1,044 research outputs found

    Malediction resurrected : ins finstere Herz von Apocalypse Now - Redux

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    Vor ĂŒber zwanzig Jahren erregte Francis Ford Coppola mit seinem atemberaubenden, visionĂ€ren Vietnamfilm Apocalypse now (1979) weltweit Aufsehen: In beklemmenden, packenden und irritierenden Bildern, untermalt von dem Doors-Klassiker „The End“ erzĂ€hlte er von der Reise des Armee-Agenten Willard (Martin Sheen) durch den Dschungel, um den offenbar grössenwahnsinnigen Colonel Kurtz (Marlon Brando) zu liquidieren. Nun kommt Coppolas Meisterwerk erneut in die Kinos: Redux - noch einmal zum Beginn gehen, um das Geschehen um fĂŒnfzig Minuten erweitert neu zu sehen

    The Imperforate Anus Psychosocial Questionnaire (IAPSQ): Its construction and psychometric properties

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    The origin of the present study was to develop the liaison work between the disciplines of child and adolescent psychiatry and paediatric surgery and nursing, so as to improve the quality of treatment and care of a group of children with imperforate anus (IA) and their families. Imperforate anus is a congenital disease involving a deformity of the anorectum. The early surgery and invasive follow-up treatment associated with IA may affect the child psychosocially, including the child-parent relationship. By developing and testing a questionnaire for children born with anorectal anomalies, a tool for measuring psychosocial functioning can be realized

    Essential Emergency and Critical Care: a consensus among global clinical experts.

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    BACKGROUND: Globally, critical illness results in millions of deaths every year. Although many of these deaths are potentially preventable, the basic, life-saving care of critically ill patients are often overlooked in health systems. Essential Emergency and Critical Care (EECC) has been devised as the care that should be provided to all critically ill patients in all hospitals in the world. EECC includes the effective care of low cost and low complexity for the identification and treatment of critically ill patients across all medical specialties. This study aimed to specify the content of EECC and additionally, given the surge of critical illness in the ongoing pandemic, the essential diagnosis-specific care for critically ill patients with COVID-19. METHODS: In a Delphi process, consensus (>90% agreement) was sought from a diverse panel of global clinical experts. The panel iteratively rated proposed treatments and actions based on previous guidelines and the WHO/ICRC's Basic Emergency Care. The output from the Delphi was adapted iteratively with specialist reviewers into a coherent and feasible package of clinical processes plus a list of hospital readiness requirements. RESULTS: The 269 experts in the Delphi panel had clinical experience in different acute medical specialties from 59 countries and from all resource settings. The agreed EECC package contains 40 clinical processes and 67 requirements, plus additions specific for COVID-19. CONCLUSION: The study has specified the content of care that should be provided to all critically ill patients. Implementing EECC could be an effective strategy for policy makers to reduce preventable deaths worldwide

    Iranian and Iraqi torture survivors in Finland and Sweden : findings from two population-based studies

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    Background: Most refugees and other forced migrants have experienced potentially traumatic events (PTEs). Torture and other traumatic experiences, as well as various daily stressors, impact the mental health and psychosocial well-being of war-affected populations. Methods: The study includes two population-based samples of Iranian and Iraqi men living in Finland and Sweden. The Finnish Migrant Health and Well-being Study (Maamu) was conducted in 2010-2012. The Linkoping study was conducted in Sweden in 2005. In both samples, health and well-being measures, social and economic outcomes as well as health service utilization were reported. Results: The final sample for analysis consisted of two groups of males of Iranian or Iraqi origin: 278 residents in Finland and 267 residents in Sweden. Both groups were subdivided according to the reported PTEs: Torture survivors; Other PTEs; No PTEs. Migrants that reported PTEs, torture survivors in particular, had significantly poorer social and health outcomes. Torture survivors also reported lower trust and confidence in authorities and public service providers, as well as more loneliness, social isolation and experiences of discrimination. Conclusions: Torture and other PTEs prevalent in refugee and migrant populations create a wide-ranging and long-term impact in terms of increased risk of various types of adverse social and health conditions. Early identification through systematic and effective screening should be the first step in guiding migrants and refugees suffering from experiences of torture and other PTEs to flexible, multidisciplinary services.Peer reviewe

    Validation of the English and Swahili Adaptation of the Patient Health Questionnaire–9 for Use Among Adolescents in Kenya

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    Purpose: Our study aimed to validate culturally adapted English and Swahili versions of the Patient Health Questionnairee9 (PHQ-9) for use with adolescents in Kenya. Criterion validity was determined with clinician-administered diagnostic interviews using the Kiddie Schedule of Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia. Methods: A total of 250 adolescents comprising 148 (59.2%) females and 102 (40.8%) males aged 10e19 years (mean ÂŒ 14.76; standard deviation ÂŒ 2.78) were recruited. The PHQ-9 was administered to all respondents concurrently in English and Swahili. Adolescents were later interviewed by clinicians using Kiddie Schedule of Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia to determine the presence or absence of current symptoms of major depressive disorder. Sensitivity specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV), and likelihood ratios for various cut-off scores for PHQ-9 were analyzed using receiver operating characteristic curves. Results: The internal consistency (Cronbach’s a) for PHQ-9 was 0.862 for the English version and 0.834 for Swahili version. The area under the curve was 0.89 (95% confidence interval, 0.84e0.92) and 0.87 (95% confidence interval, 0.82e0.90) for English and Swahili version, respectively, on receiver operating characteristic analysis. A cut-off of 9 on the English-language version had a sensitivity of 95.0%, specificity of 73.0%, PPV of 0.23, and NPV of 0.99; a cut-off of 9 on the Swahili version yielded a sensitivity of 89.0%, specificity of 70.0%, PPV of 0.20, and NPV of 0.9

    “People play it down and tell me it can’t kill people, but I know people are dying each day”. Children’s health literacy relating to a global pandemic (COVID-19); an international cross sectional study

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    The aim of this study was to examine aspects of children's health literacy; the information sources they were accessing, their information preferences, their perceived understanding of and their reported information needs in relation to COVID-19. An online survey for children aged 7-12 years of age and parent/caregivers from the UK, Sweden, Brazil, Spain, Canada and Australia was conducted between 6th of April and the 1st of June 2020. The surveys included demographic questions and both closed and open questions focussing on access to and understanding of COVID-19 information. Descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis procedures were conducted. The findings show that parents are the main source of information for children during the pandemic in most countries (89%, n = 347), except in Sweden where school was the main source of information. However, in many cases parents chose to shield, filter or adapt their child's access to information about COVID-19, especially in relation to the death rates within each country. Despite this, children in this study reported knowing that COVID-19 was deadly and spreads quickly. This paper argues for a community rather than individual approach to addressing children's health literacy needs during a pandemic

    How children in Sweden accessed and perceived information during the first phase of the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Aim: To describe how children in Sweden accessed and perceived information about SARS-CoV2 and Covid-19 during the first phase of the outbreak. Methods: This study is a substudy of an international cross-sectional online mixed methods survey examining elements of children’s health literacy in relation to Covid-19. The survey included multiple-choice questions, open-ended questions and drawings and collected information from 50 Swedish children (7–12 years). Data were analysed concurrently on a descriptive level using statistics and content analysis. Quantitative and qualitative data, including the drawings, were considered equally important and resulted in six categories, illuminating how children accessed and perceived information about the pandemic. Results: The survey showed that children accessed information mainly from school but also from TV. They preferred information from reliable sources. Children reported the information they accessed as easy to understand and it prompted them to ask new questions. They reported they knew a lot about the pandemic, for example, the potential danger to themselves and others and how to act to protect themselves and others. They perceived the pandemic as an intrusion on their lives. Conclusions: This study indicates that Swedish children between 7 and 12 years old were well informed about SARS-CoV2 and Covid-19 during the first phase of the pandemic. School was shown to be an important source of information. The children could explain how to act to protect themselves and others from becoming infected by the virus

    So nah und doch so fern : Literaturhinweise zur Geschichte der DDR-Medien

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    Da Kultur immer ein Ausdruck gesellschaftlicher VerhĂ€ltnisse ist, war mit der Implosion des DDR-Systems auch das Kapitel sozialistischer Mediengeschichte alsbald beendet: Das Fernsehen, die Filmbetriebe und wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen wurden bekanntermaßen radikal aufgelöst, das Personal in die unbestimmte SelbstĂ€ndigkeit entlassen bzw. nur in AusnahmefĂ€llen von bundesrepublikanisch orientierten Nachfolgeorganisationen aufgefangen. Dieser politisch gewollte Auflösungs- und Transformationsprozeß vollzog sich dermaßen rasch und grĂŒndlich, daß selbst Erinnerungen an die spezifischen Leistungen der ostdeutschen Audiovision drohen, verloren zu gehen. Um sowohl dem allgemeinen und eigenen Vergessen (neben dem VerdrĂ€ngen) entgegenwirken als auch die (nach wie vor andere) Befindlichkeit im "Beitrittsgebiet" verstehen zu können, sind historisch interessierte (und betroffene) Theoretiker wie Praktiker auf Publikationen angewiesen, welche die abgeschlossene Entwicklung der kinematographischen und elektronischen Bildproduktion in 41 Jahren DDR dokumentieren, rekonstruieren oder analysieren

    Parents experience of participate in nursing for their child withdiabetes type 1 : A literature study from a parent perspective

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    Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 1 Ă€r en vanlig kronisk sjukdom som oftast drabbar barn. Sverige Ă€r ett av de lĂ€nder som har högst incidens av diabetes typ 1 i vĂ€rlden. Diabetes typ 1 Ă€r en sjukdom dĂ€r egenvĂ„rden anses vara livsavgörande. DĂ„ sjukdomen drabbar barn spelar förĂ€ldrars delaktighet i egenvĂ„rden en central roll. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att beskriva förĂ€ldrars upplevelse av delaktigheten i vĂ„rden av sitt barn med diabetes typ 1. Metod: Studien Ă€r en allmĂ€n litteraturstudie, baserad pĂ„ 10 kvalitativa artiklar. Resultat: Resultatet visade att förĂ€ldrar bar ett stort ansvar i vĂ„rdandet kring barnet som har diabetes typ 1. FörĂ€ldrars upplevelser kring delaktigheten i vĂ„rdandet av sitt sjuka barn bestod i olika kĂ€nslor, tankar och förĂ€ndringar. Resultatet redovisas i tre kategorier kĂ€nslomĂ€ssiga reaktioner, vĂ„rdandets pĂ„verkan pĂ„ vardagen och en ny vĂ€rld. Slutsats: Det Ă€r viktigt att belysa förĂ€ldrars upplevelser dĂ„ detta kan bidra till utveckling av den familjefokuserade omvĂ„rdnaden. Genom detta kan sjuksköterskan hjĂ€lpa familjer att uppnĂ„ en god och sĂ€ker vĂ„rd för familjerna med barn som har diabetes typ 1. Av studiens resultat dras slutsatsen att det som sjuksköterska Ă€r viktigt att söka förstĂ„else för familjens perspektiv. Vilket författarna ser inom detta omrĂ„de vara att förstĂ„ relationen mellan barns sjukdom och förĂ€ldrars upplevelser. Klinisk Betydelse: En ökad kunskap hos sjuksköterskor i Ă€mnet, bidrar till en bĂ€ttre vĂ„rd dĂ€r familjefokuserad omvĂ„rdnad uppmĂ€rksammas i större utrĂ€kning.Background: Diabetes type 1 is one of the most common chronic illness effecting children. Sweden is one of the countries in the world with the highest incident of diabetes type 1. Diabetes type 1 is a disease when self-care plays a life effecting part. As the disease often affects children the parents’ participation in the self-care play a central part. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe parents’ experience of participating in nursing for their child with diabetes type 1. Method: This study is regular literatures study, based on 10 qualitative articles. Results: The result shows that parents’ carried a huge responsibility regarding nursing for the child with diabetes type 1. Parents’ experience regarding participating in nursing for their child consisted in different feelings, thoughts and changes. The result is presented in three categories emotional reactions, nursing affecting the everyday life and a new world. Conclusions: It’s important to highlight parents experience as it can contribute to developing family nursing. Through this the nurse can help the family to achieve a god and safe care for the family having a child with diabetes type 1. The result off this study concludes the important of seeking understanding for the patients’ perspective, by the nurse. Which the author of this study sees, in its context meaning understanding the relationship between children’s disease and parents’ experience. Relevance to clinical practice: Increased knowledge by the nurse in the subject will contribute to better care, where family nursing is in larger computation

    Quality of life and functional outcome in Swedish children with low anorectal malformations : a follow-up study

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    PURPOSE: The aim was to investigate the quality of life and bowel function in children with low anorectal malformations (ARM). ADDITIONAL AIM: To evaluate the Swedish version the Hirschsprung's Disease/Anorectal Malformation Quality of life Questionnaire (HAQL). METHODS: Forty-four children and their parents were invited to complete the HAQL and the Bowel Function Score (BFS). Healthy children participated as controls and completed the HAQL. RESULTS: Seventeen children and 18 mothers completed the HAQL. The children reported impaired function in the physical symptom (PH) fecal continence (FC) and laxative diet (LD) domains compared to controls. Compared with their mothers, they reported impaired physical function and more symptoms in the emotional functioning (EMF) and PH domains. 27 families completed the BFS; 63% reported normal bowel function, 33% moderate outcome and one patient, comprising 4%, poor outcome. Evaluation of the HAQL, FC, EMF and PH domains showed no obvious conflicts. CONCLUSIONS: The children did not differ much regarding their QoL, even though they appeared to have impaired bowel function and worse emotional functioning compared to controls. The mothers underestimated their children's physical symptoms and overestimated their emotional functioning. Evaluated domains in the HAQL appear to work as intended, but the questionnaire needs further development
