11,993 research outputs found

    UNITAID can address HCV/HIV co-infection

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    This book is a guide to the law that applies in the three international criminal tribunals, for the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone, set up by the UN during the period 1993 to 2002 to deal with atrocities and human rights abuses committed during conflict in those countries. Building on the work of an earlier generation of war crimes courts, these tribunals have developed a sophisticated body of law concerning the elements of the three international crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes), and forms of participation in such crimes, as well as other general principles of international criminal law, procedural matters and sentencing. The legacy of the tribunals will be indispensable as international law moves into a more advanced stage, with the establishment of the International Criminal Court. Their judicial decisions are examined here, as well as the drafting history of their statutes and other contemporary sources

    The Strong State and Pancasila: Reflecting Human Rights in the Indonesian Democracy

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    The rights of every Indonesian citizens are protected by the 1945 Constitution. Does the reality matches with the normative regulations? Does democratization improves the protection of human rights especially in term of the religious freedom? We find that there is a discrepancy between the ideal written constitution and the reality. In this following essay I argue that the failure of Indonesian democratic regimes to protect human rights is the result of the lack of "stateness". The ideal of "stateness" is referring to Fukuyama idea that is "the ability of state to plan and execute policies and to enforce law". I will present the argument that the weakness of the administration cause by an ambiguity in the interpretation of the Indonesia ideology, Pancasila (the Five-Principles). This paper will firstly discuss the idea of strong state and its relation to the protection of human rights. Alongside the theoretical examination of the concept, I will discuss the weakness of democratic regimes in Indonesia to protect human rights. This will be followed by an examination of the core argument of the paper, argue that the principle cause of the state weakness lies on the ambiguity of the administration to interpret Pancasila

    Explaining Crimmigration in Indonesia: a Discourse of the Fight Against People Smuggling, Irregular Migration Control, and Symbolic Criminalization

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    Controlling migration in the world's largest archipelago brings various challenges to Indonesian authorities that differ from other countries. The difficulties become even more complicated since Indonesia has been known as the most favorite transit country for people who want to migrate to Australia due to its strategic geographical location, which is situated between the continents of Asia and Australia and between the Pacific and Indian oceans. Following this, the decision of choosing the mechanism of criminal law to deal with irregular migration from the start leads Indonesia to its acknowledgment as a country who is vulnerable to the trend of crimmigration. The criminalization of immigration-related conducts, the authorization of investigative power to the immigration officers, and the implementation of the 'selective policy' in the very first Immigration Law (Law No. 9/1992) justify the underlying situation in Indonesia. This condition is even harsher when Indonesia joined the fight against people smuggling since the new law concerning immigration (Law No. 6/2011) also increase criminal sanctions for immigration-related offenses. Nonetheless, this punitive approach stands as a symbolic strategy, which is barely enforced by the Indonesian authorities and it serves nothing than responding the problems with erroneous actions. By doing this, the Indonesian government has shown its weaknesses and inabilities to control crime problems to an acceptable level

    Perlindungan Terhadap Lingkungan Dalam Perspektif Konstitusi

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    Nowadays there is a tendency in many countries to protect the environment by incorporating general principles of environment into a state or a regional constitution. This article aims to examine the extent to which environmental protection can be provided through the adoption of those constitutional norms. This study was conducted using a qualitative methodology with a normative approach and library research derived from court decisions, law and regulations, books and journal articles. It concludes that the Indonesian Constitution contains constitutional norms for the environmental protection. However, these constitutional norms are still positioned as a subsidiary or supporting factor in the fulfillment of human rights and the national economy. In order to strengthen the environmental protection by the Indonesian Constitution, it requires a reformulation of related constitutional norms by positioning the environment more as the basic values in the state administration and national economic activities

    Kemitraan Bahari dalam Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Pesisir di Indonesia

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    Kemitraan (partnership) bukanlah semata-mata bagian dari proses demokratisasi melainkan juga merupakan salah satu jawaban atas keterbatasan kemampuan negara dalam mengelola sumber daya alam, termasuk sumberdaya pesisir. Dalam kerangka melaksanakan tugas dan perannya dalam upaya menciptakan kesejahteraan dan keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia negara dapat mengadakan hubungan kemitraan dengan pihak swasta atau dunia USAha dan kemitraan dengan masyarakat (civil society). Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan lebih dalam tentang konsep dan pelaksanaan kemitraan sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang No. 27 Tahun 2007 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil dengan istilah mitra bahari. Berdasarkan konsep Good Governance diharapkan para stakeholder di bidang perikanan dan kelautan dapat menjalin kemitraan bisnis, yaitu antara dunia USAha (private sector) dengan masyarakat (civil society) yang difasilitasi oleh Pemerintah (government) atau Pemerintah Daerah. Sehingga ruang lingkup mitra bahari dapat diperluas tidak hanya ditujukan untuk peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat pesisir, namun lebih nyata manfaatnya bila juga ditujukan untuk peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat dengan dibentuknya kemitraan bisnis

    Asymmetric coalescence of reactively wetting droplets

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    Coalescence of droplets during reactive wetting is investigated for the liquid Ga/GaAs(001) system. In situmirror electron microscopy reveals that coalescence predominantly involves the motion of one reactive droplet relative to the other. This behaviour differs significantly from coalescence in non-reactive systems and is associated with contact line pinning at a ridge/etch pit edge which is identified using atomic force microscopy and selective etching. A simple geometrical model is presented to describe the pinning

    Mainstreaming Human Rights Under National and International Law: Legal and Epistemic Question

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    Even though the concept of human rights mainstreaming is not new to public International law, it has recently gained increased recognition as a practical approach for recognizing the linkages between human rights and other social justice issues such as environmental protection. A plenitude of literature have been generated on the need to recognize and enforce human rights standards and norms in a wide range of issues including environment, health, gender, poverty, food, water and refugee protection to mention but a few. Despite the rapid ascendancy of the human rights mainstreaming concept, much attention have not been given to the scope of human rights mainstreaming and the practical aspects of human rights mainstreaming, particularly whether institutions consisting of ‘outsiders' to the human rights epistemic community can interpret and enforce human rights obligation. Put simply, do environmentalists, scientists and outsiders to human rights have the capacity to mainstream human rights? This paper examines the scope and tenets of human rights mainstreaming, it then discusses the practical aspects of mainstreaming human rights into policy making, particularly how epistemic concerns on human rights mainstreaming can be addressed in national and International policy design and implementation

    Organisasi Advokat dan Urgensi Peran Pemerintah dalam Profesi Advokat

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    Pembentukan Organisasi Advokat sebagaimana diamanahkan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2003 tentang Advokat ternyata menimbulkan polemik mengenai Organisasi Advokat yang mana yang diakui keberadaannya oleh undang-undang tersebut. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa UUD 1945 telah memberikan perlindungan yang mendasar atas kebebasan berserikat dan berkumpul maka terhadap ketentuan pasal tersebut memberikan dasar secara konstitusional bahwa setiap Advokat sebenarnya berhak untuk mendirikan lebih dari satu Organisasi Advokat, sehingga dari hal ini ditemukan kesalah pemahaman dalam Undang-Undang Advokat, yang mencampur-adukkan pengertian suatu organisasi dan pembentukannya dengan apa makna hakiki dari tujuan pembentukan wadah tunggal dalam profesi Advokat. Tulisan ini ditujukan agar dalam dalam pembentukan wadah tunggal tersebut tidak menimbulkan konflik perebutan antar Advokat dengan tanpa mengesampingkan kebebasan dan kemandirian Advokat yang sejalan dengan tujuan negara hukum modern yang demokratis yang didalamnya mensyaratkan adanya peran pemerintah dalam pembentukan wadah tunggal tersebut.The formation of Advocate Organization as mandated in Law No. 18 of 2003 concerning Advocate turn polemical issue regarding Advocate Organization which is recognized by the law. Actually, the Indonesian 1945 Constitution has provided basic protection for freedom of association and assembly, so the provision provides constitutional rights that every Advocate actually have the right to establish more than one Advocate Organization. There exists misunderstanding entrenched in the Advocate Law, which confounds the understanding of an organization and its formation to what the true meaning of the purpose of the establishment of a single body of advocates professions. It is intended that in the formation of a single bar can avoid the potential conflict between the advocates without prejudice to the freedom and independence of advocates rights to assembly consistent with the goals of modern democratic constitutional state in which requires the government role in the formation of a single bar

    Urgensi Pengaturan Kewarganegaraan Ganda Bagi Diaspora Indonesia

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    The need for dual citizenship regulation seems increasingly prominent and becomes an issue that continues to be striven by the Indonesian Diasporas in various countries around the globe. Dual citizenship has become the dream of the Indonesian Diasporas in various countries since many Indonesian citizen Diasporas with a single citizenship often encounter various obstacles and limitations. The Indonesian citizenship law is today based on the principle of single citizenship. This principle has been even adhered since the proclamation of August 17 1945, under the enactment of Law Number 3 of 1946 on Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia, which was later replaced by Law Number 62 of 1958 on Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia and amended by Act Number 12 of 2006 on Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government Regulation Number 2 of 2007 on Procedures for acquisition, loss, deprivation, and reacquisition of Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia. Nowadays, the demands for the implementation of unlimited dual citizenship are under the considerations for the Government and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia to amend Act Number 12 of 2006. It is not only for the demands of the Indonesia diaspora to the implementation of unlimited dual citizenship, but it is also for the reality of the development of globalization today. The implementation of dual citizenship for Indonesian diaspora is a necessity. In addition, it is based on the reality of globalization and the spirit of the constitution that protects all the entire homeland of Indonesia, including Indonesian citizens residing abroad

    Using the AutoCAD Graphic Package to Build 3D Model of Complex Geometric Figures in the Arts Computer Science discipline.

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    У тезах доповіді показано один із практичних методів використання графічного пакету AutoCAD при виконанні лабораторних робіт з розділу «Проекційне креслення». Для рішення поставленої задачі необхідні сучасні комп’ютерні класи з мультимедійними ресурсами, що дасть змогу зацікавити студента у вивчені дисциплін образотворчого циклу.У тезах доповіді показано один із практичних методів використання графічного пакету AutoCAD при виконанні лабораторних робіт з розділу «Проекційне креслення». Для рішення поставленої задачі необхідні сучасні комп’ютерні класи з мультимедійними ресурсами, що дасть змогу зацікавити студента у вивчені дисциплін образотворчого циклу.. The thesis reports show one of the practical methods of using the AutoCAD graphical package when performing laboratory work from the section "Projection drawing". For the solution of the task necessarily modern computer classes with multimedia resources are required that will enable students to be interested in the studied disciplines of the visual cycle