3,187 research outputs found

    Importance d’un schéma de vaccination a deux doses dans la lutte contre la rougeole (cas de la zone de santé de Manika)

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    Objectif: Pour contribuer à la réduction de la morbide mortalité liée à la rougeole, nous avons menés une étude descriptive transversale, au cours de laquelle nous avons analysés,, l’importance de la seconde vaccination, face aux résurgences de l’épidémie de la rougeole dans la zone de santé de Manika, district de Kolwezi, province du Katanga, en République démocratique du Congo, au cours de la période allant de janvier à décembre 2011 .Méthodologie et résultats: ressort de notre travail que, parmi les enfants enquêtés, 46,8% étaient non vaccinés, et parmi eux 38% avaient présenté la rougeole, l’Odds ratio est de 6,34 avec un intervalle de confiance de [4,26 ; 9,43], d’où une différence statistiquement significative qui se dégage entre la survenue de la rougeole et le statut de zéro dose. Pour ce qui est des enfants qui ont reçu une dose, on déduit que la vaccination est un facteur (OR = 0,45 IC95% [0,16 ; 0,87]). Quant aux enfants ayant reçu deux doses, il est a noté que la deuxième vaccination était apparu comme un facteur protecteur, offrant à l’enfant moins de chance à développer la rougeole (OR = 0,03 IC95% [0,01 ; 0,07]).Conclusion et application des résultats: Actuellement, il est admis qu’avec une seule dose de vaccination contre la rougeole, il est peu probable de réduire la morbidité et la mortalité liée à la rougeole dans la Zone de santé Manika, car environ 20,3% d’enfants vaccinés d’une seule dose, ont développé la maladie. La seconde vaccination des enfants demeure un enjeu majeur pour un meilleur contrôle, et élimination de la rougeole, dans notre pays.Mots clés: épidémie rougeole Manika : importance du schéma à deux dosesEnglish AbstractObjective: To contribute to the reduction of the morbid mortality related to measles, we conducted a descriptive transversal study, during which we analyzed, the importance of the second vaccination, in the face of resurgences of the measles epidemic in the Manika Health Zone, Kolwezi District, Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, during the period January to December 2011.Methodology and results: Our work shows that among the children surveyed, 46.8% were unvaccinated, and among them 38% had measles, the odds ratio was 6.34 with a confidence interval of [4.26; 9.43], resulting in a statistically significant difference between the occurrence of measles and zero dose status. For children who received a dose, it is deduced that vaccination is a protective factor because its odds ratio is 0.45 (> to 1) and its confidence interval is [0.16; 0.87]. As for the children who received two doses, it was noted that the second vaccination is also a protective factor, giving the child less chance to develop measles, because his odds ratio was 0.03 with a confidence interval of [0.01; 0.07].Conclusion and application of results: Currently, it is recognized that with a single measles vaccination dose, it is unlikely to reduce measles-related morbidity and mortality in the Manika Health Zone, as about 20.3% of children vaccinated against measles are affected by measles. A single dose, developed the disease. The second vaccination of children remains a major challenge for better control and elimination of measles in our countryKeywords: Manika measles epidemic: importance of the two-dose regim

    Pemertahanan Bahasa dan Tradisi melalui Pelestarian Kesenian Togal Manika Suku Makean Maluku Utara

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    Language maintenance need to be done for the sake of non-existant languages. The extinction of language influences of local wisdom and make disappearance of the nation\u27s assets. One way can be done is to preserve togal manika: a combination of music, dance, and song. This art comes from the island of Makean with the terms Makean Luar and Makean Dalam in North Maluku. This study explain (1) Diglosi that occurs in the Island of Makean, North Maluku, and explain (2) efforts to preserve the language of togal manika. Data collection using observation and interview. The results of the study found that (1) diglossia was occurred in Low Language in the familial sphere kinship, neighborhood, and friendship. In Higher Language, diglosi was occured in all domains: education, government, religion. Efforts to preserve the language of the Togal Manika are done in ways: (1) celebration at people\u27s party (2) Government support(3) Disk through recording Compact Disk, (4) Social media, (5) Competition event, (6) Extracurricular in school , (7) government and campus events, and (8) publication of articles, publications in the media, and research related to local wisdom togal manika

    Hydrogen adsorption and phase transitions in fullerite

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    Hydrogen desorption and adsorption properties of the fullerene materials C60, C70, and fullerite (a mixture of C60 and C70) were measured volumetrically using a Sievert's apparatus. Over several cycles of isotherm measurements at 77 K, the hydrogen storage capacities of one of the fullerite samples increased from an initial value of 0.4 wt % for the first cycle to a capacity of 4.4 wt % for the fourth cycle. Correspondingly, the surface area of this sample increased from 0.9 to 11 m^2/g, and there were changes in its x-ray powder diffraction pattern. In comparison, two other fullerite samples, prepared by a different procedure showed no such behavior. Pure C60 and pure C70 were also cycled and exhibited small and constant capacities of 0.7 and 0.33 wt %, respectively, as a function of number of cycles. The enhanced storage capacity of fullerite material is tentatively attributed to the presence of C60 oxide

    What Facilitates Green Team Success in Implementing Environmentally Sustainable Initiatives in Health Care

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    Objective: To identify the factors that contribute to the success of environmentally sustainable initiatives in health care. Background: Climate change contributes to severe health consequences for global populations. Despite mandates of nonmaleficence and health promotion, resource intensive health care systems contribute to increasing climate change. Health care professionals have been called to mitigate the environmental impact of the health care system. Nurses are particularly important in this work as they are an integral part of health care systems and are the primary providers of care in hospitals, which are the most resource intensive institutions within health care. Nurses are encouraged to engage in climate action by creating, leading, or participating in green teams to enact environmental sustainability initiatives. Methods: In this study, an integrative review of the literature was performed. The search strategy employed three electronic databases. After inclusion criteria were considered, 13 studies were included in the final sample. Content analysis was used to analyze these studies for patterns, themes, and relationships. Results: Policy, external collaboration, organisation, and staff engagement were four mainthemes of facilitative factors that contributed to the success of environmentally sustainable initiatives in health care. Conclusion: Knowledge about the facilitative factors identified and examined in this review could guide nurses to reduce health care’s environmental impact through successful environmentally sustainable initiatives


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    The paper deals with expressions of evidence (originating in perception, inference or reported information) and their role in sentence/utterance pragmatic modification. It concentrates on the role of the so-called sentence adverbials, showing them as scoping / focussing elements the main function of which is a/ to mark focus of an utterance b/ to support speaker´s reasoning. Formal properties of evidential expressions are dissimlar to that point that they cannot be comprised into a unified category

    Linking Environmental Sustainability and Healthcare: The Effects of an Energy Saving Intervention in Two Hospitals

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    Set in a real organisational setting, this study examines the challenges of implementing environmentally sustainable behaviour in healthcare. It evaluates the success of a real energy saving behaviour change intervention, based on social marketing principles, which targeted the employees of two National Health Service (NHS) hospitals. It also explores the intervention benefits for three key stakeholders: the organisation/hospitals, hospital employees and patients. A rich secondary dataset containing actual workplace behaviour measures (collected via observations) and self-reported data from employee interviews and patient questionnaires is used for this purpose. The intervention encouraged three employee energy saving actions (called TLC actions): (1) Turn off machines, (2) Lights out when not needed, and (3) Close doors when possible; which led to energy savings and carbon reduction for the two hospitals. Hospital employees reported a greater level of work efficiency as a result of engaging in TLC actions, which increased the 'quiet time' periods in both hospitals. Indirectly, employees' TLC actions also improved patients' quality of sleep (which in turn is positively associated with greater patient hospital experience satisfaction). These findings shed light on the benefits of social marketing interventions targeting energy saving behaviour change for multiple stakeholders in healthcare organisations. They also illustrate connections between environmental sustainability and social and political pillars of corporate social responsibility. Additionally, organisational culture was highlighted as a key challenge in changing practices. To encourage long-term sustainable behaviour, this study recommends a pre-intervention assessment of infrastructure and equipment, the communication of expected benefits to motivate higher involvement of employees, the need for internal green champions and the dissemination of post-intervention feedback on various energy saving and patient indicators

    Formation of dislocations in LiF irradiated with 3He and 4He ions

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    Influence of the irradiation with 13.5 MeV 3He and 5 MeV 4He ions on the micro-structure and mechanical properties of LiF single crystals was studied. The depth profiles of nanoindentation, dislocation mobility, selective chemical etching and photoluminescence served for the characterization of damage. Strong ion-induced increase of hardness and decrease in dislocation mobility at the stage of track overlapping due to accumulation of dislocations and other extended defects was observed. At high fluences (1015 ions/cm2) the hardness saturates at about 3.5 GPa (twofold increase in comparison to a virgin crystal) thus confirming high efficiency of light projectiles in modifications of structure and properties. The effects of ion-induced increase of hardness and decrease of dislocation mobility are observed also beyond the ion range and possible mechanisms of such damage are discussed.This work has been supported by the Latvian national program IMIS2; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART


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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusParādīts, ka ātro jonu izraisītajās struktūras un mikromehānisko īpašību izmaiņās LiF kristālos nozīmīgu ieguldījumu dod prizmatisko dislokāciju cilpu veidošanās. Atrasts, ka dislokāciju aizmetņi veidojas jau individuālos jonu trekos, bet dislokāciju struktūra intensīvi formējas treku pārklāšanās stadijā. LiF kristālos iegūta apstarošanas virzienā orientēta mozaīkas tipa nanostruktūra, apstarojot tos ar augstas enerģijas smagajiem joniem (U, Au, Kr, Xe) un noskaidroti tās veidošanās nosacījumi. Parādīts, ka apstarošana ar augstām ātro jonu dozām noved pie plastiskās deformācijas mehānisma maiņas no dislokāciju mehānisma uz deformācijas norisi lokalizēto bīdes zonu veidošanās ceļā. Pētīti ātro jonu izraisītie efekti MgO kā radiācijas izturīgā un pielietojumiem aktuālā materiālā. Novērota elastīgo sadursmju un elektronisko ierosinājumu mehānismu līdzdalība mikromehānisko īpašību modifikācijā. Atslēgas vārdi: LiF, MgO, nanoindentēšana, ātrie joni, dislokācijasIt has been shown that a major role in changes of structural and micromechanical properties in LiF crystals caused by swift ions is assigned to formation of prismatic dislocation loops. It has been found that dislocation seedlings are formed already in individual ion tracks but intense formation of a dislocation structure occurs in the stage of track overlapping. In LiF a mosaic-type nanostructure oriented in the direction of the ion beam has been obtained by irradiation with energetic heavy ions (U, Au, Kr, Xe). The prerequisites for its formation have been determined. It has been show that irradiation with high doses leads to change in the mechanism of plastic deformation – from dislocation glide to shear banding. Swift ion caused effects in MgO as a radiation resistant and application oriented material have been studied. A co-participation of elastic collisions and electronic excitations in modification of micromechanical properties has been observed. Key words: LiF, MgO, nanoindentation, swift ions, dislocation

    Depth profiles of damage creation and hardening in MgO irradiated with GeV heavy ions

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    This work has been performed within the framework of the EUROfusion Enabling Research project: ENR-MFE19.ISSP-UL-02 “Advanced experimental and theoretical analysis of defect evolution and structural disordering in optical and dielectric materials for fusion applications”. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.The effect of irradiation with GeV heavy ions (U, Au, Bi) on the structure and mechanical properties of MgO single crystals was studied. The methods of nanoindentation, dislocation mobility, optical absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy were used for damage characterization. The ion-induced increase of hardness and reduction of dislocation mobility was observed. The depth profiles of hardness, dislocation mobility and PL were investigated, and the contribution of electronic and nuclear loss mechanisms was confirmed. The efficiency of damage vs. average absorbed energy for heavy and light ions was compared. The change in the mechanism of plastic deformation at indentation was observed after severe irradiation due to the immobilization of dislocations by ion-induced extended defects. The results show that MgO single crystals maintain integrity and micro-plasticity at indentation, and exhibit improved hardness after irradiation with swift heavy ions at fluences up to 7 × 1013 ions/cm2.EUROfusion Enabling Research project: ENR-MFE19.ISSP-UL-02; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Kolwezi : l'espace habité et ses problèmes dans le premier centre minier du Zaïre

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    Ville jeune, Kolwezi fut créée en 1937 sur de très riches gisements de cuivre et de cobalt, et reste le premier centre industriel et minier du Zaïre. La ville moyenne de l'époque coloniale, bien planifiée et équipée, opposait les quartiers de cadres européens aux quartiers populaires africains (camps de la Société minière et cité "indigène"), selon une structure polynucléaire. Après un essor démographique et spatial impressionnant, Kolwezi est aujourd'hui une ville importante où les quartiers anciens sont pris dans la marée de l'autoconstruction qui envahit jusqu'aux concessions minières. Une part croissante de l'espace habité échappe à la GECAMINES, jadis "propriétaire" de la ville, et qui envisage de déplacer celle-ci pour exploiter de nouveaux gisements. Tout cela rend très nécessaire l'élaboration d'un schéma d'aménagement global de la ville de Kolwezi. (Résumé d'auteur