11 research outputs found

    Facilitating student engagement and collaboration in a large postgraduate course using wiki-based activities

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    This paper investigates the impact of wiki-based activities on student participation and collaborative learning in a large postgraduate international management course. The wiki was used in this study as a facilitator for engagement and collaboration rather than a means of online discussions. Based on both qualitative and quantitative data, we find strong evidence that the use of the wiki facilitated student engagement and collaboration, both inside and outside the classroom. Moreover, student learning had significantly improved as a result of the enhanced learning environment

    Which e-learning technology is right for me?

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    The range of technologies available to support teaching and learning in higher education continues to grow exponentially. There is a growing expectation for educators to be well informed and familiar with the many suitable technologies and systems that are available to be used for delivering courses online, and to complement classroom (face-to-face) education. Detailed evidence of the perceptions and applications of the use of e-technologies is needed to inform not only teaching practice, but also policy development. These e-technologies need to be matched to pedagogical styles in order for online teaching and learning to be successful. Based on 33 semi-structured interviews, this paper presents a study of staff experiences of e-technologies, using Chickering and Gamson\u27s \u27Seven Principles of Good Practice\u27 to provide educators with information about the most appropriate e-technology to support their pedagogical aims.<br /

    A review of e-learning technologies – opportunities for teaching and learning

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    The number of different e-learning technologies available to support teaching and learning is growing exponentially. A major issue for faculty and educational developers in higher education is to determine which e-learning technology is most appropriate to support their particular teaching needs and provide optimum learning opportunities for students. Over the last few years a vast amount of literature has been published on e-learning technologies and how they are used in education Therefore the decision to use a particular technology should be based on sound research and clear evidence. This paper reviews many of these e-learning technologies and provides information regarding their use and the opportunities afforded by them.<br /

    Challenging Old Ideas: How supplemental effects student confidence and learning and adding a key piece to understanding the origin of an important crop, kenaf, Hibiscus cannabinus L. and understanding how supplemental videos effect student confidence and learning

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    This is a two-part thesis that focuses on identifying the center of origin for kenaf, Hibiscus cannabinus L., and the effects of supplemental videos on student confidence and learning. Kenaf, Hibiscus cannabinus, is an important fiber crop worldwide that lacks genetic studies to identify its CWR and center of origin. Maximum likelihood phylogenies were created from sequence data obtained from accessions from the USDA National Plant Germplasm System. Prior studies have shown East Africa as the center of origin for kenaf. This study shows support that the center of origin for kenaf should include South-Central Africa. The data also show conflicting evidence for both a single and multiple domestication events for kenaf. The second part of this thesis analyses the effects of student engagement with optional supplemental videos on confidence in scientific skills, perception of future success, perception of instructor, and academic performance. Students who watched the supplemental videos performed significantly better on a common assessment than students who did not watch the videos. However, the students who watched the videos also self-reported lower levels of confidence, perception of future ability, and perception of their instructor. This suggests that the videos may have led students to question their knowledge compared to students who didn’t watch the videos, despite their positive impac

    Synchronous-Asynchronous Blending or Fully Real-Time Course Delivery? Implications for Distance Language Education

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    Parallel with the global outbreak of Covid-19 disease in 2020 which widely affected the educational milieu, many institutions of higher education shifted to fully online blended and/or synchronous courses and programs. The extent to which each of these modalities (i.e. fully online blended courses versus online real-time ones) may contribute to language learners’ achievement is largely unknown. Previous studies on blended learning (BL) across various disciplines including foreign language teaching have largely focused on courses featuring a combination of face-to-face and online sessions. This quantitative quasi-experimental study presents an attempt to compare the effectiveness of a fully online blended technical English course with a mix of online synchronous sessions and asynchronous interactive content with that of an online real-time course. The language achievement of 25 university level students attending this online blended course was compared with that of students in an online synchronous course. Drawing on independent and paired sample t-test results obtained from two sets of pre and posttests, it was observed that while both groups performed significantly better in the final language achievement test, students in the fully online synchronous course outperformed those in the blended one. The findings speak to the significance of careful design of online blended courses in terms of session and content delivery along with the essence of increasing peer-to-peer and learner-teacher interaction opportunities to improve the effectiveness of these courses for language learners

    Student engagement with self-instructional course materials : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education in Distance and On-line Learning at Massey University, Extramural, New Zealand

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    This study is concerned with understanding how students engage with self-instructional materials on campus and at a distance within the context of the hybrid course offered at ABC College. This study examines the interrelationship of (a) time engaged with course materials, (b) the perceived value of course materials, (c) student approaches to engagement and (d) the integration of the course materials into the student learning experience in order to construct an understanding of student engagement with course materials. This study employed multiple case studies which formed a holistic collective case study. Data on student engagement with the course materials was collected using a questionnaire instrument. The resulting data was analysed using descriptive statistics to create a picture of how students engaged with the course materials. Correlation statistics were used to identify possible relationships between the items. Emerging themes were then explored in focus groups. Subsequent analysis of the focus group data explored the causation and interrelationships between themes resulting in an understanding of student engagement with the course materials. The findings from this study suggests that student engagement with self-instructional course materials (readings, learning guide, multimedia, etc.) are the result of complex interactions between a student's preferred approach to engagement, their locus of control and the method of integration of the course materials. The majority of participants preferred to engage with the course materials using a deep approach. Participants with an external locus of control reflected the assumptions and approaches they perceived from the method of integration. Participants with an internal locus of control engaged with the course materials using their preferred approach unless they were convinced that another approach served their needs better. The majority of participants exhibited an external locus of control. When a presentation or supplemental method of integrating was used, participants were more likely to engage with the course materials using a surface approach to engagement. They were also more likely to spend less time engaging with the course materials and place a lower value on the course materials. When a discussion or springboard method of integration was used participants were more likely to engage the course materials using a deep approach to engagement. They were also more likely to spend more time engaging with the course materials and place a higher value on the course materials

    Siyaset biliminde eğitim: Eleştirel bir inceleme

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    Yapılan çalışmada, Siyaset Bilimi Eğitiminde aktif öğrenme yaklaşımının anlamı ve hangi aktif öğrenme yöntem ve tekniklerinin tercih edildiği tespit edilerek bu yöntem ve tekniklerinin konu alındığı çalışmalardan elde edilen bulguların eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç çerçevesinde aktif öğrenmenin ne olduğu, Siyaset Bilimi Eğitiminde kullanılan aktif öğrenme yaklaşımlarının ne tür bileşenlere sahip olduğu, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler üzerine öğretme-öğrenme araştırmaları yapan dergilerde hangi aktif öğrenme tekniklerinden sıkça bahsedildiği, Siyaset Bilimi literatüründe aktif öğrenme ortamlarının etkileri hakkında ne tür bilgilerin bulunduğu, Siyaset Bilimi eğitiminde kullanılan aktif öğrenme yöntem ve tekniklerinin öğrencilerin öğrenmeleri üzerindeki etkilerine yönelik olarak literatürde hangi saptamalara ulaşıldığı, literatürde Siyaset Bilimi öğrencilerinin bilgi okuryazarlığı yeterliliklerinin ve eleştirel düşünme becerilerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik önerilerin neler olduğu araştırma sürecinde incelenmiştir. Araştırmada, Siyaset Bilimi derslerinde öğrencilerin aktif öğrenmesini teşvik eden öğretim yöntem ve tekniklerinin etkinliğini inceleyen veri kaynaklarına odaklanılmıştır. Bu kapsamda, çoğunlukla "PS: Political Science & Politics", "International Studies Perspectives", "American Political Science Association" ve "Journal of Political Science Education" dergileri taranmış ve ilgili yayınlar veri kaynağı olarak kullanılmıştır. Dokümanlardan, dokümanların içeriğine ilişkin geçerli ve tekrarlanabilir çıkarımlar yapmak için içerik analizi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Veri kaynaklarındaki dokümanlar içerik analizi tekniği ile çözümlenerek araştırma sürecinde raporlaştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda aktif öğrenme yöntem ve tekniklerinin Siyaset Bilimi eğitiminde yeterli düzeyde kullanılmadığı saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, araştırma kapsamında incelenen yayınların sistematik bir şekilde aktif öğrenme yöntem ve teknikleri içermediği de saptanmıştır. Bunlara ek olarak, araştırma kapsamında incelenen Siyaset Bilimi eğitiminde kullanılan aktif öğrenme yöntem ve teknikleri üzerine yapılan bilimsel çalışmaların ürettiği bulguların genel bir standart oluşturmak için yetersiz olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Siyaset Bilimi Eğitimi, Aktif Öğrenme, Bilgi Okuryazarlığı, Eleştirel Düşünm