230,455 research outputs found

    Richard Strauss: the Don Juan Recordings

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    RILM abstract: Considers the composer-conductor\u27s recordings of his tone poem Don Juan, and charts the genesis of the four commercially released recordings: 1917, 1922, 1929, and 1944. Techniques employed in the recordings are analyzed, and the practices and principles applied by Strauss are discussed in detail. George Szell\u27s involvement in the 1917 recording is considered. Strauss\u27s tempos in the 1922, 1929, and 1944 recordings are compared

    Концептуальные парадигмы оппозитивной семантики в газетном дискурсе русского зарубежья

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    Изучение семантико-речевых оппозиций в структуре газетного текста периодики русского зару­бежья (1917- 1922 гг.)yesБелгородский государственный университе

    Кадровое обеспечение деятельности органов юстиции в первые годы советской власти

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    Проблема кадрового обеспечения деятельности местных органов юстиции в период становления советского государства (1917-1922 гг.) (на материалах Курской губернии

    Preludes to Modernism in Brazil

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    This study focuses on certain significant events in the years immediately preceding the Modern Art Week, the landmark in Brazilian Modernism, in 1922.These events open up what may be described as the first Modernist period, from 1917 to 1929, which could even be extended up to the Exhibition of 1931.This study focuses on certain significant events in the years immediately preceding the Modern Art Week, the landmark in Brazilian Modernism, in 1922.These events open up what may be described as the first Modernist period, from 1917 to 1929, which could even be extended up to the Exhibition of 1931

    Метатекстуальные параметры прозы Андрея Белого 1916-1922-го годов

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    Статья сфокусирована на проблеме определения специфических характеристик метапрозы Андрея Белого 1916-1922-го годов на примере романов «Крещеный китаец» (1921) и «Записки Чудака» (1922), работы «Жезл Аарона» (1917).Стаття сфокусована на проблемі визначення специфічних характеристик метапрози Андрія Бєлого 1916-1922-го років на прикладі романів «Крещеный китаец» (1921) і «Записки Чудака» (1922), роботи «Жезл Аарона» (1917).The article is focused on problem of definition of Andrei Bely’s metaprose of 1916-1922’s specific characteristics basing on an example of novels «The Christened Chinaman» (1921) and «Diary of an Eccentric» (1922), work «Aaron's Rod» (1917)

    Russia’s home front, 1914-1922 : the economy

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    This paper describes the main trends of the Russian economy through the Great War (1914 to 1917), Civil War (1918 to 1921), and postwar famine (1921 to 1922) for the general reader. During its Great War mobilization the Russian economy declined, but no more than other continental economies under similar pressures. In contrast, the Civil War inflicted the greatest economic trauma that Russians suffered in the course of the twentieth century. The paper identifies the main shocks in each period evaluates the relative contributions of circumstances and policy, and sums up their historical significance

    Соколов К.И. Пламя над Волгой. Крестьянские восстания и выступления в Тверской губернии в конце 1917 – 1922 гг. – М.: Центрополиграф, 2017. – 255 с. – (Новейшие исследования по истории России)

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    Данная рецензия посвящена монографии К.И. Соколова по истории крестьянских восстаний и выступлений в Советской России в 1917–1922 гг. Рецензент описывает темы, изученные в монографии. Анализируется подход автора к изучению поставленной тем

    Mencel Michał

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    Autor w haśle w "Encyklopedii katolickiej" opisuje biografię Michała Mencla (1884-1967), polskiego działacza społecznego, nauczyciela, kierownika polskiej szkoły w Recklinhgausen (1917-1922) w Nadrenii-Westfalii oraz w Żytnej na Górnym Śląsku (1922-1939 i 1945-1961). Działał w Polskim Komitecie Plebiscytowym w Nadrenii-Westfalii (1921), był animatorem polskiego życia muzycznego (Towarzystwo Śpiewcze Kalina) i czytelniczego (Towarzystwo Czytelni Ludowych) w Recklinhgausen (do 1922 r.). Michał Mencel był polskim więźniem niemieckich obozów koncentracyjnych w Dachau i Mauthausen Gusen (1940) oraz polskim przymusowym robotnikiem w Pankach koło Blachowni w niemieckiej Generalnej Guberni i w Krapkowicach koło Opola w III Rzeszy Niemieckiej (1940-1944). Po II wojnie światowej został aresztowany (1946) przez komunistyczną policję polityczną w Rybniku, ponieważ był antykomunistą.The author in the entry in "The Catholic Encyclopedia" describes Michal Menecl's biography (1884-1967), Polish social activist, teacher, the head of Polish school in Recklinhgausen (1917-1922) w Nordrhein and Westphalia and in Zytna in Upper Silesia (1922-1939 i 1945-1961). He was active in the Polish Plebiscite Committee (1921), he was the animator of Polish music life (the Kalina Singing Society) and reader life (Society of Folk Reading Rooms) in Recklinhgausen (untill 1922). Michal (Michael) Mencel was Polish prisoner in German concentration camps in Dachau and Mauthausen Gusen (1940) and he was a Polish forced worker in Panki near Blachownia in the German General Gouverment and in Krapkowice near Opole in Third German Reich (1940-1944). After World War II he was under arest (1946) by commnunist political police in Rybnik (Upper Silesia), because he was anti-communist

    Інформація як об’єкт контролю в матеріалах діловодства та розпорядчій документації Головліту РФСРР

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    (uk) У статті досліджується цензурна політика в радянській Росії як система управління та контролю за інформаційними потоками протягом 1922 – 1929 рр.(ru) В статье рассматривается цензурная политика как системы управления и контроля над информационными потоками в советской России на протяжении 1917 – 1929 гг.(en) In this article is being the research of censorship policy in Soviet Russia as a system of state maintenance and control of distribution of information in 1922 – 1929

    Biomechanical interactions between bone and metal-ceramic bridges composed of different types of non-noble alloys under vertical loading conditions

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the mechanical properties of three metal-ceramic bridges of different types of dental alloys and to present and evaluate the possible biomechanical interactions between a marginal bone and metal-ceramic bridges during vertical loading. The research was done as an experimental study. A mandible with an intact anterior region was used. The preparation of the remaining teeth for receiving three types of porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) restorations was performed. Vita VMK 95 was used for all three metal-ceramic restorations. These three metal-ceramic bridges composed of different alloys, nickel and non-nickel, served as different models: the Niadur-nickelferous model, the Wiron 99-nickel model and the Wirobond C-cobalt-chrome model. The maximum compressive strain of 5% for all three virtual models is observed in the region of central incisors. The Niadur model has the lowest mean strain (2.62%) in comparison with the other two models. The mean strain of Wiron 99 is lower, by 0.10%, than the mean strain of the Wirobond model. Biomechanical behavior of the presented models caused by the vertical-loading conditions is explained as an interaction between the marginal bone and the metal-ceramic bridges. All of them, nickel and non-nickel models, indicate a similar strain (deformation) distribution; however, from the biomechanical perspective, Niadur is more favorable than the other two materials