43 research outputs found

    Epigrafika łacińska w farze poznańskiej. Inskrypcje w ołtarzach i kaplicach świętych jezuickich

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    Rosół Rafał, Epigrafika łacińska w farze poznańskiej. Inskrypcje w ołtarzach i kaplicach świętych jezuickich (Latin Epigraphy in the Parish Church in Poznań. Inscriptions in the altars and chapels of the Jesuit Saints).The paper deals with some Latin inscriptions from the Parish Church in Poznań (the former Jesuit Church). The material under consideration is located in two altars and five chapels devoted to the Jesuit Saints. The author provides a critical edition of the texts, their Polish translations, as well as a commentary.Rosół Rafał, Epigrafika łacińska w farze poznańskiej. Inskrypcje w ołtarzach i kaplicach świętych jezuickich (Latin Epigraphy in the Parish Church in Poznań. Inscriptions in the altars and chapels of the Jesuit Saints).The paper deals with some Latin inscriptions from the Parish Church in Poznań (the former Jesuit Church). The material under consideration is located in two altars and five chapels devoted to the Jesuit Saints. The author provides a critical edition of the texts, their Polish translations, as well as a commentary

    Inskrypcje w kościele pw. Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego w Bydgoszczy

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    Inscriptions, which are written notices on solid material, were of interest of researchers, also in Bydgoszcz. They are fruits of labor of a group of history students from the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz within their epigraphy lessons. The purpose of the project was recording and description of epigraphic objects located in the Parish of the Resurrection of Our Lord in Bydgoszcz. The parish complex consists of the church, rectory and belfry. The existing inscriptions can be divided into several groups: tablets, bells and stained glass windows. The most diverse group is tablets, made usually with the use of concave forging technique. All capitals was the most popular type of inscriptions. The parish has three bells made in a well-known and highly regarded bell foundry of the Felczyński family of Przemyśl in 1989. All three bells have the same pattern of ornaments. a group of small stained glass inscriptions is seen inside the church. The vast majority of inscriptions are made in the Polish language. The main part is the catalog consisting of 19 inscriptions

    Transkrypcja tekstów pisanych przez cudzoziemców na potrzeby korpusu uczniowskiego

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    Studenci-cudzoziemcy używają polszczyzny w specyficzny sposób. SJPdCUŁ zgromadziło zasób tekstów pisanych, które mogą być umieszczone w korpusie językowym. Jego przygotowanie właśnie się zaczęło. Rękopisy cudzoziemców mają jednak pewną graficzną specyfikę, a niektóre błędy zapisu prowadzą do efektów humorystycznych. Trudności wynikają często z nieodróżniania specyficznie polskich liter „ą” i „ę”; mylenia polskiego „ł” z łacińskim „t” oraz brania polskiego „z” za „z”. Wszystkie te zjawiska powinny być dostępne dla badaczy używających korpusu.Foreign students studying in Poland use the Polish language in a specific way. The School of Polish for Foreigners at the University of Lodz has collected some written texts that can be used in a language corpus. The preparation of such a corpus has just started. Handwritings, however, have their visual characteristics. Texts written by foreign students include mistakes that lead to humoristic effects. Frequent difficulties come from unrecognized differences between specifically Polish letters “ą” and “ę”; between Polish letter “ł” and Latin “t” or Polish “z” pronounced as [zh] in contrast to “z” pronounced as [z]. All these visual effects should be available for researchers using the corpus

    Stanisław Samostrzelnik jako iluminator dokumentów

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    The article is an overview of the works of Stanisław Samostrzelnik as an illuminator.Artykuł omawia działalność Stanisław Samostrzelnika jako iluminatora dokumentów

    An Unknown Poem by Anna z Mycielskich Radziwiłłowa

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    Th is paper is an edition of a work by Anna z Mycielskich Radziwiłłowa: Opisanie choroby J[aśnie] O[świeconej] Księżnej J[ej] M[oś]ci Anny z Mycielskich Radziwiłłowej, w niebezpieczeństwie życia zostającej i od doktorów opuszczoną będąc, cudem Pana Jezusa Antokolskiego i Matki Najśw[iętszej] Ostrobromskiej uzdrowiona, sama opisała 1753 [A description of the sickness of Her Enlightened Grace Duchess Anna z Mycielskich Radziwiłłowa, who facing the risk of death, and being deserted by doctors, was wonderfully healed by Jesus of Antakalnis and Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn, which she penned herself in the year 1753]. Th e paper was prepared on the basis of a manuscript from the Baworowski Library, currently in the collection of Th e L’viv National Vasyl Stefanyk Scientifi c Library of Ukraine. Its introduction draws on the available sources—mainly a paper by Jakub Bajer and Andrea Mariani: Macocha idealna. Aktywność Anny Luizy z Mycielskich w świetle francuskiej korespondencji dyplomatycznej (1764–1765) [A Perfect Step-Mother. Th e Activity of Anna Luiza z Mycielskich in the Light of Frech Diplomatic Correspondence (1764–1765)]; and an entry by Hanna Dymnicka-Wołoszyńska in Th e Polish Biographical Dictionary: Radziwiłłowa z Mycielskich Anna Ludwika Karolina Kunegunda (1729–1771). It presents the mid-18th century author taking into account her relations with the Radziwiłł family in Nesvizh, yet before her marriage with Leon Michał Radziwiłł, her later family life, and her cultural activity in the Nesvizh estate– both as an actress and a writer. Th e above-mentioned papers are the only sources describing the life of Anna z Mycielskich from a wider perspective. To date, researchers have focused mainly on the life of the relative, Franciszka Urszula Radziwiłłowa. Th e poetical and epistolary output of Duchess Anna has not yet drawn the attention of literary scholars. Th anks to the manuscript in Th e L’viv National Vasyl Stefanyk Scientifi c Library of Ukraine it is now possible to rediscover the literary legacy of the poet, and most importantly, to examine it. In the introduction, the author not only presents the Duchess’ life, but also describes her cartulary, which comprises a copy of her work; its provenance is here identifi ed and the authors of works contained in the cartulary are listed. Th e edition is supplemented with a brief description of Mycielska’s work, which mentions places of religious worship in Wilno, the fi gure of Jesus of Antakalnis, and the Gate of Dawn. It also contains an editorial commentary and transcription principles

    Pieczęcie w opactwach cysterskich z diecezji krakowskiej do początku czasów nowożytnych. Próba rekonstrukcji systemów sfragistycznych

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    The present text attempts to reconstruct the sphragistic systems of the Cistercian abbeys from the Diocese of Cracow to the beginning of the early modern era. The source material (seals and the documents in which they are mentioned) has made it possible to distinguish several stages in the formation of these systems. The author indicates the seals that make up a given system, and, as far as possible, determines their hierarchy and legal competencies, and describes the circumstances in which they were used. The research results are also confronted with monastic legislation on seals.W niniejszym tekście zaprezentowano próbę rekonstrukcji systemów sfragistycznych opactw cysterskich z diecezji krakowskiej do początku czasów nowożytnych. Materiał źródłowy (pieczęcie i dokumenty, w których o nich informowano) pozwolił na wydzielenie kilku etapów kształtowania się tych systemów. Wskazano pieczęcie tworzące dany system oraz, w miarę możliwości, ustalono ich hierarchię, kompetencje prawne i okoliczności, w jakich po nie sięgano. Wyniki badań skonfrontowano także z ustawodawstwem zakonnym na temat pieczęci

    Z badań nad rękopisem wielkopolskiej księgi ziemskiej. Problem transliteracji

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    Researching the manuscript of Wielkopolska Land Book: a transliteration problemThe paper discusses the fourteenth century use of minuscule in Polish and Latin records. The present analysis of the book’s excerpts shows that the use of majuscule letters is, generally speaking, determined by the individual writing style. One of the authors employed the letters at the beginning of proper names, but at the same time there was a group of records that did not follow the rule, these being proper names written in lower-case letters and common nouns written in upper-case letters. The matter looks quite different in another author who clearly favored miniscule letters, as he used them in the most of proper names. This varied use of majuscule letters by various judiciary writers ought to be faithfully rendered in the transliteration of the manuscript

    Bogu rodzicy aluzje biblijne : cudze słowo arcypieśni

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    The article is devoted to Bogu rodzica (“Mother of God”). It starts by discuss-ing its title and genre characteristics. Then the article focuses on its formal characteristics, paying special attention to several aspects of its division into stanzas and its new transcription. The article culminates in a discussion of its significance as well as the effect of its structural characteristics on its interpretatio

    Z badań nad rękopisem wielkopolskiej księgi ziemskiej. Problem transliteracji

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