2,403 research outputs found

    Resources for dealing with spring weather delays

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    While the forecast still seems unsettled we are all hopeful that we are past the worst of the rain and can begin catch up on springs work. Here we have attempted to summarize a variety of relevant topics as you consider how to best tackle all the work that needs to take place is a condensed time frame. As always contact your local Extension office for more information on any of these topics

    Novel associations in disorders of sex development: findings from the I-DSD registry

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    Context: The focus of care in disorders of sex development (DSD) is often directed to issues related to sex and gender development. In addition, the molecular etiology remains unclear in the majority of cases.<p></p> Objective: To report the range of associated conditions identified in the international DSD (I-DSD) Registry.<p></p> Design, Setting, and Patients: Anonymized data were extracted from the I-DSD Registry for diagnosis, karyotype, sex of rearing, genetic investigations, and associated anomalies. If necessary, clarification was sought from the reporting clinician.<p></p> Results: Of 649 accessible cases, associated conditions occurred in 168 (26%); 103 (61%) cases had one condition, 31 (18%) had two conditions, 20 (12%) had three conditions, and 14 (8%) had four or more conditions. Karyotypes with most frequently reported associations included 45,X with 6 of 8 affected cases (75%), 45,X/46,XY with 19 of 42 cases (45%), 46,XY with 112 of 460 cases (24%), and 46,XX with 27 of 121 cases (22%). In the 112 cases of 46,XY DSD, the commonest conditions included small for gestational age in 26 (23%), cardiac anomalies in 22 (20%), and central nervous system disorders in 22 (20%), whereas in the 27 cases of 46,XX DSD, skeletal and renal anomalies were commonest at 12 (44%) and 8 (30%), respectively. Of 170 cases of suspected androgen insensitivity syndrome, 19 (11%) had reported anomalies and 9 of these had confirmed androgen receptor mutations.<p></p> Conclusions: Over a quarter of the cases in the I-DSD Registry have an additional condition. These associations can direct investigators toward novel genetic etiology and also highlight the need for more holistic care of the affected person.<p></p&gt

    Obtención de nuevas variedades de triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack)

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    Triticale is a cereal obtained through the man-made crossing of wheat (gender Triticum) and rye (gender Secale). Its name was formed through the combination of the two progenitors’ gender names. At the beginning, its cultivation had great difficulties as there were few commercial varieties and, furthermore, the farmers ignored its cultivation techniques. The characteristics of this cereal are intermediate between its progenitors’, taking from wheat its high production, harvest index and the high amount of grains by spike; and from rye its stable yield, rusticity, large amount of biomass, cold and drought resistance, adaptation to acid soils, greater amount of lysine in grain and disease resistance. The cereal origin was in Edinburgh. In 1875, Wilson obtained the first crossing between wheat and rye, the result of which was a sterile plant. The first fertile hybrid was obtained in Germany in 1888. During the decades of 1950 and 1960, the University of Manitoba (Canada) and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) started the Triticale research. The objective of this agricultural campaign was the multiplication, on the part of the genetic material, of the experimental lines of Triticale which are currently under study. During the 2016 campaign, 33 materials originally obtained by the CIMMYT were sown: 14 materials were sown in plots of a furrow 5 m long and 19 materials in plots of 30 m long, all of them with 52 cm between furrows, with the objective of obtaining new seeds of high germinating power. Sowing took place on August 12th on the experimental field of the Universidad de Lujan, with a “planet” manual seed drill, fertilized with diammonium phosphate. The delay in the sowing was due to a lack of soil during the month of July. The proposed objective was reached; a new seed with an excellent germinating power was obtained, thus making it necessary to continue with the multiplication of the remaining lines during the next campaign. Phenological data of the materials under study were also obtained, as well as their agronomic characterization.El triticale es un cereal que fue producto del cruzamiento realizado por el hombre entre el trigo (género Triticum) y el centeno (género Secale). Su nombre se ha formado con la combinación de ambos géneros de sus progenitores. En sus inicios, su cultivo tuvo grandes dificultades ya que existían pocas variedades comerciales y, además, los agricultores desconocían las técnicas de cultivo. Las características de este cereal son intermedias en relación a las de sus progenitores: del trigo toma su elevada producción, índice de cosecha y el gran número de granos por espiga; del centeno, sus rendimientos estables, rusticidad, gran cantidad de biomasa, resistencia al frío y a la sequía, adaptación a suelos ácidos, mayor contenido en lisina del grano y resistencia a enfermedades. Respecto al origen de este cereal, puede decirse que en 1875 Wilson obtuvo en Edimburgo el primer cruzamiento entre trigo y centeno, pero produjo una planta estéril. El primer híbrido fértil se obtuvo en Alemania en 1888. En los años 50 y 60, la Universidad de Manitoba (Canadá) y el Centro Internacional de Mejora de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT) iniciaron las investigaciones sobre el Triticale. El objetivo para esta campaña agrícola fue realizar la multiplicación de parte del material genético de las líneas experimentales de Triticale que se encuentran en estudio. Durante la campaña 2016 se sembraron un total de 33 materiales originalmente obtenidos por el CIMMYT, de los cuales: 14 materiales fueron sembrados en parcelas de un surco de 5 metros de largo y 19 materiales en parcelas de 30 metros de largo, todos con una distancia de entresurco de 52 cm, con el propósito de obtener semillas nuevas de alto poder germinativo. La siembra se realizó el 12 de agosto en el campo experimental de la Universidad de Luján, con sembradora manual tipo planet y fertilizado con fosfato di amónico. La demora en la siembra estuvo motivada por la falta de piso para poder realizarla durante el mes de julio. Como resultado se cumplió con el objetivo propuesto, y se obtuvieron semillas nuevas con excelente poder germinativo. Se debe continuar con la multiplicación de las líneas restantes durante la próxima campaña. También se recolectaron datos fenológicos de los materiales en estudio y se los caracterizó agronómicamente

    Análisis de los estilos parentales educativos de los adolescentes entre 14 y 18 años que consumen alcohol en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca Estudio descriptivo correlacional

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    El proyecto de investigación, de tipo descriptivo-correlacional y de diseño no experimental transversaldescriptivo, tiene por objetivo examinar los patrones de consumo de alcohol de los adolescentes entre 14 y 18 años de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca y su relación con los estilos educativos familiares. El propósito final es crear un programa de intervención educativo-preventivo para la comunidad, abordando no sólo a los adolescentes sino también implicando a sus padres.La muestra es no probabilística voluntaria y seleccionada en forma intencional.Participarán 1500 adolescentes de ambos sexos entre 14 y 18 años, con necesidades básicas insatisfechas y satisfechas, que concurren a escuelas medias privadas y estatales.Los instrumentos que se aplican son: Escala Habicol-92. Factores de riesgo asociados al consumo abusivo de alcohol en la adolescencia y El Test Autoevaluativo Multifactorial de Adaptación Infantil (TAMAI), Nivel III (adolescentes y adultos).Los adolescentes examinados consumen preferentemente cerveza y aperitivos. Se alcoholizó alguna vez el 54 % de los adolescentes y, en el último mes entre una y cuatro veces el 28%, entre cinco y ocho veces el 3% y más de ocho veces el 1%.El 72 % de los que no se alcoholizan tienen un nivel medio de educación asistencial personalizadapor parte del padre y los que se alcoholizan entre 5 y 8 veces en el mes tienen un nivel alto de permisivismo por parte del padre.El 12 % de los adolescentes que consume diariamente en exceso bebidas alcohólicas tienen muy alto el nivel de intrapunición, hipolaboriosidad, hipomotivación, insatisfacción escolar, indisciplina,autoajuste social y un nivel alto en el comportamiento inadecuado restrictivo de la madre

    Christian Kent

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    203hal.;ill.;30 c

    Notas de vida

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    vvi 165 hal.; ill.;24 cm

    Creating markets for orphan crops: Bioversity International supports marketing link in food value chain

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    In India, children may soon have school lunches that include finger millet instead of their usual rice. In Bolivia, a popular restaurant chain is offering its customers a menu containing a variety of dishes made from cañahua, an ancient Andean grain. Though on different sides of the world, these two activities are connected – both are outcomes of a Bioversity International initiative focused on using and conserving orphan crop species and varieties. These plant species and varieties are often highly nutritious, locally adapted and highly resilient crops that, for a variety of reasons, have been left out of the agricultural advances of recent decades, neglected by scientists who concentrate on only a few major staples and no longer used by farmers. The initiative is not just focusing on saving the seeds of these crops; it is encouraging farmers to grow them in their fields. Establishing market outlets for their harvests encourages the farmers to grow these orphan crops, resulting in improved school lunches in India and diverse restaurant offerings in Bolivia

    Processes of Animal Memory

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    xi 267 hal ; 24 c


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    --12.53 hal.;28 c