495,966 research outputs found

    Implementation of learning by doing methods in the graphical engineering field

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    Regarding the different options to approaches with excessively theoretical contents that are applied in teaching, there are several innovative learning strategies for active students’ involvement. According to (1) most of the business look for professional profiles in which applicants not only have an academic background but also good personal skills, such as initiative, undertaking, communication skills, commercial vision, and so on. This paper presents the experiments that aim to achieve the objectives and catching skills by the Learning by doing technique (2), through a contextualization of the subject “Container and Packaging” in the Industrial Design Degree. Moreover, a close relation between university and business is achieved. In this way students acquire the requirements demanded by the company. A particularization of an industrial design methodology proposed by the Technological Institute of Packaging, Transport and Logistics (ITENE, Valencia) has been implemented for the design of packaging and packaging (4). Besides using this method, students take on a project-based learning (PBL) work under the role of company. Then, they realize the redesign of the container of a manufactured product close to his residence province, i.e. Ron Montero Winery, Granada. This practice will not only look for improving the student's ability to research and solve problems, but also to manage the professional and personal relationships that occur within each work group. These situations are necessary in the training process since they will be to be fought daily in their future professional life.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Supporting the language and learning development of EAL students in Australian higher education

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    The role of learning advising in improving the educational outcomes of students for whom English is an additional language (EAL) in Australian universities has received significant attention in recent years. A combination of research findings, governmental pressure and media scrutiny has provided renewed impetus for universities to address issues of language proficiency and academic literacy amongst the growing population of onshore international students for whom English is an additional language (EAL). In this paper, I discuss the role of academic language and learning advising in the Australian university context, including how this practice is influenced by a range of political, pedagogical and practical factors. In doing so, I draw on Carson and Mynard’s (2012) analysis of the aims, practices, skills, locations and discourses of advising in language learning to explore how the two fields might inform each other

    Students’ Perception On Using Social Media For Learning English

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    Today, internet is the most important source of information and the growing dimensions of the use of social media by students. It has been observed that students devote more attention and time on social media. This online information sharing promotes the development of communication skills among students. Current research shows that social media had effected academic performance in improving students vocabulary of the students. The current study is carried out with one research question as the focus, which is to find out student perception on using social media for learning English. The data gathered through interview and observation. In so doing, the participants taking part in this study are five students of Unit 1 batch of 2018 in Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. The results are shown by interview, it can be seen that most of students give positive response about using social media for learning English. Most of students get the benefit after learning English on using social media because they think that social media improve their vocabulary and easy to understand. Furthermore, students motivation towards English language learning improved via Telegram. Accordingly, the researcher concludes that social media facilitate, motivate, and helpful for students in improving their vocabulary. In the findings of the study, it is recommended that English instructors should plan learning classes using social media as a learning platform

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Berfikir Kreatif Peserta Didik dalam Pembelajaran Matematika melalui Metode One Stray – Two Stay Berbantu Macromedia Flash 8(PTK Pembelajaran Matematika di Kelas V SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta Semester I Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019)

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    Students only receive direction from the teacher and are reluctant to express their creative ideas during learning. Sometimes students lack creative thinking to solve problems. So that researchers are encouraged by the use of macromedia flash8 software in mathematics learning in the fifth grade of SDIT Nur Hidayah Surakarta. With the aim of (1) Improving students' thinking skills. (2) Improving student learning achievement. Mathematics learning uses the One Stray method - Two Stay assisted by macromedia flash8 software on the building material properties of class V in semester I of the 2018/2019 academic year. After doing the research, there was an increase in students' creative thinking, before the action averaged 13.3% after the 2 rounds of action experienced an average increase of 16.66% and 21.76%. Likewise with the achievement results obtained, before the action 30.6% and after the 2 rounds of action became 61.1% and 83.3%. It can be concluded that with classroom action research there is an increase in creative thinking and learning achievement of students

    The Promise of Faculty Inquiry for Teaching and Learning Basic Skills

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    Shares insights from the Strengthening Pre-collegiate Education in Community Colleges project on how teachers' systematic and collaborative analyses of new approaches and practices foster innovation and improvement in basic English and math instruction

    Enhancing the design curriculum through pedagogic research

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    Pedagogic research is becoming increasingly recognised as an important aspect of academic life. Many generic studies (Marton, Saljo, Entwistle, Biggs, Gibbs, Prosser, Trigwell et al), focusing on broad concepts of student learning, have found a purchase within particular disciplines. Concepts of 'deep' and 'surface' approaches to learning are now commonplace within subject-based rationales. Approaches to assessment have also benefited from research of this kind. The value of this kind of research is most pertinent when it is used at subject level to explore the learning and teaching axis. Subject-focused research, using these established frameworks and methodologies, is only just beginning to emerge. Inevitably, the application of this new research is not so widespread. Subject-based research asks the questions about what it is that is characteristic about learning and teaching a particular subject. Recent research in creative subjects (Reid A, 1998 and Reid A and Davies A, 2000) has revealed that the quality of learning is predicated on how both students and teachers conceptualise the subject of study. In design, for instance, what teachers think design is determines how they frame the curriculum and how they go about teaching. Equally, students beliefs about what design is underpin their intentions when they go about learning. The research reveals that there are significant qualitative differences amongst teachers as well as students as to what design is. This has an impact on the quality of the outcomes of learning design. This paper explores the implications of the outcomes of thi

    Eccomi pronto : implementation of a Socio-Emotional Development curriculum in a South Korean elementary school

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    ‘Eccomi Pronto’ (EP), an elementary school socio-emotional learning curriculum that was originally developed and evaluated in Italy was translated in Korean and implemented and evaluated in 4th grade classrooms of a primary school in South Korea. Qualitative data from teachers indicated that EP improved the self-reflection and selfdirection of students, resulted in pedagogically useful insights into the psychological functioning of students, and enhanced the quality of teacher-student interaction. However, statistically significant changes in students’ engaged, academic behavior (as measured by an 8-item survey) were not noted. Teachers reported that the core of the EP curriculum was appropriate for the South Korean educational context. Teachers also recommended modifications in the follow-up learning activities to make these activities more consistent with South Korean education practices.peer-reviewe

    Excellence for all: A gifted and talented approach to whole-school improvement

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    "This booklet is one of a series of publications designed to support secondary schools in developing Gifted and Talented (G&T) education as part of a whole-school approach to improving provision and outcomes for all pupils. They form part of a suite of National Strategies guidance and resources supporting school improvement and raising attainment." - Prefac


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    Sejumlah penelitian telah mendokumentasikan kesulitan mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan skripsi, yang berakibat pada lamanya masa studi. Lemahnya pengetahuan metodologi penelitian mahasiswa dan minimnya pengalaman mahasiswa dalam melakukan penelitian dan menulis karya ilmiah menjadi faktor utama penyebab kesulitan mahasiswa tersebut. Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) mewajibkan mahasiswa S1 untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitian mereka dalam jurnal nasional (KKNI level 6), sehingga keterampilan meneliti dan menulis karya ilmiah menjadi bagian yang sangat penting dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran di lingkungan akademik. Salah satu faktor penyebab kesulitan mahasiswa dalam melakukan penelitian dan menulis karya ilmiah adalah aktivitas pembelajaran yang belum tersusun secara sistematis dalam menumbuhkan kedua keterampilan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengembangkan lintasan belajar dalam penelitian pendidikan matematika yang merupakan sekumpulan aktivitas yang disusun secara sistematis menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis riset. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah design research dengan 3 tahapan, yaitu preliminary design, teaching experiment, dan retrospective analysis. Subjek penelitiannya adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Angkatan 2010, 2011, dan 2012 pada Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan di Tangerang. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana lintasan belajar yang dikembangkan memberikan kontribusi dalam menumbuhkan keterampilan mahasiswa dalam melakukan penelitian dan menulis karya ilmiah dengan mendeskripsikan kegiatan dosen, mahasiswa, dan hasil akhir pembelajaran, selama kurun waktu 8 bulan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memberikan gambaran faktor-faktor penyebab keberagaman hasil yang diperoleh mahasiswa selama proses pembelajaran dan mendeskripsikan prinsip-prinsip desain dan karakteristik lintasan belajar yang dinamakan didactic trajectory yang digeneralisasikan berdasarkan sintaks pembelajaran berbasis riset.;--- Several studies indicated that undergraduate students face difficulties in writing thesis which in turn affect the length of their study. Limited knowledge of methodology and limited research training and experience in academic writing were identified as the primary cause of difficulties. The National Standard Qualification (NSQ) requires undergraduate students to publish their research in reputable national journals (acknowledged by NSQ level 6) so that relevant competencies became an important part of improving the quality of learning in the academic environment. One possible causes behind students’ difficulties in doing research and writing scientific papers are that learning activities were not in systemic arrangement to enhance these skills. Therefore, this study aims to design and develop a learning trajectory of Research in Mathematics Education subject which contains a set of research-based learning activities in the systematic arrangement. A three-stage design research was used as research methods, which consists of preliminary design, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis. The research subjects were pre-service mathematics teachers enrolled in 2010, 2011, and 2012. This study describes how the developed learning trajectory contributes to enhanced students’ skills in doing research and writing an academic paper by describing lecture’s activities, students’ activities, and achievement within eight months. Besides, this study also provides an overview of factors behind the diversity of results obtained by students during the learning process and describes the design principles and characteristics of the learning trajectory named didactic trajectory which was generalized from research-based learning syntax