one bad-smell in a code-base. Existing studies on clone management suggest managing code clones through refactoring and tracking. However, a software system's code-base may contain a huge number of code clones, and it is impractical to consider all these clones for refactoring or tracking. In these circumstances, it is essential to identify code clones that can be considered particularly important for refactoring and tracking. However, no existing study has investigated this matter. We conduct our research emphasizing this matter, and perform five studies on identifying important clones by analyzing clone evolution history. In our first study we detect evolutionary coupling of code clones by automatically investigating clone evolution history from thousands of commits of software systems downloaded from on-line SVN repositories. By analyzing evolutionary coupling of code clones we identify a particular clone change pattern, Similarity Preserving Change Pattern (SPCP), such that code clones that evolve following this pattern should be considered important for refactoring. We call these important clones the SPCP clones. We rank SPCP clones considering their strength of evolutionary coupling. In our second study we further analyze evolutionary coupling of code clones with an aim to assist clone tracking. The purpose of clone tracking is to identify the co-change (i.e. changing together) candidates of code clones to ensure consistency of changes in the code-base. Our research in the second study identifies and ranks the important co-change candidates by analyzing their evolutionary coupling. In our third study we perform a deeper analysis on the SPCP clones and identify their cross-boundary evolutionary couplings. On the basis of such couplings we separate the SPCP clones into two disjoint subsets. While one subset contains the non-cross-boundary SPCP clones which can be considered important for refactoring, the other subset contains the cross-boundary SPCP clones which should be considered important for tracking. In our fourth study we analyze the bug-proneness of different types of SPCP clones in order to identify which type(s) of code clones have high tendencies of experiencing bug-fixes. Such clone-types can be given high priorities for management (refactoring or tracking). In our last study we analyze and compare the late propagation tendencies of different types of code clones. Late propagation is commonly regarded as a harmful clone evolution pattern. Findings from our last study can help us prioritize clone-types for management on the basis of their tendencies of experiencing late propagations. We also find that late propagation can be considerably minimized by managing the SPCP clones. On the basis of our studies we develop an automatic system called AMIC (Automatic Mining of Important Clones) that identifies the important clones for management (refactoring and tracking) and ranks these clones considering their evolutionary coupling, bug-proneness, and late propagation tendencies. We believe that our research findings have the potential to assist clone management by pin-pointing the important clones to be managed, and thus, considerably minimizing clone management effort

    An Infrastructure to Support Interoperability in Reverse Engineering

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    An infrastructure that supports interoperability among reverse engineering tools and other software tools is described. The three major components of the infrastructure are: (1) a hierarchy of schemas for low- and middle-level program representation graphs, (2) g4re, a tool chain for reverse engineering C++ programs, and (3) a repository of reverse engineering artifacts, including the previous two components, a test suite, and tools, GXL instances, and XSLT transformations for graphs at each level of the hierarchy. The results of two case studies that investigated the space and time costs incurred by the infrastructure are provided. The results of two empirical evaluations that were performed using the api module of g4re, and were focused on computation of object-oriented metrics and three-dimensional visualization of class template diagrams, respectively, are also provided

    A review of software change impact analysis

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    Change impact analysis is required for constantly evolving systems to support the comprehension, implementation, and evaluation of changes. A lot of research effort has been spent on this subject over the last twenty years, and many approaches were published likewise. However, there has not been an extensive attempt made to summarize and review published approaches as a base for further research in the area. Therefore, we present the results of a comprehensive investigation of software change impact analysis, which is based on a literature review and a taxonomy for impact analysis. The contribution of this review is threefold. First, approaches proposed for impact analysis are explained regarding their motivation and methodology. They are further classified according to the criteria of the taxonomy to enable the comparison and evaluation of approaches proposed in literature. We perform an evaluation of our taxonomy regarding the coverage of its classification criteria in studied literature, which is the second contribution. Last, we address and discuss yet unsolved problems, research areas, and challenges of impact analysis, which were discovered by our review to illustrate possible directions for further research

    Detection and analysis of near-miss clone genealogies

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    It is believed that identical or similar code fragments in source code, also known as code clones, have an impact on software maintenance. A clone genealogy shows how a group of clone fragments evolve with the evolution of the associated software system, and thus may provide important insights on the maintenance implications of those clone fragments. Considering the importance of studying the evolution of code clones, many studies have been conducted on this topic. However, after a decade of active research, there has been a marked lack of progress in understanding the evolution of near-miss software clones, especially where statements have been added, deleted, or modified in the copied fragments. Given that there are a significant amount of near-miss clones in the software systems, we believe that without studying the evolution of near-miss clones, one cannot have a complete picture of the clone evolution. In this thesis, we have advanced the state-of-the-art in the evolution of clone research in the context of both exact and near-miss software clones. First, we performed a large-scale empirical study to extend the existing knowledge about the evolution of exact and renamed clones where identifiers have been modified in the copied fragments. Second, we have developed a framework, gCad that can automatically extract both exact and near-miss clone genealogies across multiple versions of a program and identify their change patterns reasonably fast while maintaining high precision and recall. Third, in order to gain a broader perspective of clone evolution, we extended gCad to calculate various evolutionary metrics, and performed an in-depth empirical study on the evolution of both exact and near-miss clones in six open source software systems of two different programming languages with respect to five research questions. We discovered several interesting evolutionary phenomena of near-miss clones which either contradict with previous findings or are new. Finally, we further improved gCad, and investigated a wide range of attributes and metrics derived from both the clones themselves and their evolution histories to identify certain attributes, which developers often use to remove clones in the real world. We believe that our new insights in the evolution of near-miss clones, and about how developers approach and remove duplication, will play an important role in understanding the maintenance implications of clones and will help design better clone management systems

    Analysing Reverse Engineering Techniques for Interactive Systems

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    Reverse engineering is the process of discovering a model of a software system by analyzing its structure and functions. Reverse engineering techniques applied to interactive software applications (e.g. applications with user interfaces (UIs)) are very important and significant, as they can help engineers to detect defects in the software and then improve or complete them. There are several approaches, and many different tools, which are able to reverse-engineer software applications into formal models. These can be classified into two main types: dynamic tools and static tools. Dynamic tools interact with the application to find out the run-time behaviours of the software, simulating the actions of a user to explore the system’s state space, whereas static tools focus on static structure and architecture by analysing the code and documents. Reverse engineering techniques are not common for interactive software systems, but nowadays more and more organizations recognize the importance of interactive systems, as the trend in software used in computers is for applications with graphical user interfaces. This has in turn led to a developing interest in reverse engineering tools for such systems. Many reverse engineering tools generate very big models which make analysis slow and resource intensive. The reason for this is the large amount of information that is generated by the existing reverse engineering techniques. Slicing is one possible technique which helps with reducing un-necessary information for building models of software systems. This project focuses on static analysis and slicing, and considers how they can aid reverse engineering techniques for interactive systems, particularly with respect to the generation of a particular set of models, Presentation Models (PModels) and Presentation Interaction Models (PIMs)
