1,020 research outputs found

    Roberto Caamaño (1923-1993)

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    Los restos de Colón

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    A sádica nostalgia das fogueiras do Santo Ofício: o processo judicial contra a Antologia de Poesia Portuguesa Erótica e Satírica

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    O artigo aborda um caso concreto da limitação da liberdade de impressa no Estado Novo português: o processo judicial contra a Antologia de poesia portuguesa erótica e satírica publicada em 1966 pela poetisa Natália Correia (*1923 - †1993).This paper focus on a case of limited press freedom in the Portuguese Estado Novo: the lawsuit against the Antologia de poesia portuguesa erótica e satírica published in 1966 by the poet Natália Correia (* 1923 - †1993).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Students’ Knowledge About the Authorship of Our Orthographies

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    The article discusses how much the students of the Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade know about the authorship of Serbian orthographies. In fact, there are the results of several test questions (colloquium and exam), where students were expected to know some theoretical questions as well, which did not concern orthographic rules. We tested the authorship and editors’ names of our orthografi es from 1923, 1993 and 2010.У прилогу се говори о томе колико студенти Филолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду познају ауторство српских правописа и имена њихових приређивача, а односе се на правописе из 1923, 1993. и 2010. године. Заправо, реч је о резултатима неколико питања са тестова (колоквијум и испит), где се очекивало да студенти знају и нека теоријска питања, која се не тичу правописних области, тј. правописних правила

    O enredamento nos «Fragmentos de um itinerário» de Natália Correia

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    Análise de poemas de «Fragmentos de um itinerário», primeira parte da obra A mosca iluminada (1972) de Natália Correia (1923-1993), focalizando o enredamento como um aspecto que permite contrastá-los com algumas particularidades da lírica no século XX, especificamente a de Mallarmé e Rimbaud: concisão, fragmentação, busca pela palavra exata, impessoalidade e culto ao silêncio

    Through Hamlet, with Hamlet, against Hamlet: Giovanni Testori's Translation of the Ultimate Character

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    Giovanni Testori (1923-1993) is an atypical figure in the Italian cultural panorama of the second half of the twentieth century, especially because of his multidimensional artistic output and an overt obsession with Hamlet. Tracing Testori’s life-long relationship with Shakespeare's Hamlet, and focusing on his intense dramatic and poetic production in the early 1970s, this article reflects on the evolution of Testori's Hamlet into an ultimate character endowed with mythological and anthropological dimensions. Deconstructing Testori's encounters with Hamlet's haunting presence involves more than one text and different genres and forms. In this way, it involves translation, if translation is conceived as an interlingual relationship between texts or between semiotic codes. This article argues that Testori’s never-ending dialogue with Hamlet is the result of a translational experience, which is so rich and fertile that translation as re-writing evolves into translation as writing. Through the Italian poet’s approach, Hamlet lives on the borderlines and incarnates hybridity, his journey from the source text turning into a continuous process of displacement as well as evolution

    Peças Breves no Teatro Escrito de Natália Correia

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    Da produção dramatúrgica de Natália Correia (1923-1993), composta por quinze títulos, destacamos três que se integram no que podemos designar por forma breve em teatro escrito: O Progresso de Édipo – Poema dramático (1957); Comunicação – Auto da feiticeira Cotovia (1959); e O Homúnculo – Tragédia jocosa (1965). A leitura crítica destes três textos dramáticos proporciona ao mesmo tempo uma perspectiva ampla e diversa acerca da versatilidade de Natália dramaturga, num cruzamento entre palavra poética e linguagens cénicas