39 research outputs found

    The Hospitals/Residents Problem with Couples: complexity and integer programming models

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    The Hospitals / Residents problem with Couples (hrc) is a generalisation of the classical Hospitals / Residents problem (hr) that is important in practical applications because it models the case where couples submit joint preference lists over pairs of (typically geographically close) hospitals. In this paper we give a new NP-completeness result for the problem of deciding whether a stable matching exists, in highly restricted instances of hrc, and also an inapproximability bound for finding a matching with the minimum number of blocking pairs in equally restricted instances of hrc. Further, we present a full description of the first Integer Programming model for finding a maximum cardinality stable matching in an instance of hrc and we describe empirical results when this model applied to randomly generated instances of hrc

    A Simple 1.5-Approximation Algorithm for a Wide Range of Max-SMTI Generalizations

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    We give a simple approximation algorithm for a common generalization of many previously studied extensions of the stable matching problem with ties. These generalizations include the existence of critical vertices in the graph, amongst whom we must match as much as possible, free edges, that cannot be blocking edges and Δ\Delta-stabilities, which mean that for an edge to block, the improvement should be large enough on one or both sides. We also introduce other notions to generalize these even further, which allows our framework to capture many existing and future applications. We show that our edge duplicating technique allows us to treat these different types of generalizations simultaneously, while also making the algorithm, the proofs and the analysis much simpler and shorter then in previous approaches. In particular, we answer an open question by \cite{socialstable} about the existence of a 32\frac{3}{2}-approximation algorithm for the \smti\ problem with free edges. This demonstrates well that this technique can grasp the underlying essence of these problems quite well and have the potential to be able to solve countless future applications as well

    Stable matchings of teachers to schools

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    Several countries successfully use centralized matching schemes for school or higher education assignment, or for entry-level labour markets. In this paper we explore the computational aspects of a possible similar scheme for assigning teachers to schools. Our model is motivated by a particular characteristic of the education system in many countries where each teacher specializes in two subjects. We seek stable matchings, which ensure that no teacher and school have the incentive to deviate from their assignments. Indeed we propose two stability definitions depending on the precise format of schools' preferences. If the schools' ranking of applicants is independent of their subjects of specialism, we show that the problem of deciding whether a stable matching exists is NP-complete, even if there are only three subjects, unless there are master lists of applicants or of schools. By contrast, if the schools may order applicants differently in each of their specialization subjects, the problem of deciding whether a stable matching exists is NP-complete even in the presence of subject-specific master lists plus a master list of schools. Finally, we prove a strong inapproximability result for the problem of finding a matching with the minimum number of blocking pairs with respect to both stability definitions.Comment: 15 page

    The Stable Roommates problem with short lists

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    We consider two variants of the classical Stable Roommates problem with Incomplete (but strictly ordered) preference lists (sri) that are degree constrained, i.e., preference lists are of bounded length. The first variant, egald-sri, involves finding an egalitarian stable matching in solvable instances of sri with preference lists of length at most d. We show that this problem is NP-hard even if d = 3. On the positive side we give a 2d+372d+37-approximation algorithm for d ∈{3,4,5} which improves on the known bound of 2 for the unbounded preference list case. In the second variant of sri, called d-srti, preference lists can include ties and are of length at most d. We show that the problem of deciding whether an instance of d-srti admits a stable matching is NP-complete even if d = 3. We also consider the “most stable” version of this problem and prove a strong inapproximability bound for the d = 3 case. However for d = 2 we show that the latter problem can be solved in polynomial time

    QPTAS and Subexponential Algorithm for Maximum Clique on Disk Graphs

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    A (unit) disk graph is the intersection graph of closed (unit) disks in the plane. Almost three decades ago, an elegant polynomial-time algorithm was found for Maximum Clique on unit disk graphs [Clark, Colbourn, Johnson; Discrete Mathematics '90]. Since then, it has been an intriguing open question whether or not tractability can be extended to general disk graphs. We show the rather surprising structural result that a disjoint union of cycles is the complement of a disk graph if and only if at most one of those cycles is of odd length. From that, we derive the first QPTAS and subexponential algorithm running in time 2^{O~(n^{2/3})} for Maximum Clique on disk graphs. In stark contrast, Maximum Clique on intersection graphs of filled ellipses or filled triangles is unlikely to have such algorithms, even when the ellipses are close to unit disks. Indeed, we show that there is a constant ratio of approximation which cannot be attained even in time 2^{n^{1-epsilon}}, unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails

    Optimal Analysis of an Online Algorithm for the Bipartite Matching Problem on a Line

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    In the online metric bipartite matching problem, we are given a set S of server locations in a metric space. Requests arrive one at a time, and on its arrival, we need to immediately and irrevocably match it to a server at a cost which is equal to the distance between these locations. A alpha-competitive algorithm will assign requests to servers so that the total cost is at most alpha times the cost of M_{Opt} where M_{Opt} is the minimum cost matching between S and R. We consider this problem in the adversarial model for the case where S and R are points on a line and |S|=|R|=n. We improve the analysis of the deterministic Robust Matching Algorithm (RM-Algorithm, Nayyar and Raghvendra FOCS\u2717) from O(log^2 n) to an optimal Theta(log n). Previously, only a randomized algorithm under a weaker oblivious adversary achieved a competitive ratio of O(log n) (Gupta and Lewi, ICALP\u2712). The well-known Work Function Algorithm (WFA) has a competitive ratio of O(n) and Omega(log n) for this problem. Therefore, WFA cannot achieve an asymptotically better competitive ratio than the RM-Algorithm

    A Robust and Optimal Online Algorithm for Minimum Metric Bipartite Matching

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    We study the Online Minimum Metric Bipartite Matching Problem. In this problem, we are given point sets S and R which correspond to the server and request locations; here |S|=|R|=n. All these locations are points from some metric space and the cost of matching a server to a request is given by the distance between their locations in this space. In this problem, the request points arrive one at a time. When a request arrives, we must immediately and irrevocably match it to a "free" server. The matching obtained after all the requests are processed is the online matching M. The cost of M is the sum of the cost of its edges. The performance of any online algorithm is the worst-case ratio of the cost of its online solution M to the minimum-cost matching. We present a deterministic online algorithm for this problem. Our algorithm is the first to simultaneously achieve optimal performances in the well-known adversarial and the random arrival models. For the adversarial model, we obtain a competitive ratio of 2n-1 + o(1); it is known that no deterministic algorithm can do better than 2n-1. In the random arrival model, our algorithm obtains a competitive ratio of 2H_n - 1 + o(1); where H_n is the n-th Harmonic number. We also prove that any online algorithm will have a competitive ratio of at least 2H_n - 1-o(1) in this model. We use a new variation of the offline primal-dual method for computing minimum cost matching to compute the online matching. Our primal-dual method is based on a relaxed linear-program. Under metric costs, this specific relaxation helps us relate the cost of the online matching with the offline matching leading to its robust properties

    Approximate Clustering via Metric Partitioning

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    In this paper we consider two metric covering/clustering problems - \textit{Minimum Cost Covering Problem} (MCC) and kk-clustering. In the MCC problem, we are given two point sets XX (clients) and YY (servers), and a metric on XâˆȘYX \cup Y. We would like to cover the clients by balls centered at the servers. The objective function to minimize is the sum of the α\alpha-th power of the radii of the balls. Here α≄1\alpha \geq 1 is a parameter of the problem (but not of a problem instance). MCC is closely related to the kk-clustering problem. The main difference between kk-clustering and MCC is that in kk-clustering one needs to select kk balls to cover the clients. For any \eps > 0, we describe quasi-polynomial time (1 + \eps) approximation algorithms for both of the problems. However, in case of kk-clustering the algorithm uses (1 + \eps)k balls. Prior to our work, a 3α3^{\alpha} and a cα{c}^{\alpha} approximation were achieved by polynomial-time algorithms for MCC and kk-clustering, respectively, where c>1c > 1 is an absolute constant. These two problems are thus interesting examples of metric covering/clustering problems that admit (1 + \eps)-approximation (using (1+\eps)k balls in case of kk-clustering), if one is willing to settle for quasi-polynomial time. In contrast, for the variant of MCC where α\alpha is part of the input, we show under standard assumptions that no polynomial time algorithm can achieve an approximation factor better than O(log⁥∣X∣)O(\log |X|) for α≄log⁥∣X∣\alpha \geq \log |X|.Comment: 19 page

    Improved Algorithms for Scheduling Unsplittable Flows on Paths

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    In this paper, we investigate offline and online algorithms for Round-UFPP, the problem of minimizing the number of rounds required to schedule a set of unsplittable flows of non-uniform sizes on a given path with non-uniform edge capacities. Round-UFPP is NP-hard and constant-factor approximation algorithms are known under the no bottleneck assumption (NBA), which stipulates that maximum size of a flow is at most the minimum edge capacity. We study Round-UFPP without the NBA, and present improved online and offline algorithms. We first study offline Round-UFPP for a restricted class of instances called alpha-small, where the size of each flow is at most alpha times the capacity of its bottleneck edge, and present an O(log(1/(1 - alpha)))-approximation algorithm. Our main result is an online O(log log cmax)-competitive algorithm for Round-UFPP for general instances, where cmax is the largest edge capacities, improving upon the previous best bound of O(log cmax) due to [16]. Our result leads to an offline O(min(log n, log m, log log cmax))- approximation algorithm and an online O(min(log m, log log cmax))-competitive algorithm for Round-UFPP, where n is the number of flows and m is the number of edges