Nova namena kao determinanta u tretmanu industrijskih braunfilda - modeli obnove i klasifikacija


The thesis is a contribution to the study of problems of industrial brownfields and models of their redevelopment in terms of the need for recycling of the existing built environment as an important factor in the context of sustainable development. The study focuses on the question of determining new uses of existing industrial facilities and complexes and the way in which it determines the success of the reconstruction process. Having regard to the redefinition of the concepts of urban development, this study points to the necessity of exploring the renewal of industrial brownfields as an important factor in contemporary planning and construction of cities and creating a visual identity of the built environment. Three models of transformation determined by a new purpose have been defined - models "habitat", "hub" and "forum" for which a system of evaluation of attributes of industrial structures has been determined. Using the AHP method, a precise analytical apparatus is defined by which the attributes of industrial brownfields are considered at the level of an industrial building, evaluated so that all structures within industrial brownfields can be identified based on the presented typology and classification. The research of the transformation process, defining new uses, еvaluation of existing industrial structures, characteristics and qualities that new purpose determines the existing space, is a contribution to a deeper understanding of architectural and urban aspects of this topic

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