17 research outputs found

    The Effect of Inclusive leadership on New Product Development Performance

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    新产品开发绩效是企业追求的重要战略目标,即开发出对本企业及其主要竞争对手来说之前没有的产品,贯穿产品研发、改进、市场化和产业化的全过程,其所创造的绩效就认为是企业的新产品开发绩效。新产品开发绩效可能产生提高企业创新绩效、为企业带来业绩增长、提高企业的市场地位等正向结果。因此,领导者必须掌握新产品开发绩效的影响机制,并且在管理过程中,更加重视对中高层管理人员的有效管理。 影响员工行为的重要情境因素包含了领导风格的种类,也就是说,下属员工将根据感知到领导者风格调整自身行为。特别是中高层管理人员,他们的行为往往能影响企业绩效。包容型领导普遍存在,但其对新产品开发绩效的影响机制的探讨还相对欠缺。因此...New product development(NPD) performance is an important strategic target of the corporate, develop products that are not previously for the corporate and its major competitors, throughout the product development, improvement, marketing and industrialization of the whole process, the performance is considered as the NPD performance. The performance of the NPD performance may be the result of impro...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_企业管理学号:K20091407

    The Impact of Different Types of Market Orientation on New Product Development Performance: Considering the Effect of Knowledge Base

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    创新是企业获得和维持竞争优势的重要途径。而企业只有了解顾客的需求及其他市场环境信息,才能创造良好的顾客价值。因而越来越多的企业采用市场导向指导企业捕捉市场需求、进行新产品开发。但在实践中,企业往往会遇到两难的抉择,是以顾客现有显性需求为中心,实施反应型市场导向;还是以顾客潜在或未来需求为中心,实施先动型市场导向。学术界对这两类市场导向对于新产品开发绩效的作用也没有一致的结论,并较少探讨作用机制。 因此,本文以资源基础观、知识基础观和权变理论为理论基础,尝试探索企业知识基础在两类市场导向与新产品开发绩效关系中所起的作用,并考虑市场波动对于知识基础结构与新产品开发绩效关系的调节影响。对170家企...Innovation is important for enterprises to get and sustain competitive advantage. Only when companies realize customers’ needs, can they create superior customer value. So increasingly companies adopt market orientation. While in practice, companies face a dilemma: implementing responsive market orientation focusing on expressed customers’ needs or proactive market orientation focusing on potentia...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_市场营销学学号:3372014115124

    The Effects of Network Quality on New Product Development Performance: Considering the Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurship Orientation

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    随着经济的高速发展,技术更新不断加快、市场需求瞬息万变,企业所面对的是更为激烈的国内竞争和国际竞争,创新越来越成为企业保持竞争优势的重要来源。在复杂的市场环境中,企业很难仅仅依靠自身内部的资源进行创新。企业网络是企业获取资源的重要途径,对企业新产品开发活动具有重要的影响。因此,本文基于社会网络理论和资源基础理论,研究企业网络质量对新产品开发绩效的影响,并探讨企业战略导向——企业家精神导向的调节作用。通过对290家企业的调查和研究得出了以下结果:(1)企业上游网络质量对新产品开发绩效具有显著的正向影响,但下游网络质量对新产品开发绩效的影响不显著;(2)企业竞争者网络质量和非竞争者网络质量对新产品...With the rapid development of economy and the constant change of technology and market demand, the enterprise is facing more competition in the domestic and international competition. Innovation is becoming an important source of enterprise competitive advantage. In today’s complex market environment, it’s difficult for the company to create innovation only relying on their own internal resources....学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_市场营销学学号:3372014115123

    The Impact of Cooperative and Competitive Goals Interdependence with Supplier on Firm Innovation and NPD Performance

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    基于合作与竞争理论探讨企业与供应商之间目标关联影响企业创新和新产品开发绩效的作用机制。运用结构方程模型对233家企业数据进行分析,结果表明:合作目标通过推动供应商整合促进探索式创新和利用式创新,进而增强核心能力并最终提高新产品开发绩效;相反,竞争目标通过抑制供应商整合阻碍探索式创新和利用式创新,进而减弱核心能力并最终降低新产品开发绩效。Based on the theory of cooperation and competition,this paper tests the path effects of cooperative and competitive goals on firm innovation and new product development( NPD) performance through supplier integration and core competence.And then,it analyzes the data of 233 firms by structural equation model. Results show that supplier integration is strengthened by cooperative goals rather than competitive goals. Supplier integration has a positive impact on exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation which do benefit to core competency. These relationships in turn result in NPD performance.国家自然科学基金项目(71572164;71463049);; 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(14XJJA630001

    Goal Interdependence for Promoting Firm Innovation and New Product Development Performance: The Mediating and Moderating Effects

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    近年来,随着中国经济新常态的逐步推进,大众创业、万众创新成为促进中国经济新增长的“双引擎”之一。技术和产品生命周期的进一步缩短,成为企业面临的外部环境新特征。在这样的环境中,企业能否稳固市场地位并实现可持续发展,主要取决于企业对技术和市场动荡进一步加剧的外部环境的适应能力。而应对环境变化带来的挑战的重要途径,就是积极开展技术创新,使企业在研发、生产和营销等方面具备整合性的优势能力,从而比竞争对手更高效持续地开发出满足市场需求的新产品,取得企业绩效。为达到这个目的,企业单纯依靠自身资源,显然无法满足发展需要,它必须朝着更高效、更开放、更合作的方向发展。 上下游企业之间频繁的资源交换,使得供应链...Along with the development of the ‘new normal’ of China’s economy, encouraging people to do business creatively and driving innovation became one of the ‘double engines’ for promoting economy growth. More than ever before, this encouragement inevitably furthers the shortening of technology life cycle and product life cycle. Under such a circumstance, coping with technological turbulence and market...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_企业管理学号:1762013015375

    The Effects of Social Network on New Product Development Performance: The Moderating Role of Dysfunctional Competition

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    创新活动中的新产品开发项目作为企业经营管理过程中的重要环节,被公认为是企业获得竞争优势的重要源泉。在完善的经济体系中,企业往往依赖执法来保护他们的创新活动。然而,国内产业竞争越来越趋向恶性竞争,部分企业为了争夺市场地位,不惜采用不合法的行为,这就导致了不正当竞争现象的存在。在这种情况下,如何有效地从企业外部获取资源并应用于新产品开发,这是企业在适应激烈的市场竞争需要重点关注的。 社会网络关系作为一种特殊的资源,必定会给企业的新产品创新过程带来源源不断的资源和信息。因此,本文结合资源基础观和社会网络理论,从社会网络关系角度,探究了如下问题:(1)企业的社会网络关系存在几种类型;(2)不同的社会...New product development projects play an important part in the business process, especially in the market competition, and it has become an important source of corporate competitive advantage. In the perfect economic system, companies often rely on law enforcement to protect their innovation activities. However, the trend of vicious competition is spreading among domestic industry, because some co...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_市场营销学学号:1762012115120

    The Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on New Product Development Capabilities——The Mechanism of Employee Integration

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    基于员工整合视角,以成立时间大于42个月的210家企业为研究对象,论证了创业导向对新产品开发能力的影响机制。利用结构方程模型进行分析,结果显示,创业导向对新产品开发能力有显著的正向影响;信息分享与员工协作分别在创业导向和新产品开发能力之间发挥部分中介作用;信息分享对员工协作有正向影响作用。From employee integration perspective, this paper uses the survey data of 210 enterprises set up more than 42 months, reveals the linkage between entrepreneurial orientation and new product development capabilities. Using the method of SEM, the conclusion shows entrepreneurial orientation has a positive impact on new product development capabilities. Information sharing and collaboration play partly mediating roles between the entrepreneurial orientation and new product development capabilities; Information sharing has a positive effect on collaboration.西藏自治区哲学社会科学专项基金项目(15GBL002)


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    Implementation Key Technologies of Product Collaborative Development Chain For Mass Customization

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    在产品开发阶段让供应商和客户参与其中,对开发成本、质量和效率等具有积极意义,已成为一种越来越受关注的开发模式,企业及其供应商之间的这种协作关系可称为产品协同开发链。产品协同开发链的核心思想是通过产品、资源和过程的优化和管理,达到开发最优创新产品的目的。因此,开发链的核心内容就是研究如何根据市场需求和企业研发战略有效组织和管理开发链。 为解决产品协同开发链中的协同建模和分析问题,提出了一个基于参考模型的产品协同开发链协同框架。其中,顶层描述了设计链元模型,明确定义实体、属性和实体之间的关系,中间层描述了设计链参考模型和设计链模型,底层描述了设计链实例在产品开发周期过程中被初始化和反复执行。并依...Supplier involvement in product development has become an increasingly popular method for it has positive effect in improving product development cost, quality, time and innovation, etc. The relationship among assemblers and its suppliers can be called as product collaborative development chain (PCDC). To design the optimal and innovative product by optimizing and managing product, resource and pr...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_机械制造及其自动化学号:2005130169

    A Comparative Study of the Patenting Activities and Firm Performance Based on Firm Size——An Empirical Study from Shenzhen Manufacturing Firms

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    通过对273家深圳制造企业的分析,检验证明了专利在不同规模企业里对创新保护、知识溢出效应及其企业利润率的影响,指出不同规模企业从创新获利的不同途径。The impact of patenting on financial performance through implementation and licensing for both SEMs and large firms is studied by using multiple-group path analyses on a sample of 273 manufacturing firms in Shenzhen. It is shown that firms of different size profit from innovation in different ways.国家自然科学基金项目(G030601