86 research outputs found

    Risk analysis of the operation of deep foundation structures in the Port of Koper

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    The emphasis of the Master thesis is on the risk analysis of deep foundation. These structures are used in the areas of weak upper layer of soil. The risk analysis is a systematic approach of identifying and assessing the risk. In the design of building structures, safety factors are used to provide the required reliability. In general practice, there have been two methods established for structural design. The first method is a deterministic method developed at the beginning of the last century and it is a part of Eurocode standards. The other one is based on the fact that external loads as well as material properties are random variables. Using the probability approach, it is possible to estimate, the reliability of the whole structure or its elements. \ud \ud In the thesis I have analyzed the piles load-carrying capacity for the basin fill area of the quays 7A and 7B at the pier 1 situated at the Port of Koper. Using the Mathematica software, I have estimated the probability of the pile bearing capacity exceedance:\ud - normal distribution,\ud - Gumbel distribution,\ud - The combination of normal and Gumbel distributions.\ud The analytical calculations of the probability of failure were performed for the case at normal distribution. Most of investigated cases have indicated that the possibility of the construction failure is quite low.\ud \ud For all three types of distributions I have created various scenarios for individual probable events. The event tree analysis has produced an interesting and useful detail i.e. a collective risk value for all cases. \ud \ud \u


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    Diplomska naloga je namenjena pogledu v prihodnost kontejnerizacije v Jadranskem morju. Dejstvo je, da se vse več tovora pretovarja s pomočjo kontejnerjev, kar ima za posledico nenehno vlaganje v pristaniške kapacitete. Ne smemo mimo ključnega dejavnika, zaradi katerega je Jadran zanimiv za ladjarje. V mislih imam Sueški prekop, saj drastično zmanjša pot tovora, ki je namenjen v osrednjo in vzhodno Evropo. Diplomsko delo pričnem s predstavitvijo zgodovine kontejnerizacije, njenega idejnega očeta in razvoja same tehnologije. Nadaljujem z dejavniki, ki vplivajo na gibanje pretovorjenih kontejnerjev na svetovni ravni. Sledi medsebojna primerjava devetih kontejnerskih terminalov v štirih različnih državah vzdolž Jadranskega morja, njihove trenutne kapacitete in opremljenosti. V nadaljevanju se ozrem v prihodnost, ki prinaša velike projekte, ki bodo služili povečanju možnosti pretovorjenih kontejnerskih enot. Ob bok našemu slovenskemu ponosu, ki sliši na ime Luka Koper, postavim vse ostale kontejnerske terminale, ki sem jih predstavil v nalogi. Primerjam zmogljivost našega pristanišča, projekte, ki so v realizaciji, ali še čakajo nanjo. Ne morem mimo projekta, o katerem sem pogovarjamo že dobri dve desetletji – to je 2. tir. Prav omenjeni projekt je ključ do nadaljevanja uspešne zgodbe razvoja našega okna v svet, ki, tako pri ladjarjih kakor strankah, uživa velik ugled.This bachelor thesis takes a look at the future of containerization in the Adriatic Sea. It is a fact that more and more cargo is being transshipped with the help of containers, resulting in constant investments into port capacities. We must not overlook the key factor that makes the Adriatic Sea interesting for shipowners. I am of course talking about the Suez Canal, as it drastically reduces the route of cargo destined for Central and Eastern Europe. I begin my thesis with a presentation of the history of containerization, its conceptual founder and the development of technology itself. I continue with the factors that influence the movement of transshipped containers globally. This is followed by a comparison of nine container terminals in four different countries on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, their current capacities and equipment. Then I look to the future that brings major projects that will serve to increase the potential of transhipped container units. Alongside the Slovenian national pride that is the Port of Koper I place all the other container terminals that I presented in my thesis. I compare the capacity of our port and discuss projects that are already in progress or are still pending. I can\u27t fail to mention the project we\u27ve been talking about for more than two decades – the 2nd track. It is precisely this project that is key to continuing the success story of the development of our window into the world, which enjoys a great reputation among both shipowners and customers

    Development of a hydraulic system for clamping IBC containers

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    Magistrsko delo predstavlja razvoj stebrnega mešalnika, ki je namenjen homogenizaciji praškastih zmesi. Mešalnik za mešanje uporablja različno velike IBC (angl. Intermediate Bulk Container) kontejnerje, ki s svojo obliko, varnim polnjenjem, skladiščenjem ter praznjenjem kontejnerja, in na koncu tudi enostavnim čiščenjem, predstavlja napravo, primerno za uporabo v različnih industrijah, predvsem farmaciji. Želja konceptnega mešalnika je, da ima pomična oba vpenjalna okvirja in s tem zagotavlja fleksibilno vpenjanje kontejnerjev. Pomik vpenjalnih okvirjev zagotavlja namensko razvit hidravlični sistem, katerega funkcija je izpolnjevati tehnični proces mešalnika in zagotavljati varnost uporabnika. V ta namen smo zasnovali hidravlično shemo, ki ima večino hidravličnih sestavin predvidenih za vgradnjo v hidravlični blok, medtem ko sta hidravlična valja varovana s posebnima varnostnima ventiloma.This master\u27s thesis describes the development of a steam mixer intended for the homogenization of powdered mixtures. The mixer uses variable size IBCs (Intermediate Bulk Containers), which with their shape, safe refilling, storing and emptying as well as simple cleaning represent a device suitable for use in various industries, especially in pharmacy. It would be preferable for the concept of this mixer to have two movable clamping frames and to thus ensure flexible clamping of containers. Clamping frames’ movement is provided by a hydraulic system which was developed specifically for this purpose and the function of which is to fulfil the technical process of the mixer and to guarantee the user’s safety. For this purpose, we constructed a hydraulic scheme which contains the majority of hydraulic components envisaged for the installation in the hydraulic block, whereas the hydraulic cylinders are protected by means of special safety valves

    Inventory of real estate as a method of gaining information for expert base in space planning

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    When making an inventory of real estate we must consider the definition of building in the 1.st paragraph of the 72. article in Law of recording real estates. This law states that building is a space where man is able to get in and permanently or temporary live in. A building can function as a place of business or various other activities, it can a function as a shelter and it cannot be moved without causing damage to it’s substance. The subjects of inventory are all buildings and parts of buildings in the Republic of Slovenia which are used for living or for any other purpose. The Law of mass-evaluation of real estate is also a legal base for inventory of real estate because, the information we obtain with the inventory can be used as one of the important sources for calculating the value of a single real estate. This thesis will present the inclusion and the course of inventory of real estate at the Ministry of Education and Sport. Space planning demands an up to date review of the current state and conditions in real estate to be able to plan for the future. The information we get with inventory can be used as expert bases for space planning in the future. Expert bases thus get us groundwork to recognize, evaluate and decide about a matter

    Horizontal scaling of Web applications

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    This thesis is devoted to design environment for automatic horizontal scaling, which will, based on the metrics, that are provided by our environment and saved into database, respond with creation or removal of virtual machines. Environment also has graphs representing resource usages (memory usage, processor usage, numbers of network packets sent, ...), on which we can monitor our system. Environment is built with the help of open source tools OpenStack, Docker, Grafana, Prometheus, Alertmanager, cAdvisor, Node exporter, Vagrant and Ansible

    Loading and securing cargo on heavy vehicles

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    Cilj naloge, ki je pred vami, je tako na tehničnen kot tudi praktičnen način predstaviti pritrjevanje tovora v cestnem prometu. Uvod je namenjen predstavitvi trenutnega stanja v slovenskem prostoru in primerjava le tega s prakso v Nemčiji. Sledi fizikalno teoretični del naloge, ki je močno podkrepljen s teoretičnimi razlagami ter praktičnimi primeri, zaradi česar postane razumevanje obravnavane teme lažje. V naslednjem poglavju sem obravnaval sile, ki med prevozom delujejo na tovor, ter posledično definiral potrebe po pritrjevanju blaga za posamezno vrsto transporta. Pri določanju razporeditve tovora sem predstavil njegov pomen ter analitično in grafično metodo za določanje težišča. Podrobneje sem predstavil tudi posamezne vrste tovornih nadgradenj, mest za pritrjevanje in sredstev za pritrjevanje ter navedel njihove značilnosti in primernosti za pritrjevanje različnih vrst tovora. V poglavju Načini pritrjevanja tovora sem razdelal metode pritrjevanja, za posamezne sem podal tudi praktične računske primere. V zadnjem delu naloge sem predstavil tudi pritrjevanje posebnih vrst tovorov in podal napotke za pritrjevanje tovora v osebnih in kombiniranih vozilih ter zaključil s komentarjem in predstavitvijo rezultatov izvedene ankete.In this master thesis I have in greater provision studied both theoretical and practical part of securing loads on road vehicles. In introduction I have presented the situation in Slovenia and compared it with Germany where they have a lot of practical experiences and existing legal requirements for cargo securing. In the first chapter I have tried to present the topic, giving many practical examples of cargo transport, which were explained with physical and theoretical bases. In the following chapter I have introduced both arithmetic and graphic method to define centre of gravity and other forces and explain how they act on axle load distribution. Different types of transport vehicles and their demands for cargo securing, types of anchorage points and different types of load securing equipment are introduced in the next chapter. I have also introduced different types of cargo securing methods and gave some practical examples for each method. Last part of this thesis deals with transport and securing specific loads and loads in personal vehicles and vans. At the end I have introduced results of cargo securing investigation that take place among lorry drivers

    Shifting freight transport from road to rail

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    Road freight transport in Slovenia is becoming a major issue. High daily volume of trucks are burdening the Slovenian traffic system and their emissions have a negative effect on the environment and people´s health. In the first part of the thesis we have displayed the road and rail freight traffic loads for selected years. Additionally, using the TRANSvisions study we have constructed a forecast of the freight loads for the year 2030. One of the plausible solutions for amending the problem of freight traffic on roads is in its shift to the railway system. This type of the solution is currently implemented solely in one of the Slovenian routes; between Maribor and Wels (Austria). Austria is well known for its strict traffic policies and for shifting freight traffic from roads to railways, which has been a common practice for several years. Also in other European countries the so called piggy back system is already widely implemented.\ud In the second part of the thesis we displayed the technologies that are used in shifting the freight road vehicles (trailers, semi-trailers, swap bodies and containers) to the railways and specialized logistic terminals. Since the bulk of daily transit trucks in direction from Hungary to Italy pass through Slovenia, we have foreseen a logistic terminal in the Prekmurje region for which we have defined its throughput capacity and spatial requirements in order to accommodate the daily truck transit in 2030.\ud Currently, there are two main issues in Slovenia that are impeding the shifting of road freight traffic to railways: Slovenian traffic policy which does not charge the external costs to trucks and inadequate condition of Slovenian railway system. That is why we have assumed that Slovenia will regulate its traffic policy and also restore and upgrade the railway system until the 2030. The goal of the European commission is to shift 30 % of the road freight traffic over 300 km to the railwa

    Numerical calculations of ground settlements in the Settle 3D programme

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    The Bachlors thesis discusses the usage and theoretical background of the program Settle 3D. Settle 3D is mainly used for computation of ground settlement in various situations. We begin by introducing the four methods used to compute stress caused by surface load in order to calculate effective stress and settlement. We continue by explaining, in steps, how to input data for computation of several different situations. As we move on, we reserch some irregularities associated with graphical result output when dealing with rigid loads. Proof was found that Settle 3D correctly computes but inaccurately visualises settlement results under rigid loads. The effects of this flaw can be minimized by adding a larger number of field grid points. After that, we talk about irregularities that can occur if loads aren't properly defined. We conclude this thesis with the computation of two case histories. The results gaind through Settle 3D, were than compered to results gained by conventional methods. This was done in order to asses the programs accuracy, which in the end proved as adequate