49,358 research outputs found

    NGC 3576 and NGC 3603: Two Luminous Southern HII Regions Observed at High Resolution with the Australia Telescope Compact Array

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    NGC 3576 (G291.28-0.71; l=291.3o, b=-0.7o) and NGC 3603 (G291.58-0.43; l=291.6o, b=-0.5o) are optically visible, luminous HII regions located at distances of 3.0 kpc and 6.1 kpc, respectively. We present 3.4 cm Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of these two sources in the continuum and the H90a, He90a, C90a and H113b recombination lines with an angular resolution of 7" and a velocity resolution of 2.6 km/s. All four recombination lines are detected in the integrated profiles of the two sources. Broad radio recombination lines are detected in both NGC 3576 (DV_{FWHM}>= 50 km/s) and NGC 3603 (DV_{FWHM}>=70 km/s). In NGC 3576 a prominent N-S velocity gradient (~30 km/s/pc) is observed, and a clear temperature gradient (6000 K to 8000 K) is found from east to west, consistent with a known IR color gradient in the source. In NGC 3603, the H90a, He90a and the H113b lines are detected from 13 individual sources. The Y^+ (He/H) ratios in the two sources range from 0.08+/-0.04 to 0.26+/-0.10. We compare the morphology and kinematics of the ionized gas at 3.4 cm with the distribution of stars, 10 micron emission and H_2O, OH, and CH_3OH maser emission. These comparisons suggest that both NGC 3576 and NGC 3603 have undergone sequential star formation.Comment: 24 pages, 12 Postscript figure

    Internal dynamics and membership of the NGC 3603 Young Cluster from microarcsecond astrometry

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    We have analyzed two epochs of HST/WFPC2 observations of the young Galactic starburst cluster in NGC 3603 with the aim to study its internal dynamics and stellar population. Relative proper motions measured over 10.15 yrs of more than 800 stars enable us to distinguish cluster members from field stars. The best-fitting isochrone yields Av=4.6-4.7 mag, a distance of 6.6-6.9 kpc, and an age of 1 Myr for NGC 3603 Young Cluster (NYC). We identify pre-main-sequence/main-sequence transition stars located in the short-lived radiative-convective gap, which in the NYC occurs in the mass range 3.5-3.8 Msun. We also identify a sparse population of stars with an age of 4 Myr, which appear to be the lower mass counterparts to previously discovered blue supergiants located in the giant HII region NGC 3603. For the first time, we are able to measure the internal velocity dispersion of a starburst cluster from 234 stars with I < 18.5 mag to {\sigma}_pm1D=141+/-27 {\mu}as/yr (4.5+/-0.8 km/s at a distance of 6.75 kpc). As stars with masses between 1.7 and 9 Msun all exhibit the same velocity dispersion, the cluster stars have not yet reached equipartition of kinetic energy (i.e., the cluster is not in virial equilibrium). The results highlight the power of combining high-precision astrometry and photometry, and emphasize the role of NYC as a benchmark object for testing stellar evolution models and dynamical models for young clusters and as a template for extragalactic starburst clusters.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Open Clusters in Carina: NGC 3603, Westerlund 2 and Sher 1

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    Se presentan observaciones polarimétricas en las bandas U BV RI de estrellas situadas en la dirección de los cúmulos NGC 3603, Westerlund 2 y Sher 1, con el propósito de estudiar las características del polvo entre el Sol y los cúmulos, evidencias polarimétricas de la existencia (o no) de enrojecimiento anómalo en NGC 3603 y en Westerlund 2, y la identificación de estrellas con indicios de polarización intrínseca. 40% de las estrellas observadas en Westerlund 2 presentan indicios de polarización intrínseca, porcentaje similar al encontrado en NGC 6611 y en IC 2944; en cambio, en NGC 3603 es mucho menor. Las eficiencias polarimétricas medias son bajas por la presencia de varias nubes de polvo interestelar entre los objetos y el Sol. Se apoya la existencia de enrojecimiento anómalo en NGC 3603, mientras que en Westerlund 2 existen leves indicios de ello.We present polarimetric observations in the U BV RI bands of stars located in the directions of NGC 3603, Westerlund 2 and Sher 1. Our main objectives are to study the characteristics of the dust lying between the Sun and the clusters, to analyze polarimetric evidence on the existence (or not) of abnormal reddening in NGC 3603 and Westerlund 2; and to identify stars with signatures of intrinsic polarization. 40% of the stars observed in Westerlund 2 display indications of intrinsic polarization, a percentage similar to those found in the open clusters NGC 6611 and IC 2944: but in NGC 3603 it is very small. Mean polarization efficiencies are low, due to the presence of several dust clouds located in the way to the clusters. We are in favor of the existence of abnormal reddening in NGC 3603, while in Westerlund 2 there are only indications.Instituto de Astrofísica de La PlataFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    The R136 star cluster hosts several stars whose individual masses greatly exceed the accepted 150 Msun stellar mass limit

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    Spectroscopic analyses of H-rich WN5-6 stars within the young star clusters NGC 3603 and R136 are presented, using archival HST & VLT spectroscopy, & high spatial resolution near-IR photometry. We derive high T* for the WN stars in NGC 3603 (T*~42+/-2 kK) & R136 (T*~53+/-3 kK) plus clumping-corrected dM/dt ~ 2-5x10^-5 Msun/yr which closely agree with theoretical predictions. These stars make a disproportionate contribution to the global budget of their host clusters. R136a1 alone supplies ~7% of N(LyC) of the entire 30 Dor region. Comparisons with stellar models calculated for the main-sequence evolution of 85-500 Msun suggest ages of ~1.5 Myr & M_init in the range 105 - 170 Msun for 3 systems in NGC 3603, plus 165-320 Msun for 4 stars in R136. Our high stellar masses are supported by dynamical mass determinations for the components of NGC 3603 A1. We consider the predicted L_X of the R136 stars if they were close, colliding wind binaries. R136c is consistent with a colliding wind binary system. However, short period, colliding wind systems are excluded for R136a WN stars if mass ratios are of order unity. Widely separated systems would have been expected to harden owing to early dynamical encounters with other massive stars in such a dense environment. From simulated star clusters, whose constituents are randomly sampled from the Kroupa IMF, both clusters are consistent with a tentative upper mass limit of ~300 Msun. The Arches cluster is either too old, exhibits a deficiency of very massive stars, or more likely stellar masses have been underestimated - M_init for the most luminous stars in the Arches cluster approach 200 Msun according to contemporary stellar & photometric results. The potential for stars greatly exceeding 150 Msun within metal-poor galaxies suggests that such pair-instability SNe could occur within the local universe, as has been claimed for SN 2007bi (abridged).Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, accepted for MNRAS. Version with higher resolution figures is available from http://pacrowther.staff.shef.ac.uk/R136.pdf See also http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1030/ from Wed 21 from noon (CEST

    Open Clusters in Carina: NGC 3603, Westerlund 2 and Sher 1

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    Se presentan observaciones polarimétricas en las bandas U BV RI de estrellas situadas en la dirección de los cúmulos NGC 3603, Westerlund 2 y Sher 1, con el propósito de estudiar las características del polvo entre el Sol y los cúmulos, evidencias polarimétricas de la existencia (o no) de enrojecimiento anómalo en NGC 3603 y en Westerlund 2, y la identificación de estrellas con indicios de polarización intrínseca. 40% de las estrellas observadas en Westerlund 2 presentan indicios de polarización intrínseca, porcentaje similar al encontrado en NGC 6611 y en IC 2944; en cambio, en NGC 3603 es mucho menor. Las eficiencias polarimétricas medias son bajas por la presencia de varias nubes de polvo interestelar entre los objetos y el Sol. Se apoya la existencia de enrojecimiento anómalo en NGC 3603, mientras que en Westerlund 2 existen leves indicios de ello.We present polarimetric observations in the U BV RI bands of stars located in the directions of NGC 3603, Westerlund 2 and Sher 1. Our main objectives are to study the characteristics of the dust lying between the Sun and the clusters, to analyze polarimetric evidence on the existence (or not) of abnormal reddening in NGC 3603 and Westerlund 2; and to identify stars with signatures of intrinsic polarization. 40% of the stars observed in Westerlund 2 display indications of intrinsic polarization, a percentage similar to those found in the open clusters NGC 6611 and IC 2944: but in NGC 3603 it is very small. Mean polarization efficiencies are low, due to the presence of several dust clouds located in the way to the clusters. We are in favor of the existence of abnormal reddening in NGC 3603, while in Westerlund 2 there are only indications.Instituto de Astrofísica de La PlataFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Photon Dominated Regions in NGC 3603

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    Aims: We aim at deriving the excitation conditions of the interstellar gas as well as the local FUV intensities in the molecular cloud surrounding NGC 3603 to get a coherent picture of how the gas is energized by the central stars. Methods: The NANTEN2-4m submillimeter antenna is used to map the [CI] 1-0, 2-1 and CO 4-3, 7-6 lines in a 2' x 2' region around the young OB cluster NGC 3603 YC. These data are combined with C18O 2-1 data, HIRES-processed IRAS 60 and 100 micron maps of the FIR continuum, and Spitzer/IRAC maps. Results: The NANTEN2 observations show the presence of two molecular clumps located south-east and south-west of the cluster and confirm the overall structure already found by previous CS and C18O observations. We find a slight position offset of the peak intensity of CO and [CI], and the atomic carbon appears to be further extended compared to the molecular material. We used the HIRES far-infrared dust data to derive a map of the FUV field heating the dust. We constrain the FUV field to values of \chi = 3 - 6 \times 10^3 in units of the Draine field across the clouds. Approximately 0.2 to 0.3 % of the total FUV energy is re-emitted in the [CII] 158 {\mu}m cooling line observed by ISO. Applying LTE and escape probability calculations, we derive temperatures (TMM1 = 43 K, TMM2 = 47 K), column densities (N(MM1) = 0.9 \times 10^22 cm^-2, N(MM2) = 2.5 \times 10^22 cm^-2) and densities (n(MM1) = 3 \times 10^3 cm^-3, n(MM2) = 10^3 -10^4 cm^-3) for the two observed molecular clumps MM1 and MM2. Conclusions: The cluster is strongly interacting with the ambient molecular cloud, governing its structure and physical conditions. A stability analysis shows the existence of gravitationally collapsing gas clumps which should lead to star formation. Embedded IR sources have already been observed in the outskirts of the molecular cloud and seem to support our conclusions.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    HST/WFPC2 and VLT/ISAAC observations of PROPLYDS in the giant HII region NGC 3603

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    We report the discovery of three proplyd-like structures in the giant HII region NGC 3603. The emission nebulae are clearly resolved in narrow-band and broad-band HST/WFPC2 observations in the optical and broad-band VLT/ISAAC observations in the near-infrared. All three nebulae are tadpole shaped, with the bright ionization front at the head facing the central cluster and a fainter ionization front around the tail pointing away from the cluster. Typical sizes are 6,000 A.U. x 20,000 A.U. The nebulae share the overall morphology of the proplyds (``PROto PLanetarY DiskS'') in Orion, but are 20 to 30 times larger in size. Additional faint filaments located between the nebulae and the central ionizing cluster can be interpreted as bow shocks resulting from the interaction of the fast winds from the high-mass stars in the cluster with the evaporation flow from the proplyds. The striking similarity of the tadpole shaped emission nebulae in NGC 3603 to the proplyds in Orion suggests that the physical structure of both types of objects might be the same. We present 2D radiation hydrodynamical simulations of an externally illuminated star-disk-envelope system, which was still in its main accretion phase when first exposed to ionizing radiation from the central cluster. The simulations reproduce the overall morphology of the proplyds in NGC 3603 very well, but also indicate that mass-loss rates of up to 10^-5 Mo/yr are required in order to explain the size of the proplyds. (abbreviated)Comment: 10 pages, 4 Postscript figures, uses emulateapj.sty and psfig.tex. Astronomical Journal, in press (January 2000 issue

    The Massive Star Content of NGC 3603

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    We investigate the massive star content of NGC 3603, the closest known giant H II region. We have obtained spectra of 26 stars in the central cluster using the Baade 6.5-m telescope (Magellan I). Of these 26 stars, 16 had no previous spectroscopy. We also obtained photometry of all of the stars with previous or new spectroscopy, primarily using archival HST ACS/HRC images. We use these data to derive an improved distance to the cluster, and to construct an H-R diagram for discussing the masses and ages of the massive star content of this cluster.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal. This revision updates the coordinates in Table 1 by (-0.18sec, +0.2") to place them on the UCAC2 syste