422 research outputs found

    Designing of highly effective complementary and mismatch siRNAs for silencing a gene

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    In past, numerous methods have been developed for predicting efficacy of short interfering RNA (siRNA). However these methods have been developed for predicting efficacy of fully complementary siRNA against a gene. Best of author's knowledge no method has been developed for predicting efficacy of mismatch siRNA against a gene. In this study, a systematic attempt has been made to identify highly effective complementary as well as mismatch siRNAs for silencing a gene. Support vector machine (SVM) based models have been developed for predicting efficacy of siRNAs using composition, binary and hybrid pattern siRNAs. We achieved maximum correlation 0.67 between predicted and actual efficacy of siRNAs using hybrid model. All models were trained and tested on a dataset of 2182 siRNAs and performance was evaluated using five-fold cross validation techniques. The performance of our method desiRm is comparable to other well-known methods. In this study, first time attempt has been made to design mutant siRNAs (mismatch siRNAs). In this approach we mutated a given siRNA on all possible sites/positions with all possible nucleotides. Efficacy of each mutated siRNA is predicted using our method desiRm. It is well known from literature that mismatches between siRNA and target affects the silencing efficacy. Thus we have incorporated the rules derived from base mismatches experimental data to find out over all efficacy of mutated or mismatch siRNAs. Finally we developed a webserver, desiRm (http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/desirm/) for designing highly effective siRNA for silencing a gene. This tool will be helpful to design siRNA to degrade disease isoform of heterozygous single nucleotide polymorphism gene without depleting the wild type protein

    An efficient algorithm for systematic analysis of nucleotide strings suitable for siRNA design

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The "off-target" silencing effect hinders the development of siRNA-based therapeutic and research applications. Existing solutions for finding possible locations of siRNA seats within a large database of genes are either too slow, miss a portion of the targets, or are simply not designed to handle a very large number of queries. We propose a new approach that reduces the computational time as compared to existing techniques.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The proposed method employs tree-based storage in a form of a modified truncated suffix tree to sort all possible short string substrings within given set of strings (i.e. transcriptome). Using the new algorithm, we pre-computed a list of the best siRNA locations within each human gene ("siRNA seats"). siRNAs designed to reside within siRNA seats are less likely to hybridize off-target. These siRNA seats could be used as an input for the traditional "set-of-rules" type of siRNA designing software. The list of siRNA seats is available through a publicly available database located at <url>http://web.cos.gmu.edu/~gmanyam/siRNA_db/search.php</url></p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In attempt to perform top-down prediction of the human siRNA with minimized off-target hybridization, we developed an efficient algorithm that employs suffix tree based storage of the substrings. Applications of this approach are not limited to optimal siRNA design, but can also be useful for other tasks involving selection of the characteristic strings specific to individual genes. These strings could then be used as siRNA seats, as specific probes for gene expression studies by oligonucleotide-based microarrays, for the design of molecular beacon probes for Real-Time PCR and, generally, any type of PCR primers.</p

    Nonsense Mediated Decay Resistant Mutations Are a Source of Expressed Mutant Proteins in Colon Cancer Cell Lines with Microsatellite Instability

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    BACKGROUND: Frameshift mutations in microsatellite instability high (MSI-High) colorectal cancers are a potential source of targetable neo-antigens. Many nonsense transcripts are subject to rapid degradation due to nonsense-mediated decay (NMD), but nonsense transcripts with a cMS in the last exon or near the last exon-exon junction have intrinsic resistance to nonsense-mediated decay (NMD). NMD-resistant transcripts are therefore a likely source of expressed mutant proteins in MSI-High tumours. METHODS: Using antibodies to the conserved N-termini of predicted mutant proteins, we analysed MSI-High colorectal cancer cell lines for examples of naturally expressed mutant proteins arising from frameshift mutations in coding microsatellites (cMS) by immunoprecipitation and Western Blot experiments. Detected mutant protein bands from NMD-resistant transcripts were further validated by gene-specific short-interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown. A genome-wide search was performed to identify cMS-containing genes likely to generate NMD-resistant transcripts that could encode for antigenic expressed mutant proteins in MSI-High colon cancers. These genes were screened for cMS mutations in the MSI-High colon cancer cell lines. RESULTS: Mutant protein bands of expected molecular weight were detected in mutated MSI-High cell lines for NMD-resistant transcripts (CREBBP, EP300, TTK), but not NMD-sensitive transcripts (BAX, CASP5, MSH3). Expression of the mutant CREBBP and EP300 proteins was confirmed by siRNA knockdown. Five cMS-bearing genes identified from the genome-wide search and without existing mutation data (SFRS12IP1, MED8, ASXL1, FBXL3 and RGS12) were found to be mutated in at least 5 of 11 (45%) of the MSI-High cell lines tested. CONCLUSION: NMD-resistant transcripts can give rise to expressed mutant proteins in MSI-High colon cancer cells. If commonly expressed in primary MSI-High colon cancers, MSI-derived mutant proteins could be useful as cancer specific immunological targets in a vaccine targeting MSI-High colonic tumours

    Using Experimental and Computational Strategies to Understand the Biogenesis of microRNAs and piRNAs: A Dissertation

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    Small RNAs are single-stranded, 18–36 nucleotide RNAs that can be categorized as miRNA, siRNA, and piRNA. miRNA are expressed ubiquitously in tissues and at particular developmental stages. They fine-tune gene expression by regulating the stability and translation of mRNAs. piRNAs are mainly expressed in the animal gonads and their major function is repressing transposable elements to ensure the faithful transfer of genetic information from generation to generation. My thesis research focused on the biogenesis of miRNAs and piRNAs using both experimental and computational strategies. The biogenesis of miRNAs involves sequential processing of their precursors by the RNase III enzymes Drosha and Dicer to generate miRNA/miRNA* duplexes, which are subsequently loaded into Argonaute proteins to form the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). We discovered that, after assembled into Ago1, more than a quarter of Drosophila miRNAs undergo 3′ end trimming by the 3′-to-5′ exoribonuclease Nibbler. Such trimming occurs after removal of the miRNA* strand from pre-RISC and may be the final step in RISC assembly, ultimately enhancing target messenger RNA repression. Moreover, by developing a specialized Burrow-Wheeler Transform based short reads aligner, we discovered that in the absence of Nibbler a subgroup of miRNAs undergoes increased tailing—non-templated nucleotide addition to their 3′ ends, which are usually associated with miRNA degradation. Therefore, the 3′ trimming by Nibbler might increase miRNA stability by protecting them from degradation. In Drosophila germ line, piRNAs associate with three PIWI-clade Argonaute proteins, Piwi, Aub, and Ago3. piRNAs bound by Aub and Ago3 are generated by reciprocal cleavages of sense and antisense transposon transcripts (a.k.a., the “Ping-Pong” cycle), which amplifies piRNA abundance and degrades transposon transcripts in the cytoplasm. On the other hand, Piwi and its associated piRNA repress the transcription of transposons in the nucleus. We discovered that Aub- and Ago3-mediated transposon RNA cleavage not only generates piRNAs bound to each other, but also produces substrates for the endonuclease Zucchini, which processively cleaves those substrates in a periodicity of ~26 nt and generates piRNAs that predominantly load into Piwi. Without Aub or Ago3, the abundance of Piwi-bound piRNAs drops and transcriptional silencing is compromised. Our discovery revises the current model of piRNA biogenesis


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    This book is divided into different research areas relevant in Bioinformatics such as biological networks, next generation sequencing, high performance computing, molecular modeling, structural bioinformatics, molecular modeling and intelligent data analysis. Each book section introduces the basic concepts and then explains its application to problems of great relevance, so both novice and expert readers can benefit from the information and research works presented here

    Therapeutic opportunities within the DNA damage response

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    The DNA damage response (DDR) is essential for maintaining the genomic integrity of the cell, and its disruption is one of the hallmarks of cancer. Classically, defects in the DDR have been exploited therapeutically in the treatment of cancer with radiation therapies or genotoxic chemotherapies. More recently, protein components of the DDR systems have been identified as promising avenues for targeted cancer therapeutics. Here, we present an in-depth analysis of the function, role in cancer and therapeutic potential of 450 expert-curated human DDR genes. We discuss the DDR drugs that have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or that are under clinical investigation. We examine large-scale genomic and expression data for 15 cancers to identify deregulated components of the DDR, and we apply systematic computational analysis to identify DDR proteins that are amenable to modulation by small molecules, highlighting potential novel therapeutic targets

    The role of ubiquitination and deubiquitination in the regulation of BRCA1 function during genotoxic stress

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    BRCA1 est un suppresseur de tumeur majeur jouant un rôle dans la transcription, la réparation de l’ADN et le maintien de la stabilité génomique. En effet, des mutations dans le gène BRCA1 augmentent considerablement le risque de cancers du sein et de l’ovaire. BRCA1 a été en majorité caractérisé pour son rôle dans la réparation de l’ADN par la voie de recombinaison homologue (HR) en présence de bris double brins, par example, induits par l’irradiation gamma (IR). Cependant, la fonction de BRCA1 dans d’autres voies de réparation de l’ADN, comme la réparation par excision de nucléotides (NER) ou par excision de base (BER), demeurent toutefois obscures. Il est donc important de comprendre la régulation de BRCA1 en présence d’agents génotoxiques comme le méthyle méthanesulfonate (MMS) ou l’UV, qui promouvoient le BER et le NER respectivement. Nos observations suggèrent que BRCA1 est dégradée par le protéasome après traitement avec le MMS ou les UV, et non avec l’IR. Par ailleurs, cette dégradation semble compromettre le recrutement de Rad51, suggérant que la voie de HR est inhibée. Nos résultats suggèrent que la HR est inhibée afin d’éviter l’activation simultanée de multiples voies de réparation. Nous avons aussi observé que la dégradation BRCA1 est réversible et que la restauration des niveaux de BRCA1 coïncide avec le recrutement de Rad51 aux sites de dommages. Cela suggère que la HR est réactivée tardivement par les bris double brins générés suite à l’effondrement des fourches de réplication. Ayant observé que BRCA1 est hautement régulé par l’ubiquitination et est ciblé par le protéasome pour dégradation, nous avons émis une hypothèse que BRCA1 est régulé par des déubiquitinases. Cela amène à caractériser plus en profondeur par un criblage en déplétant les déubiquitinases individuellement par RNAi et en observant leur effet sur le recrutement de BRCA1 et des protéines reliées à cette voie. Un criblage préliminaire nous a permi d’identifié candidats potentiels tel que BAP1, CXORF53, DUB3, OTUB1 et USP36.BRCA1 is a tumour suppressor involved in transcription, DNA repair and maintenance of genomic stability. Indeed, BRCA1 mutation carriers have an exceptionally higher risk of breast and ovarian cancers. BRCA1 is mainly known for its role in homologous recombination repair (HR) by recruiting HR proteins to chromatin upon double strand break (DSBs) formation, e.g., following treatment with ionizing irradiation (IR). However, the function of BRCA1 in other DNA repair pathways such as nucleotide excision repair (NER) or base excision repair (BER) is still obscure. It is thus of fundamental and clinical importance to investigate BRCA1 function following exposure to diverse genotoxic agents. Using human cultured cell, we observed that BRCA1 is downregulated by the proteasome upon treatment with MMS or UV, but not with IR. Moreover, this downregulation prevents Rad51 recruitment to chromatin following exposure to MMS. Given that DNA damage induced by UV and MMS trigger NER and BER pathways respectively, this implies that HR could be inhibited in order to prevent competition between independent DNA repair pathways. We also found that BRCA1 downregulation is reversible and the recovery of BRCA1 levels correlates with the reappearance of BRCA1 and Rad51 on chromatin. This implies that the HR has been reactivated at the late stage of DNA damage for the repair of double strand breaks generated by replication fork collapse. Since BRCA1 stability is highly regulated by ubiquitination and is downregulated following MMS treatment, one would expect that a deubiquitinase is responsible for relieving this downregulation to promote the reactivation of the HR pathway. To characterize this aspect further, we conducted DUB RNAi screens in which a particular DUB is depleted and the localization of BRCA1 and other related proteins were observed. According to a preliminary screen, a few DUBs (BAP1, CXORF53, DUB3, OTUB1, and USP36) were identified as potential regulators of the stability and localization of BRCA1 and proteins involved in homologous recombination

    Computational classification of small RNAs and their targets

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    Small RNAs, and in particular microRNAs, are currently receiving a great deal of attention due to their important roles in gene regulation and organism development. Recently, new high-throughput technologies have made it possible to sequence hundreds of thousands of small RNAs from a single experimental sample. In this thesis we develop new computational tools to process such high-throughput small RNA datasets in order to identify microRNAs and other biologically interesting small RNA candidates and to predict their target genes. We apply these tools to a variety of plant and animal datasets and present some novel discoveries including miRNAs involved in fruit development in tomato (Solanum lycopersicon).EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Cellular responses to zinc involving the transcription factor ZNF658 and its target genes

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    PhD ThesisZinc is an essential trace element that plays a crucial role in catalytic, structural and regulatory functions of many proteins including enzymes and transcription factors; thus maintenance of zinc balance is critical for normal cellular function. Cellular mechanisms that maintain zinc balance include the regulation of genes coding for proteins that play vital roles in zinc homeostasis. These proteins include zinc transporters belonging to the ZIP (SLC39A) and ZnT (SLC30A) families as well as the zinc-binding metallothionein proteins. In contrast to bacterial and yeast systems, a transcription factor responsible for mediating transcriptional repression of a suite of genes in response to elevated zinc levels in mammals has hitherto not been identified. Using Caco-2 cells as a model of human intestinal epithelial cells and detection of protein binding by electrophoretic mobility shift analysis, we show that zinc finger protein ZNF658 binds specifically to the zinc transcriptional regulatory element (ZTRE), previously demonstrated to mediate this response in a panel of three genes: SLC30A5 (ZnT5 zinc transporter), SLC30A10 (ZnT10 zinc transporter) and CBWD (whose prokaryotic homologs are emerging players in metal biology). We also demonstrate that siRNA-driven reduction of ZNF658 attenuated or abrogated transcriptional repression in response to elevated zinc levels of these same genes by measuring transcript abundance using RT-qPCR and using promoter-reporter gene constructs. In addition, the region of ZNF658 responsible for binding to the ZTRE was identified (the C-terminal zinc finger domain) and the requirement for both sides of the palindromic ZTRE sequence for function was demonstrated. This study therefore identifies the first metazoan transcription factor that plays a pivotal role in the orchestrated cellular response to increased zinc levels to restore cellular zinc balance necessary to achieve a broad spectrum of zinc-dependent functions and begins to probe its molecular action. We also report an important role for the mammalian CBWD gene product in protection of cells from either depleted or excess zinc by virtue of the fact that overexpression of recombinant CBWD protein altered cellular tolerance to both elevated and depleted levels of zinc consistent with a homeostatic function. In addition, we present preliminary evidence that changes in the expression of ZNF658 and its target genes, in particular SLC30A10 (ZnT10), may be related to cell senescence, suggesting that changes in zinc homeostasis are components of this process. Overall, the work presented contributes to understanding zinc regulated gene expression and cellular zinc homeostasis.Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) through the Benue State University (BSU) Makurd