2,485 research outputs found

    Packard (William) Papers, 1966-1985

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    Papers of William Packard, a screenwriter, poet, playwright, and editor of The New York Quarterly, a poetry magazine. The papers contain worksheets for plays, novels, films, poetry, and trade books by William Packard. Included also are editorial drafts, interviews, documents, and correspondence for The New York Quarterly.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/findingaids/1316/thumbnail.jp

    A compendium of the moon's motion and geometry, 1966 through 1985

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    Tabular and graphical data geometry and dynamics of earth-moon-sun system for 1966-1985 time perio

    'Shoe-leather' costs of inflation: some estimates for Brazil

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    In this article we estimate the 'shoe-leather' costs of inflation in Brazil, which are obtained by calculating the area underneath the demand for money. Two specifications were used for the demand for money, namely, the log-log model and the semi-log model. As the demand for money became too unstable in recent years, it was estimated with quarterly data for the period 1966-1985. Our results were then compared with those obtained by other authors using similar or distinct methodologies for either Brazil or the United States and the United Kingdom


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    Liberalisasi perdagangan memberikan bermacam-macam pengaruh pada berbagai instrumen ekonomi di berbagai negara. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada pengaruh liberalisasi perdagangan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Proses liberalisasi perdagangan di Indonesia dimulai pada tahun 1986. Oleh karena itu, penelitian akan mengamati bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi sebelum (1966-1985) dan sesudah (1986-2015) liberalisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi linier sederhana. Hasilnya, liberalisasi berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesi

    Mise en évidence de changements paléoenvironnementaux au Miocène-Holocène dans l'estuaire du Rio Tinto (Sud-Ouest de l'Espagne) par des données sédimentologiques, géochimiques et faunistiques

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    This paper investigates the paleoenvironmental evolution of a long core extracted in a small cove located in the Tinto-Odiel estuary (SW Spain). The inferred reconstruction is supported by sedimentological, geochemical, paleontological data and dating. Seven phases have been identified, with the transit from Late Neogene marine environments to a subrecent freshwater pond and a final anthropic filling. On the basis of these data, this area was flooded during the maximum of the MIS-1 transgression (6.5-5.2 cal. kyr BP), with the temporary presence of a subtidal channel with phanerogam meadows. During this evolution, three geochemical peaks have been detected, which correspond to 1) the first evidence of mining activities (~4.5 cal. kyr BP), 2) an interval of intensive mining (1850- 1960) and 3) an industrial period (1966-1985), affected by the dumping of highly polluting waste into this estuary.Cet article étudie l'évolution paléoenvironnementale des couches d'un carottage d'une vingtaine de mètres effectué dans une petite anse de l'estuaire de Tinto-Odiel (Sud-Ouest de l'Espagne). La reconstitution des environnement est étayée par des données sédimentologiques, géochimiques et paléontologiques, ainsi que par des datations absolues. On y a distingué sept phases avec le passage des milieux marins du Néogène supérieur à un bassin d'eau douce sub-récent et un remplissage anthropique final. D'après ces données, cette zone a été ennoyée lors du maximum de la transgression MIS-1 (6500-5200 ans calibrés AP), avec la présence temporaire d'un chenal infralittoral avec des herbiers à phanérogames. Au cours de cette évolution, trois pics géochimiques ont été détectés ; ils correspondent successivement 1) aux premiers indices d'activités minières (~4500 ans calibrés AP), 2) à un épisode d'exploitation minière intensive (1850-1960) et 3) à une période industrielle (1966-1985) caractérisée par le déversement dans cet estuaire de déchets très polluants

    Dawning of the age of quantitative/empirical methods in accounting research: Evidence from the leading authors of The Accounting Review, 1966-1985

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    This study documents changes that took place in The Ac­counting Review during 1966-1985 compared with earlier 20-year periods, 1926-1945 and 1946-1965. The comparisons are based on examining the articles published in The Accounting Review and writ­ten by its leading authors (i.e., those authors who published the most articles). The article considers topics, research methods, finan­cial accounting subtopics, citation analyses (including influential journals, articles, books, and authors), length, author background, and other items. This study shows that The Accounting Review evolved into a journal with demanding acceptance standards whose leading authors were highly educated accounting academics who, to a large degree, brought methods and tools from other disciplines to bear upon accounting issues

    Statistical monitoring of the operational efficiency development in forestry companies during the 1996-2002 period

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    Analizirano je statistično spremljanje opremljenosti gospodarskih družb za delo v gozdni proizvodnji. Razvoj spremljanja družb je glede na posamezne objave razdeljen v tri obdobja: 1966-1985, 1986-1992 in obdobje po letu 1994. Zbrani so nekateri pomembnejši podatki za obdobje od leta 1966 do 2002, ki kažejo na razvitost gozdarske stroke. Preučeni so podatki o gozdnatosti in količini poseka, številu zaposlenih, opremljenosti in učinkovitosti mehanizacije, o porabi goriva za delo v gozdu ter o graditvi gozdnih cest. Stanje na področju mehaniziranosti gozdarskih podjetij se izboljšuje, a močno zaostaja za opremljenostjo in učinkovitostjo razvitejših držav. Statistični urad RS po letu 1994 zagotavlja redno letno spremljanje podatkov. Da bi bili podatki točnejši, je treba natančneje definirati zahtevane podatke in dosledneje zahtevati vračanje izpolnjenih anket. Neizpolnjen vprašalnik velikega podjetja pomeni precejšnjo vrzel v skupnih analizah podatkov. Ker primerjave med anketiranci zaradi zakona o varovanju podatkov niso več mogoče,je interes za raziskave s strani podjetij majhen.Statistical monitoring of technical efficiency of various forestry companies was analysed. The monitoring was in view of data published in the past dividedinto three periods: 1966-1985, 1986-1992 and post-1994 period. Some relevant data for the 1966-2002 period were gathered, indicating a fairly highforestry development level. The data on forest density, volume of felled wood, number of people employed, technical efficiency, fuel consumption duringthe forest work, and on building of forest roads were studied. The situation as far as forest enterprises\u27 operational efficiency is concerned isimproving, although it still greatly lags behind the equipment and efficiency in the more developed countries. Since 1994, a regular annual data monitoring has been taking care by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. In order to get as precise data as possible, the required particulars should be defined more accurately and the given questionnaires demanded to be returned more consistently, considering that an unfilled or unreturned questionnaire means a fairly great gap in the joint data analyses. However, as comparisons between respondents are no longer possible due to the Law on data protection, the companies\u27 interest in this kind of research is fairly small