11 research outputs found

    Religious Ritual and the Inheriting of Culture:A Study in Indonesia Confucianism (Kongjiao)

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    本文主要依据从印尼实地调查所获得的文献资料以及口述、实物、音像等资料,考察近年愈益受到国际学术界关注而国内相当缺乏研究的印尼孔教,并探讨海外华人的宗教仪式传统与文化传承机制。全文共九章,约20万字。 印尼孔教源于中国的儒教,是土生华人特有的宗教形式与文化认同标志。中国儒教在印尼的传播,最初主要是通过华人的家庭教育和庙堂、宗祠的祭祀以及私塾、书院的文化教育。1900年成立的巴达维亚中华会馆,明确地定义孔教为一种宗教,指出孔教是华人文化中最主要的成分,并确立了孔教的基本教义。这是印尼历史上第一个正式的、较具规模的孔教组织,同时也是印尼华人民族意识觉醒的标志。 20世纪中叶,印尼从西方殖民地转变...By examining various sources collected from field work in Indonesia, this dissertation aims to explore Indonesia Confucianism (Kongjiao, the Teaching of Confucian, or Agama Kongfuzu), a topic that has drawn the attention of scholars, domestic and abroad, from different disciplines, and tries to discuss the inheriting of culture and its mechanism among Overseas Chinese through analyzing the history...学位:历史学博士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_中国近现代史学号:B20030202

    Analysis of Indonesia Confucians Understanding Towards Religious Doctrines and Ordinances in Confucianism

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    To a great extent, daily life of Indonesia Chinese community is filled with religious overtones. This paper basically analyzes the understanding of Indonesia Confucians towards their religion. The first part of this paper will be discussing about the general definition of religion and its religious elements. The second part will analyze the understanding of Indonesia Confucians towards their religious doctrines and ordinances respectively. In conclusion, overview regarding Indonesia Confucians and a special historical background of Indonesia Confucianism, which consists of its formation and development as a legal religion in line with Indonesia national conditions, social conditions and characteristic, will be presented

    Analysis of Indonesia Confucians Understanding Towards Religious Doctrines and Ordinances in Confucianism

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    To a great extent, daily life of Indonesia Chinese community is filled with religious overtones. This paper basically analyzes the understanding of Indonesia Confucians towards their religion. The first part of this paper will be discussing about the general definition of religion and its religious elements. The second part will analyze the understanding of Indonesia Confucians towards their religious doctrines and ordinances respectively. In conclusion, overview regarding Indonesia Confucians and a special historical background of Indonesia Confucianism, which consists of its formation and development as a legal religion in line with Indonesia national conditions, social conditions and characteristic, will be presented

    Various Petals of the Lotus: The Identities of the Chinese Buddhists in Indonesia

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    When Indonesias New Order regime (1965-1998) was in power, Chinese Indonesians were asked to abandon their traditional religions, such as Confucianism, Daoism, and Chinese Buddhism, or to merge into a Buddhism made more Indonesian by means of the elimination of its Chinese traditional influences. This found support among Chinese Indonesian Buddhists who wanted to purify Buddhism of its non-religious elements, and to separate it from the social stigma of Chinese religion. However, the fall of the regime triggered the re-emergence of Chinese rituals in Buddhism. For some, the return of these rituals to Buddhism needs to be carefully examined. While they accept the celebration of Chinese traditions, they do not like them to be blended with Buddhism. This creates tensions between the religious and the cultural elements in Chinese Indonesians Buddhism because their Buddhism has been so ingrained in Chinese culture that separating the religious from the cultural is not easy. Through ethnographic study in Surabaya, I investigate discursive practices Chinese Indonesian Buddhists use to come to terms with these tensions. I also examine how these practices shape their ethno-religious identity construction. My findings show that they use the Buddhist teaching of open-mindedness to come to terms with these tensions, and to innovate, transform and recast their religious practices

    The 6th International Conference of Institutes & Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies

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    2015年10月15日至18日,华侨大学华侨华人研究院将与厦门大学南洋研究院、俄亥俄大学图书馆在华侨大学厦门校区联合主办第六届海外华人研究与文献收藏机构国际会议。会议主题是“当代亚洲的海外华人”。 秉承历届会议的传统,本届会议将以研究与资料收集为中心,促进学者与图书馆员的全球合作


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    印尼廖内群岛的民丹岛古称长腰岛,是古代海上丝绸之路的重要 枢纽,18世纪来自中国的潮州与闽南的大量移民聚居民丹岛,种植甘蜜、胡椒 并从事进出口行业,对民丹岛的开发做出了重要贡献.华人移民也促进了中国民 间信仰在民丹岛的广泛传播.Bindan Island, historically called Changyao Island, is an island in the Riau Archipelago of Indonesia. It served as an important axis of communication on the ancient Maritime Silk Road. In the 18th century Chinese immigrants from Southern Chi-na ,including Teochews from Chaozhou and Hokkiens from Southern Fujian, planted gambir and pepper there. They also engaged in import and export trade, making a sig-nificant contribution to the development of Bindan island, including the spread of Chi-nese popular religion.教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目《“-带-路”背景下中国与东南亚人文交流研究》16JJDGJW009的阶段性成果

    A Study on the Indonesian Chinese Association and the Building of a "Diversity in Unity" Indonesia in Post-Soeharto Era

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    “构建多元和谐的印尼社会“是印尼新政府在民主化转型进程中提出的重要执政理念,其具体实践端赖于当地社会与华人社会的互动与建构。1998年后,多元和谐理念在印尼新时期国家政治生活中的实践促进了印尼华人社团的解禁与蓬勃发展,华人社团也由此得以在社会、文教、政治和经济领域主动融入当地社会,全面参与印尼多元和谐社会的构建。"Building a Diversity in Unity Indonesia" is one of the most important policies brought forward by Indonesia's government during its democratic transformation period since 1998,and its implement,to the Indonesian Chinese associations,depends on the interaction between them and the local society.Since 1998,the practice of the idea of "Diversity in Unity" in Indonesia's national political area triggers Chinese associations' decompression and futher development.In this context,Chinese associations begin their deeper integration into main society in every field,and totally devote themselves into the building of a "Diversity in Unity" Indonesia


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    後蘇哈托時期印尼華人之參政:以參選地方首長爭取當地社會對於華人之認同(Indonesian Tionghoa's Political Participation in Post-Soeharto Era: The Strive for Identity from Local Societies by Running for Elections of Local Chief Executives)

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    In 2014, Basuki Cahaya Purnama (popularly known as Ahok) was inaugurated as the first governor with Tionghoa ethnicity in the post-Soeharto era. His case not only marks the milestone of Tionghoa's political participation in Indonesia, but also inspires more Tionghoa to engage in the local politics, with the aim of maintaining their social status and rights. Nevertheless, while Tionghoa enthusiastically participate in the local politics by means of establishing political parties, being upheld by mainstream parties for representative elections, or running for local elections, there are still some people in the public who do not recognize Tionghoa's identity and their political participation. Therefore, with companion of recent advocacy to strive for self-identity, the Indonesian-Tionghoa can leap at the chance, through the approach of political participation in the democratic electoral system, to gain the preliminary identity from local society, and gradually achieve identity in other aspects. By analyzing the facts of Indonesian-Tionghoa's political participation after the fall of Soeharto, this research firstly shows that running for elections of local chief executives has steadily become the trend for Tionghoa's political participation. Moreover, with netnography as the method of data collecting for further analysis, the ideology of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity) has been rooted in the public's mind since several significant cases, discriminating Basuki's Tionghoa identity, are denounced by most people in their comments. Accordingly, more people in Indonesia can also accept Tionghoa, as national citizens, to engage in local politics. Therefore, it is shown in these case analyses that Tionghoa's political participation is not only the way to sustain their development, but also the entry point to obtain identity from the local public. Although Tionghoa still need to be more active in political participation with..