12,082 research outputs found

    Dukungan Agroindustri Komoditi Andalan Perkebunan terhadap Kinerja Perdagangan Kabupaten Aceh Timur

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    . System of agro-industry in Aceh still rests on the upstream industry prime commodity-based plantation. In the case of agro-industry very decisive contribution to the plantation subsector in Aceh Timur GDP. This research use simulations to support export by Kuala Langsa Port. The analysis showed that several centers of raw materials production is very sensitive to a decrease in productivity of commodity areas. Based on the performance of the agro-industry coefficients for each commodity, the biggest are: animal feed industrial, cocoa and spices industry. While the industry as cocoa, coconut, turmeric and cloves are relatively small, but still larger than one. Therefore, agro-industrial system capable of providing added value to the trading system still relies on the east coast region of Aceh, Kuala Langsa ports should be developed


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    Makalah ini mencoba menjajaki kemungkinan untuk membangun suatu Sistem Teori Arsitektur tamadun melalui tinjauan tentang definisi teori dan Teori Arsitektur tamadun sebagai body of Knowledge, identifikasi sistem dan sumber Teori Arsitektur, Pilihan ragam teori dan lingkup problematisasi yang tepat bagi Teori Arsitektur tamadun, dan pembukaan ranah teorisasi baru serta penentuan strategi pembangunan dan pengembangan Sistem Teori Arsitektur tamadun. Hal ini sama seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh Iwan Sudrajat (1999) yang dipaparkannya melalui Ngawangun Ki Nusantara. Konsep perencanaan dan pengembangan kota di Indonesia selama ini masih bersumber kepada suatu konsep yang dibangun berdasarkan landasan teori yang berkembang dari Teori Barat sehingga pengaruh tersebut dapat menyebabkan Arsitektur tamadun terutama pada alam atau lingkup perkotaan akan kehilangan jati diri. Pemikiran-pemikiran yang disampaikan oleh para ahli perkotaan selalu berlandaskan atas pengalaman dan peristiwa-peristiwa yang ada pada kota-kota di belahan dunia lain. Melihat keadaan Indonesia saat ini dimana alam demokrasi telah dibuka lebar-lebar maka tanpa disadari bahwa bangsa kita telah memasuki masa yang hampir merupakan suatu masa tanpa batas dan menghalalkan segala perbedaan. Hal ini membuka peluang bahwa konsep perencanaan dan pengembangan kota di Indonesia memiliki suatu kebebasan akan beracuan kepada teori apapun. Disinilah peluang kita membangun suatu konsep perencanaan dan pengembangan kota yang lebih dilandasi oleh kekuatan-kekuatan yang dapat dibangun dari pengetahuan-pengetahuan yang berasal dari teori-teori Arsitektur tamadu

    Pengaruh Kinerja Alat Suling dan Kesesuaian Lahan terhadap Produksi Minyak Nilam di Kabupaten Aceh Jaya

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    . This study aims to analyze the influence of the performance of distillation equipment and suitability of land stills to patchouli oil in Aceh Jaya. The method used is a Latin square design on the basis of the type of production areas, varieties of patchouli and tools of refiners. Performance refinery observed that vary according to the area of production, varieties of patchouli and specification tools refiners. The results showed that the performance optimization of different distillation apparatus according to the specifications of agro-climatic regions of production, varieties and types of equipment refiners. This also causes the variation of performance and patchouli oil refining business profits. Futhermore, appropriate agro-climatic regions and agro-ecological production, the smaller the value of the investment required to achieve optimal distillation process. For areas that are less appropriate in each agro-climate varieties of investment required with a larger value. To obtain better distillation process performance when cultivated varieties according to agro-climatic and agroecology


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    Abstrak Sebagai warisan budaya yang mengandung nilai-nilai luhur, kakawin Ramayana hendaknya dilestarikan dan dipertahankan keberadaanya. Karena seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang begitu pesat, kakawin Ramayana ternyata tidak mampu mempertahankan eksistensinya khususnya remaja. Maka dari itu diperlukan sebuah media yang efektif untuk memperkenalkan kembali kakawin Ramayana terhadap remaja. Dalam memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi dibidang informasi maka diciptakan sebuah media buku yang lebih sasaranya terhadap remaja. Melalui metode penelitian yang dilakukan, data-data yang didapat dari hasil observasi, wawancara dan kepustakaan kemudian diolah melalui analisis dan sintesa. Sehingga dapat menghasilkan data dalam menciptakan media buku kakawin Ramayana dalam memperkenalkan kepada remaja di Bali. “Edikatif Fantasi” merupakan konsep yang diterapkan pada media Buku kakawin ini, karena kakawin Ramayana memberikan sifat mendidik serta dan imajinasi serta angan - angan . Sehingga konsep ini relevan dalam perwujudan media yang digunakan dalam pelestarian kakawin Ramayana. VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN AS A MEANS OF PRESERVATION kakawin RAMAYANA THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE MEDIA BOOKS BY PROVINCE BALI Abstract As a cultural heritage that contain high values, kakawin Ramayana should be preserved and maintained its existence. Because along with the rapid development of technology, kakawin Ramayana was not able to maintain its existence, especially teenagers. Therefore needed an effective medium to reintroduce the Ramayana kakawin against teenagers. Advantage of technological developments in the field of information then created a book that is more media target market to teens. Through the methods of research conducted, the data obtained from the observations, interviews and literature then processed through analysis and synthesis. So as to produce the data in creating media kakawin Ramayana book in introducing the teenager in Bali. "Edikatif Fantasy" is a concept that is applied to the media kakawin this book, because kakawin Ramayana gives educate as well as the nature and imagination and wishful - thinking. So the concept is relevant in the embodiment of media used in the preservation of kakawin Ramayana. Keywords: Preservation Kakawin Ramayana, Media, Books Educational Fantas

    Role of Ramayana in Transformation of the Personal and Professional Life of Indians: An Empirical Investigation Based on Age and Regions

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    Ramayana is one of the greatest and holiest Sanskrit epics and one of the first written pieces of literature in the context of India. In the past few centuries, several authors have been exploring different dimensions of the epic Ramayana, which range from spirituality, philosophy, economics, politics, language, culture, poetry, literature, and technology. However, management does not seem to be popular in terms of subject analysis from Ramayana, even though Valmik Ramayana offers examples of several managers. Thus, several studies have been done to fill the gap in the literature by simply exploring the relevance of Ramayana for the growth and development of contemporary managers. These papers explore dharmic management, work motivation, vigilance, principles for control from Ramayana that offers lessons for improving managerial efficiency. The prospects to explore Ramayana in the other management domains like people management, and strategy management, may also be considered in the future


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    Ramayana dan Mahabharata Sebagai Sumber Lakon Mahabharata dan Ramayana adalah dua epos besar yang sangat popular di kalangan masyarakat dunia, hal ini dibukikan dengan adanya pestifal Ramayana pada PKB (Pesta Kesenian Bali tahun 2006) di Bali. Ramayana dan Mahabharata merupakan sumber lakon yang tidak pernah habis-habisnya, karena didalamnya terkandung ajaran-ajaran filsafat, agama yang bernilai tinggi serta berkembang mengikuti peradaban jaman


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    ABSTRACT Marketing process in a company will be successful if they can understand the unique character of their consumers. Unique characteristic of Indonesian consumer who unplanned and who have unplanned spending pattern became such opportunities for the company to sell their product. Research gap about buying behaviour between previous researchers became the problem of this research. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of interaction, situational factors and fashion involvement on positive emotion and planned impulsive buying. This research was limited on planned impulsive buying, whereas consumer already made such plan to go shopping but in fact they bought more than what they already planned before because of spontanious or suddenly cause. Sample collection technique used in this research was purposive sampling where respondents have to meet the criteria established by the researcher. The result from path analysis proved that the first hypothesis that the interaction with the salesforce on unplanned impulsive buying was rejected. The second hypothesis until the last hypothesis accepted. This study provides an overview of the importance to give a big discount (sale) programs, product variation and new trend products which will improve positive emotion and increase planned impulsive buying. Situational factors like crowd levels of store, comfortable shopping place, and well-organized layout also raise positive emotion and planned impulsive buying. In fact, most of the respondent felt that the crowded shopping situation makes them curious and raises positive emotions that motivated to make a purchase. Key words: Planned Impulsive Buying, Positive Emotions, Interaction with Salesforce, Situational Factors, Fashion Involvemen

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Kerang Hijau (Perna viridis) Menjadi Kitin sebagai Biokoagulan Air Sungai

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berat optimum kitin untuk penentuan COD, kesadahan total, kalsium dan kekeruhan adalah 0,75 gram sedangkan berat optimum kitin untuk penentuan kadar magnesium adalah 0,5 gram