13,137 research outputs found

    Ring Opening Polymerization

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    The goal of the research discussed in this paper is to demonstrate that N-heterocyclic carbenes can be bonded to a transition metal center resulting in a complex that is able to effectively catalyze the ring opening polymerization of caprolactone. While N-Heterocyclic carbene ligands have been documented as effective catalysts for the ring opening polymerization (ROP) of lactones and lactides, less is known about the catalytic abilities of these ligands when bound to a labile metal center. This article focuses on examining the synthesis and reactivity of different transition metal complexes containing tin, zinc, aluminium and titanium metal centers. In addition to comparing metal centers, the performance of a uni-functional alcohol initiator, benzyl alcohol, was compared to a bifunctional alcohol initiator 1,4-butanediol. The aluminium based complex combined with the uni-functional initiator resulted in some of the highest degrees of polymerization and increased control over the polymer chain length. Lastly, a series of studies were performed to better understand the kinetics of this optimized system. The findings detailed in this paper indicate that transition metal complexes containing N-Heterocyclic carbene ligands are capable of polymerizing caprolactone monomers resulting in good product yields and the ability to grow chains ranging from 10-30 units in length by varying feed ratios. One of the most pertinent uses of these short chained polyesters is their ability to be grafted into other polymers providing an efficient method of manufacturing specialty polyurethanes

    Morphology and properties evolution upon ring-opening polymerization during extrusion of cyclic butylene terephthalate and graphene-related-materials into thermally conductive nanocomposites

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    In this work, the study of thermal conductivity before and after in-situ ring-opening polymerization of cyclic butylene terephthalate into poly (butylene terephthalate) in presence of graphene-related materials (GRM) is addressed, to gain insight in the modification of nanocomposites morphology upon polymerization. Five types of GRM were used: one type of graphite nanoplatelets, two different grades of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and the same rGO grades after thermal annealing for 1 hour at 1700{\deg}C under vacuum to reduce their defectiveness. Polymerization of CBT into pCBT, morphology and nanoparticle organization were investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry, electron microscopy and rheology. Electrical and thermal properties were investigated by means of volumetric resistivity and bulk thermal conductivity measurement. In particular, the reduction of nanoflake aspect ratio during ring-opening polymerization was found to have a detrimental effect on both electrical and thermal conductivities in nanocomposites

    Polymerization of arylcycloalkenes initiated by tungsten hexachloride-tetraphenyltin

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    The work reported in this thesis is concerned with an investigation of the ring-opening polymerization of arylcycloalkenes. The monomers investigated were indene, acenaphthylene and benzonorbornadiene and the catalyst system used was tungsten hexachloride/tetraphenyltin in toluene. Attempts to ring-open polymerize indene and acenaphthylene are described in Chapter 2. The results suggest that these monomers do not undergo ring-opening polymerization to any appreciable extent with the catalyst system used; however, some ambiguity remains and it may be that a limited amount of ring-opening does occur. Benzonorbornadiene readily undergoes ring-opening polymerization. Synthesis' of the monomer, its polymerization and the characterization of the polymer are described in Chapter 3. Polybenzonorbornadiene is very susceptible to oxidation by atmospheric oxidation

    Ring-Opening Polymerization of Hemoglobin.

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    Hemoglobin (Hb), an oxygen-carrying protein, has an α₂ÎČ₂ tetrameric structure that dissociates reversibly into two αÎČ dimers (α₂ÎČ₂ ⇄ 2αÎČ). We synthesized a cyclic Hb-ring monomer with two ÎČ subunits bound through a 10 kDa polyethylene glycol (PEG) chain. The monomer induced ring-opening polymerization to produce a supramolecular polymer via intersubunit interaction of αÎČ dimers of an Hb molecule at the PEG terminals. Both the ring-closed monomer and the ring-opened supramolecular polymer were then fixed covalently by intramolecular cross-linking of two ÎČ subunits. Quantification of fixed products at various monomer concentrations revealed the equilibrium constant (K), a ratio of propagation and depropagation rate constants, as 5.68 mM⁻Âč. The average degree of polymerization (DP) increased proportionally, concomitantly with the initial monomer concentration. Hb polymer with DP = 13.2 (Mn = ca.1 MDa) was obtained by cross-linking at 2.33 mM. Our novel strategy of ring-opening polymerization of Hb will eventually realize a highly aligned and efficiently polymerized Hb for creating artificial oxygen carriers for a clinical use.This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Biomacromolecules, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.8b01789

    Novel "green" catalysts for controlled ring-opening polymerization of lactide

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    SyntĂ©za polylaktidu (PLA) polymeracĂ­ za otevƙenĂ­ kruhu cyklickĂ©ho monomeru (ROP) mĆŻĆŸe bĂœt uskutečněna rĆŻznĂœmi zpĆŻsoby. Literatura uvĂĄdĂ­ vĂ­ce neĆŸ 100 katalytickĂœch systĂ©mĆŻ, jejichĆŸ pomocĂ­ lze polylaktid a jinĂ© biodegradabilnĂ­ alifatickĂ© polyestery zĂ­skat. Napƙíklad organokovovĂ© katalyzĂĄtory na bĂĄzi Sn, Zn, Al atd. se po splněnĂ­ svĂ© polymeračnĂ­ funkce stĂĄvajĂ­ kontaminanty a pro humĂĄnnĂ­ implantĂĄty je pouĆŸitĂ­ takovĂ©ho materiĂĄlu diskutabilnĂ­. V současnĂ© době jsou v centru vĂœzkumnĂ© pozornosti novĂ© N-heterocyklickĂ© karbenovĂ© katalyzĂĄtory. Tyto „metal-free“ katalytickĂ© struktury jsou schopnĂ© reprodukovatelně ƙídit syntĂ©zu polymerĆŻ pƙedem definovanĂ© molekulovĂ© hmotnosti s definovanĂœmi koncovĂœmi skupinami a nĂ­zkou polydisperzitou, kterĂĄ je charakteristickĂĄ pro ĆŸivĂœ prĆŻběh polymerace. NabĂ­zĂ­ se moĆŸnost syntĂ©zy blokovĂœch kopolymerĆŻ a rĆŻznorodĂœch makromolekulĂĄrnĂ­ch architektur. PƙedloĆŸenĂĄ diplomovĂĄ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ studiem polymerace cyklickĂ©ho monomeru D,L-laktidu katalyzovanĂ© N-heterocyklickĂœm karbenem. Polymerace byly vedeny v pƙítomnosti benzylalkoholu jako iniciĂĄtoru v roztoku THF. Byl sledovĂĄn vliv sloĆŸenĂ­ reakčnĂ­ho systĂ©mu monomer – iniciĂĄtor – katalyzĂĄtor. DĂĄle byly pƙipraveny polymery opticky čistĂ©ho L-laktidu s makroiniciĂĄtory PEG s Mn = 1000 a 2000 g/mol. StƙednĂ­ číselnĂĄ molekulovĂĄ hmotnost (Mn) a polydisperzita (PDI) byly stanoveny pomocĂ­ GPC. Definovatelnost koncovĂœch skupin vybranĂœch polymerĆŻ byla prokĂĄzĂĄna pomocĂ­ 1H NMR.The synthesis of polylactide (PLA) by ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of cyclic monomer can be realized by different routes. More than 100 catalysts for the synthesis of polylactide and other biodegradable aliphatic polyesters are published in the literature. For example organometallic catalysts based on Sn, Zn, Al etc. after finishing polymerization function became contaminants and using obtained polymer material in human body is controversial. At present, the research is focused on novel N-hererocyclic carbene catalysts. These metal-free catalysts are able to produce polymers with controlled molecular weight, narrow polydispersity, end-group fidelity with high reproducibility as well as to synthesize the block copolymers and complex macromolecular architectures, which is characteristic for living polymerization system. This diploma thesis is focused on study of polymerization of cyclic monomer D,L-lactide catalyzed by N-hererocyclic carbene. Polymerizations were carried out at the presence of benzylalcohol as initiator at THF. We were focused on the influence of composition of reaction system monomer – initiator – catalyst. Polymers of optically pure L-lactide with macroinitiators PEG with Mn of 1000 a 2000 g/mol were prepared as well. Number average molecular weight (Mn) and polydispersity index (PDI) was determined by GPC. 1H NMR was used to prove end-group fidelity.

    Reversible On/Off Switching of Lactide Cyclopolymerization with a Redox-Active Formazanate Ligand

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    Redox-switching of a formazanate zinc catalyst in ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of lactide is described. Using a redox-active ligand bound to an inert metal ion (Zn2+) allows modulation of the catalytic activity by reversible reduction/oxidation chemistry at a purely organic fragment. A combination of kinetic and spectroscopic studies, together with mass spectrometry of the catalysis mixture, provides insight in the nature of the active species and the initiation of lactide ring-opening polymerization. The mechanistic data highlight the key role of the redox-active ligand and provide a rationale for the formation of cyclic polymer

    Zinc calixarene complexes for the ring opening polymerization of cyclic esters

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    Reaction of Zn(C₆F₅)₂·toluene (two equivalents) with 1,3-dipropoxy-p-tert-butyl-calix[4]arene (LÂčH₂) led to the isolation of the complex [{Zn(C₆F₅)}₂LÂč] (1), whilst similar use of Zn(Me)₂ resulted in the known complex [{Zn(Me)}₂LÂč] (2). Treatment of LÂčH₂ with in situ prepared Zn{N(SiMe₃)₂}₂ in refluxing toluene led to the isolation of the compound [(Na)ZnN(SiMe₃)₂LÂč] (3). The stepwise reaction of LÂčH₂ and sodium hydride, followed by ZnCl₂ and finally NaN(SiMe₃)₂ yielded the compound [Zn{N(SiMe₃)₂}₂LÂč] (4). The reaction between three equivalents of Zn(C₆F₅)₂·toluene and oxacalix[3]arene (LÂČH₃) at room temperature formed the compound {[Zn(C₆F₅)]₃LÂČ} (5); heating of 5 in acetonitrile caused the ring opening of the parent oxacalix[3]arene and rearrangement to afford the complex [(LÂČ)Zn₆(C₆F₅)(R)(RH)OH]·5MeCN R = C₆F₅CH₂-(p-á”—BuPhenolate-CH₂OCH₂–)₂–p-á”—BuPhenolate-CH₂O⁻)³⁻ (6). The molecular structures of the new complexes 1, 3 and 6, together with that of the known complex 2, whose solid state structure has not previously been reported, have been determined. Compounds 1, 3–5 have been screened for the ring opening polymerization (ROP) of Δ-caprolactone (Δ-CL) and rac-lactide. Compounds featuring a Zn–C₆F₅ fragment were found to be poor ROP pre-catalysts as they did not react with benzyl alcohol to form an alkoxide. By contrast, compound 4, which contains a zinc silylamide linkage, was the most active of the zinc-based calix[4]arene compounds screened and was capable of ROP at ambient temperature with 65% conversion over 4 h

    Ring-Opening Polymerization

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