28,525 research outputs found

    Soleus H-reflex Excitability Changes in Response to Sinusoidal Hip Stretches in the Injured Human Spinal Cord

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    Imposed static hip stretches substantially modulate the soleus H-reflex in people with an intact or injured spinal cord while stretch of the hip flexors affect the walking pattern in lower vertebrates and humans. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of dynamic hip stretches on the soleus H-reflex in supine spinal cord injured (SCI) subjects. Sinusoidal movements were imposed on the right hip joint at 0.2 Hz by a Biodex system. H-reflexes from the soleus muscle were recorded as the leg moved in flexion or extension. Stimuli were sent only once in every hip movement cycle that each lasted 5 s. Torque responses were recorded at the hip, knee, and ankle joints. A hip phase-dependent soleus H-reflex modulation was present in all subjects. The reflex was facilitated during hip extension and suppressed during hip flexion. There were no significant differences in pre- or post-stimulus soleus background activity between the two conditions. Oscillatory responses were present as the hip was maximally flexed. Sinusoidal hip stretches modulated the soleus H-reflex in a manner similar to that previously observed following static hip stretches. The amount of reflex facilitation depended on the angle of hip extension. Further research is needed on the afferent control of spinal reflex pathways in health and disease in order to better understand the neural control of movement in humans. This will aid in the development of rehabilitation strategies to restore motor function in these patients

    Gene expression profiling in slow-Type calf soleus muscle of 30 days space-flown mice

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    Microgravity exposure as well as chronic disuse are two main causes of skeletal muscle atrophy in animals and humans. The antigravity calf soleus is a reference postural muscle to investigate the mechanism of disuse-induced maladaptation and plasticity of human and rodent (rats or mice) skeletal musculature. Here, we report microgravity-induced global gene expression changes in space-flown mouse skeletal muscle and the identification of yet unknown disuse susceptible transcripts found in soleus (a mainly slow phenotype) but not in extensor digitorum longus (a mainly fast phenotype dorsiflexor as functional counterpart to soleus). Adult C57Bl/N6 male mice (n = 5) flew aboard a biosatellite for 30 days on orbit (BION-M1 mission, 2013), a sex and age-matched cohort were housed in standard vivarium cages (n = 5), or in a replicate flight habitat as ground control (n = 5). Next to disuse atrophy signs (reduced size and myofiber phenotype I to II type shift) as much as 680 differentially expressed genes were found in the space-flown soleus, and only 72 in extensor digitorum longus (only 24 genes in common) compared to ground controls. Altered expression of gene transcripts matched key biological processes (contractile machinery, calcium homeostasis, muscle development, cell metabolism, inflammatory and oxidative stress response). Some transcripts (Fzd9, Casq2, Kcnma1, Ppara, Myf6) were further validated by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Besides previous reports on other leg muscle types we put forth for the first time a complete set of microgravity susceptible gene transcripts in soleus of mice as promising new biomarkers or targets for optimization of physical countermeasures and rehabilitation protocols to overcome disuse atrophy conditions in different clinical settings, rehabilitation and spaceflight

    Age-related deficits in skeletal muscle recovery following disuse are associated with neuromuscular junction instability and ER stress, not impaired protein synthesis.

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    Age-related loss of muscle mass and strength can be accelerated by impaired recovery of muscle mass following a transient atrophic stimulus. The aim of this study was to identify the mechanisms underlying the attenuated recovery of muscle mass and strength in old rats following disuse-induced atrophy. Adult (9 month) and old (29 month) male F344BN rats underwent hindlimb unloading (HU) followed by reloading. HU induced significant atrophy of the hindlimb muscles in both adult (17-38%) and old (8-29%) rats, but only the adult rats exhibited full recovery of muscle mass and strength upon reloading. Upon reloading, total RNA and protein synthesis increased to a similar extent in adult and old muscles. At baseline and upon reloading, however, proteasome-mediated degradation was suppressed leading to an accumulation of ubiquitin-tagged proteins and p62. Further, ER stress, as measured by CHOP expression, was elevated at baseline and upon reloading in old rats. Analysis of mRNA expression revealed increases in HDAC4, Runx1, myogenin, Gadd45a, and the AChRs in old rats, suggesting neuromuscular junction instability/denervation. Collectively, our data suggests that with aging, impaired neuromuscular transmission and deficits in the proteostasis network contribute to defects in muscle fiber remodeling and functional recovery of muscle mass and strength

    Mouse skeletal muscle fiber-type-specific macroautophagy and muscle wasting are regulated by a Fyn/STAT3/Vps34 signaling pathway

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    Skeletal muscle atrophy induced by aging (sarcopenia), inactivity, and prolonged fasting states (starvation) is predominantly restricted to glycolytic type II muscle fibers and typical spares oxidative type I fibers. However, the mechanisms accounting for muscle fiber-type specificity of atrophy have remained enigmatic. In the current study, although the Fyn tyrosine kinase activated the mTORC1 signaling complex, it also induced marked atrophy of glycolytic fibers with relatively less effect on oxidative muscle fibers. This was due to inhibition of macroautophagy via an mTORC1-independent but STAT3-dependent reduction in Vps34 protein levels and decreased Vps34/p150/Beclin1/Atg14 complex 1. Physiologically, in the fed state endogenous Fyn kinase activity was increased in glycolytic but not oxidative skeletal muscle. In parallel, Y705-STAT3 phosphorylation increased with decreased Vps34 protein levels. Moreover, fed/starved regulation of Y705-STAT3 phosphorylation and Vps34 protein levels was prevented in skeletal muscle of Fyn null mice. These data demonstrate a Fyn/STAT3/Vps34 pathway that is responsible for fiber-type-specific regulation of macroautophagy and skeletal muscle atrophy

    Measuring neuromuscular junction functionality

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    Neuromuscular junction (NMJ) functionality plays a pivotal role when studying diseases in which the communication between motor neuron and muscle is impaired, such as aging and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Here we describe an experimental protocol that can be used to measure NMJ functionality by combining two types of electrical stimulation: direct muscle membrane stimulation and the stimulation through the nerve. The comparison of the muscle response to these two different stimulations can help to define, at the functional level, potential alterations in the NMJ that lead to functional decline in muscle. Ex vivo preparations are suited to well-controlled studies. Here we describe an intensive protocol to measure several parameters of muscle and NMJ functionality for the soleus-sciatic nerve preparation and for the diaphragm-phrenic nerve preparation. The protocol lasts approximately 60 min and is conducted uninterruptedly by means of a custom-made software that measures the twitch kinetics properties, the force-frequency relationship for both muscle and nerve stimulations, and two parameters specific to NMJ functionality, i.e. neurotransmission failure and intratetanic fatigue. This methodology was used to detect damages in soleus and diaphragm muscle-nerve preparations by using SOD1G93A transgenic mouse, an experimental model of ALS that ubiquitously overexpresses the mutant antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1)

    Functional and Structural Adaptations of Skeletal Muscle to Microgravity

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    Our purpose is to summarize the major effects of space travel on skeletal muscle with particular emphasis on factors that alter function. The primary deleterious changes are muscle atrophy and the associated decline in peak force and power. Studies on both rats and humans demonstrate a rapid loss of cell mass with microgravity. In rats, a reduction in muscle mass of up to 37% was observed within 1 week. For both species, the antigravity soleus muscle showed greater atrophy than the fast-twitch gastrocnemius. However, in the rat, the slow type I fibers atrophied more than the fast type II fibers, while in humans, the fast type II fibers were at least as susceptible to space-induced atrophy as the slow fiber type. Space flight also resulted in a significant decline in peak force. For example, the maximal voluntary contraction of the human plantar flexor muscles declined by 20–48% following 6 months in space, while a 21 % decline in the peak force of the soleus type I fibers was observed after a 17-day shuttle flight. The reduced force can be attributed both to muscle atrophy and to a selective loss of contractile protein. The former was the primary cause because, when force was expressed per cross-sectional area (kNm-2), the human fast type II and slow type I fibers of the soleus showed no change and a 4% decrease in force, respectively. Microgravity has been shown to increase the shortening velocity of the plantar flexors. This increase can be attributed both to an elevated maximal shortening velocity (V0) of the individual slow and fast fibers and to an increased expression of fibers containing fast myosin. Although the cause of the former is unknown, it might result from the selective loss of the thin filament actin and an associated decline in the internal drag during cross-bridge cycling. Despite the increase in fiber V0, peak power of the slow type I fiber was reduced following space flight. The decreased power was a direct result of the reduced force caused by the fiber atrophy. In addition to fiber atrophy and the loss of force and power, weightlessness reduces the ability of the slow soleus to oxidize fats and increases the utilization of muscle glycogen, at least in rats. This substrate change leads to an increased rate of fatigue. Finally, with return to the 1 g environment of earth, rat studies have shown an increased occurrence of eccentric contraction-induced fiber damage. The damage occurs with re-loading and not in-flight, but the etiology has not been established

    Pre- and Post-alpha Motoneuronal Control of the Soleus H-reflex during Sinusoidal Hip Movements in Human Spinal Cord Injury

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    The aim of this study was to establish the contribution of hip-mediated sensory feedback to spinal interneuronal circuits during dynamic conditions in people with incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI). Specifically, we investigated the effects of synergistic and antagonistic group I afferents on the soleus H-reflex during imposed sinusoidal hip movements. The soleus H-reflex was conditioned by stimulating the common peroneal nerve (CPN) at short (2, 3, and 4 ms) and long (80, 100, and 120 ms) conditioning test (C-T) intervals to assess the reciprocal and pre-synaptic inhibition of the soleus H-reflex, respectively. The soleus H-reflex was also conditioned by medial gastrocnemius (MG) nerve stimulation at C-T intervals ranging from 4 to 7 ms to assess changes in autogenic Ib inhibition during hip movement. Sinusoidal hip movements were imposed to the right hip joint at 0.2 Hz by the Biodex system while subjects were supine. The effects of sinusoidal hip movement on five leg muscles along with hip, knee, and ankle joint torques were also established during sensorimotor conditioning of the reflex. Phase-dependent modulation of antagonistic and synergistic muscle afferents was present during hip movement, with the reciprocal, pre-synaptic, and Ib inhibition to be significantly reduced during hip extension and reinforced during hip flexion. Reflexive muscle and joint torque responses – induced by the hip movement – were entrained to specific phases of hip movement. This study provides evidence that hip-mediated input acts as a controlling signal of pre- and post-alpha motoneuronal control of the soleus H-reflex. The expression of these spinal interneuronal circuits during imposed sinusoidal hip movements is discussed with respect to motor recovery in humans after SCI

    Parallel Facilitatory Reflex Pathways from the Foot and Hip to Flexors and Extensors in the Injured Human Spinal Cord

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    Spinal integration of sensory signals associated with hip position, muscle loading, and cutaneous sensation of the foot contributes to movement regulation. The exact interactive effects of these sensory signals under controlled dynamic conditions are unknown. The purpose of the present study was to establish the effects of combined plantar cutaneous afferent excitation and hip movement on the Hoffmann (H) and flexion reflexes in people with a spinal cord injury (SCI). The flexion and H-reflexes were elicited through stimulation of the right sural (at non-nociceptive levels) and posterior tibial nerves respectively. Reflex responses were recorded from the ipsilateral tibialis anterior (TA) (flexion reflex) and soleus (H-reflex) muscles. The plantar cutaneous afferents were stimulated at three times the perceptual threshold (200 Hz, 24-ms pulse train) at conditioning–test intervals that ranged from 3 to 90 ms. Sinusoidal movements were imposed to the right hip joint at 0.2 Hz with subjects supine. Control and conditioned reflexes were recorded as the hip moved in flexion and extension. Leg muscle activity and sagittal-plane joint torques were recorded. We found that excitation of plantar cutaneous afferents facilitated the soleus H-reflex and the long latency flexion reflex during hip extension. In contrast, the short latency flexion reflex was depressed by plantar cutaneous stimulation during hip flexion. Oscillatory joint forces were present during the transition phase of the hip movement from flexion to extension when stimuli were delivered during hip flexion. Hip-mediated input interacts with feedback from the foot sole to facilitate extensor and flexor reflex activity during the extension phase of movement. The interactive effects of these sensory signals may be a feature of impaired gait, but when they are appropriately excited, they may contribute to locomotion recovery in these patients

    Downhill exercise alters immunoproteasome content in mouse skeletal muscle

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    Content of the immunoproteasome, the inducible form of the standard proteasome, increases in atrophic muscle suggesting it may be associated with skeletal muscle remodeling. However, it remains unknown if the immunoproteasome responds to stressful situations that do not promote large perturbations in skeletal muscle proteolysis. The purpose of this study was to determine how an acute bout of muscular stress influences immunoproteasome content. To accomplish this, wildtype (WT) and immunoproteasome knockout lmp7-/-/mecl1-/-(L7M1) mice were run downhill on a motorized treadmill. Soleus muscles were excised 1 and 3 days post-exercise and compared to unexercised muscle(control). Ex vivophysiology, histology and biochemical analyses were used to assess the effects of immunoproteasome knockout and unaccustomed exercise. Besides L7M1 muscle being LMP7/MECL1deficient, no other major biochemical, histological or functional differences were observed between the control muscles. In both strains, the downhill run shifted the force-frequency curve to the right and reduced twitch force, however did not alter tetanic force or inflammatory markers. In the days post-exercise, several of the proteasome 's catalytic subunits were upregulated. Specifically, WT muscle increased LMP7 while L7M1 muscle instead increased ≤ 5. These findings indicate that running mice downhill results in subtle contractile characteristics that correspond to skeletal muscle injury, yet does not appear to induce a significant inflammatory response. Interestingly, this minor stress activated the production of specific immunoproteasome subunits; that if knocked out, were replaced by components of the standard proteasome. These data suggest that the immunoproteasome may be involved in maintaining cellular homeostasis.This study was supported by the Elaine and Robert Larson Endowed Vision Research Chair (to DAF), the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Aging (T32-AG29796 to CWB), an anonymous benefactor for Macular Degeneration Research, the Lindsay Family Foundation and an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent Blindness to the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. (Elaine and Robert Larson Endowed Vision Research Chair; T32-AG29796 - National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Aging; Lindsay Family Foundation; Research to Prevent Blindness)Accepted manuscrip

    The slow sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase declines independently of slow myosin in soleus muscle of diabetic rats

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    The sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) isoforms are normally expressed in coordination with the corresponding myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms in the fibers of skeletal muscle but this coordination is often disrupted in pathological conditions. In the streptozotocin-induced diabetes of rats (stz-rats), the soleus muscle showed peripheral neuropathy and the SERCA2a level decreased in type I (slow-oxidative) fibers compared to the control muscles, whereas the expression of the corresponding slow MyHC1 did not change. No difference was found at the mRNA and protein levels of SERCA and MyHC isoforms in the whole soleus, except that the level of the SERCA2a protein specifically declined in stz-rats compared to the controls. This shows that the coordinated expression of SERCA2a and MyHC1 is disrupted at the SERCA2a protein level in the diabetic soleus. The results are in line with previous observations that regulators of the Ca-homeostasis may adapt faster to type I diabetes than the contractile elements