63 research outputs found

    The Analytical Application of Moore Absorption Coefficient in Molecule Fluorescence Spectra

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    阐述摩尔吸光系数、入射光强度、荧光强度、检测器的灵敏度和仪器的光学系统损耗与入射光波长的函数关系, 初步提出了较为完整的分子荧光定性、定量理论表达式.This paper expound the relations between Moore absorption coefficient,intensity of incidence light,intensity of fluorescence,sensitivity of detector,lose of instrument optics system end wavelength.The more complete qualitative and quantitative formula of molecule fluorescence was put forward

    Determination of Microamouts of Ammonia in Meat by Nessler's Reagent Spectrophotometry

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    本文提出了一种测定肉中粗氨的方法,可用于肉品新鲜度的检验。在常温下,纳氏试剂与肉中粗氨反应生成淡红棕色胶态化合物,最大吸收波长为400nm,表观摩尔吸光系数为1.404×104L/mol·cm,线性方程为y=0.52x+0.0001,r=0.9997,线性范围为0~1.0μg/ml,回收率在97.8%~104.8%之间。A method for the determination of the crude ammonia in meat was presented in this paper. The method based on the color reaction of ammonia-Nessler's Reagent in room temperature. The results showed that the apparent molar absorptivity is 1.404 ×104 L/mol·cm at the wavelength of 400nm. Beer's law is obeyed for the ammonia in the range of 0~1.0 μg/ml. The correlation coefficient is 0.9995. The recovery rate is 97.8%~104.8%. The method has been applied satisfactorily to crude ammonia in meat.福建省科技计划重点项目(2004Y012


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    Chlorinated stabilization, hydrogenation and oxidation upon fused-pentagon fullerenes (C50, C56, C60)

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    自1985年C60被发现以来,富勒烯的研究取得了长足的进步,尽管在此期间发现了很多富勒烯的新成员,独特的结构和物化性质也都表明其在生活和科研的各个方面都有着广泛的应用前景,然而目前真正得到商业化的仅有包括C60在内有限的几种,这主要是因为大多数富勒烯结构中相邻五元环的存在,违背了IPR(IsolatedPentagonRule)规则,因而十分活泼,难以被捕获,此类富勒烯即非IPR富勒烯。富勒烯研究的重点之一即非IPR富勒烯的稳定化。理论研究表明许多富勒烯的非IPR异构体可能是稳定富勒烯形成的中间体,因而对于富勒烯形成机理的探索不可或缺。通过对这些活泼富勒烯的捕获,从实验上揭开这些神秘大分子的结...Since the discovery of fullerene C60 in 1985, studies on fullerenes have achieved progress on a wide range of research fields. In spite of many new members in this huge family being discovered and their potential in a variety of applications owing to their unique cagey structure and physicochemical properties, only C60 is used commercially in addition to a few of larger fullerenes such as C70. Fus...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_无机化学学号:2052008115164

    Intramolecular Charge Transfer with Benzanilides

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    苯甲酰苯胺衍生物的分子内电荷转移 中文摘要 本论文合成了新型分子内电荷转移(ICT)荧光体-苯甲酰苯胺衍生物并研究了其吸收光谱、荧光光谱、电子效应、空间位阻效应及分子内电荷转移。论文共分四章。 第一章:介绍了分子内电荷转移研究进展,评述了苯甲酰苯胺的异常发光行为自发现以来的光物理及其发光行为研究进展,并提出论文的设想。 第二章:从空间位阻效应与电子效应入手,合成了系列新型ICT荧光体-苯甲酰苯胺衍生物,并对其进行鉴定。本章共分两节。 第一节:在苯甲酰苯胺的苯胺芳环上引入一定的空间位阻,即改变甲基在苯胺芳环上的不同取代位置,合成了系列改变苯甲酰取代的取代苯甲酰邻甲基苯胺...Intramolecular Charge Transfer with Benzanilides Abstract This dissertation describes the synthesis of a new type of ICT fluorophors, benzanilides, and the study of their absorption spectra, fluorescence spectra, electronic effect, steric effect and intramolecular charge transfer (ICT). It consists of four chapters: introduction, chapter two, chapter three, and the conclusions and prospects...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_分析化学学号:19992502

    Study on the Application of Novel Spectrometric Technique--Ⅰ.Determination of Labeling Dyes

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    将所提出的光谱检测新技术应用于染料标记蛋白质的分析测定, 所得光谱图形与吸收光谱相似, 检测限比相应的分光光度法测定降低1 个数量级, 并利用等摩尔连续变化法和摩尔比法测定了染料与蛋白质的配位比.The novel spectrometric technique proposed applied to study labeling dyes.The spectral profiles gained by this technique were all similar to the corresponding UV-Vis absorption spectra,and the detection limits of dyes by this method were10 times lower than those by spectrophotometry.国家自然科学基金!(29745002

    A Cationic Cyanine as a Near-IR Fluorescent Probe for Determination of Nucleic Acids

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    [中文文摘]以阳离子花菁染料为荧光探针, 依近红外荧光猝灭测定核酸. 最大激发及发射波长分别为765 、790nm . 核酸测定的线性范围为0-08 ~1-2μg/m L(CTDNA 及SM DNA) , 0-1 ~1-6μg/mL(yeast RNA).[英文文摘]A method with an cationic near-IR cyanine as a fluorescent probe was developed for the determination of nucleic acids.The near-IR cyanine shows the maximum excitation and emission wavelengths at 765 and 790nm, respectively,in aqueous solution.The method is based on the fluorescence decrease of near-IR cyanine in the presence of nucleic acids.Under optimal conditions,the ratio value of fluorescence intensity in the absence and presence of nucleic acids was proportional to the concentration of nucleic acids over the range of 0108~112μg/ mL for CT DNA or SM DNA , and 011~116μg/ mL for Yeast RNA. The detection limit s were 30 ng/ mL for CT DNA , 25 ng/ mL for SM DNA and 70 ng/ mL for Yeast RNA. The relative standard deviation (n = 6) were 211%for 500 ng/ mL CT DNA level.国家自然科学基金(29775021

    Resolution of 1,1′-Bi(2-naphthol) by Preferential Crystallization

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    手性是生物系统的基本特征,许多复杂的生命现象可通过分子的手性识别去理解。近年来手性在化学、生物化学、医药以及材料科学等领域发挥着越来越重要的作用,因此与手性技术有关的科学研究已引起科学家们极大关注,例如手性的起源、传递与放大、手性分子间的相互识别作用以及手性化合物的制备方法等。而从经济角度看,提高手性产品的对映纯度具有极高的经济附加值。 本文主要进行优先结晶法拆分1,1′-联-2-萘酚(简称BINOL)的研究工作,探讨了优先结晶法拆分1,1′-联-2-萘酚、结晶条件的优化以及在降低拆分成本方面作出了一些尝试。主要研究结果如下: 1.研究了循环优先结晶法拆分1,1′-联-2-萘酚与四甲基氯化...Chirality is the basic character of biologic system. Many complex phenomena in life are easily understood through the recognition of molecular chirality. In recent decades, chirality plays a more and more important role in a wide range of scientific disciplines, including chemistry, biochemistry, medicine and material sciences. So studies on chirality such as chiral origin, propagation and amplifi...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_无机化学学号:20042502


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    患者,男,76岁,因“肺部感染“入院。入院体格检查示两肺呼吸音稍粗,左下肺可闻及少许湿罗音,未闻及胸膜摩擦音,余无异常发现。查肝肾功示丙氨酸氨基转移酶(AlT)34.8 u/l,天门冬酸氨基转移酶(AST)36.5 u/l,γ-谷氨酸转肽酶(ggT)81.0 u/l,直接胆红素(dbIl)8.62μMOl/l,总胆红素(TbIl)19.22μMOl/l,白蛋白(Alb)33.8 g/l。予抗感染及补液治疗,注射用头孢呋辛钠(商品名明可欣,意大利依赛特大药厂,批号为508313)1.5 g静脉滴注,每日2次。3d后出现皮肤、巩膜重度黄染,复查肝肾功示AlT 99.1 u/l,AST 96.5 u/l,ggT 358.5 u/l,dbIl 101.38μMOl/l,TbIl 23.69μMOl/l,Alb 37.5 g/l。立即停用头孢呋辛,行肝


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    随着经济全球化速度的不断加快,我国改革开放的不断深入,如何维护国家经济安全已成为一个我们无法回避的问题。我国作为发展中国家中最大的引资国,在吸收、利用外国直接投资(FDI)的过程中如何最大限度地维护国家经济安全,保护和促进民族工业的发展,利用FDI的产业带动效应优化产业结构,提高我国在国际分工中的产业竞争力,都是我们目前亟待研究解决的问题。特别是在我国即将加入WTO,需要进一步开放国内市场的形势下,对这些问题的研究更具有现实性和紧迫感。这也正是本论文选题的主要动机。 本论文共六章,分两部分对中国利用FDI过程中如何维护国家经济安全的问题进行研究和阐述。 第一部分(论文的第一、二、三章)主要...Resonance Light Scattering (RLS) technique is a novel analytic technique using the normal fluorospectrophotometer to detect. There are some more papers about biological macromolecules, but the reports about some trace elements of organism and inorganism in the environmental pollution are little. This paper bases on the technique of RLS, studies some trace ions, briefly states the principles of the...学位:工学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学研究中心_环境科学学号:19972504