13,333 research outputs found

    Timing of initiation of reverse displacement on the Taranaki Fault, northern Taranaki Basin: Constraints from the on land record (Oligocene Te Kuiti Group)

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    Structures associated with the wedge of basement overthrust into Taranaki Basin along the Taranaki Fault, are regarded as hydrocarbon plays and have been tested by drilling through the tip of the overthrust. The timing of initiation of reverse displace ment on Taranaki Fault is difficult to interpret from available seismic reflection data across it because the evidence has been masked by later movements. The record from the basin, as summarised in King & Thrasher (1996), suggests that the fault evolved from normal to reverse character during the mid-Oligocene. This was inferred from formation of a foredeep parallel to, and west of, Taranaki Fault and a marked increase in its paleo-water depth, as indicated by foraminiferal assemblages of Late Oligocene age. A comprehensive re-assessment of the lithostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Late Eocene-Oligocene Te Kuiti Group exposed on land east of Taranaki Fault in central-western North Island, between Port Waikato and Awakino, provides new constraints on the early history of Taranaki Fault displacement. New age control has been achieved by a review of existing foraminiferal biostratigraphy combined with determination of Sr isotope ages from macrofossil samples. Six unconformity-bound sequences have been identified and mapped within the Te Kuiti Group. A major subaerial unconformity between sequences TK3 and TK4 combined with a basinward shift in the position of onlap for sequence TK4 indicate a dramatic change in stratigraphic development and basin dynamics during the mid-upper Whaingaroan at c. 29 Ma, corresponding to the change from mild extension (sag basin) to shortening across the Taranaki Fault Zone. We consider sequences TK4 – TK6 to each represent tectonic cycles of subsidence and basin inversion and we attribute the origin of these cycles to periodic locking of the Taranaki Fault décollement in underlying Murihiku basement, the accumulating strain causing uplift in the basin east of the fault zone, followed by free displacement, relaxation in the upper crust and subsidence. A 1st order model is presented of the Late Oligocene to earliest Miocene vertical and horizontal displacement of basement on the Taranaki Fault Zone for a west –east transect through Awakino. It implies that the mid- to Late Oligocene displace¬ment on the fault zone in the vicinity of Awakino was episodic, and that the thrust belt was narrow (c. 15 km). North of Kawhia Harbour there will have been a different displacement history with most of the total displacement occurring during the devel opment of the c. 29 Ma unconformity at the base of Sequence TK4, whereas to the south between Awakino and Kawhia Harbour the majority of the total displacement occurred during the Otaian and at the end of it. The model also shows that the start of reverse/thrust displacement on Taranaki Fault must have involved the development of a completely new fault trace(s), rather than involving a change of sense of movement on the pre-existing normal fault. The Manganui Fault is part of the Taranaki Fault Zone and probably became active at c. 27 Ma during development of the unconformity between sequences TK4 & TK5. The model presented here has been validated against the subsurface Oligocene stratigraphy in Taranaki Basin

    Synchroneity of major late Neogene sea level fluctuations and paleoceanographically controlled changes as recorded by two carbonate platforms

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    Shallow-water carbonate systems are reliable recorders of sea level fluctuations and changes in ambient seawater conditions. Drilling results from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 133 and 166 indicate that the timing of late Neogene sedimentary breaks triggered by sea level lowerings is synchronous in the sedimentary successions of the Queensland Plateau and the Great Bahama Bank. This synchrony indicates that these sea level changes were eustatic in origin. The carbonate platforms were also affected by contemporary, paleoceanographically controlled fluctuations in carbonate production. Paleoceanographic changes are recorded at 10.7, 3.6, and 1.7–2.0 Ma. At the Queensland Plateau, sea surface temperature shifts are documented by shifts from tropical to temperate carbonates (10.7 Ma) and vice versa (3.6 Ma); the modern tropical platform was established at 2.0–1.8 Ma. At Great Bahama Bank, changes were registered in compositional variations of platform-derived sediment, such as major occurrence of peloids (3.6 Ma) and higher rates of neritic carbonate input (1.7 Ma). The synchroneity of these changes attests to the far-field effects of modifications in the oceanographic circulation on shallow-water, low-latitude carbonate production

    Paleocene orthophragminids from the Lakadong Limestone, Mawmluh Quarry section, Meghalaya (Shillong, NE India). Implications for the regional geology and paleobiogeography

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    The late Paleocene orthophragminids, hitherto poorly known from the Himalayan foreland basins, are studied from the Lakadong Limestone in Meghalaya, northeastern India, in order to establish a systematic, biostratigraphic, and paleobiogeographical framework for them in the eastern Tethys. In the Mawmluh Quarry section (MQS) on the Shillong Plateau, to the southeast of Tibet, orthophragminids are associated with typical Paleocene orbitoidiform taxa endemic to the Indian subcontinent, i.e., Lakadongia Matsumaru & Jauhri ( D Setia Ferràndez-Cañadell) and Orbitosiphon Rao, and various species of alveolinids, miscellaneids, and rotaliids, characterizing the Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZ) 3 and 4. The orthophragminids belong to two lineages of the genus Orbitoclypeus Silvestri: O. schopeni (Checchia-Rispoli) and O. multiplicatus (Gümbel), both well known from the peri-Mediterranean region and Europe (western Tethys). The latter species is identified here for the first time from the eastern Tethys. Previous records of the genus Discocyclina Gümbel from the Lakadong Limestone actually correspond to misidentified Orbitoclypeus; this implies that the late Paleocene orthophragminid assemblages from Meghalaya and eastern Tethys were less diverse than in the western Tethys. The lineage of Orbitoclypeus schopeni in the lower part of the Lakadong Limestone (SBZ 3) is identified as O. schopeni cf. ramaraoi based on the morphometry of a few specimens, whereas in the upper part (SBZ 4) it corresponds to a transitional development stage between O. schopeni ramaraoi and O. schopeni neumannae (with average Dmeanvalues ranging between 192 and 199 μ m). The embryon diameters of O. multiplicatus, recorded only in SBZ 4, range between 300 and 319 μ m on average, corresponding to transitional development stages of O. multiplicatus haymanaensis and O. multiplicatus multiplicatus. Our data, along with a review of previous Paleocene and Eocene records from India and Pakistan, suggest that Orbitoclypeus is the only orthophragminid in the Paleocene of the eastern Tethys, whereas Discocyclina first appears in early Eocene times, being mainly represented by endemic taxa confined to the Indian subcontinent. Facies change in the MQS from a marine to continental setting within SBZ 4 corresponds to the oldest record from the Indian plate in the Paleogene, which may be linked to the flexural uplift of the passive margin of the Indian plate, marking the onset of the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates

    Ocene priplodne vrednosti nerastaoca metodom probita

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    Objective of this paper was to evaluate breeding value of boarsires based on four traits of their offspring (average life daily gain and share of meat in carcass sides (%) of offspring-fatteners, number of live born piglets and number of weaned piglets - boars' daughters). Investigation included sires of Swedish Landrace breed and Large White. Breeding value was evaluated on the level of population and within the breed of investigated boars. Data was processed by method of Least Squares (Harvey, 1990), and breeding values of boars evaluated using modified Probit values (Petrović et al., 1995). Obtained results show that the highest total breeding value was established for boar No. 1 (20,832). Its offspring were superior in three of four traits and he is at the same time the first ranked boar. Contrary to this boar, two Large White boar-sires (No. 5 and 6) had offspring with bellow average values for three of four traits. Therefore, these sires influenced improvement of only one trait in their offspring.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se oceni priplodna vrednost nerasta-očeva na osnovu četiri osobne potomaka (prosečan životni dnevni prirast i udeo mesa u polutkama (%) potomaka-tovljenika, broj živorođene prasadi i broj zalučene prasadi kćeri nerasta). Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćeni očevi rase švedski landras i veliki jorkšir. Priplodna vrednost je ocenjena na nivou populacije i unutar rase ispitivanih nerasta. Podaci su obrađeni metodom najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey, 1990), a priplodne vrednosti nerasta ocenjene su primenom modifikovane vrednosti probita (Petrović et al., 1995). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je najveću ukupnu priplodnu vrednost imao je nerast br. 1 (20,832). Njegovi potomci su bili nadmoćniji u tri od četiri osobine. On je i prvo rangirani nerast. Suprotno od njega, dva nerastaoca rase veliki jorkšir (br. 5 i 6) su imali potomke koji su za tri od četiri osobine bili ispod proseka. Prema tome ovi očevi su uticali na poboljšanje samo jedne osobine potomaka

    Decadal-centennial scale monsoon variations in the Arabian Sea during the Early Holocene

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    An essential prerequisite for the prediction of future climate change due to anthropogenic input is an understanding of the natural processes that control Earth's climate on timescales comparable to human-lifespan. The Early Holocene period was chosen to study the natural climate variability in a warm interval when solar insolation was at its maximum. The monsoonal system of the Tropics is highly sensitive to seasonal variations in solar insolation, and consequently marine sediments from the region are a potential monitor of past climate change. Here we show that during the Early Holocene period rapid

    Nuni-A case study

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    Ocene priplodne vrednosti nerastaoca metodom probita

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    Objective of this paper was to evaluate breeding value of boarsires based on four traits of their offspring (average life daily gain and share of meat in carcass sides (%) of offspring-fatteners, number of live born piglets and number of weaned piglets - boars' daughters). Investigation included sires of Swedish Landrace breed and Large White. Breeding value was evaluated on the level of population and within the breed of investigated boars. Data was processed by method of Least Squares (Harvey, 1990), and breeding values of boars evaluated using modified Probit values (Petrović et al., 1995). Obtained results show that the highest total breeding value was established for boar No. 1 (20,832). Its offspring were superior in three of four traits and he is at the same time the first ranked boar. Contrary to this boar, two Large White boar-sires (No. 5 and 6) had offspring with bellow average values for three of four traits. Therefore, these sires influenced improvement of only one trait in their offspring.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se oceni priplodna vrednost nerasta-očeva na osnovu četiri osobne potomaka (prosečan životni dnevni prirast i udeo mesa u polutkama (%) potomaka-tovljenika, broj živorođene prasadi i broj zalučene prasadi kćeri nerasta). Ispitivanjem su obuhvaćeni očevi rase švedski landras i veliki jorkšir. Priplodna vrednost je ocenjena na nivou populacije i unutar rase ispitivanih nerasta. Podaci su obrađeni metodom najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey, 1990), a priplodne vrednosti nerasta ocenjene su primenom modifikovane vrednosti probita (Petrović et al., 1995). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da je najveću ukupnu priplodnu vrednost imao je nerast br. 1 (20,832). Njegovi potomci su bili nadmoćniji u tri od četiri osobine. On je i prvo rangirani nerast. Suprotno od njega, dva nerastaoca rase veliki jorkšir (br. 5 i 6) su imali potomke koji su za tri od četiri osobine bili ispod proseka. Prema tome ovi očevi su uticali na poboljšanje samo jedne osobine potomaka

    E-poslovanje v šolstvi

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    Identification and Analysis of Ichthyofaunal Remains from Late Pleistocene-Holocene Deposits of Cheek Bend Cave (40MU261), Maury County, Tennessee

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    Knowledge of the character of the late Pleistocene-Holocene ichthyofauna of the middle Duck River was acquired as a result of identification and biostratigraphic analysis of numerous fish bone fragments from the well-stratified deposits of Cheek Bend Cave, a small rockshelter situated in the limestone bluffs along the Duck River in Maury County, Tennessee. Forty-five unequivocal fish taxa (representing 12 families) were identified, of which 25 taxa occurred in the Late Wisconsin strata, 33 in Holocene strata, and 13 in both depositional sequences. Fifteen of the Late Wisconsin taxa and 18 Holocene taxa appear to represent initial records for these periods, while 17 taxa are recorded for the first time from fossil deposits. Composing this latter group are small fish taxa from the following families: Cyprinidae, Ictaluridae, Cyprinodontidae, Percidae, and Cottidae. Of particular interest are an apparently undescribed, extinct cyprinid taxon (mid-Holocene) that presumably has close affinities with species of the modern genera Dionda and Hybognathus and an unusual form of Noturus flavus (Late Wisconsin and Holocene) which appears to be somewhat distinct from modern counterparts. Although not identified from the cave deposits, Lagochila lacera, the harelip sucker, practically unknown from prehistoric deposits, was identified from the Middle to Late Archaic Hayes Site located on the Duck River in the cave vicinity. From a distributional standpoint, one species identified from the mid-Holocene deposits, Noturus flavater, is noteworthy. Its modern range is restricted to the southern Ozark region in Missouri and Arkansas. Indirect evidence of a changing fish fauna is inferred from the concentration of certain groups of fishes in the Holocene strata, namely he Lepisosteidae, Ictaluridae, Cyprinodontidae, and the genus Lepomis. These groups may have been only marginally represented (at least locally) in the presumed middle Tennessee boreal forest region during the last glacial maximum, a distributional situation perhaps analogous to their modern distributions that appear to complement the boreal region of North America. More direct evidence was obtained as a result of the identification, from Pleistocene strata, of three species whose modern ranges are outside the Tennessee region completely (Perca flavescens, Nocomis bigutattus) or to a large extent (Esox masquinongy)