37 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Open Source Software (Oss) Di Rumah Sakit (Sirs)

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    Penggunaan open source software (OSS) merupakan sebuah pilihan yang diambil oleh rumah sakit untuk menghemat anggaran dan kemudahan dalam pengembangan sistem informasi rumah sakit (SIRS). Penggunaan OSS juga mendukung program pemerintah “Indonesia Goes Open Source”. Sayangnya masih sedikit bukti seberapa jauh OSS digunakan di fasilitas kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana OSS di rumah sakit dan bagaimana OSS digunakan untuk pengembangan SIRS pada rumah sakit yang ada di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus, mengunakan tipe multikasus holistik. Proses pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen observasi dan wawancara. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah manajer, staff dan programmer pada unit teknologi informasi di 3(tiga sampel) rumah sakit dengan karakteristik yang berbeda. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa OSS telah digunakan rumah sakit baik untuk kegiatan umum maupun khusus, yaitu pengembangan SIRS. Faktor biaya secara umum bukan merupakan faktor utama ketika memutuskan untuk mengunakan OSS padapengembangan SIRS. Peran vendor yang memiliki komitmen dalam pengembangan SIRS berbasis OSS berpengaruh terhadap keberlangsungan SIRS di rumah saki. Selain itu transfer pengetahuan dan dukungan dari universitas juga merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keputusan rumah sakit dalam penggunaan OSS untuk pengembangan SIRS


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    Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, Teknologi dalam dunia kesehatan juga terus berkembang.dalam hal ini, sebuah istilah yang disebut dengan “Telemedicine” atau metode pengobatan jarak jauh muncul. Meskipun baru saja populer dalam beberapa tahun belakangan, istilah “Telemedicine” pertama kali disebut padah tahun 1970. WHO atau World Health Organization mendefinisikan Telemedicine sebagai pelayanan kesehatan menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk mengdiagnosa, mengobati, mencegah, dan mengevaluasi kondisi kesehatan seseorang yang bertempat tinggal di daerah terpencil dan tidak mempunyai fasilitas kesehatan di sekitarnya, jadi pasien hanya perlu bermodal ponsel pintar dan tidak perlu lagi menemui dokter. Meskipun teknologi dalam dunia kedokteran sudah sedemikian canggih, seseorang yang berprofesi sebagai dokter tidak luput dengan kelalaian atau malpraktek. Lalu apa upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh pasien yang mengalami tindak pidana malpraktek yang dilakukan oleh dokter dalam metode online atau telemedicine ini menurut Kode etik Kedokteran

    The adequacy of telemedicine act relating to liability of telemedicine practitioners in Malaysia: a comparative study with telemedicine law of California, Usa / Nurul Fatihah Norull Bahri Saiful Abadi…[et al.].

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    Telemedicine is newly practiced in Malaysia. This research focuses on the adequacy of Telemedicine law in Malaysia in governing liability of telemedicine practitioners. For this purpose, the relevant provisions in the Malaysian Telemedicine Act 1997 are reviewed. There are loopholes in the existing law that can be improved in order for the Government to achieve efficacy in practicing telemedicine. The new hack of proper procedures and approaches greatly affect the legal implications on the liability of telemedicine practitioners. To improve the law in Malaysia, a comparative analysis of the study is made with the Telemedicine Law in the California, USA. The research proposed the amendment of the Malaysian Telemedicine Act 1997


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    This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the use of telemedicine media according to the positive laws that apply in Indonesia and Malaysia. This study uses normative juridical research methods using secondary data. The results of the study show that the use of telemedicine media based on Law Number 20 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Telemedicine Services Between Health Service Facilities is only limited to Health Service Facilities. Meanwhile in Malaysia based on the Telemedicine ACT 1997 the use of telemedicine media is only for medical practitioners who have telemedicine certificates. Conclusion in Indonesia and Malaysia have similarities and differences in the use of telemedicine media. Laws governing health care need to be updated both from data privacy laws and the use of telemedicine media. Keywords: Telemedicine; Indonesia; Malaysi

    COVID-19 restrictive control measures and maternal, sexual and reproductive health issues: risk of a double tragedy for women in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Governments in sub-Saharan Africa implemented restrictive measures, including lockdowns, to curb the spread of COVID-19, without measures to protect women and girls. Evidence from previous humanitarian crises in resource-limited settings in sub-Saharan Africa indicates that these populations may suffer disproportionately from the effects of the restrictive control measures, owing to differential access to services, including maternal, sexual and reproductive health services. These services are time-sensitive, and delays and disruptions introduced by the restrictive measures may result in adverse consequences, including increased maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Therefore, governments must find ways of ensuring continuity of these essential services during pandemic times, in a conducive environment, protective to both care providers and care seekers. Surveillance of the impact of the pandemic must be ongoing to inform practice and refine public health interventions, as the indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic might be worse than the direct effects

    Considerations for Management of Longitudinal Melanonychia During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Perspective

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    To the editor: 34 Longitudinal melanonychia (LM) is the presenting sign of nail unit melanoma (NUM) in 2/3 35 of cases and is therefore among the most important conditions managed by dermatologists. In 36 normal times, referral for LM would prompt an expedited appointment for clinical 37 examination and dermoscopy.1 However, due to SARS-CoV-2, dermatologists have been 38 asked to reconsider “urgent/emergency” conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled 39 physicians to unexpectedly adopt telemedicine without adequate guidance for managing LM 40 patients

    Forensic telepsychiatry : a possible solution for South Africa?

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    Objective: South Africa has a shortage of facilities and psychiatrists to assess adjudicative competence of prisoners awaiting assessment under sections 77 to 79 of the Criminal Procedures Act of 1977. Various solutions have been proposed by the Department of Health. The recent linking of a Magistrate’s court and a prison by videoconferencing offers the opportunity to implement a forensic telepsychiatry service. The literature on forensic telepsychiatry for assessment of adjudicative competence was reviewed. Method: The electronic databases, PubMed, Scopus, Cinahl and Google Scholar were searched for papers on forensic telepsychiatry. The inclusion criterion was papers reporting the use of videoconferencing for assessment of adjudicative competence or for assessment for referral out of the judicial system, by psychiatrists or psychologists. Results: 411 papers were found of which 13, published between 1997 and 2008 were relevant. The use of videoconferencing for forensic psychiatric assessment was reported from four countries. The courts in those jurisdictions have accepted the use of videoconferencing for assessment and no successful appeals have been mounted on the basis of the use of videoconferencing for assessment. User satisfaction has not been reported for assessing adjudicative competence. Forensic telepsychiatry has been found to be cost effective, improve access to scarce specialist skills and reduce transport of prisoners under guard to hospitals or psychiatrists to prisons. Conclusion: There is nothing in the literature to suggest that a forensic telepsychiatry service is not feasible in South Africa and a pilot project is being planned.Keywords: Videoconferencing; Telemedicine; Forensic psychiatry; South Afric


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    COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new type of corona virus, namely Sars-CoV-2. The worsening of the corona virus outbreak requires the government to take a stance so that each individual applies health protocols. Based on data from the UPT Puskesmas Simpang Limun in Medan City, the accumulated number of covid patients from March to July 2020 recorded 21 positive people for Covid-19, 2 people died and 19 people recovered. This study aims to analyze people's behavior in applying health protocols related to Covid-19 in Sudirejo Village, Medan City. This qualitative research was conducted from August to September 2020. Data was collected by conducting interviews and documentation of 8 informants. Data were analyzed using interactive analysis by Miles and Huberman. The results showed that public knowledge in implementing health protocols was still low, people's attitudes were also negative, because they thought that Covid-19 was an issue, besides that there were still many people who had not implemented health protocols. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the application of health protocols is closely related to people's knowledge, attitudes and actions. Therefore it is advisable for the Covid-19 task force to post Covid-19 prevention education posters in each region with a design that attracts attention so that people who do not use social media can read from the poster so that the public can add insight into health protocols related to covid-19


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    Akses layanan kesehatan di Indonesia masih menjadi suatu permasalahan yang memerlukan solusi nyata sehingga dalam hal ini pemerintah merumuskan berbagai kebijakan guna terlaksananya akses kesehatan yang merata bagi penduduk. Solusi atas kemudahan akses layanan kesehatan dengan hadirnya telemedicine yang di dalamnya terdapat layanan penyelenggara sistem elektronik farmasi. Pedoman pelaksanaan legal compliance keberadaan penyedia layanan elektronik farmasi yang telah terdaftar di Indonesia dan penerapan tanggung jawab hukum penyedia layanan elektronik farmasi. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan yuridis normatif, dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach). Keberadaan penyelenggara layanan elektronik farmasi telah melaksanakan legal compliance hingga memperoleh izin dari Kementerian Kesehatan dan tanggung jawab hukum yang diberikan oleh penyedia layanan tertuang dalam syarat ketentuan pada laman situs