
Research and implementation of underwater acoustic real-time voice communication prototype based on MELP


根据水声通信的复杂信道特性,对混合激励线性预测语音编码MElP算法和低密度奇偶校验码ldPC的结合进行了研究,设计了基于ArM+dSP的多载波水声实时语音通信样机。经水池实验测试,系统表现出良好的实时性和语音可懂度性能,可分辨出不同说话人的声音。Taking the complexity of the underwater acoustic communication channel characteristics into account,the combination of mixed excited linear prediction(MELP) and low density parity check(LDPC) were studied and a multi-carrier underwater acoustic real-time voice communication prototype based on ARM+DSP was designed.By the expreimental test in pool,the proposed system showed a good real-time and voice intelligibility performance,and could distinguish the voice of different speakers.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2010121062

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