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    A Fast Baseline Correction Method for Raman Spectroscopy Based on Comparison

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    拉曼光谱成像技术是基于拉曼散射效应所开发的一项现代检测技术,在现代生产、科学研究过程中使用非常广泛。拉曼光谱信号受荧光效应和仪器等方面的影响,往; 往会产生基线漂移,严重影响对信号特征的进一步提取。因此,必须对拉曼光谱信号进行基线校正。传统的基线校正方法,只针对单一光谱信号,计算量较大,在处; 理由大量拉曼信号组成的成像数据时,耗时较长且效果不佳。该文提出一种基于临近比较的快速基线校正方法,根据在相同背景下采集的光谱之间的相关性,实现快; 速基线校正,提高了拉曼成像数据的处理速度。Raman imaging is a kind of modern testing technology based on Raman; scattering,which has been widely applied in manufacturing and scientific; research. However, due to the fluorescent effect and instruments drift,; the baseline shift could easily occur, which has a strong impact on the; feature extraction of the Raman signals. Therefore,the baseline; correction is necessary and inevitable in the signal processing of Raman; spectra. The traditional baseline correction methods can only correct; the Raman spectrum one by one, so once a large amount of Raman imaging; signals have to be processed, the processing time is too long to accept.; In this paper, the baseline correction base on comparison which; considers the correlation between the Raman spectra and the same; background is proposed to realize the fast baseline correction and; improve the processing speed of Raman imaging data

    Design and Implementation of Positioning System for Fireman Based on ZigBee

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    近年来火灾的次数呈几何倍数增长,很多消防员都在救火中失去生命。房屋的倒塌、烟雾引起的窒息、烧伤等都是严重威胁生命安全的因素。很多火灾场面十分凄惨,房屋倒塌的瞬间,消防员根本无力自救,如果没人帮助他们,只能看着一个个鲜活的生命瞬间离去。当前消防员只是依靠呼救器来实现救助,在实际的火灾中,呼救器存在很多弊端,无法判断消防员的位置。很多科学家都在研究,怎样才能在浓烟滚滚和烟火中锁定消防员的位置,并能够实现全程监控,这就能够及时的进行援助和救助,这对保障消防员生命安全有着重要的意义。 本文通过介绍ZigBee技术的相关内容,利用其组网能力实现无线定位设想。并通过运算方法的介绍和改进,形成最为完善的定...In recent years, the number of fires grow exponentially, many firefighters have lost their lives in the fire. Houses collapsed, choking smog caused by burns are a serious threat to life safety factors. Many fire scene is very sad, instant houses collapsed and firefighters can not afford to help themselves, if nobody to help them, can only look at a fresh life moment to leave. Current firefighters ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323048

    Design and Implementation of Library Literature Information Management System Based on RFID

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    我国图书馆文献工作正处于从传统图书馆文献向现代化图书馆文献转变的阶段,图书馆文献管理工作也要同步转变,在科学技术迅速发展的时代,借用计算机和网络技术实现图书馆文献信息化管理,能够保证图书馆文献安全和提高图书馆文献效益。高校图书馆是服务于高校内部及其相关科研项目的图书馆,通过内置磁条实现其图书馆文献的安全管理,存在图书馆文献资源基础采集数据分散、数据共享性差、综合管理与应用能力薄弱等缺点。为提高图书馆文献管理水平,设计开发了基于RFID的图书馆文献信息管理系统。 本文采用J2EE技术和RFID技术设计和开发图书馆文献信息管理系统,首先从某校图书馆管理平台的项目背景,阐述研究的内容和意义;然后从...The work of Chinese books and literature are in the stage of changing from traditional books and literature to modern books and literature. The management of books and literature also changes, in times of science and technology are developing quickly, we can use computer and network technology to manage books and literature. It will make sure library literature is safe, improve the benefits of lib...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323184

    Study on Ultrafast Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy Based on Spatially Encode Technique

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    高分辨核磁共振(NMR)谱是一种能够在非侵入性状态下获得生物组织分子 信息的有效手段,并在各个领域中得到广泛的应用。传统的二维谱技术突破了一 维谱技术中的局限,将信号峰分布在二维平面中,一定程度上改善了谱峰混叠的 情况,提高了谱图的分辨率。但是,这些方法往往实验采样时间长,这局限了其 在很多领域的发展,如化学反应的实时监测研究。为了解决长时间采样的问题, 很多快速获取高维谱图的方法被提出,其中,超快速空间编码技术就是一种能在 极短时间内获得一张二维谱数据的单扫描方法。相对于传统的二维谱技术,超快 速空间编码方法极大缩短了采样时间。但是,人们普遍认为这种方法存在着一些 问题:采样...High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an effective technique to obtain molecular information of biological tissue in non-invasive state and is widely used in various fields. The traditional two-dimensional spectrum technique breaks through the limitation of the one-dimensional spectrum technique, distributes the signal peak in the two-dimensional plane, solves the sp...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:3332014115283

    Design and Implementation of the Self-taught Examination Transaction Management System for a Vocational College

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    随着信息化技术水平的不断提高,几乎所有高效管理系统的每个模块都高度集成在高校信息化管理平台,其中有很多优秀的考试管理系统、成绩查询系统等作为子系统独立存在于高校信息管理平台中。而且无论是国际还是国内,对网络管理系统的开发投入越来越大,技术越来越成熟,也促成了这些系统日新月异的发展。本文以某职业学院数字校园信息化CRP平台为基础,结合多年自学考试工作经验,本着解决纸质文件繁琐,报考流程复杂,功能模块分散等问题,完成集合校园CRP平台固有基础数据的,功能相对独立的高等教育自学考试事务管理系统。 本文按照管理信息系统的开发流程和设计基本要求,从技术筛选入手,选择符合多终端开发的HTML5技术作为开...As information technology continues to improve, each module in almost all efficient management systems are highly integrated in university information management platform. There are many excellent exam registration system performance query system as subsystems exist independently of College information management platform. And whether it is international or domestic, to the network management syst...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323191

    Improvement in Chinese Word Segment Algorithm of TDM and Its Application in the Library Circulation Data

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    高校图书馆是高校中重要的机构,是高校师生学习和科研的重要场所。高校图书馆数据库每天都会产生大量的图书流通数据,积累了海量流通数据。这些数据潜藏着很多尚未被挖掘的有价值的信息,所以不少学者将数据挖掘的技术应用于挖掘图书馆流通数据,以进一步完善图书馆管理工作。图书馆中的每一本图书都拥有其特定的图书名和索书号,其中索书号包含了中图分类号。图书名是以文本数据储存的,是用户了解并借阅该书的第一途径,但直接对文本数据进行处理有很大的难度。所以,以往的大多数研究将索书号或中图分类号作为图书的代表变量进行数据挖掘,但会导致分析结果过于简单,应用范围有所局限。 为了直接对图书名这类文本数据进行分析,本文尝试将...University Library is an important institution, which is an important place for learning and research. University library databases produce large amounts of data every day, and have accumulated a massive flow of data. These data hide a lot of valuable information not yet been excavated, so many scholars applying data mining technology to mining library circulation data in order to further improve ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_统计学学号:1542013115201