9,148 research outputs found

    Odhad dopadů Brexitu na veřejné finance Spojeného království

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    Because of the black swan events happened on 2016 which is the United King voted to exit the European Union, many aspects of political and economic life would be affected. One of those would be the UK’s public finances which happen in a direct way. At the same time here are also a lot of negotiations to discuss which path they chose would be the win-win pattern for the UK and EU. In this paper, I consider both the possible direct and indirect consequences of a brexit for the UK’s public finances and the fiscal performance. My objective of this thesis is to provide the analysis of brexit consequences with the main focus on evaluating the effects on UK public finance. I look at the direct effects for the different aspects like economic, movement of people, investment from outside and the budget contribution to EU. Those fours factors are not only mainly factors for UK's future development but also will influence the EU even whole world economic reaction. I use some considerable literature and results from modelling the possible economic consequences of leaving the EU. So I list some choices also the possible scenarios which are post- brexit main originations play an important role in international business and UK's probably decisions. Were they to leave the EU and not join the European Economic Area (EEA) or similar arrangement, these effects are fairly clear. I list some possible economy models to analysis the pros and cons, comparing with the most credible independent economic forecasts to look at these possible models and public finance outcomes. The market's focus on brexit is mainly in the short term; but from a long-term perspective, the European Union, the European relations, the world economy, global financial markets and the future development prospect of EU's economic and financial have brought the influence of different level because it a world wise decision . So the conclusion for this brexit decision and my personal opinion that I figure out for the majority of businesses in Britain the possibility the UK might leave the European Union –Brexit –is a major source of concern. Both the break with the EU and the uncertainty associated with it would be bad for business and damaging to the UK economy. A great deal has now been written on the economic consequences for the UK of Brexit. Some of this is impartial; much of it is partisan. The heart of this paper are the analysis and the different channels of impact. For each I consider in turn the impact on the UK and on the rest of the EU. In conclude that while the biggest impact of brexit would be on the UK, there can be little doubt that there will also be a significant impact on the rest of the EU.Because of the black swan events happened on 2016 which is the United King voted to exit the European Union, many aspects of political and economic life would be affected. One of those would be the UK’s public finances which happen in a direct way. At the same time here are also a lot of negotiations to discuss which path they chose would be the win-win pattern for the UK and EU. In this paper, I consider both the possible direct and indirect consequences of a brexit for the UK’s public finances and the fiscal performance. My objective of this thesis is to provide the analysis of brexit consequences with the main focus on evaluating the effects on UK public finance. I look at the direct effects for the different aspects like economic, movement of people, investment from outside and the budget contribution to EU. Those fours factors are not only mainly factors for UK's future development but also will influence the EU even whole world economic reaction. I use some considerable literature and results from modelling the possible economic consequences of leaving the EU. So I list some choices also the possible scenarios which are post- brexit main originations play an important role in international business and UK's probably decisions. Were they to leave the EU and not join the European Economic Area (EEA) or similar arrangement, these effects are fairly clear. I list some possible economy models to analysis the pros and cons, comparing with the most credible independent economic forecasts to look at these possible models and public finance outcomes. The market's focus on brexit is mainly in the short term; but from a long-term perspective, the European Union, the European relations, the world economy, global financial markets and the future development prospect of EU's economic and financial have brought the influence of different level because it a world wise decision . So the conclusion for this brexit decision and my personal opinion that I figure out for the majority of businesses in Britain the possibility the UK might leave the European Union –Brexit –is a major source of concern. Both the break with the EU and the uncertainty associated with it would be bad for business and damaging to the UK economy. A great deal has now been written on the economic consequences for the UK of Brexit. Some of this is impartial; much of it is partisan. The heart of this paper are the analysis and the different channels of impact. For each I consider in turn the impact on the UK and on the rest of the EU. In conclude that while the biggest impact of brexit would be on the UK, there can be little doubt that there will also be a significant impact on the rest of the EU.154 - Katedra financídobř

    The efficiency and public transport accessibility of indirect state administration in the Czech Republic

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    This paper examines the efficiency and public transport accessibility of indirect (devolved) state administration performed by municipalities with extended powers (hereinafter MEPs) in the Czech Republic. Our aim is to evaluate the efficiency of the revenues made by municipalities with extended powers, through performing powers delegated to them by the state administration, and those municipalities' public transport accessibility as of 31 December, 2014. The rate of efficiency is tested on an output-oriented Free Disposable Hull model. One input variable is selected - the operating expenses of the municipal offices recalculated per inhabitant of the municipality's administrative district - and two output variables are selected: contribution to the performance of state administration, recalculated per inhabitant of the municipality's administrative district, and revenues from administrative fees per inhabitant of the municipality's administrative district. The municipality's offices' transport accessibility is evaluated via network analysis using ArcGIS software. The article investigates the hypothesis that public administration deconcentration practices logically result in higher security costs and therefore inefficiency. The results reveal that only 66 of the country's 205 MEPs are efficient and that operating expenses and state contributions for the performance of state administrative tasks play a significant role in these results. Efficiency is less significantly influenced by administrative fee revenues. Public transport accessibility is analyzed for two time intervals - 6: 00 to 8: 00 am and 1: 00 to 2: 00 pm - on Tuesdays. The degree of accessibility is defined using a six-point scale of accessibility. The results show that the best accessibility is in the morning hours, when the offices are accessible for 68.8% of the population aged 15+ in the Czech Republic; the worst accessibility is in the afternoon hours when only 2% of the population aged 15+ can access the offices.Web of Science16215613

    European Union and Globalisation

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    Globalizace se odehrává v prostoru, ve kterém je nyní nové řízení moci a kde jsou nové struktury, které zaručují občanům jejích práva. Základní jev demokratické vlády není specificky evropský; je to všeobecný jev vztahující se ke globalizaci. Prohlubování ekonomické integrace omezilo jak obsahově tak formálně autonomii svrchovaných států v záležitostech ekonomické politiky. Nadstátní instituce, které nahrazují národní vlády, suverénním státům ve vzestupné míře odebírají základní nástroje ekonomické regulace v zájmu celého společenství. Globalizace se uskutečňuje v prostoru, ve kterém je nyní nová forma vlády a přicházejí nové struktury, které zajišťují občanská práva.Globalisation takes place in a space where there is now new control of power and there are new structures which guarantee the rights of citizens. The essential phenomenon of democratic governance is not specifically European; it is a general phenomenon relating to globalisation. Deepening economic integration has restricted, both substantively and formally, the autonomy of sovereign states in matters of economic policy. The supranational institutions which are replacing national governments increasingly take away the basis of economic regulation from sovereign states in name of interest of the Communities. Globalisation takes place in a space where there is now new control of power and there are new structures which guarantee the rights of citizens

    Financial Assurance of Public Investment Project

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    V diplomové práci je popsáno finanční zajištění veřejného investičního projektu. Teoretická část je zaměřena na objasnění základních pojmů z oblasti veřejných projektů. Dále jsou popsány způsoby, kterými je možné veřejné projekty financovat. Praktická část se zabývá nalezením vhodných způsobů financování projektu rekonstrukce silnice II/422 v průtahu obcí Svatobořice – Mistřín a jejich porovnání.In the master's thesis there is described financial assurance of public investment project. The teoretical part part focuses on clarifying the basic concepts of public project . There are described ways in which it is possible to finance public projects. The practical part deals with finding appropriate ways of project financing of road reconstruction II/422 delay the village Svatobořice – Mistřín and their comparison.

    Hodnocení prvního roku existence datových schránek

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    The paper deals with data boxes information system as the new electronic public service created within the e-Government in the Czech Republic. First there is presented development of electronic communications in public administration, which resulted in the introduction of this new e-Government tool. Evaluation of the first year of the data boxes is done from four angles: from the perspective of implementation of data boxes information system, from the perspective of legal impacts, from the perspective of changes of processes and from the perspective of economic impacts

    Přístupy k vymezení pojmu „Initial Public Offering“ a návrh jeho českého ekvivalentu

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    V článku jsou představeny výsledky komparativní analýzy zahraničních definicí pojmu „Initial Public Offering“ a vymezeny odlišnosti od soudobého přístupu k tomuto pojmu v české literatuře. Na základě získaných poznatků je navržen český ekvivalent pro „Initial Public Offering“, který respektuje jeho hlavní význam a podstatu

    Metoda a ekonomické limity regulace ve finančním právu

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    Hlavním cílem práce bylo identifikovat metodu regulace ve finančním právu a pojednat o jednotlivých oblastech finančního práva. Dalším cílem bylo vybrat základní ekonomické instituty, kterých stát užívá při plnění svých funkcí nebo které ovlivňují svojí regulací. Třetím cílem bylo určit sociologické metody, konkrétně metody kvantitativního a kvalitativního výzkumu, které lze využít při úvahách de lege ferenda. Publikace je výstupem dvouleté výzkumné činnosti v projektech specifického výzkumu Masarykovy univerzity Metoda a ekonomické limity regulace ve finančním právu (2012) a Metoda a ekonomické limity regulace ve finančním právu II (2013).The main goal of the work has been to identify the method of legal regulation in financial law relations and to discuss certain segments of financial law. The second goal has been to select the basic economic institutes used by the state for fulfilling its tasks or affected by the state through its regulation. The third goal has been to assess the sociological methods including the methods of the quantitative and qualitative research that may be used for de lege ferenda discussions. The publication is the output of the two-years research activities in the specific research projects Method and economic limits of regulation in financial law (2012) and Method and economic limits of regulation in financial law II (2013)

    Activities and Financial Management of the Energy Regulatory Office

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    Import 02/11/2016Bakalářská práce se zabývá činnostmi a hospodařením Energetického regulačního úřadu. Cílem je analýza činností a hospodaření Energetického regulačního úřadu v včetně jejího zhodnocení. Pro splnění cíle je použita metoda popisná, metoda analýzy a komparace. Práce je rozdělena do pěti kapitol. První a poslední kapitoly jsou úvod a závěr. Druhá kapitola pojednává o veřejné správě spolu s energetikou z teoretického hlediska. V části veřejná správa jsou řešeny základní pojmy a rozdělení a v oblasti energetiky je pojednáno zejména o zdrojích energie. Ve třetí kapitole je řešena praktická část. Jedná se o přístup Energetického regulačního úřadu k trhu s energiemi, jeho činnosti a hospodaření. Ve čtvrté kapitole jsou zhodnoceny zjištěné výsledky a navrhnuta doporučení.Bachelor thesis focuses on activities and financial management of the Energy Regulatory Office. The aim is to analyze the activities and financial management of the Energy Regulatory Office, including in its evaluation. To meet the objective there are used methods of description, analysis and comparison. The thesis is devided into five chapters. The first and last are an introduction and conclusion. The second chapter focuses on public administration along with energetics from a theoretical perspective. In the public administration there are dealt basic concepts and distribution and the energetics concentrates mainly on energy resources. The third chapter is dealt with practical part. It is about an approach of the Energy Regulatory Office in energy market, its activities and financial management. In the fourth chapter, there is evaluated the results and suggested recommendations.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikydobř

    e-Government - kvalita poskytovaných služeb

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    Information and communication technologies present an opportunity to create modern and efficient public administration offering new or enhanced services. There are possibilities of technology on the one hand, amd particular utilization in the second hand. This contribution summarizes some results of the FES project "e-Government and the specific target populations groups", which students FES were involved in