711 research outputs found

    Diversificación del público lector en Bogotá (1910-1924). Un análisis de las revistas ilustradas El Gráfico y Cromos

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    El Gráfico (1910-1941) and Cromos (1916-present day) were two widely recognized Colombian magazines of the first decades of the XX c. The objective of both of these publications was the (real and imaginary) configuration of a wide reading public that would consolidate the editorial industry; a possible reason for the inclusion of literature as a comercial Enterprise in these publications. This study will examine the configuration of the reader, as part of the editorial project of both magazines, and the reading (and consumer) practices evident in aspects such as advertising and the writing forms included, such as chronicles, short stories and literary criticism.El Gráfico (1910-1941) y Cromos (1916-actual) fueron dos revistas de gran reconocimiento en Colombia en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Ambas tuvieron como objetivo la configuración (real e imaginaria) de un público lector amplio que consolidara una industria editorial, de allí que también hayan señalado la necesidad de ver la literatura como una empresa comercial. Así, pues, en este artículo se analizarán la configuración del lector, como parte del proyecto editorial de ambas revistas, y las prácticas lectoras (y de consumo) evidentes en aspectos como la publicidad y los formatos-contenidos presentes en crónicas, cuentos y críticas literarias

    Povijest nogometnih klubova u Đakovu (1910.- 1941.)

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    U radu je autorica nakon kratkog uvoda o počecima igranja nogometa u Hrvatskoj opisala povijest nogometnih klubova u Ðakovu. Obradila je njihove osnutke, djelovanje i aktivnosti. Razdoblje od 1910. do 1941. godine karakterizira brojnost nogometnih klubova. Većina ih je kratko djelovala ponajviše zbog nedostatka novčanih sredstava i odlazaka, tj. prelazaka, nogometaša iz jednog kluba u drugi. Tek osnutkom ŠK Certissa 1924. godine počinje kontinuirano djelovanje jednog nogometnog kluba u Đakovu čija je momčad do 1941. odigrala brojne prvenstvene i prijateljske susrete

    Dasar dan pentadbiran kesihatan di Kelantan 1910-1941

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    Kertas ini membincangkan mengenai dasar dan struktur pentadbiran kesihatan yang wujud di negeri Kelantan serta reaksi yang diperlihatkan oleh pihak yang dianggap berkepentingan dalam pemerintahan Kelantan.Persoalan pokok yang akan dianalisis dalam kertas ini menyentuh soal sejauhmana reaksi pihak yang berkaitan seperti sultan, pembesar dan ulama Kelantan terhadap perkembangan dalam usaha melancarkan perjalanan pentadbiran kesihatan.Perkembangan dan kemajuan sistem kesihatan awam di Kelantan sebelum ini didapati agak kurang memuaskan memandangkan masyarakatnya masih kurang mendapat pendedahan terhadap kaedah moden dalam teknologi kesihatan. Kebergantungan kepada kaedah dan cara perubatan tradisional menyebabkan mereka sukar menerima bahkan menolak rawatan melalui kaedah-kaedah yang disediakan oleh pihak kerajaan. Ketidakyakinan dan kurang kefahaman yang jelas oleh masyarakat Kelantan terhadap kepentingan untuk menggunakan kaedah rawatan yang lebih moden menyebabkan berlakunya kemerosotan bilangan penduduk yang mendapatkan khidmat perubatan pada awal abad ke-20. Perbincangan kertas ini didasarkan kepada pendekatan dan kaedah sejarah. Untuk itu data-data berasaskan sumber primer diperoleh daripada Annual Medical Report Kelantan, British Adviser Office Kelantan (BAK), CO 273, CO 717, fail-fail Pejabat Tanah Jajahan, laporanlaporan pengembara, manuskrip-manuskrip Melayudan majalah Pengasuh. Menerusi data yang diperoleh daripada sumber-sumber tersebut, didapati dasar yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak British dipersetujui oleh kumpulan yang berpengaruh dalam masyarakat Melayu. Persetujuan ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antaranya berkaitan kefahaman dan tuntutan agama Islam agar penganutnya memelihara kesihatan dan mencegah daripada penyakit. Sebagai contoh, Sultan Ismail yang merupakan Yang Dipertuan Negeri Kelantan mewajibkan rakyatnya mendapatkan suntikan vaksin bagi mencegah jangkitan penyakit berjangkit. Baginda juga telah menggariskan syarat dan panduan yang jelas bagi orang yang selayaknya memberi suntikan kepada penduduk.Selain itu, jenis ubatan yang dijadikan dos suntikan turut dikaji dan mendapat kelulusan daripada beberapa pihak yang berkaitan dalam memastikan penduduk tidak berisiko mendapat bahaya selepas suntikan. Selain itu, peranan ajaran yang dibawa oleh ulama telah menyebabkan orang Melayu selain menghayati Islam dari sudut ritual, juga telah dapat membezakan perkara suci dan najis

    Causes of irregularities in trends of global mean surface temperature since the late 19th century

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    The time series of monthly global mean surface temperature (GST) since 1891 is successfully reconstructed from known natural and anthropogenic forcing factors, including internal climate variability, using a multiple regression technique. Comparisons are made with the performance of 40 CMIP5 models in predicting GST. The relative contributions of the various forcing factors to GST changes vary in time, but most of the warming since 1891 is found to be attributable to the net influence of increasing greenhouse gases and anthropogenic aerosols. Separate statistically independent analyses are also carried out for three periods of GST slowdown (1896–1910, 1941–1975, and 1998–2013 and subperiods); two periods of strong warming (1911–1940 and 1976–1997) are also analyzed. A reduction in total incident solar radiation forcing played a significant cooling role over 2001–2010. The only serious disagreements between the reconstructions and observations occur during the Second World War, especially in the period 1944–1945, when observed near-worldwide sea surface temperatures (SSTs) may be significantly warm-biased. In contrast, reconstructions of near-worldwide SSTs were rather warmer than those observed between about 1907 and 1910. However, the generally high reconstruction accuracy shows that known external and internal forcing factors explain all the main variations in GST between 1891 and 2015, allowing for our current understanding of their uncertainties. Accordingly, no important additional factors are needed to explain the two main warming and three main slowdown periods during this epoch

    Subject Index (benefit plans, union - boarding house system), pp. 1-75

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    The Catherwood Library and ILR School at Cornell are pleased to again make available an extremely important index of major labor union publications, long out of print. It is Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth\u27s Trade Union Publications: The Official Journals, Convention Proceedings and Constitutions of International Unions and Federations, 1850-1941. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1944

    Chapter 4 - Transportation: Water, Road, and Air, pp. 91-114

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    The Catherwood Library and ILR School at Cornell are pleased to again make available an extremely important index of major labor union publications, long out of print. It is Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth\u27s Trade Union Publications: The Official Journals, Convention Proceedings and Constitutions of International Unions and Federations, 1850-1941. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1944