102,234 research outputs found

    Rate of lineage origin explains the diversity anomaly in the World’s mangrove vegetation

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    The contribution of nonecological factors to global patterns in diversity is evident when species richness differs between regions with similar habitats and geographic area. Mangrove environments in the Eastern Hemisphere harbor six times as many species of trees and shrubs as similar environments in the New World. Genetic divergence of mangrove lineages from terrestrial relatives, in combination with fossil evidence, suggests that mangrove diversity is limited by evolutionary transition into the stressful marine environment, the number of mangrove lineages has increased steadily over the Tertiary with little global extinction, and the diversity anomaly in mangrove vegetation reflects regional differences in the rate of origin of new mangrove lineages

    Colonization of Mangrove Forest at Abandoned Shrimp-pond of Segara Anakan-cilacap

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    During the 1996 to 1997, large areas of mangrove forest in the Segara Anakan were cleared and converted into intensive shrimp-ponds. After one to two years, these shrimp-ponds failed and were abandoned. These abandoned ponds created large gap areas and canopy gaps, which were colonized by mangrove shrub and liana. The Segara Anakan mangrove also experienced heavy siltation, and there were tree cuttings from the remnant of the mangrove trees. This research aimed to study the colonization of mangrove vegetation at the abandoned-shrimp pond. Vegetation data were collected using rectangular plots of 25 m x 25 m with 4 replicates. The water qualities were also studied. The results revealed that the mangrove forests were composed of two layers: canopy tree and floor-vegetation. The gap areas triggered the pioneer species of mangrove shrubs and liana, Acanthus ilicifolius and Derris heterophylla, to colonize and dominate 100% of the mangrove forest floor. The mangrove trees consisted of natural and planted tree species. The natural trees were Sonneratia alba, Avicennia alba, and saplings of Aegiceras corniculatum, which varied between 56 – 136, 4, and 4 individuals per ha, respectively. The planted trees were Rhizophora apiculata, which amounted to 4 – 12 individuals per ha, at the island of the ponds. These trees and saplings were entangled by the liana mangrove, which disturbed their growth. The A. ilicifolius and D. heterophylla prevented the mangrove tree propagules to grow, and they colonized and characterized those abandoned shrimp-ponds, which threatened the Segara Anakan mangrove ecosystem

    Challenging The “Man” In Mangroves: The Missing Role Of Women In Mangrove Conservation

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    Mangroves provide valuable ecosystem services including carbon sequestration, pollution filtration, and protection from tsunamis, tropical storms, and coastal erosion. They also supply coastal communities with important natural resources like firewood, medicine, timber, honey, and fodder for livestock. Unfortunately, the world’s mangroves are rapidly degrading due to rising coastal population, climate change, and destruction for coastal development, agriculture, and aquaculture. Considering their value for the environment and coastal communities, mangrove conservation should become a priority and effort must be invested to find new and successful methods for conserving mangrove ecosystems. As it has proven effective in other conservation contexts, a gendered perspective on mangrove conservation should be adopted. Through review and synthesis of existing literature on gender and mangrove conservation, this paper will show the extent to which gender analysis has been used to examine mangrove conservation and coastal resource management. It will describe the following trends in literature: a) a lack of research focusing on gender’s role in mangrove conservation, b) confusion about the practical applications of a gender, environment, and development (GED) conceptual framework c) little effort to evaluate the success of programs that integrate gender and mangrove conservation. It will make suggestions for future research and encourage further use of a gendered outlook on mangrove conservation and resource management

    Local positive feedback and the persistence and recovery of fringe Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. mangroves

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    While mangrove restoration efforts are reasonably successful, failure often occurs in high wave energy situations. Due to differences in wave energy, seedling mortality rates vary strongly with position on the intertidal flat between high water spring and high water neap elevations. However, a local positive feedback can be present between the pneumatophores of adult mangroves and the survival of mangrove seedlings to trigger recovery. In this study, a mangrove population of Avicennia marina is modelled to determine the effects of seedling mortality and local positive feedback on mangrove recovery. The model uses life history data and dispersal to simulate population dynamics. The mangrove range limits are determined by high water spring and high water neap levels. The results indicate that within these limits mangrove populations with life-history parameter values as derived from literature are indeed capable of fast growth under conditions with low seedling mortality. Local positive feedback has then a small positive influence on population recovery after mangrove loss. If, however, mortality rates increase, such as in high wave energy situations, the importance of a positive feedback increases. The model shows that a positive feedback may, given high seedling mortality rates, be an important factor for mangrove recovery. While a positive feedback may enable mangrove persistence in unfavourable conditions, destruction of adult mangroves can remove the positive feedback, which would render the system uninhabitable and practically prohibits reforestation of such areas. The model results and the presence of positive feedbacks and their importance for population dynamics in harsh conditions indicate that investigating and understanding possible feedbacks could be crucial for successful restoration effort


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    The mangrove area has an important meaning in beach ecosystem, both from ecological and economical aspects. For this, the rehabilitation of mangrove forest is done as one effort that aims to maintain and return the mangrove forest function as one of life system supporters, especially in beach area. The most respondent ages of coast people of Gending, Pajarakan, dan Kraksaan districts, Probolinggo Regency are between 30 to 59 years old, i.e. as 86 people or 95.55% indicates that coast people are productive ages so they can be hoped very potential for having role in supporting mangrove ecosystem management of Probolinggo Regency coast. The average respondent educational rates are mostly Elementary School to Senior High School, Le. as 76 people. Generally, human resources of coast people have relatively good education level. Thereby, it can be hoped to have positive potencies for the role of coast people themselves toward the mangrove ecosystem management support of Probolinggo Regency coast. The average most respondents have family burdens two and three people as six people or 6.67 percents. But, there are still three respondents who have not have family burdens. Generally, more and more members help in respondent's jobs. The mangrove ecosystem management strategy of Probolinggo Regency coast is by involving people role (people and people figures) and governmental supports through the models of mangrove forest management strategy, the model of embankment cultivation management by entering mangrove as input resources of production facilities, and ecotourism management by the purpose of improving people income

    The Performance of Mangrove Leaf Extract (Sonneratiaalba) in Combating Bacterial Associated with Ice–Ice Disease of Seaweed (Kappaphycusalvarezii)

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    The outbreaks of ice–ice disease since 1999 at various seaweed culture in Indonesia were still very high with significant losses. Moreover, very scanty of the research on the cause and control methods has been developed. Meanwhile, Mangrove leaf extract (Sonneratiaalba) contained bacteriostatic that might potentially effective to combat a such disease. This research was aimed to demonstrate the performance of mangrove leaf extract to control bacteria causing ice–ice disease. Mangrove leaf (S. alba) was extracted by methanol. Nine bacterial collection from the ice–ice were then in vitro-exposed to mangrove extract at concentration of 2500, 5000 and 10,000 mg/l respectively. Research results demonstrated that mangrove leaf extract at all concentrations tested were able to prevent the growth of 9 bacterial strains associated with ice–ice disease. The diameter of clear zone was between 7.47 and 16.17 mm after 24 hours incubation. Thus, it can be concluded that alkaloid, saponin, tannin, triterpenoid/steroid, and flavonoid in the mangrove leaf at concentration as low as 2500 mg/l was able to prevent the growth of 9 bacterial associated with ice–ice disease


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    The Mangrove Diamondback Terrapin, (Malaclemys terrapin rhizophorarum) is dependent on a very broad array of the services provided by the mangrove ecosystem. We sought to evaluate both the turtles and their habitat by an integrated assessment of physical, chemical, and physiological parameters. Extreme site fidelity of the turtles to mangrove habitat was evident along with a strong female biased sex ratio. We provide blood serum values and microbial cultures as baselines from these turtles in the wild. Salmonella sp., a potentially zoonotic pathogen, was isolated from one female. Ultimately, the health of these turtle populations may be reflective of the integrity of the mangrove system on which they depend
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