31 research outputs found


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    The bl ind scheme for channel estimation with high accuracy

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    摘要:基于多载波 OFDM 系统 ,提出了一种新的时变步长修正软加权判决递归二 乘信道估计盲方法( TVCPMSDWRLS) 。该法通过对常规算法步长进行自适应的科 学设计以便跟踪信道特征变化 ,同时利用接收机判决信息函数修正权系数 ,解决了常 规 RLS盲方法收敛速度慢、 信道估计性能不高的缺点。仿真证明:对于不同的时延 扩展、 时间以及信噪比(SNR) ,该法均表现出比常规方法更优的性能。同时 ,该法亦 可用于估计通信、 雷达、 航天等领域的其他特征参数。英文摘要:A blind channel estimation scheme , named as time2variance convergence parameter and cor rect sof t decision weight RLS ( TVCPMSDWRL S) met hod , based on orthogonal f requency division multiple (OFDM) systems was proposed. The no2 vel scheme could t race adaptively t he channel characteristic t hrough special timevariance gain design. And t he decision information f unction in receiver was al so adapted to correct t he gain. Simulation showed t hat the novel scheme had bet ter per2 formances with high accuracy and fast converges t han t hat of t he RL S met hod , especially via different time delay spread , time and SNR. Furt hermore , the scheme can also suitable in the ot her areas such as communication , Radar , spaceflight to estimate the ot her characteristic parameter s.  基金项目:广东省自然科学基金资助项目(D06300640) ;广东省中山市科技计划项目 (2006A155) ;电子科技大学中山学院青年科技基金资助项目(2005Y12 和 2006Y02以及 2006Y05) ;福建省自然科学基金资助 项目(A0410004) ;厦门大学院士基金资助项目(06302E23011) ;厦门大学新世纪优秀人才基金资助项目(00002X07204


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    Research and implementation of underwater acoustic real-time voice communication prototype based on MELP

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    根据水声通信的复杂信道特性,对混合激励线性预测语音编码MElP算法和低密度奇偶校验码ldPC的结合进行了研究,设计了基于ArM+dSP的多载波水声实时语音通信样机。经水池实验测试,系统表现出良好的实时性和语音可懂度性能,可分辨出不同说话人的声音。Taking the complexity of the underwater acoustic communication channel characteristics into account,the combination of mixed excited linear prediction(MELP) and low density parity check(LDPC) were studied and a multi-carrier underwater acoustic real-time voice communication prototype based on ARM+DSP was designed.By the expreimental test in pool,the proposed system showed a good real-time and voice intelligibility performance,and could distinguish the voice of different speakers.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2010121062

    Research and Implementation of Medium-range Underwater Communication System based on Chirp Singal

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    水声通信技术是当代海洋资源开发和海洋环境立体监测系统中的重要技术组成部分,也是我国海洋高技术急待研究开发的项目之一。水声信道是一个十分复杂的时-空-频变信道,其主要特征为:复杂性、多变性、强多径和有限带宽。对于中程水声通信而言,传播损失引起了接收端的低信噪比,因此必须寻求一种在低信噪比及存在多径扩展的情况下,仍可保证一定信息传输速率的信息可靠传输技术。 本文研究了一种适用于中程水声通信的Chirp扩频技术(CSS),CSS技术具有优异的抗噪声和抗多径特性。为了在保证系统可靠性的同时,提高CSS水声通信系统的信息传输速率,本文着重研究了CSS的高阶调制解调技术和被动时间反转镜技术在CSS系统中...The ability to communicate effectively underwater has numerous applications for marine researchers, source developments and marine monitor organizations. Underwater acoustic communication technology is an important part of the contemporary high-tech maritimeprojectand is eager to be developed. Underwater acoustic (UWA) channel has been a very complicated time-space-frequency varying channel, due t...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_电子与通信工程学号:2332009115276

    The Analysis and Prospect of TDD Mobile Communication System

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    TDD模式移动通信系统相对于FDD系统有着独特的优势,如支持不对称业务,高频谱利用率,设备复杂度低。在介绍TDD移动通信系统特点的基础上,针对当前出现的新技术,如MIMO、智能天线、Ad-hoc、自适应调制技术TD-LAS-CDMA等,结合TDD移动通信系统的特点,分析了各技术在实际系统应用中的优缺点,最后展望在该模式下移动通信系统的发展前景。The mobile communication system of TDD mode has unique advantages,such as providing asymmetry service,high spectrum utilization,and low complexity of devices.On the basis of introducing the system characteristic,the advantages and disadvantages of the new technologies according to the TDD system,such as MIMO,smart antenna,Ad-hoc,AMC,TD-LAS-CDMA,are analyzed in the paper.At last discusses the prospect of the TDD system

    Research on equalizer in Underwater Acoustic Communication System

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    在移动无线通信中,由于能够提供高速率和高质量的通信服务,正交频分复用技术成为当前国际上的研究热点。正交频分复用技术因其具有频带利用率高和抗多径等优点,近年来在无线音频广播、无线视频广播、无线局域网、水声通信中得到了广泛的应用。由于水声信道是一个极其复杂的时-空-频变参随机信道,可用频带窄、传输损耗大,还广泛存在着多径效应,因此OFDM水声通信系统中的频域均衡问题是其技术难点之一。本文试图在前人工作的基础上,对这一问题做一些研究与探讨。 本文首先介绍了水声信道特性,其次介绍了自适应均衡技术,包括均衡器的类型、结构和算法,接着进一步介绍了OFDM通信系统中的均衡,时域均衡和频域均衡,文中分别介绍...Because of enabling to provide high-rate and high-quality wireless for mobile communication service, OFDM system is becoming a very hot research topic recently. OFDM technology has been used in many fields, such as digital audio broadcasting, digital video broadcasting, wireless local network systems, underwater acoustic communication systems and so on. Since it is well known that underwater acous...学位:理学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院电子工程系_无线电物理学号:S20043002

    Key Technology Research on Access System between Embedded Equipment and HPC System

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    基于LinuxOS的嵌入式装置由于其小型紧凑、接口丰富、价格低廉、抗恶劣环境、源代码公开等特性,目前被大量用作许多控制系统的终端设备和通信设备,承担着数据采集、数据交换及命令执行的重任。由于软硬件资源的限制,嵌入式设备通常不具有较高的智能,难以承担大中型实时系统的复杂数据处理和控制策略优化任务,这部分工作需要由控制中心的高性能计算机(HPC)来完成。由此需要研究嵌入式设备到HPC系统间的接入系统。由于控制系统前后端之间的通信可能面临数据量巨大、时延敏感、缺乏有线信道等问题,因此设计并实现高性能的接入方案并非轻而易举的事情。 本课题源于“985”工程“智能信息技术”项目的需要,对嵌入式装置到中...Because of its characteristics such as small-size and compact, rich interfaces, lower price, good adaptability and open source code, embedded devices based on Linux OS currently have been used widely as terminal and communication units by many control systems, assuming important tasks of data processing, data exchanging, command executing. However, due to its restriction on hardware and software r...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机应用技术学号:20042803

    The Design and Realization of High-speed Wireless Communication Baseband Subsystem

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    随着无线通信技术的迅猛发展,无线通信速度要求越来越高,业务需求多样化。尽管目前2G,3G通信系统正在应用或普及中,但仍然满足不了全部需求。特别是在公安、消防、武警、部队执勤等应用场合需要远程现场多媒体信息实时传输,所以需要研制一个高速、有效的通信系统。在分析当前无线通信技术基础上,决定采用SC-FDE、AFC、TPC等技术,有效抵抗多径时延、频偏,极大降低误码率。 本文首先根据SC-FDE技术特点建立了一个较为简单实用的无线通信信道模型,通过MATLAB仿真研究信道多径时延、频偏、噪声等的影响。 接着根据高速无线通信系统技术参数,设计了帧结构与基带系统方案。通过MATLAB仿真整个系统,并...With the fast development of wireless communication technologies, the request of transmission speed is higher and higher, and the services needed are various. the 2G and 3G communication systems are or will be in application, but these can’t meet all needs. In some cases such as police, fire protection, military and army duty, the need of real time transmission in media information is intensive. ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_通信与信息系统学号:2005130241