404,270 research outputs found

    Prevention of urinary tract infection in spinal cord-injured patients: safety and efficacy of a weekly oral cyclic antibiotic (WOCA) programme with a 2 year follow-up--an observational prospective study.

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    POPULATION: Spinal cord injury (SCI) patients with neurogenic bladder have an increased risk for symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI). Recurrent UTI requires multiple courses of antibiotic therapy, markedly increasing the incidence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. METHODS: During an observational prospective study, we determined the safety and efficacy of a weekly oral cyclic antibiotic (WOCA) regimen to prevent UTI in SCI adult patients with neurogenic bladder undergoing clean intermittent catheterization. The WOCA regimen consisted of the alternate administration of an antibiotic once per week over a period of at least 2 years. The antibiotics chosen were efficient for UTI, well tolerated and with low selection pressure. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in antimicrobial consumption linked to the dramatic decrease in the incidence of UTI. Before intervention, there were 9.4 symptomatic UTIs per patient-year, including 197 episodes of febrile UTI responsible for 45 hospitalizations. Under the WOCA regimen there were 1.8 symptomatic UTIs per patient-year, including 19 episodes of febrile UTI. No severe adverse events and no new cases of colonization with MDR bacteria were reported. CONCLUSIONS: In this prospective, observational pilot study a novel approach to the prevention and treatment of UTI in SCI was investigated. Our study shows the benefit of WOCA in preventing UTI in SCI patients


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    Penelitian ini mengangkat permasalahan yang masih sering dijumpai pada siswa pada saat proses pembelajaran dikelas, yaitu kurang aktifnya siswa, dan tidak adanya minat belajar siswa, serta malas berpikir secara mandiri maupun kelompok. Hal ini menyebabkan anak mengalami kesulitan belajar yang berpengaruh pada hasil belajar siswa, sehingga diperlukan pendekatan pembelajaran yang dapat mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa dikelas. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah menerapkan pendekatan konstruktivisme untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA tentang energi panas siswa SD kelas IV. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang bertujuan untuk memperbaiki pengajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru di kelas, metode ini dilakukan dalam beberapa siklus, setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes dan observasi. Hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA tentang energi panas dengan menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme ini membuat siswa mengalami peningkatan dalam hasil tes belajar. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari proses pembelajaran dari mulai pra siklus sampai dengan siklus II. Meskipun dari pra siklus sampai siklus I siswa masih belum mencapai nilai KKM, tetapi peningkatan nilai dari pra siklus sampai siklus I mengalami perubahan, yaitu pra siklus dengan nilai rata-rata 55,80 dan meningkat pada siklus I dengan nilai rata-rata yang diperoleh 66,45. Peningkatan pada siklus II yaitu dengan mendapatkan nilai rata-rata 76,12. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan konstruktivisme dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA tentang “energi panas”. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme pada pembelajaran IPA tentang energi panas dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan juga membuat siswa menjadi lebih aktif, kreatif, mandiri, percaya diri berani mengungkapkan pendapatnya baik individu maupun kelompok. Dengan demikian penelitian ini dapat direkomendasikan kepada guru dan kepala sekolah guna mengatasi kesulitan belajar dan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa sesuai dengan mutu yang diharapkan

    Rapid tests and urine sampling techniques for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) in children under five years: a systematic review

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    Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common sources of infection in children under five. Prompt diagnosis and treatment is important to reduce the risk of renal scarring. Rapid, cost-effective, methods of UTI diagnosis are required as an alternative to culture. Methods: We conducted a systematic review to determine the diagnostic accuracy of rapid tests for detecting UTI in children under five years of age. Results: The evidence supports the use of dipstick positive for both leukocyte esterase and nitrite (pooled LR+ = 28.2, 95% CI: 17.3, 46.0) or microscopy positive for both pyuria and bacteriuria (pooled LR+ = 37.0, 95% CI: 11.0, 125.9) to rule in UTI. Similarly dipstick negative for both LE and nitrite (Pooled LR- = 0.20, 95% CI: 0.16, 0.26) or microscopy negative for both pyuria and bacteriuria (Pooled LR- = 0.11, 95% CI: 0.05, 0.23) can be used to rule out UTI. A test for glucose showed promise in potty-trained children. However, all studies were over 30 years old. Further evaluation of this test may be useful. Conclusion: Dipstick negative for both LE and nitrite or microscopic analysis negative for both pyuria and bacteriuria of a clean voided urine, bag, or nappy/pad specimen may reasonably be used to rule out UTI. These patients can then reasonably be excluded from further investigation, without the need for confirmatory culture. Similarly, combinations of positive tests could be used to rule in UTI, and trigger further investigation

    An Analysis of Teaching Strategies at Islamic Boarding School Pondok Madani Used on Negeri 5 Menara Movie

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    The aims of this study were to find out teaching strategies applied at Pondok Madani on “ Negeri 5 Menara” movie, and to reveal the teaching strategies that assist the students to reach their academic success. The method used in this research is a library research. The subject of this research was “ Negeri 5 Menara” movie, and the object was teaching strategies in the movie of Negeri 5 Menara. The method of data collection was documentation. The writer used content analysis to analyze the data since the data were taken from words and dialogues of the movie. To present the result of this research, the writer used theory of Wandberg and Rohwer “ Active Teaching Strategies and Learning Activities”. The result of the research showed that there are seven teaching strategies practiced at Pondok Madani. Those are building teamwork, critical explanation, demonstration, field studies, lecture, role play, and think alouds. The teacher in this movie select and apply apprioate teaching strategies, it will help student in developing knowledge obtained and academic skills. Thus, movie is inspiring and suggested to be watched. In addition, future teachers and teachers can adapt the teaching strategy and incorporate into the classroom


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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan jenis dan dosis herbisida Oksifluorfen dan Pendimethalin yang tepat serta interaksi antara keduanya terhadap hasil tanaman kedelai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai Agustus 2019 di Desa Rumpeet dan Laboratorium Ilmu Gulma Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola faktorial 2 x 5 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor yang diteliti yaitu jenis herbisida yang terdiri dari 2 taraf (Oksifluorfen dan Pendimethalin) dan dosis herbisida yang terdiri dari 5 taraf (Kontrol, 0,5, 1, 1,5 dan 2 kg b.a ha-1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis herbisida berpengaruh terhadap bobot kering gulma dan jumlah biji per tanaman. Perlakuan terbaik dijumpai pada jenis herbisida oksifluorfen. Dosis herbisida berpengaruh terhadap bobot kering gulma dan bobot 100 butir. Dosis herbisida sebanyak 0,5 kg b.a ha-1 dapat menurunkan bobot kering gulma dan dosis herbisida sebanyak 2 kg b.a ha-1 dapat meningkatkan bobot 100 butir. Terdapat interaksi antara jenis dan dosis herbisida terhadap jumlah polong per tanaman. Perlakuan terbaik dijumpai pada kombinasi herbisida oksifluorfen dengan dosis 1,5 kg b.a ha-1.Kata kunci : Herbisida Oksifluorfen, Herbisida Pendimethalin, Dosis, Hasil Kedelai.Abstract. The Research aimed to obtain the right type and suitable dosage of herbicides oxyfluorphene and pendimethalin as well as the interaction between the two of soybean crop yields. The research was conducted in May to August 2019 in the Rumpeet Village and the Laboratory of Weed Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Syiah Kuala. The design of research was conducting use a randomized block design 2 x 5 factorial with 3 replications. Factors studied were the type of herbicide that consist of 2 levels (Oxyfluorphene and Pendimethalin) and the dose of herbicides that consist of 5 levels ( Control 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 kg a.i ha-1). The Result showed that the type of herbicide has affect the dry weight of weed and number of seeds per plant. The best treatment is found in the type of oxyfluorphene herbicide. Herbicide dose influences the weed dry weight and the weight of 100 grains. Herbicides dosage as much 0.5 kg a.i ha-1 can reduce weed dry weight and herbicide dose as much as 2 kg a.i ha-1 can increase the weight of 100 grains. There was an interactions between type and dosage of herbicides on the number of pods per plant. The Best Treatment found was found in a combination of herbicide Oxyfluorphene at a dose 1,5 Kg b.a ha-1.Keywords : Oxyfluorphene Herbicide, Pendimethalin Herbicide, Dose, Yields of Soybea

    Increased human pathogenic potential of Escherichia coli from polymicrobial urinary tract infections in comparison to isolates from monomicrobial culture samples

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    The current diagnostic standard procedure outlined by the Health Protection Agency for urinary tract infections (UTIs) in clinical laboratories does not report bacteria isolated from samples containing three or more different bacterial species. As a result many UTIs go unreported and untreated, particularly in elderly patients, where polymicrobial UTI samples are especially prevalent. This study reports the presence of the major uropathogenic species in mixed culture urine samples from elderly patients, and of resistance to front-line antibiotics, with potentially increased levels of resistance to ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim. Most importantly, the study highlights that Escherichia coli present in polymicrobial UTI samples are statistically more invasive (P<0.001) in in vitro epithelial cell infection assays than those isolated from monomicrobial culture samples. In summary, the results of this study suggest that the current diagnostic standard procedure for polymicrobial UTI samples needs to be reassessed, and that E. coli present in polymicrobial UTI samples may pose an increased risk to human health

    Aetiology, Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Predictors of\ud Urinary Tract Infection among Febrile Under-Fives at\ud Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam-Tanzania

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    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common cause of fever in children and contributes to morbidity and mortality. This study aimed at determining prevalence, aetiology and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the isolates at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH), Dar es Salaam- Tanzania. Demographic data were collected using a pretested questionnaire. 382 febrile children below five years admitted in the general paediatric wards were recruited. Urine specimens were obtained for urinalysis, culture and antimicrobial sensitivity testing. UTI was detected in 16.8% (64/382). Children who presented prolonged duration of fever (7 days or longer) were more likely to have UTI (p< 0.01). Duration of fever, positive leukocyte and nitrite tests were independent predictors of UTI. Isolated bacteria included Escherichia coli (39.1%), Klebsiella spp (31.2%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (6.2%), Staphylococcus aureus (4.7%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4.7%). We observed high resistance of the isolated uropathogens to ampicillin (79.9%), co-trimoxazole (89%) and clavulanate-amoxillin (70.3%). Amikacin had the least resistance (12.5%) from the isolated pathogens

    survey of urinary tract infection in out-patient and in-patient diabetic patient and compare its microbial pattern and in antibiotic resistance in non diabetic patient with UTI in Ardabil city in 2007

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    Introduction: there are many document that indicate diabetic patients have risk of bacteriuria and these patients have risk to UTI.UTI although occur in diabetic patients have danger compared to non diabetic patients .the goal of this survey is determine of UTI in diabetic patients and descript of antibiotic sensivity. Material & Methods : this is a descriptive study, which is performed upon 1060 patients in one year period in2007.All of patients have urine Analysis and urine culture. Result analyzed using spss.13. Results: In this study 425 diabetic patients and 635 non diabetic patients examined. prevalence of UTI in diabetic patients was 21.6% and Asymptomatic bacteriuria was 76%.E-coli was the most causes of UTI in diabetic and non diabetic paitient.However,the most sensivity was to ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxon; the less sensivity was to ampicillin. Conclusion: In this study, prevalence of UTI in diabetic patients was 21.6% that is already high so, prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuia was higher than other studies. Due to the result of this study suggest that in UTI, always act as complicated UTI

    The influence of cartoons as instructional medium on secondary school students academic performance in fine arts in Cross river state

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    This study examined the influence of cartoon strips as instructional medium on the academic performance of secondary school students in Cross River State. The instrument used was a structured Achievement Test in Fine Arts (SATFA). The sample used consisted of 46 Junior Secondary School two students. SATFA was analyzed using the independent t-test, because the control and experimental groups were equivalent before the experiment. Result obtained from this study led to the rejection of the null hypothesis, because cartoon strips as an instructional medium impacted on the academic performance of students. From this result a few recommendations were made to include the innovative use of cartoon strips as an instructional medium in secondary schools