650,459 research outputs found

    Independence Relations Students And Role Of Parents With Students Decision Class X1 In Selecting Programs In SMA N 1 Tuleh Mountain West Pasaman

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    This research was motivated by the number of high school students who can not make their own decisions in choosing majors , one reason is the lack of independence of the students so easily influenced by lingkungan.tujuan of this study was to determine the relationship of independence and the role of parents of students with decision x1 grade students in select majors type of research used in this research is ex post facto correlational approach and methods used quantitative methods . The place of research in SMA N 1 Mount Tuleh districts Tuleh Mountain West Pasaman district . As the informant or informants in this study were high school students N 1 Mount Tuleh many as 90 people . Data collection tool used was through a questionnaire , with a sampling Probability sampling techniques . There results showed that the positive and significant relationship between students independence and the role of parents and students in choosing a major decision at SMAN 1 Mount Tuleh . It is evident from the sig < α ( 0.000 < 0.05 ) Based on these results , it is recommended that students should be able to be independent , as well as the parents as the people closest to the child should be able to direct and guide the child when the child found it difficult to make decisions.Keywords : selecting majors, students, paren


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    This research purposed to describe the increased independence and learning achievement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) student through utilization ICT module in X grade student SMA N 1 Ngemplak. This research was an classroom action research held in 2 cycles, each cycle includes four phases of activities, i.e: 1) Planning, 2) Implementation Measures, 3) observation, and 4) Reflection. These research subject were XC grade student SMA N 1 Ngemplak academic year 2011/2012. Data collection technique used observation, tests, interviews and field notes. The research instrument in the form of evaluation tests, observation sheets, interview and field notes. Data analysis in this research using descriptive statistical analysis. The data have been collected are classified into two groups: quantitative and qualitative data. The results showed an increase independence learning Information and Communication Technology XC grade students by using ICT module, the increase can be seen from the increasing number of students who obtained a score of independence learning at intervals over which the interval 22.5 - 26.4 from 0 students (0%) in Cycle 1, increased to 3 students (6%) in cycle 2 and in the interval 18.5 - 22.4 from 3 students (8%) in cycle 1 increased by 22 students (61%) in cycle 2. The results of evaluation tests showed an increase in student achievement, the first cycle of evaluation results show that the average value of the class has increased from 83 in the first cycle and then increased to 93 on the second cycle. Whereas the value of standard deviation in the first cycle of 10 down to 8 on the second cycle. Significant deterioration in the standard deviation can narrow the range of values between high and low so that the value of students in class become more homogeneous. Based on the results of these research concluded that there is increased independence and achievement learning ICT XC grade students through utilization of ICT module. Keywords: Increased Independence Learning, Learning Achievement, Module ICT

    Improving The Quality Of Learning In Geometry Transformation Course To Encourage Students Learning Independence Through The Lesson Study Approach

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    The quality of learning outcomes is largely determined by the quality of learning. Hence, it needs to design a learning activity that can improve the individual quality of students. One way to improve the individual quality is by supporting students to learn independently. This study aims to improve the quality of learning in Geometry Transformation course in order to encourage students to learn independently through Lesson Study approach. This study uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is conducted in four cycles. The result of this study shows that the independence of students learning from cycle one till cycle four are raising and priding. The quality of learning outcomes indicated by: (1) the completion of tasks is in the excellent category, (2) the average of test results is in good category, (3) the interaction study among students is very good, and (4) the interaction between students with teaching materials is very well. Key words: learning quality, learning independence, Lesson Stud


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    The research this purpose is: (1) the effect of motivation learning for students independence, (2) the effect of facility learning for students independence, (3) the effect of environment learning for students independence, and then the effect of motivation, facility and environment learning for students independence. This research is a quantitative research use correlational design. The population on this research it’s their students class X at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Klaten Utara, periode 2015/2016. The research sample consist of 162 students. The writer use proporsional random sampling technic. Collecting data use inquiry method and documentation method. Analysis data technic use double regression with significant standart 5%. Be based on hypotheses trial, resulting conclusion that: (1) There are effect of motivation learning for students independence, (2) There are not effect of facility learning for students independence, (3) the effect of environment learning for students independence. (4) There are effect of environment learning for students independence, and then the effect of motivation, facility and environment learning for students independenc


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    This study aims to determine the independence profile of the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Pakenjeng. The sample involved was 54 people, with the transfer technique using the learning independence questionnaire. Based on descriptive quantitative data analysis techniques obtained research results as follows the learning independence profile of students in class VIII of SMP 1 Pakenjeng depending on the medium category. Learning independence by sex comparing the learning independence of female students is better than the learning independence of male students. The results of the study of learning independence in terms of aspects of learning independence found motivation and cognitive aspects more influence the learning independence of class VIII students compared to the aspects of motivation.Keywords:  Independence of learning, junior high school student

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Missouri Mathematics Project (Mmp) Dan Model Pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Divisions (Stad) Disertai Assessment for Learning Melalui Teman Sejawat Ditinjau Dari Kemandirian Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMA Di Kabupaten

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    . The purposes of this study were to determine: (1) which has better learning achievement, students are given MMP learning model with AfL through peers, STAD with the AfL through peers, or students who were given direct learning model, (2) which has better learning achievement, students with learning independence of high, moderate or low, (3) on each learning model, which one has the better learning achievement, students with learning independence of high, moderate or low, (4) in each learning independence category, which has better learning achievement, students are given MMP learning model with AfL through peers, STAD with AfL through peers or students who given direct learning model. This study was a quasi-experimental study with a 3 x 3 factorial design. The study populations were all of grade X students of Senior High School in Bantul. Sampling was done by stratified cluster random sampling. The samples in this study amounted to 214 students with the details of 72 students for experiment 1 and 70 for experiments 2 and 72 for the control class. The data collected instrument used mathematics achievement tests and a questionnaire of student's learning independence. Based on the hypothesis testing, it can be concluded as follows. (1) Students' learning achievement treated by MMP learning model with the AfL better than students treated by STAD models with AfL and direct learning model. In addition, students' learning achievement treated by STAD model with AfL through peers better than students treated by direct learning model. (2) Students' learning achievement which has high learning independence better than students who have moderate and low independence. In addition, students who have moderate learning independence better than students who have low learning independence. (3) In the MMP learning model with the AfL through peers, STAD with AfL through peers and direct learning model, the students' learning achievement who have high learning independence better than moderate and low learning independence, in addition the students' learning achievement who have moderate learning independence better than students who have low learning independence. (4) In the learning independence category of high, moderate and low, the students' learning achievement treated by MMP with the AfL through peers better than students treated by STAD with AfL through peers and direct learning model. In addition, students' learning achievement treated by STAD with AFL through peers better than students treated by direct learning model

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share Dengan Guided Note Taking Pada Pokok Bahasan Bangun Datar Ditinjau Dari Kemandirian Belajar Pada Siswa SMP Kelas VII Di Kota Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014

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    The aim of research is to determine the effect of learning models on learning achievement viewed from students independence learning. The type of the research is a quasi-experimental. The population are the seventh grade students of junior high school at Surakarta. The sample are 268 students. Sampling is done by stratified cluster random sampling. Instruments which are used to collect data are achievement tests and questionnaire of students independence learning. Hypothesis test is two-way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of this research are as follows: 1) the TPS-GNT learning model gives better learning achievement than TPS and direct learning model, and TPS learning model gives better learning achievement than direct learning model. 2) the students with high independence learning have better learning achievement than students with medium and low independence learning, and the students with medium independence learning have better learning achievement than students with low independence learning. 3) in each learning model, the students with high, medium and low independence learning have the same learning achievement. 4) in the high independence learning, students with TPS-GNT, TPS and direct learning model have the same learning achievement, but in the medium and low independence learning, students with TPS-GNT learning model have better learning achievement than students with direct model, students with TPS-GNT and TPS learning model have the same learning achievement and students with TPS and direct learning model have the same learning achievement

    Enhancing Narrative Writing Skills in Fifth-Grade Students through Audio-Visual Learning and Independent Learning Approach

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    This study aims to measure the effect of Learning Media and Learning Independence on the Narrative Writing Ability of Grade V Students in Gugus II, Cempaka Putih District. The experimental method was used with a target population of 261 students. The sample consisted of 43 students who were given Animated Film Learning Media, divided into 22 students of high learning independence and 21 students of low learning independence, and 43 students who were given Film Learning Media, divided into 22 students of high learning independence and 21 students of low learning independence. The results showed that Narrative Writing Ability was higher in the group given Animated Film Learning Media than in Film Learning Media (Fhitung = 13.018 &gt; Ftabel = 3.96). Narrative Writing Ability is also higher in students with high independence than low independence (Fcount = 11.922 &gt; Ftable = 3.96). There is an interaction between learning media and independence in students' narrative writing ability (Fcount = 61.052 &gt; Ftable = 3.96). This research can potentially improve narrative writing learning in Class V elementary schools in Gugus II Cempaka Putih Distric

    Improving the Power Electronics Laboratory teaching/learning process: an interactive web tool

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    European Higher Education Area; Power Electronics Laboratory; educational methods Resumen: The forthcoming European Higher Education Area implies an important change in the teaching/learning process: it is necessary to get students more involved as well as to promote their independence and active participation. To achieve this objective, the new teaching methodologies aimed at more effective and appropriate learning for professional practice involve the use of audiovisual, computer and multimedia tools on the part of lecturers. Therefore, a web tool, based on a content management system, has been developed for the teaching in Power Electronics Laboratory. Moreover, the use of these multimedia tools makes possible to promote the students independence. Finally, the use of this web tool results in a very significant increase in the motivation students.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech