853 research outputs found

    Formulation and standardization of homoeopathic mother tincture of Cinnamomum zeylanicum

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    Alcoholic preparation of drugs in Homoeopathy, are called as tincture. The mother tincture of Cinnamomum zeylanicum was prepared by 100 g of coarse powder (40 mess) of Cinnamomum zeylanicum was macerated with 95 v/v % of alcohol to make 1000 ml of mother tincture for eight days (drug strength 1/10). It was shaken occasionally, and filtered. The mother tincture was standardized by using various physical, chemical and chromatographic parameters.Keywords: Cinnamomum zeylanicum, mother tinctur

    Synthesis of drug nanoparticles using supercritical fluid

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na přípravu nanočástic léčiv, zejména nanočástic léčiv pomocí superkritických tekutin (SCFs). Cílem této práce je příprava nanočástic kofeinu, aspirinu, nifedipinu a cimetidinu pomocí superkritických tekutin. K přípravě bylo využito komerčně dodávaného přístroje Spe-ed SFE-4 (firma Applied separations). Příprava byla uskutečněna metodou rychlé expanze superkritickou směsí (RESS). Bylo zjištěno, že nanočástice kofeinu lze pomocí tohoto postupu připravit. Dále byly touto metodou připraveny částice aspirinu. Vznik částic nifedipinu a cimetidinu nebyl pozorován. Zároveň bylo zjištěno, že s rostoucí teplotou klesá velikost nanočástic kofeinu a vlivem teploty lze ovlivnit i tvar výsledných částic. Přístroj Spe-ed SFE-4 je využitelný k výrobě částic a nanočástic léčiv metodou RESS.The bachelor thesis is focused on preparation of drugs nanoparticles, especially using supercritical fluids (SCFs). The aim of this thesis is preparation of nanoparticles of caffeine, aspirin, nifeldipine and cimetidine using supercritical fluids. For preparation was used an Applied Separations Spe-ed SFE-4 device. As a preparation method was used rapid expansion of supercritical solution (RESS). It was found that using this procedure, nanoparticles of caffeine and particles of aspirin can be prepared. No signs of nifedipine and cimetidine nanoparticles formation were observed. Also was discovered that with rising temperature, the size of caffeine and aspirin nanoparticles is decreasing, thus, it is possible to affect the size of nanoparticles by controlling the temperature. The Spe-ed SFE-4 is capable of preparation of drugs nanoparticles using RESS method.9360 - Centrum nanotechnologiívýborn

    In vitro free radical scavenging activity of different extracts of Adansonia digitata L.

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    The species Adanasonia digitata L. (Bombacaceae) is a multipurpose tree with enormous range of medicinal and economic importance. The objective of the current study was to investigate the free radical scavenging potential of A. digitata. The methanol extracts of different parts i.e., leaf, seed, bark, fruit wall and floral extracts of A. digitata were screened for antioxidant activity using DPPH assay. Results from this study showed that the maximum and minimum percentage of free radical scavenging activity was exhibited by methanol extracts of seed and fruit wall (27.69 & 20) as measured by using DPPH assay. These results showed the antioxidant potential of this medicinal plant to make use in the preparation of drugs with free radical scavenging activity

    Avaleha Kalpana - A Review

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    In Ayurveda, Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana branch is more important. It deals with the preparation of medicine by using herbal, metal and animal origin substances. Herbal medicines are frequently used in Indian system of medicine since long time without any known side effect. Avaleha Kalpana is a semi solid preparation of drugs, prepared with addition of jaggery, sugar or sugar candy and boiled with prescribed drug juice or decoction it is called as Avaleha. While preparing Avaleha Madhura Dravya’s like Guda or Sharkara and honey are added to the juice or the decoction. This article will review the concept of Avaleha Kalpana in the classics

    Preparation of drugs in nanoparticles for targeted treatment of cancer

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    The aim of this thesis was to study the ability of the apoferritin to encapsulate drugs vandetanib and etoposid. Vandetanib is an anticancer drug used for the treatment of tumors of the thyroid gland. It acts as an inhibitor of tyrosine kinase receptor. Etoposid, which is widely used for the treatment of malignant blood diseases or solid tumors inhibits type II topoisomerase that regulates topology of DNA. Targeting treatment with nanoparticles can minimize adverse effects connected with both drugs. An apoferritin is a naturally occurring protein that is composed of 24 ferritin subunits. Its structure creates an internal cavity that can be loaded by any compoundands. The structure is remarkably stable and is able to withstand biologically extreme temperatures (up to 70řC) and a wide pH range (pH 2-10). Furthermore, apoferritin can move undetected through the body without any immune response. It is also possible to modify its surface by ligands specific for targeting tissues. The effect of the concentration of apoferritin and the effect of the concentration of the drug on the final concentration of the encapsulated drug was studied. In addition, even the effectiveness of encapsulation was studied. In the case of vandetanib, at a constant concentration of drug and an increasing concentration of...V této bakalářské práci byla studována schopnost apoferritinu enkapsulovat léčiva vandetanib a etoposid. Vandetanib je protinádorové léčivo používané zejména pro léčbu nádorů štítné žlázy. Patří mezi inhibitory tyrosinkinasových receptorů. Etoposid, který se používá velmi široce, jak pro léčbu krevních maligních chorob, tak pro léčbu solidních nádorů, inhibuje topoizomerasu II, která reguluje topologii DNA. Vedlejší účinky, které léčbu oběma léčivy doprovází, je možné minimalizovat využitím cílené léčby pomocí nanočástic. Apoferritin je přirozeně se vyskytující protein skládající se z 24 ferritinových podjednotek. Ve své struktuře obsahuje dutinu využitelnou pro vložení nejrůznějších látek. Struktura je pozoruhodně stálá a odolná vůči biologicky extrémním teplotám (do 70 řC) a širokému rozsahu pH (pH 2 - 10). Navíc apoferritin dokáže cirkulovat v krvi bez toho, aniž by byl detekován imunitním systém. Šíře použití apoferritinu se zvyšuje schopností modifikace jeho povrchu specifickými ligandy. Byl zjišťován zejména vliv koncentrace apoferritinu a vliv koncentrace cytostatika na výslednou koncentraci enkapsulovaného léčiva v apoferritinu, a dále pak efektivita enkapsulace cytostatika. V případě vandetanibu ze získaných výsledků vyplývá, že při konstantní koncentraci vandetanibu a s rostoucí...Katedra biochemieDepartment of BiochemistryFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Preparation of drugs in nanoparticles for targeted treatment of cancer

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    Department of BiochemistryKatedra biochemiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Systematic Approach and Ethno Botanical Importance of Plants - Sugali Tribe inhabitants of Adilabad and Komaram Bheem Asifabad Districts, Telangana State, India

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    The preliminary investigations of Systematic Approach and Ethno Botanical Importance of Plants used by Sugali Tribe inhabitants of Adilabad and Komaram Bheem Asifabad district, Telangana State, India with their recipes, preparation of drugs, administration, and usage form several centuries. The Sugali tribe possessing rich folklore information forms the prime source and exists scope to extend scientific research in further isolation and characterization of active principle involved in the pharmacological utility. The folklore claims were conducted and collaborated with phyto-chemical evidences of the respective crude drugs. Keeping in view of the fact potential source of medicinal plants of folklore origin need to be preserved and conserved. 74 crude drugs (species) belong to 63 genera and 29 families were collected based on folk-lore knowledge. The pattern of the plant use as per habitat (terrestrial, aquatic/epiphytes), habit (growth form), plant part (tissue) and taxonomic category (Systematically families), nativity and occurrence (wild/cultivated) were established