25,612 research outputs found

    Volby v ČR

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    An essay analyses elections of 2006 and 2010 in term of election’s survey’s signification and in dependece of the number of seats on elections’ result. It was discovered, that time slope of survey’s outcome does not show reliable outcomes in case of need to change election’s policy. Nevertheless we can for a great certainty assess the sequence of election’s result from survey. System which is used in the Czech Republic to determine the number of seats makes it advantegous for big political parties

    Volba prezidenta republiky

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    Roku 2012 byla schválena novela ústavy, která zavedla přímou volbu prezidenta. Zavedením přímé volby prezidenta se náš stát dostal mezi naprostou většinu republik, kde prezidenta volí přímo bez ohledu na to, zda jsou prezidentské, poloprezidentské či parlamentní. Text se kriticky věnuje dosavadnímu způsobu volby a porovnává jej s volbami prezidenta jinde i s volbami dřívějších československých prezidentů. Text se věnuje i polemice s názory odmítající přímou volbu prezidenta. Zabývá se ústavněprávními i politickými okolnostmi doprovázející dosavadní volby prezidenta.By introducing direct presidential elections, our state joined the overwhelming majority of the republics where presidents are elected directly regardless the fact whether the republics are presidential, semi-presidential or parliamentary. The text reviews the current method of election and compares it with presidential elections in other countries as well as with elections of former Czechoslovak presidents

    Economics of Communist and Capitalist Dictatorships (M. Olson)

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    teorie verejné volby; plánované ekonomiky; ekonomický rust

    Heat exchangers for heating

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    Tepelné výměníky jsou důležitou součástí při přenosu tepla mezi dvěmi látkami. Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou volby tepelných výměníků. Je rozdělena na dvě části. V první teoretické části jsou uvedena základní kritéria volby tepelných výměníků. V části druhé se seznámíme s praktickým využitím tepelných výměníků ve vytápěcích jednotkách či konvektorech.The Heat exchangers are important part in the energy transfer between two substances. Bachelor’s thesis deals with the problems of the option of the heat exchangers. It seperated into two parts. In the first theoretic part there are shown the basic criteria of this option. The next part deals with the most frequent types of usage of heating units or convectors.

    “We are poor,” the Czechs have realized with horror

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    An analysis of a debate which took place in the Czech Republic in February-March 2017 after the Czech social democratic Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka proposed to increase taxes for "rich people" (i.e. those who earn more than £ 20 000 pounds sterling annually) and the public realised that there are only 9 per cent of such people in the country

    Střet katolických a pokrokářských stran

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    Kapitola se soustřeďuje na vesměs zapomenutou etapu české historie, kdy byla parlamentní dolní komora volena většinovým volebním systémem, a sice na dvoje první všeobecné parlamentní volby před vypuknutím první světové války. Na příkladu střetu katolických a pokrokářských stran řeší otázku, jaké důsledky měl použitý většinový volební systém s formulí absolutní většiny na reprezentaci politicky ostře profilovaných táborů.Kapitola se soustřeďuje na vesměs zapomenutou etapu české historie, kdy byla parlamentní dolní komora volena většinovým volebním systémem, a sice na dvoje první všeobecné parlamentní volby před vypuknutím první světové války. Na příkladu střetu katolických a pokrokářských stran řeší otázku, jaké důsledky měl použitý většinový volební systém s formulí absolutní většiny na reprezentaci politicky ostře profilovaných táborů.The chapter focuses on the phase of Czech history, when the house of representatives of Cisleithan Parliament was elected by majority electoral system, namely at the two first general parliamentary elections before the First World War. At the example of conflict between catholic and progressive parties is solved the question what consequences had a majority electoral system

    Limits of the applicability of the social structural model in Czech rural areas

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    This article focuses on the voting behaviour of citizens in rural areas of the Czech Republic. Within the theoretical embodiment of the relationships between the individual in a social structure and voting behaviour, a so-called social-structural model for voting behaviour is often mentioned. However, when explaining the behaviour of the voting behaviour of citizens living under the conditions of the Czech Republic the applicability of this model is of course disputable. Due to the predominant inconsistencies of the social status of citizens of rural areas, it is not at all possible to determine the hypothesis of the applicability of a social-structural model of voting behaviour for citizens living in the conditions of the Czech rural countryside. The aim of this article is, through a case study of Zatec region, to prove the predominant (in)consistency of the social status of the given population.Social structural model, voting behaviour, class identification, rural areas, social status, status (in)consistencies, left-wing right-wing continuum, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, GA, IN,

    Towards authoritarianism. Internal situation in the Slovak Republic (1994-1998)

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    This article discusses the internal situation of the Slovak Republic in the years 1994-1998, the period in which the country was governed by the coalition of Movement for Democratic Slovakia, the Slovak National Party and the Slovak Workers’ Association, and the prime minister was Vladimir Meciar. The main objective of the research was to analyse the actions undertaken by the coalition government in the context of violations of civil and political rights and freedoms, which could indicate an authoritarian way of exercising power and the dismantling of a democratic state of law. In the analysed period, the role of the parliamentary and nonparliamentary opposition was marginalised, the role of the media limited, the rights of national and ethnic minorities violated. There was also an ongoing, sharp conflict between Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar and President Michal Kovac. The effect of this governance was the union of almost all political forces and seizure of power after the elections in 1998. In order to answer the research questions, the author used the method of institutional and legal analysis, decision analysis and the statistical method. The research confirmed the hypothesis that, against the background of other Visegrad Group countries, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, in the case of Slovakia there were many instances of human rights violations in the period analysed. This led to the drastic deterioration of bilateral relations with many countries and the slowdown of Slovakia’s accession to the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union