314 research outputs found

    Proses Kebijakan Persuteraan Alam di Sulawesi Selatan

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    Full text dapat dilihat di laman http://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/perennial/article/view/543Production of cocoon and raw silk in South Sulawesi have decreased in recent years. One of the problem is misleading policy formulation and implementation. The purpose of this studies is to know the policy of sericulture that have implemented in South Sulawesi. The method of analyses are discourse analysis/narrative, actors/network, and politics/interest. The result indicated that three factors ie. narrative, actors and interests among stakeholder in sericulture development disturb the policy implementation so it wouldn???t achieve the goal. Incorrect problem formulation also disrupt the sericulture development so it didn???t increase cocoon and raw silk production in South Sulawesi

    Про некоректність постановки системних інформаційно-аналітичних досліджень у задачах інноваційного проектування

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    Обоснован вывод, что общая проблема системных информационно-аналитических исследований (СИАД) относится к классу некорректных задач и для эффективного их решения необходимо использовать определенные воздействия, что позволило применить идею известного метода регуляризации при решении некорректно поставленных задач.Обґрунтовано висновок, що загальна проблема системних інформаційно-аналітичних досліджень (СІАД) належить до класу некоректних завдань і для ефективного їх вирішення необхідно використовувати певні впливи, що дозволило застосувати ідею відомого методу регуляризації при вирішенні некоректно поставлених задач. Ключові слова: регуляризація, некоректні задачі, індуктивні технології, критерії.The conclusion that general problem of system information-analytical research (SIAR) belongs to a class of incorrect problems was substantiated and to solve them effectively need to use the some impacts that allowed to apply the known method of regularization for solving of incorrect problems. Keywords: regularization, incorrect problem, inductive technology, criteria

    Mathematical Model's Choice Reasoning and Its Implementation for the Evaluation of the Strength of Technological Vessels

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    In connection with the global increase in the intensity of use of working equipment related to high-risk facilities and the expiry of the service life limit, the question arises of determining the actual technical condition and forecasting the residual resource. From the analysis of the approaches to determining the technical state and on the analysis of regulatory documents, it becomes clear that the regulated methods of assessing the technical state are obsolete, such that they do not ensure the reliability of the obtained control results.A new technique for determining the actual technical state through monitoring the level of stresses in the body of high-risk objects is proposed. The new technique takes into account additional physical and mechanical parameters that affect the stress-strain state, and have not yet been used. In other words, the technique of multivariable control of stress determination was proposed.Mathematical models of the process of deformation and stress for cylindrical vessels with a spherical and conic dome operating under the action of high pressure are proposed

    The Numerical Simulation in Ballistics

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    In this paper we examine the movement of the solid body thrown with some angle to the horizon (for example the shot mine). Such movement is described by non-linear system of equations. This system is being approximated by linear system, in segments. The experiment results have been approximated and the dependence of air resistance coeficient from mean value of velocity along the trajectory was found. From the point of view of mathematics the incorrect problem must be solved because the initial conditions of system corresponding to fixed values of solutions (the coordinates of target points) must been estimated. In the case of linear system it is possible to examine the influence of non-large increment of initial conditions to the final result. In this work the probability of destruction of some fixed target and the mean square deviation of shooting regression. On the other hand has been estimated the possibility of destruction of group target using the method of Monte-Carlo

    Autopoiesis Concepts for Chemical Origins of Life and Synthetic Biology [Stenogram of the popular lecture on the foreign bibliographic seminar]

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    The monograph (Luisi P.L. "The Emergence of Life: From Chemical Origins to Synthetic Biology", 2010, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York etc., 315 p.) is a well-written, informative book providing a novel view on the interrelation between the abiogenesis as the natural origin of life and synthetic biology as the artificial synthesis of life. This concept is specially known as autopoiesis. As its name implies, it is a correlate of self-organization, but this word has quite a broad meaning in the literature. Consequently, some further restriction is required for this term in abiogenetic, as well as in "biogenetic" applications. There is, in fact, one basic reason for considering the abiogenetic problem in terms of self-organization theory. It follows from the extremely boundless complexity of biological systems

    Modeling the Structure and Complexity of Engineering Routine Design Problems

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    This paper proposes a model to structure routine design problems as well as a model of its design complexity. The idea is that having a proper model of the structure of such problems enables understanding its complexity, and likewise, a proper understanding of its complexity enables the development of systematic approaches to solve them. The end goal is to develop computer systems capable of taking over routine design tasks based on generic and systematic solving approaches. It is proposed to structure routine design in three main states: problem class, problem instance, and problem solution. Design complexity is related to the degree of uncertainty in knowing how to move a design problem from one state to another. Axiomatic Design Theory is used as reference for understanding complexity in routine design