1,207 research outputs found

    Typology of the supply chains of non-wood forest products in central Serbia

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    Modern economies are characterized by a growing importance of cooperation and the creation of networks of enterprises, organizations and institutions, which are all part of a supply chain, in order to achieve competitive advantage in a market. The aim of this study was to determine the structure of the supply chains of non-wood forest products in selected forest areas of Central Serbia (Golijsko, Podrinjsko-kolubarsko, Posavsko-podunavsko, Rasinsko and Tarsko-zlatiborsko FAs). The comparative method was applied in this paper, along with the method of specialization (classification), the method of structural partial analysis (supply chain analysis) and the statistical method (analysis of frequencies and two-step cluster). The data collection was conducted in 2011, by using the technique of door-to-door survey. The analysis of the basic types of the supply chains of non-wood forest products and their main stages (purchasing, processing and placement) was conducted in the selected areas. A cluster analysis showed that there were six basic types of supply chains in the selected forest areas and one dominant type. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 443007/16 –III: Istraživanja klimatskih promena i njihovog uticaja na životnu sredinu -praćenje uticaja, adaptacija i ublažavanje, podprojekat: Socio-ekonomski razvoj, ublažavanje i adaptacija na klimatske promene


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    The victim is not interested in the theory of criminal law. The examination of the reasons should begin with a functional analysis of the aims of criminal law. The remark that victimology was conceived as a criminological category, which in one sense leads to the conclusion that the position of the victim is necessarily measured by the goals of criminal law in terms of special and general prevention, narrows the interest of classical criminal law theory to the victim. In this scientific paper, the author talks about the concept of victim, both from the criminal and criminal law aspect, as well as from the linguistic one. Emphasis was also placed on the types of victims, as well as the notion of the same in domestic and comparative law, with special reference to International law


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    Предмет на истражување на овој научен труд се основните начини наманифестирање на синтаксичката повеќезначност, повикувајќи се на класификацијата наАгрикола (1968). Притоа егземпларно и аналитички се разработува синтаксичкатаповеќезначност од тип 1, тип 2 и тип 3, а за поголема прегледност релациите на реченичнитечленови од секој тип се прикажуваат со помош на депендентен и конституентен дијаграм. Освентоа се фрла светло и на некои нетипични манифестации на овој феномен и тие се поткрепуваатсо примери од германскиот јазик


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    In political science, there is a principled consensus that the full functioning of the consociational model of democracy, so-called power-sharing, requires the existence of a multiparty system. But certain authors go a step further saying that not whoever multiparty system is appropriate for the countries of consociational democracy, but a multiparty system without a dominant party. This is also the main thesis of this paper. Hence, to process it, the paper is structured as follows: first, a theoretical overview will be given of the typologies of party systems that exist in political science, then through the prism of the so-called Laakso-Taagepera index (L-T index) for the effective number parties (ENP), named after the Estonian scientists of the same name, will be reviewed the party systems of the paradigmatic European ‟case studies” - the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland, as well as the newly formed consociations - Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the Republic of North Macedonia (RNM). The time segment for the analysis of election cycles and the effective number of parliamentary parties (ENPP) in these selected cases is derived as follows: 1. For the Netherlands, the focus is from the introduction of the proportional model in 1917 to 1967, that is, the so-called period of sixty years of consociation; 2. For Belgium from the elections after the First World War, with particular emphasis on the election cycles in the 70s, 80s and 90s, when with the six constitutional reforms the country became a federal and full-blooded consociation; 3. For Switzerland, since the introduction of the proportion in 1918, with a particular focus on the election cycles after the introduction of the so-called “magical formula” for the determination of the composition of the Federal Council (1959); 4. For BiH and RNM, the election cycles after the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA), when consociational elements were introduced into their political systems. From the analysis made, on the one hand, it will be confirmed that in all selected cases, except RSM, in “the lion’s share” of the election cycles, indeed the ENPP index indicated multipartyism without a dominant party. On the other hand, it will be shown that the RNM does not fit into the definition of a typical consociation with a multiparty system without a dominant party, because its party system after the OFA according to the L-T index for the ENPP is a typical two-and-a-half party system. Therefore, it is more correct to speak of the totality of the Macedonian political system as a kind of ‟hybrid” of elements of parliamentary and consociational democracy, rather than a ‟pure” consociation

    Typology of the architecture of alternative communities and movements

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    У раду се истражују односи између алтернативних и утопијских идеја, литературе и заједница остварених у пракси, као и њихове архитектуре, како би се успоставиле типологије алтернативних начина живота и њихових архитектонских облика.U radu se istražuju odnosi između alternativnih i utopijskih ideja, literature i zajednica ostvarenih u praksi, kao i njihove arhitekture, kako bi se uspostavile tipologije alternativnih načina života i njihovih arhitektonskih oblika.The dissertation research and analyses the relationships between alternative and utopian ideas, literature and communities realized in practice, as well as their architecture, in order to establish typologies of alternative ways of life and their architectural forms

    Типология словарей сербского языка I (теоретические рамки)

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    У раду се указује на значај типологизације речника. Даје се кратак преглед досадашњих истраживања. Типологија речника српског језика није хијерархијска и не претендује на универзалност. Параметри су подељени у две групе: лингвистички параметри и ванлингвистички параметри. Један од циљева овога рада јесте инвентаризација различитих типова речника српског језика који у овом тренутку постоје

    Nova namena kao determinanta u tretmanu industrijskih braunfilda - modeli obnove i klasifikacija

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    The thesis is a contribution to the study of problems of industrial brownfields and models of their redevelopment in terms of the need for recycling of the existing built environment as an important factor in the context of sustainable development. The study focuses on the question of determining new uses of existing industrial facilities and complexes and the way in which it determines the success of the reconstruction process. Having regard to the redefinition of the concepts of urban development, this study points to the necessity of exploring the renewal of industrial brownfields as an important factor in contemporary planning and construction of cities and creating a visual identity of the built environment. Three models of transformation determined by a new purpose have been defined - models "habitat", "hub" and "forum" for which a system of evaluation of attributes of industrial structures has been determined. Using the AHP method, a precise analytical apparatus is defined by which the attributes of industrial brownfields are considered at the level of an industrial building, evaluated so that all structures within industrial brownfields can be identified based on the presented typology and classification. The research of the transformation process, defining new uses, еvaluation of existing industrial structures, characteristics and qualities that new purpose determines the existing space, is a contribution to a deeper understanding of architectural and urban aspects of this topic

    Istraživački pristup za formiranje nove tipologije teorije prostornog planiranja

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    What is being suggested in this paper is the research approach for the classification of theoretical contributions in the scientific domain of the spatial planning. Typology is a multidimensional classification, actually it is the framework for the understanding of the subject area, theory and practice, ideas and methodologies. The complex approach is needed to organize the complex and diverse domain of spatial planning theory, which has been shaped by different schools of thought and the influences of the related scientific disciplines. It has been suggested that the research approach becomes the bridge between two cultures, in other words it should be the synthesis of the qualitative and quantitative methods of the typology construction. With the analysis of the existing typologies, which are quantitatively derived, the chosen concepts will be improved and completed due to the computerized statistical analysis of the appropriate bibliometrical data. Moreover, the procedure in the opposite direction will be used, which also connects empiric types with their conceptual counterparts. With that approach, the main aim is to achieve the comprehensive classification scheme, which will take part of the platform for integration of the interdisciplinary approach in the spatial planning domain. That concept of the research belongs to the wider approach that has got the aim that with the scientific innovations and imaginations bring about the solving of the problems and challenges that the spatial planning faces with. The forming of the new typology is the first step in that direction.U ovom radu predlaže se istraživački pristup za sistematizaciju znanja i klasifikovanje teorijskih doprinosa u naučnoj oblasti prostornog planiranja. Tipologija predstavlja višedimenzionalnu klasifikaciju, odnosno okvir za razumevanje predmetne oblasti, teorije i prakse, ideja i metodologija. Složeni pristup je potreban da bi se uredila kompleksna i raznovrsna oblast teorije prostornog planiranja, koju su oblikovale različite škole razmišljanja i uticaji iz srodnih naučnih disciplina. Predlaže se da istraživački pristup bude most između dve kulture, odnosno sinteza kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog metoda formiranja tipologija. Putem analize postojećih tipologija, koje su kvantitativno izvedene, izabrani koncepti će se unaprediti i dopuniti kroz kompjuterizovanu statističku analizu odgovarajućih bibliometrijskih podataka. Koristiće se i procedura u suprotnom smeru, koja takođe povezuje empirijske tipove sa njihovim konceptualnim ekvivalentima. Cilj je da se takvim pristupom dobije sveobuhvatna klasifikaciona šema, koja će imati ulogu platforme za integraciju interdisciplinarnog pristupa prostornom planiranju

    Atmospheric circulation as a factor of spatial distribution of air temperaure and precipitation in Serbia.

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    У раду је анализиран утицај циркулације атмосфере на температуре ваздуха и падавине на простору Србије. Циркулација атмосфере је веома сложен комплекс физичких механизама којима се обавља размена ваздушних маса на Земљи и као таква представља значајан фактор расподеле вредности климатских елемената на одређеном простору. Типологије циркулације атмосфере омогућавају сагледавање њених особина и анализу утицаја на време и климу. Познавање одлика учесталости и постојаности циркулационих типова је веома важно у студијама климатске варијабилности. Постоји велики број различитих типологија и задатак овог истраживања је одабир најпогоднијих за анализу температурних и падавинских услова у Србији. Стандардизација различитих типологија са истим класификованим подацима, на истом простору и са истим бројем типова омогућава упоредивост различитих каталога циркулационих типова чиме је олакшан њихов одабир у даљем истраживању...This study explores the impact of atmospheric circulation on air temperatures and precipitation on the territory of Serbia. Atmospheric circulation represents the complex of physical mechanisms by which exchange of air masses on the Earth is done and it is a factor of spatial distributions of climate parameters in certain area. Typologies of atmospheric circulation patterns are very useful tools in climate studies for analysis the features of atmospheric circulation and for evaluation of its impact on weather and climate. The study of the changes in frequency and persistency of circulation types is very important for understanding of climate variability. There is a large number of typologies and the aim of this research is to select the most suitable for the analysis of temperatures and precipitation conditions in Serbia. In order to choose the best typology it is necessary to standardize various classification methods with the same classified data, for the same spatial domains, and with uniform number of types..

    Estimation of residential building evelopes' energy performance using the infrared thermography method.

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    Енергетске перформансе зграда представљају резултат утицаја више различитих фактора током њиховог животног века: од закона и прописа према којима су пројектоване и грађене, преко квалитета извођења и употребљених материјала па све до одржавања, односно евентуалних унапређења. У циљу формирања стратегија газдовања грађевинским фондом базираних на постулатима одрживог развоја и енергетске ефикасности неопходно је испитати стање и, нарочито, утврдити реалне енергетске карактеристике зграда. Предмет докторске дисертације представља истраживање структуре и енергетских перформанси омотача вишепородичних стамбениих зграда Србије изграђених у периоду после Другог светског рата. Полазиште рада представља анализа материјално конструктивних карактеристика зграда као и регулативе релевантне за ову област уз установљење одговарајуће периодизације. За сваки дефинисани период утврђени су карактеристични фасадни склопови који су детаљно истраживани проучавањем техничке документације, прорачунавањем енергетскких перформанси и истраживањем на терену применом методе термовизијског снимања. Специфичности коришћене методе су детаљно истражене и описане како на теоретском тако и на практичном плану. Идентификовани су релевантни утицајни фактори, могућности примене у архитектури и назначена ограничења са објашњењима најчешћих грешака и неодговарајућих тумачења. У циљу правилне примене методе дефинисане су процедуре и дате одговарајуће препоруке. Истраживање енергетских перфоманси је остварено прорачуном релевантних параметара на основу важеће законске регулативе, применом симулационих метода и термовизијским снимањем. Извршена је компарација добијених резултата уз одговарајући коментар и формиран је каталог карактеристичних случајева...Energy performance of a building is a result of various impact factors throughout its whole lifecycle: from laws and codes regulating its design and construction, build quality and materials application all the way to the occupant behaviour, maintenance and potential upgrades and adaptations. Establishing the current condition and real energy performance of buildings is necessary in the process of creating strategies for building fond management based on the postulates of sustainable development and energy efficiency of buildings. The subject of this dissertation is research of structure and energy performance of Serbian multifamily housing built after the World War II. The starting point of the research is the analysis of material characteristics of these buildings as well as relevant codes and regulations with establishing appropriate periodization. Typical façade assemblies are determined for each period, to be explored in detail by studying the technical documentation, calculating and simulating energy performance and on-site explorations using the infrared thermography method. The specifics of infrared thermography method are thoroughly researched and described both through theoretical and practical aspects. All relevant input factors are identified and explained, the possibilities for application in architecture are determined and explored, including the constraints and the most common mistakes and misinterpretations. The adequate procedures are determined and a set of recommendations is defined in order to provide proper application of the method. Energy performance of buildings is explored by calculating relevant parameters based upon current regulations, by computer simulations and by infrared thermography. The results are cross-compared and thoroughly interpreted, and a catalogue of typical cases is provided..