22,480 research outputs found


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    The research is an analysis of Duncan Tonatiuh’s picture book entitled Separate is Never Equal (2014), which focuses on the representation of racism in the picture book. The research analyze the form of racism in the picture book depicted by the characters and the illustrations. This research used descriptive qualitative method and textual analysis that employed the types of racism by Jones (1997). It is found that there are three types of racism: individual racism, institutional racism, and cultural racism, are depicted in the picture book. The representation of racism is shown in the form of white as superior towards non-white as inferior. The non-whites in the picture book are represented as an inferior race and their social status is lower than whites. The findings of this study, therefore, signify the importance of children literature, more specifically picture books, as medium to raise awareness of racism more effectively. Keywords: cultural racism, individual racism, institutional racism, picture book, racis

    The Use of Picture Book in Teaching Reading for Junior High School Students

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    The research was aimed at discovering the use of picture book in helping junior high school students learn reading narrative, and the students\u27 responses to the use of picture book in teaching reading for junior high school students. The picture book in this research was Dr. Seuss\u27s "The Lorax" book and the students in this research were second grade junior high school students. The qualitative method was delivered in order to collect the data with observation and questionnaire as the instruments of the research. The use of “The Lorax” book as the tool of picture book was believed to be helpful in students\u27 learning reading activity for junior high school by facilitating teacher and students to carry out all of the steps in reading narrative activities proposed by some experts. The result displayed that picture book has important roles in helping students learn reading narrative with more than 50% responses were positive

    Children Response toward Good Saying in Islamic Picture Book

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    This research discussed the children response toward good saying in Islamic picture book and aims to know the responses of children as the reader in efferent and aesthetic responses to Islamic picture book. This study focuses on reader response theory. The researcher used video as instrument to find out the valid data. Then. the data was analyzed using a descriptive qualitative method. The researcher was conducted in order to give the reader of Islamic picture book. The finding show that the student used efferent and aesthetic response to constitute the knowledge about tayyibah, especially alhamdulillah sentence in daily life, the character in the Islamic picture book, the moral value, and connecting their prior knowledge after reading the Islamic picture book. The researcher concluded that students have responded using various possibilities, which is related to the content of the text

    Wild Flowers of the United States: Volume 1, The North-Eastern States (in two parts). Harold William Rickett. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966. x, 559 pp. $39.50.

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    Excerpt: Many entomologists are faced with the problem of identifying a plant that an insect has been gathering nectar from, feeding on, or pollinating. Unless he is armed with a working knowledge of botany, and can handle the cumbersome keys in our modern floras, h e must resort to a specialist or a picture book


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    The research was aimed at discovering the use of picture book in helping junior high school students learn reading narrative, and the students’ responses to the use of picture book in teaching reading for junior high school students. The picture book in this research was Dr. Seuss's "The Lorax" book and the students in this research were second grade junior high school students. The qualitative method was delivered in order to collect the data with observation and questionnaire as the instruments of the research. The use of “The Lorax” book as the tool of picture book was believed to be helpful in students’ learning reading activity for junior high school by facilitating teacher and students to carry out all of the steps in reading narrative activities proposed by some experts. The result displayed that picture book has important roles in helping students learn reading narrative with more than 50% responses were positive.


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    Bilingual picture books are one of the materials in joint-reading activities between adults and pupils. When using picture books, adults face difficulty conveying meaning from the book to children. Therefore, this paper investigates the compositional elements of a bilingual picture book and provides an understanding of exploring a picture book to create meaningful reading activities. This case study employs a multimodal discourse analytical approach to understand the placement of the visual resources and the dual text of a bilingual picture book entitled Kina Punya Teman Baru. The result shows the compositional instruments tend to attract the reader's focus on the characters and the continuity of the storyline. The tendency of using co-located backgrounds along with the simple bull eye focus of images directs readers to the actions and emotions experienced by the character. Visual elements in a bilingual picture book are put in a contextualized setting offering readers the to explore the particular image. This bilingual picture book uses Indonesian as L1 and English as L2. The composition of the verbal text layout indicates that this bilingual picture book is intended for pupils speaking Indonesian and are willing to learn English, but they still require scaffolding in accessing the language being learned

    IMPLEMENTASI TEKNIK READ ALOUD MENGGUNAKAN KOLEKSI LONGER PICTURE BOOK: Penelitian Tindakan pada Peserta Didik Prasekolah di Perpustakaan Sekolah Salman Al-Farisi Kota Bandung

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    Implementasi teknik read aloud yang dilakukan Guru Prasekolah menggunakan koleksi longer picture book masih monoton, kunjungan peserta didik ke perpustakaan masih rendah, pemanfaatan koleksi longer picture book untuk peserta didik prasekolah masih jarang dimanfaatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi teknik read aloud oleh guru prasekolah serta untukmengetahui peningkatan kemampuan bahasa peserta didik sebelum dan sesudah implementasi teknik read aloud menggunakan koleksi longer picture book. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan (action research) model paisey, pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek pada penelitian ini berjumlah 26 orang yang terdiri perempuan 12 orang dan laki-laki 14 orang. Hasil penelitian dari data 2 kali siklus terlihat implementasi teknik read aloud oleh guru prasekolah berkolaborasi dengan pustakawan mengalami perubahan positif. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari hasil evaluasi berdasarkan persentase pra siklus 36%, kemudian mengalami kenaikan sebanyak 25,96% dari siklus I 59,61% ke siklus II 85,67%. Dengan demikian, implementasi teknik read aloud menggunakan koleksi longer picture book memberikan peningkatan pada kemampuan bahasa peserta didik prasekolah Salman Al Farisi, Kota Bandung. Sebaiknya, kegiatan read aloud diimplementasikan sebagai program membaca di perpustakaan prasekolah Salman Al-Farisi. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan bahasa, read aloud, longer picture book, perpustakaan prasekolah The implementation of read-aloud technic that is performed by the preschool teacher by utilizing longer picture book collection is still monotonous, the student’s visit to the library is at the low level, the longer picture book collection for the students is barely utilized. This study aims to find out the increasing of the student’s ability before and after read-aloud technic by longer picture book collection. This study is an action research by using the paisley model with a qualitative approach. Data collection of this study by observing, interviewing, and study documentation. The subject of this study is about 26 people consisting of 12 women and 14 men. The result of this study from twice cycle data shows that the implementation of read-aloud by the preschool teacher collaborating with the librarian seems to alter positively. It can be viewed from the evaluation result based on the percentage of pre-cycle about 36% and escalating to the cycle 1 59,61% and 85,67% in the cycle II. Therefore, the implementation of read-aloud technic by using longer picture book collection increases the student’s ability at literature in the preschool of Salman Al Farisi, Bandung. The read-aloud should be implemented as a literacy program at the library in the preschool of Salman Al Farisi. Keywords: ability of literacy, read-aloud, longer picture book, preschool librar

    Lapsipotilas magneettitutkimuksessa : Digitaalinen kuvakirja

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    Magneettitutkimus on turvallinen tutkimusmenetelmä säteilysuojelullisesti lapsia tutkittaessa. Magneettikuvauksessa ei käytetä ionisoivaa säteilyä, joten se ei vaikuta solujen perimään. Lapsen saamasta säteilyaltistuksesta aiheutuu suurempi lisäriski kuin aikuisena saadusta säteilyaltistuksesta. Lapset ovat herkempiä säteilylle, koska he ovat pienikokoisia, sisäelimet sijaitsevat lähempänä ihoa ja oma keho antaa vähäisemmän suojan kuin aikuisilla. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin toiminnallisena ja opinnäytetyön tuotteena tehtiin digitaalinen kuvakirja magneettitutkimuksiin tuleville alle kouluikäisille lapsille. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli antaa lapsille tietoa magneettitutkimuksesta. Opinnäytetyön tehtävänä oli selvittää: Miten tuotetaan magneettitutkimukseen tulevalle lapselle digitaalinen kuvakirja? Opinnäytetyön yhteistyötahoina olivat Tampereen yliopistollisen sairaalan Lastentautien poliklinikka sekä Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto. Opinnäytetyön tuote tehtiin digitaalisen kuvakirjan muodossa ja se on esillä Lastentautien poliklinikan internetsivuilla. Tuote sisältää valokuvia Lastentautien poliklinikan päiväsairaalasta ja röntgenosaston magneettitutkimustiloista. Tuotteessa on selvennetty lapsen hoitopolkua magneettitutkimuksessa tekstein sekä kuvituksen avulla. Opinnäytetyön tuotetta ei julkaista Theseus-julkaisuarkistossa. Opinnäytetyön raportissa käsitellään magneettitutkimusta, kuvakirjojen merkitystä lasten ohjauksessa sekä toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön prosessia. Raporttiin kirjattiin yksityiskohtainen selvitys tuotteen suunnittelun sekä toteutuksen vaiheista. Kehittämisehdotuksena esitetään tutkimusta tuotteen toimivuudesta käytännössä sekä potilaiden että hoitohenkilökunnan näkökulmasta. Tuotteesta voisi tehdä lisäksi version eri kohderyhmälle.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe and painless test that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed pictures of the body’s organs and structures. Since MRI does not use any ionizing radiation, its use is recommended for children. This thesis was functional in nature. It was carried out in co-operation with Paediatrics Outpatient Clinic of Tampere University Hospital and Tampere vocational college. The purpose of this study was to produce a digital picture book for children undergoing MRI. The objective of the picture book was to introduce the MRI examination. The digital picture book provides children with information about the MRI amusing them at the same time. The digital picture book includes photographs and artworks illustrating the hospital environment. The picture book is aimed at children under school age. The theoretical section explores MRI and a picture book as a coping strategy for a child. In addition, the theoretical section includes a full account on the making of a digital picture book. Further studies are needed to prove whether the digital picture book works in practice. As a developmental suggestion a corresponding product could be aimed at older children.Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tuotosta ei julkaista Theseuksessa