632 research outputs found

    Module extraction via query inseparability in OWL 2 QL

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    We show that deciding conjunctive query inseparability for OWL 2 QL ontologies is PSpace-hard and in ExpTime. We give polynomial-time (incomplete) algorithms and demonstrate by experiments that they can be used for practical module extraction

    A practical module system for LF

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    Module systems for proof assistants provide administrative support for large developments when mechanizing the meta-theory of programming languages and logics. In this paper we describe a module system for the logical framework LF. It is based on two main primitives: signatures and signature morphisms, which provide a semantically transparent module level and permit to represent logic translations as homomorphisms. Modular LF is a conservative extension over LF, and defines an elaboration of modular into core LF signatures. We have implemented our design in the Twelf system and used it to modularize large parts of the Twelf example library

    Pengembangan Modul Praktikum Kimia Berbasis Problem Based Learning (Pbl) pada Pokok Bahasan Asam Basa untuk Kelas XI Tingkat Sma/ma Sederajat

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    Research development of chemical- learning media module of practical based Problem Based Learning (PBL) was intended to produce a valid practical module acid base by aspects of content, graphics, presentations, and languange. Other than that for know respons teacher and students to learning media of practical module acid base was developed. Research development of media used ADD models haven 3 steps was Analysis, Design, and Development. Result of research development of acid base practical module based Problem Based Learning (PBL) was valids by 3 validator's people and otherwise valid of aspect contents, languanges, presentations, and graphics with an average percentage of 88.47% (category valid). Response was rated by 18 respondens in SMAN 5 and MAN 1 Pekanbaru and declared percentage respons of 87,48% (category strongly agree). This indicates that the learning media in the form of acid-base experiment module based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) declared valid

    Conjunctive query inseparability of OWL 2 QL TBoxes

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    The OWL2 profile OWL 2 QL, based on the DL-Lite family of description logics, is emerging as a major language for developing new ontologies and approximating the existing ones. Its main application is ontology based data access, where ontologies are used to provide background knowledge for answering queries over data. We investigate the corresponding notion of query inseparability (or equivalence) for OWL 2 QL ontologies and show that deciding query inseparability is PSpace-hard and in ExpTime. We give polynomial-time (incomplete) algorithms and demonstrate by experiments that they can be used for practical module extraction

    Thin-film module circuit design: Practical and reliability aspects

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    This paper will address several aspects of the design and construction of submodules based on thin film amorphous silicon (a-Si) p i n solar cells. Starting from presently attainable single cell characteristics, and a realistic set of specifications, practical module designs are discussed from the viewpoints of efficient designs, the fabrication requirements, and reliability concerns. The examples center mostly on series interconnected modules of the superstrate type with detailed discussions of each portion of the structure in relation to its influence on module efficiency. Emphasis is placed on engineering topics such as: area coverage, optimal geometries, and cost and reliability. Practical constraints on achieving optimal designs, along with some examples of potential pitfalls in the manufacture and subsequent performance of a-Si modules are discussed

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Kerja Dengan Menggunakan Modul Praktikum Untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Siswa Smk

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk tercapainya pelaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis kerja berupa praktikum, dihasilkannya modul praktikum serta diperoleh hasil evaluasi siswa dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran berbasis kerja berupa praktikum Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakanadalah R&D (Research and development) untuk mengembangkan modul praktikum dan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-experimental designs bentuk one-shot case study untuk melaksanakan penerapan serta evaluasi pembelajaran berbasis kerja berupa praktikum. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pelaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis kerja berupa praktikum dinyatakan sangat baik. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan oleh persentase skor yang diberikan observer terhadap siswa, guru dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis kerja berturut-turut 83,4%, 88,9% dan 88,9%. Modul praktikum yang dikembangkan dinyatakan layak untuk diterapkan. Hal tersebut ditunjukan oleh hasil validasi ahli media, materi, dan bahasa dengan skor persentase berturut-turut 84,6% (sangat layak), 93,1% (sangat layak), dan 79,2% (layak). Hasil evaluasi siswa ditunjukkan melalui persentase pencapaian hasil posttest dan hasil tes kompetensi berturut-turut 75% dan 100% siswa telah mencapai KKM. Pembelajaran berbasis kerja berupa praktikum dengan menggunakan modul praktikum dapat meningkatkan kompetensi siswa. This research aimed to achieve the application of work-based learning and learning process through practicum which produced practical module and students' evaluation. Research and Development (R&D) approach was used as the approach of this research in order to develop the practical module. Moreover, the research method used was pre-experimental designs through one-shot case study to apply and to evalute the work-based learning and learning process through practical work. The results showed that the application of work-based learning and learning process through practicum was categorized as excellent. It was based on the percentage of score that observer gave the students, teacher, and the application of work-based learning and learning process which were 83.4%, 88.9%, and 88.9% sequencely. In addition, the practical module which was used suitable to be applied. It was based on the validation result of media, material, and language specialist which the percentage score were 84.6% (highly suitable), 93.1% (highly suitable), and 79.2% (suitable) consecutively. Moreover, the results of students evaluation were shown by attaining percentage of post-test result and competencies test result which were 75% and 100% consecutively, which means that the students pass the standard score of the subject. Thus, work-based learning and learning process through practicum using practical module can enhance the students' competencies

    Rancang Bangun Modul Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) Sistem Off-grid Sebagai Alat Penunjang Praktikum Di Laboratorium

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    This study aims to design and manufacture a practical module for a small-scale off-grid solar power system with a power capacity of 320Wp. This module consists of the main components of an off-grid type solar power system such as solar panels, Solar Charger Controller (SCC), batteries, inverters, ac/dc loads and power meter measuring instruments integrated in one module. The method used is laboratory research methods and literature study. The literature study method is to look for literature related to solar power plant as a support in making modules and laboratory methods, namely testing modules/ systems with certain conditions. Stages This research method includes identification of problems in the laboratory, literature study, design/layout of the PLTS module, determining the type and analysis of the capacity of solar panels, SCC, inverters and batteries, supplying materials/components, manufacturing modules, and testing modules in the laboratory. The output and benefits of this research are getting a practical module for the solar power plant system which makes it easier for students to understand the working principles of the PLTS system; also to optimize practicum activities in the laboratory. From the results of testing, measurement, and data analysis that have been carried out by the off-grid solar power plant (PLTS) module that has been made to function properly and works in accordance with the principle of the off-grid PLTS system, generating electricity according to the capacity of the solar panel, The solar charge controller works in accordance with its function to regulate charge and discharge of battery storage and the inverter is able to serve the load according to its capacity so that this module is ready to be used as a practical module in learning activities in the laboratory

    The Business Talents Cultivation of Cross-border E-commerce under “the Belt and Road Initiative”

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    Along with “the Belt and Road Initiative”, China’s cross-border e-commerce has been developed rapidly, which will certainly bring new challenges for talents cultivation in the Higher Education. The paper analyzes the new requirements for business talents under cross-border e-commerce. And then a cultivation system was proposed by examining the five major programs in our university. The cultivation objectives, the curriculum and the practical module are elaborated. Finally, some suggestions on the implementation of this cultivation system are put forward


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    AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan modul praktikum sistem pengisian IC Regulator yangberguna untuk membantu pembelajaran pada mata kuliah Praktikum Kelistrikan Otomotif, danmemperoleh respon terhadap modul praktikum sistem pengisian IC Regulator yang diujikan terhadapmahasiswa D3 Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Unesa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitianpengembangan Dick dan Carey dengan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di JurusanTeknik Mesin Unesa. Objek penelitian berupa pengembangan modul praktikum sistem pengisian ICRegulator. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data yaitu pengembangan modul dan angket yangbertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan respon dari modul. Langkah-langkah proses pengembanganmodul praktikum sistem pengisian IC Regulator melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu (1) identifikasi masalah,(2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi, (5) uji coba, (6) revisi, (7) produk jadi dan dapatdigunakan untuk belajar mahasiswa D3 Teknik Mesin Unesa angkatan 2009. Berdasarkan hasilpenelitian, diperoleh hasil bahwa modul sistem pengisian IC Regulator yang dikembangkan layak untukdigunakan dalam mata kuliah Praktikum Kelistrikan Otomotif. Hal ini dapat dilihat berdasarkan hasilvalidasi modul oleh dosen ahli isi sebesar 81,81 %, ahli desain sebesar 77,08 % dan ahli bahasa sebesar85,71 %, dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 81,53% sehingga dikategorikan sangat layak. Modul sistempengisian IC Regulator yang dikembangkan juga mendapat respon yang baik oleh mahasiswa. Haltersebut ditunjukkan dengan prosentase penilaian keterbacaan modul sebesar 78,43 %. Sehinggaberdasarkan hasil validasi modul dan penilaian terhadap keterbacaan oleh mahasiswa modul sistempengisian IC Regulator dapat dikategorikan layak untuk digunakan sebagai bahan ajar.Kata Kunci: modul sistem pengisian IC Regulator.AbstractThe purpose of this research is to produce practical module charging system IC Regulator to help studyon courses Teaching of Automotive Electrical, and to obtain a response to the practical module chargingsystem IC regulators are to be tested against the students of the D3 in Mechanical Engineering Faculty ofEngineering Unesa. This research use approach to research the development of Dick and Carey with adescriptive quantitative analysis. Research conducted in the Department of Mechanical EngineeringUnesa. The object of research is the development of practical module system of charging IC Regulator.The techniques used in the development of data collection modules and question form which aims toknow appropriateness and the response of the module. Measures the process of developing practicalmodule charging system IC Regulator through several stages: (1) identification of the problem, (2) datacollection, (3) design products, (4) validation, (5) testing, (6) revision, (7) the finished product and can beused to study mechanical engineering student D3 Unesa 2009. Based on research results, obtained theresults that the module charging system IC Regulators developed viable for use in Automotive Electricalcourses. This can be seen on the basis of the results of the validation of the module by expert lecturerscontents of 81,81%, 77,08% of design experts and linguists of 85,71%, with average percentage of81,53% so categorized is well worth. The practical module system charging IC Regulators developed alsogets a good response by the student. It is shown with a percentage assessment of the readability module of78,43%. So based on the results of the validation of the module and an assessment of the readability bythe student module charging system IC Regulator can be categorized is worthy to be used as learningmaterials.Keywords: module charging system IC Regulator

    Developing interactive multimedia learning materials for chemistry pre-lab training

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    This article is a progress update on a project investigating the impact of embedding interactive pre-lab materials into the preparation resources for 2nd year undergraduate students in an organic chemistry practical module. Materials were developed as part of a collaborative innovation grant that embedded students as collaborators in the development process. Resulting activities included a mixture of multimedia and active learning exercises, including animations, quizzes, videos, interactive simulations and 3D and 360-degree tours. Prototype evaluation results were used to refine the final version prior to release. A full evaluation is being carried out, and final results will be reported in a future article