83 research outputs found

    Pointwise construction of Lippschitz aggregation operators with specific properties

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    This paper describes an approach to pointwise construction of general aggregation operators, based on monotone Lipschitz approximation. The aggregation operators are constructed from a set of desired values at certain points, or from empirically collected data. It establishes tight upper and lower bounds on Lipschitz aggregation operators with a number of different properties, as well as the optimal aggregation operator, consistent with the given values. We consider conjunctive, disjunctive and idempotent n-ary aggregation operators; p-stable aggregation operators; various choices of the neutral element and annihilator; diagonal, opposite diagonal and marginal sections; bipolar and double aggregation operators. In all cases we provide either explicit formulas or deterministic numerical procedures to determine the bounds. The findings of this paper are useful for construction of aggregation operators with specified properties, especially using interpolation schemata.<br /

    Characterizations of bivariate conic, extreme value, and Archimax copulas

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    Based on a general construction method by means of bivariate ultramodular copulas we construct, for particular settings, special bivariate conic, extreme value, and Archimax copulas. We also show that the sets of copulas obtained in this way are dense in the sets of all conic, extreme value, and Archimax copulas, respectively

    2-Increasing binary aggregation operators

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    In this work we investigate the class of binary aggregation operators (=agops) satisfying the 2-increasing property, obtaining some characterizations for agops having other special properties (e.g., quasi-arithmetic mean, Choquet-integral based, modularity) and presenting some construction methods. In particular, the notion of P-increasing function is used in order to characterize the composition of 2-increasing agops. The lattice structure (with respect to the pointwise order) of some subclasses of 2-increasing agops is presented. Finally, a method is given for constructing copulas beginning from 2- increasing and 1-Lipschitz agops

    Some results on Lipschitz quasi-arithmetic means

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    We present in this paper some properties of k-Lipschitz quasi-arithmetic means. The Lipschitz aggregation operations are stable with respect to input inaccuracies, what is a very important property for applications. Moreover, we provide sufficient conditions to determine when a quasi&ndash;arithemetic mean holds the k-Lipschitz property and allow us to calculate the Lipschitz constant k.<br /

    A new family of trivariate proper quasi-copulas

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    summary:In this paper, we provide a new family of trivariate proper quasi-copulas. As an application, we show that W3W^{3} – the best-possible lower bound for the set of trivariate quasi-copulas (and copulas) – is the limit member of this family, showing how the mass of W3W^3 is distributed on the plane x+y+z=2x+y+z=2 of [0,1]3[0,1]^3 in an easy manner, and providing the generalization of this result to nn dimensions

    On Lipschitz properties of generated aggregation functions

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    This article discusses Lipschitz properties of generated aggregation functions. Such generated functions include triangular norms and conorms, quasi-arithmetic means, uninorms, nullnorms and continuous generated functions with a neutral element. The Lipschitz property guarantees stability of aggregation operations with respect to input inaccuracies, and is important for applications. We provide verifiable sufficient conditions to determine when a generated aggregation function holds the k-Lipschitz property, and calculate the Lipschitz constants of power means. We also establish sufficient conditions which guarantee that a generated aggregation function is not Lipschitz. We found the only 1-Lipschitz generated function with a neutral element e &isin;]0, 1[.<br /


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    We define the notion of semicopula, a concept that has already appeared in the statistical literature and study the properties of semicopulas and the connexion of this notion with those of copula, quasi-copula, t-nor
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