5,919 research outputs found

    Јазик Словенски во старословенските текстови (IX – XIV век)

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    The aim of this article is to proceed the term ѩнзыкъ словѣньскый (in both meanings: Slavic people and Slavic language) within the frame of Slavic sources during the period of Middle Ages. It is a common impression that until the end of XIII century, , the term “Slavs” meant one people with one language, living in different states, but starting from XIV century,a new tendency can be noticed. Namely the Old-Slavic language been called with the names of states in which it was used: Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian and etc. This new names were used like synonyms of the Slavic language, which was still understood as one; actually there was no idea of existence of separate Slavic languages. There is some changes by the late Middle Ages, when the idea of existing of more than one Slavic peoples appeared


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    Obra ressenyada: J. M. MARQUÈS, Cartoral, dit de Carlemany, del bisbe de Girona (s. IX-XIV). Barcelona: Fundació Noguera, 199

    Sapatha dalam relasi kuasa dan pendisplinan pada masyarakat Bali kuno abad IX-XIV masehi

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    Prasasti adalah sumber tertulis yang memuat ketentuan hukum atau sejenis awig-awig yang harus ditaati oleh semua pihak, baik oleh pejabat kerajaan dan masyarakat yang menerima perintah tersebut. Pada bagian akhir prasasti biasanya dituliskan sapatha atau kutukan yang ditujukan kepada mereka yang berani melanggar aturan-aturan atau ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh raja/penguasa pada masa Bali Kuno. Sapatha atau kutukan merupakan wacana untuk melegitimasi dan mengukuhkan kekuasaan raja atau penguasa pada masa Bali Kuno. Mereka yang melanggar perintah atau ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh raja/penguasa pada masa Bali Kuno akan didenda atau dihukum dengan sanksi moral misalnya: tujuh kali menjelma menjadi mahluk hina seperti cacing ataupun lintah, agar disambar petir, disergap harimau bila sedang berjalan di hutan, hina, papa, dan sengsara selama hidupnya. Artikel ini membahas sapatha atau kutukan yang tersurat dalam prasasti-prasasti Bali Kuno yang terbit pada abad IX-XIV Masehi. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk memahami relasi kuasa dan pendisiplinan yang termuat dalam sapatha dalam kurun waktu lima abad (IX-XIV), ideologi yang melandasi dan makna sapatha atau kutukan. Teori yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah teori wacana relasi kuasa (Power and Knowledge), hegemoni, dan teori pendisiplinan dan hukuman (Discipline and punishment ) oleh Michel Foucault. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, yang diawali dengan mencermati dan menganalisis prasasti-prasasti Bali Kuno yang telah diterjemahkan. Mencermati bentuk dan dinamika sapatha yang merefleksikan sistem kepercayaan dan keagamaan masyarakat Bali Kuna

    The phase diagram of ice: a quasi-harmonic study based on a flexible water model

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    The phase diagram of ice is studied by a quasi-harmonic approximation. The free energy of all experimentally known ice phases has been calculated with the flexible q-TIP4P/F model of water. The only exception is the high pressure ice X, in which the presence of symmetric O-H-O bonds prevents its modeling with this empirical interatomic potential. The simplicity of our approach allows us to study ice phases at state points of the T-P plane that have been omitted in previous simulations using free energy methods based on thermodynamic integration. The effect in the phase diagram of averaging the proton disorder that appears in several ice phases has been studied. It is found particularly relevant for ice III, at least for cell sizes typically used in phase coexistence simulations. New insight into the capability of the employed water model to describe the coexistence of ice phases is presented. We find that the H-ordered ices IX and XIV, as well as the H-disordered ice XII, are particularly stable for this water model. This fact disagrees with experimental data. The unexpected large stability of ice IX is a property related to the TIP4P-character of the water model. Only after omission of these three stable ice phases, the calculated phase diagram becomes in reasonable qualitative agreement to the experimental one in the T-P region corresponding to ice Ih, II, III, V, and VI. The calculation of the phase diagram in the quantum and classical limits shows that the most important quantum effect is the stabilization of ice II due to its lower zero-point energy when compared to that one of ices Ih, III, and V.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Универсалии и математическая лингвистика

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    Universals (from Latin “universalis” – general) – general concepts – are a subject matter of logicians since the ancient times. The question of universals represents the eternal issues. The nature of universals was thoroughly studied the philosophers of the Middle Ages. In IX–XIV centuries the scholastics continued the discussion about the essence of universals: do they really exist or are they certain names? The supporters of realism claimed that universals really existed and preceded the emergence of singular objects. Nominalists (from the Latin word ‘nomen’ – name) defended the contrary view point.In the article we emphasize the linguistic aspect. Mathematical linguistics develops methods of learning natural and formal languages. Linguistics, logic and mathematics are closely connected. Besides, there exists psycholinguistics as well. In our paper we consider current difficult sections: logic and linguistics of non-formalized and even non-formalizable concepts, the topic closely adjacent with the one discussed in the book by T.K. Kerimov of the same name. These sections broaden the opportunities of studying complex systems of logic and linguistics. As it was noted by the authors of “Mathematical linguistics” (R.G. Piotrovsky, K.B. Bektaev, A.A. Piotrovskaya) mathematics and a natural language represent semantic systems of information transfer. Moreover, there occurred a verbal analysis of mathematical problems solution.Language universal, a feature common for all the languages, is a kind of generalization of the language concept. The existential assertion of universals gives the opportunity to formulate a more grounded theory and practice of linguistics. The language universal determination is based both on extrapolation and empirical matter.Универсалии (от латинского universalis – общий) – общие понятия – предмет изучения логиков с древнейших времён. Вопрос об универсалиях относится к разряду вечных проблем. Особенно интенсивно природа универсалий изучалась философами Средневековья. В IX–XIV веках продолжалась дискуссия среди схоластов о сущности универсалий: существуют ли они реально или это только некоторые наименования? Сторонники реализма утверждали, что универсалии реально существуют и предшествуют возникновению единичных объектов. Номиналисты (от латинского nomen – имя) отстаивали противоположную точку зрения.В данной статье мы делаем акцент на лингвистике. Математическая лингвистика разрабатывает методы изучения естественных и формальных языков. Лингвистика, логика и математика тесно связаны. Кроме того, существует ещё психолингвистика. В наших работах мы рассматриваем современные трудные разделы: логику и лингвистику неформализованных и даже неформализуемых понятий. К этой теме близка тема неразрешимости, обсуждаемая в одноименной книге Т.К. Керимова. Эти разделы расширяют возможности изучения сложных систем логики и лингвистики. Как заметили авторы книги «Математическая лингвистика» (Р.Г. Пиотровский, К.Б. Бектаев, А.А. Пиотровская), математика и естественный язык суть семантические системы передачи информации. Более того, возник вербальный анализ решений математических задач.Языковая универсалия – свойство, присущее всем языкам – некоторое обобщение понятия о языке. Экзистенциальное утверждение об универсалиях даёт возможность более обоснованной теории и практики лингвистики. Установление языковой универсалии основано и на экстраполяции, и на эмпирическом материале

    The Shadow Economy and Morals: A Note

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    If the established rules are obeyed spontaneously in an economy, this increases economic efficiency since the uncertainties, monitoring costs and incentive problems induced by opportunism can be avoided. Opportunism will be increasedby increasing the incentives for unlawful behaviour, however, and a slight increase in these incentives might cause a cumulative and self-nourishing breakdown of morals. The dangers of the growing shadow economy are louring here.shadow economy; business morality; critical mass; taxation; tax compliance