7,909 research outputs found

    Недруковані поезії О. Олеся

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    Вперше друкуються невідомі поезії з еміграційних записників О. Олеся (1919-1929 рр.)Впервые печатаются неизвестные поэзии О. Олеся с его эмиграционных записных книжек (1919-1929 гг.)The poems of O. Oles from his emigratory notebooks are being published for the first time

    Архивы Тверской губернии в 1919–1929 гг.: формирование губернской архивной модели

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    В статье исследуются два аспекта работы государственных архивохранилищ в 1919–1929 гг. в Тверской губернии: создание системы архивных учреждений и формирование комплекса архивных документов. Автор прослеживает историю формирования системы государственных архивов на региональном уровне: создание губернских и уездных архивохранилищ в Тверской губернии на протяжении 1919–1929 гг. и определение полномочий и функций государственных архивохранилищ. Перед вновь созданными архивохранилищами стояла задача формирования единого документного комплекса, репрезентативно представляющего историю Тверской губернии на основе архивных доказательств: документы государственных учреждений следовало не только отобрать для дальнейшего хранения, но систематизировать и описать. Особое внимание в статье уделяется вопросу действий разборочных комиссий губернского архивного бюро при формировании губернского архивного фонд

    Octávio Brandão: a trajetória de um militante entre os livros e as lutas

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    Resenha de: LACERDA, Felipe Castilho de. Octávio Brandão e as matrizes intelectuais do marxismo no Brasil : 1919-1929. Cotia, SP: Ateliê Editorial, 2019.Review of: LACERDA, Felipe Castilho de. Octávio Brandão e as matrizes intelectuais do marxismo no Brasil : 1919-1929. Cotia, SP: Ateliê Editorial, 2019.Reseña de: LACERDA, Felipe Castilho de. Octávio Brandão e as matrizes intelectuais do marxismo no Brasil : 1919-1929. Cotia, SP: Ateliê Editorial, 2019

    Heidegger\u27s Phenomenology: 1919-1929

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    In this work, I show Martin Heidegger’s development of the phenomenological method from 1919 to 1929 as his main approach to all philosophical inquiry. In Chapter 1: Phenomenology as the Hermeneutics of Factical Life, I first show how Heidegger begins his philosophical career in 1919 with lectures that describe phenomenology as an ‘original science’ that seeks to study the structural character of life in itself. Through the four sub-sections of Chapter 1, I show how Heidegger continues to formulate distinct stages of phenomenological methodology through these early lectures that aid in his task to continue the explication of life through the specific character of facticity. In this manner, the phenomenological method appears in these early lectures of the 1920’s to progress from the original science of life in itself to what Heidegger calls the hermeneutics of facticity – a critical method of interpretation aimed at exposing the structures of facticity as the being of life and the being of human Dasein. Here, I likewise show how Heidegger’s understanding of phenomenology changes through these lectures, providing radically new shifts and insights to his approach to philosophy that uncover the ontological task of phenomenology. Following these lectures, I then show in what sense Heidegger’s understanding of phenomenology becomes properly thematized in its ontological import in Chapter 2: Phenomenology as the Method of Ontology. Here, I begin with the 1927 publication of Heidegger’s masterwork Sein und Zeit where the question of the meaning of being and the being of Dasein become critical matters of phenomenological investigation. It is here that I show in what sense Sein und Zeit marks a new stage in Heidegger’s phenomenological thinking as developed through his previous lectures. In this manner, through the four sub-sections of Chapter 2, I likewise show how Heidegger proceeds from the analysis of the being of Dasein to the problematization of a purely ontological thinking of being itself through various lectures following Sein und Zeit. Here, through a radicalization of metaphysics as the study ‘beyond beings,’ Heidegger provides a new understanding of phenomenology as the path to the thinking of being in its pure possibility

    RCMP Subject Files Register, 1919-1929

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    RCMP Personal Files Register, 1919-1929

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    RCMP Register of Subversive Publications, 1919-1929

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    Acción surrealista y medios de intervención. El surrealismo en las revistas, 1930 – 1939

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    Following on from the previous study, Surrealism in Magazines 1919 – 1929, the second Surrealist decade is now focussed on – at all times with regard to the magazines that united together around the movement. After analysing in Un cadavre the effects of the crisis of 1929, we witness Surrealism’s adaptation to the extreme political panorama of the 1930’s with the magazine Surrealism in the service of the revolution. At the same time, moreover, it is the period of Surrealism’s most widespread dissemination and popularity, in particular through its art. Minotaure would be the foremost expression of this process, though the study takes into account other publications too.Sobre la base de un estudio previo, El surrealismo en las revistas 1919 – 1929, pero de forma autónoma, se aborda a continuación la segunda década surrealista, revisitada siempre al hilo de las revistas que aglutinaron al movimiento. Tras analizar desde Un cadavre la dimensión de la crisis del grupo hacia el cambio de década, asistimos a la adaptación del surrealismo a las extremas condiciones políticas de los años 30 con su revista El surrealismo al servicio de la Revolución. Pero también, y al mismo tiempo, al momento de su máxima difusión y aceptación, particularmente a través del arte. La revista Minotaure será la principal manifestación de este proceso, aunque también son tenidas aquí en cuenta otras cabeceras

    З історії Житомирського педагогічного інституту (1919-1929 рр.)

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    На основі архівних матеріалів та періодичної преси відтворена історія організації та діяльності Житомирського педагогічного інституту в перше десятиріччя свого існування

    Commencement Dinner in Honor of the Classes of 1914, 1919, 1929 and the Class of 1939 and Their Parents Program

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    The Commencement Dinner in Honor of the Classes of 1914, 1919, 1929 and the Class of 1939 and Their Parents Program from page 20 of the Dean of Women Scrapbook compiled by Elizabeth J. Agnew. This program contains a printed picture of three students who wear academic gown on the cover page, a printed text college anthem, a printed text program of events, and a list of printed text names of degree class of 1914, 1919, and 1929.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/agnew_sb/1116/thumbnail.jp