89 research outputs found

    Gridlab - a grid application toolkid and testbed

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    In this paper we present the new project called GridLab which is funded by the European Commission under the Fifth Framework Programme. The GridLab project, made up of computer scientists, astrophysicists and other scientists from various application areas, will develop and implement the grid application toolkit (GAT) together with a set of services to enable easy and efficient use of Grid resources in a real and production grid environment. GAT will provide core, easy to use functionality through a carefully constructed set of generic higher level grid APIs through which an application will be able to call the grid services laying beneath in order to perform efficiently in the Grid environment using various, dramatically wild application scenarios

    Global Grids and Software Toolkits: A Study of Four Grid Middleware Technologies

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    Grid is an infrastructure that involves the integrated and collaborative use of computers, networks, databases and scientific instruments owned and managed by multiple organizations. Grid applications often involve large amounts of data and/or computing resources that require secure resource sharing across organizational boundaries. This makes Grid application management and deployment a complex undertaking. Grid middlewares provide users with seamless computing ability and uniform access to resources in the heterogeneous Grid environment. Several software toolkits and systems have been developed, most of which are results of academic research projects, all over the world. This chapter will focus on four of these middlewares--UNICORE, Globus, Legion and Gridbus. It also presents our implementation of a resource broker for UNICORE as this functionality was not supported in it. A comparison of these systems on the basis of the architecture, implementation model and several other features is included.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure


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    Successful resource discovery across heterogeneous repositories is highly dependent on the semantic and syntactic homogeneity of the associated resource descriptions in each repository. Ideally, consistent resource descriptions are easily extracted from each repository, expressed using standard syntactic and semantic structures, and managed and accessed within a distributed, flexible, and scalable software framework. In practice however, seldom do all three of these elements exist. To help address this situation, the Object Oriented Data Technology (OODT) project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has developed an extensible, standards-based resource description scheme that provides the necessary description and management facilities for the discovery of resources across heterogeneous repositories. The OODT resource description scheme can be used across scientific domains to describe any resource. It uses a small set of generally accepted, broadly-scoped descriptors while also providing a mechanism for the inclusion of domain-specific descriptors. In addition, the OODT scheme can be used to capture hierarchical, relational and recursive relationships between resources. In this paper we expand on prior work and describe an intelligent resource discovery framework that consists of separate software and data architectures focusing on the standard resource description scheme. We illustrate intelligent resource discovery using a case study that provides efficient search across distributed repositories using common interfaces and a hierarchy of resource descriptions derived from a complex, domain-specific ontology


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    [EN] This paper presents a synoptic study on the use of some graphic technologies such as VR Virtual Reality, AR Augmented Reality and VE Virtual Environment that can be used to increase the appreciation and full experience of heritage sites as resources for accessibility. This analysis familiarises us with these technologies and their suitability for each heritage asset in relation to users with disabilities. Their use on heritage sites seeks to bring these places to people in a new way, changing their role from a passive to a fully active one.[ES] Este artículo presenta un estudio del uso de algunas tecnologías gráficas aplicadas a la realidad virtual como son la Realidad Aumentada y los entornos de Realidad Inmersiva que pueden ser utilizados como recursos de accesibilidad para mejorar la apreciación y la experiencia de enclaves del patrimonio histórico. Este análisis permite conocersituar estas tecnologías y su idoneidad en cada lugar y con relación a los usuarios con determinadas discapacidades. Su empleo en determinados contextos del patrimonio ofrece un nuevo modo de aproximación a los mismos de modo autónomo y participativo.Puyuelo Cazorla, M.; Val Fiel, M.; Merino Sanjuán, L.; Felip Miralles, F. (2011). REPRESENTACIONES VIRTUALES Y OTROS RECURSOS TÉCNICOS EN LA ACCESIBILIDAD AL PATRIMONIO CULTURAL. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 16(17):164-173. doi:10.4995/ega.2011.919SWORD164173161

    Control of long-range correlations in turbulence

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    The character of turbulence depends on where it develops. Turbulence near boundaries, for instance, is different than in a free stream. To elucidate the differences between flows, it is instructive to vary the structure of turbulence systematically, but there are few ways of stirring turbulence that make this possible. In other words, an experiment typically examines either a boundary layer or a free stream, say, and the structure of the turbulence is fixed by the geometry of the experiment. We introduce a new active grid with many more degrees of freedom than previous active grids. The additional degrees of freedom make it possible to control various properties of the turbulence. We show how long-range correlations in the turbulent velocity fluctuations can be shaped by changing the way the active grid moves. Specifically, we show how not only the correlation length but also the detailed shape of the correlation function depends on the correlations imposed in the motions of the grid. Until now, large-scale structure had not been adjustable in experiments. This new capability makes possible new systematic investigations into turbulence dissipation and dispersion, for example, and perhaps in flows that mimic features of boundary layers, free streams, and flows of intermediate character.Comment: This paper has been accepted to Experiments in Fluids. 25 pages, 10 figure


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    Full version unavailable due to 3rd party copyright restrictions.This research investigates how shifts in perception might be brought about through the development of visual imagery created by the use of virtual environment technology. Through a discussion of historical uses of immersion in art, this thesis will explore how immersion functions and why immersion has been a goal for artists throughout history. It begins with a discussion of ancient cave drawings and the relevance of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Next it examines the biological origins of “making special.” The research will discuss how this concept, combined with the ideas of “action” and “reaction,” has reinforced the view that art is fundamentally experiential rather than static. The research emphasizes how present-day virtual environment art, in providing a space that engages visitors in computer graphics, expands on previous immersive artistic practices. The thesis examines the technical context in which the research occurs by briefly describing the use of computer science technologies, the fundamentals of visual arts practices, and the importance of aesthetics in new media and provides a description of my artistic practice. The aim is to investigate how combining these approaches can enhance virtual environments as artworks. The computer science of virtual environments includes both hardware and software programming. The resultant virtual environment experiences are technologically dependent on the types of visual displays being used, including screens and monitors, and their subsequent viewing affordances. Virtual environments fill the field of view and can be experienced with a head mounted display (HMD) or a large screen display. The sense of immersion gained through the experience depends on how tracking devices and related peripheral devices are used to facilitate interaction. The thesis discusses visual arts practices with a focus on how illusions shift our cognition and perception in the visual modalities. This discussion includes how perceptual thinking is the foundation of art experiences, how analogies are the foundation of cognitive experiences and how the two intertwine in art experiences for virtual environments. An examination of the aesthetic strategies used by artists and new media critics are presented to discuss new media art. This thesis investigates the visual elements used in virtual environments and prescribes strategies for creating art for virtual environments. Methods constituting a unique virtual environment practice that focuses on visual analogies are discussed. The artistic practice that is discussed as the basis for this research also concentrates on experiential moments and shifts in perception and cognition and references Douglas Hofstadter, Rudolf Arnheim and John Dewey. iv Virtual environments provide for experiences in which the imagery generated updates in real time. Following an analysis of existing artwork and critical writing relative to the field, the process of inquiry has required the creation of artworks that involve tracking systems, projection displays, sound work, and an understanding of the importance of the visitor. In practice, the research has shown that the visitor should be seen as an interlocutor, interacting from a first-person perspective with virtual environment events, where avatars or other instrumental intermediaries, such as guns, vehicles, or menu systems, do not to occlude the view. The aesthetic outcomes of this research are the result of combining visual analogies, real time interactive animation, and operatic performance in immersive space. The environments designed in this research were informed initially by paintings created with imagery generated in a hypnopompic state or during the moments of transitioning from sleeping to waking. The drawings often emphasize emotional moments as caricatures and/or elements of the face as seen from a number of perspectives simultaneously, in the way of some cartoons, primitive artwork or Cubist imagery. In the imagery, the faces indicate situations, emotions and confrontations which can offer moments of humour and reflective exploration. At times, the faces usurp the space and stand in representation as both face and figure. The power of the placement of the caricatures in the paintings become apparent as the imagery stages the expressive moment. The placement of faces sets the scene, establishes relationships and promotes the honesty and emotions that develop over time as the paintings are scrutinized. The development process of creating virtual environment imagery starts with hand drawn sketches of characters, develops further as paintings on “digital canvas”, are built as animated, three-dimensional models and finally incorporated into a virtual environment. The imagery is generated while drawing, typically with paper and pencil, in a stream of consciousness during the hypnopompic state. This method became an aesthetic strategy for producing a snappy straightforward sketch. The sketches are explored further as they are worked up as paintings. During the painting process, the figures become fleshed out and their placement on the page, in essence brings them to life. These characters inhabit a world that I explore even further by building them into three dimensional models and placing them in computer generated virtual environments. The methodology of developing and placing the faces/figures became an operational strategy for building virtual environments. In order to open up the range of art virtual environments, and develop operational strategies for visitors’ experience, the characters and their facial features are used as navigational strategies, signposts and methods of wayfinding in order to sustain a stream of consciousness type of navigation. Faces and characters were designed to represent those intimate moments of self-reflection and confrontation that occur daily within ourselves and with others. They sought to reflect moments of wonderment, hurt, curiosity and humour that could subsequently be relinquished for more practical or purposeful endeavours. They were intended to create conditions in which visitors might reflect upon their emotional state, v enabling their understanding and trust of their personal space, in which decisions are made and the nature of world is determined. In order to extend the split-second, frozen moment of recognition that a painting affords, the caricatures and their scenes are given new dimensions as they become characters in a performative virtual reality. Emotables, distinct from avatars, are characters confronting visitors in the virtual environment to engage them in an interactive, stream of consciousness, non-linear dialogue. Visitors are also situated with a role in a virtual world, where they were required to adapt to the language of the environment in order to progress through the dynamics of a drama. The research showed that imagery created in a context of whimsy and fantasy could bring ontological meaning and aesthetic experience into the interactive environment, such that emotables or facially expressive computer graphic characters could be seen as another brushstroke in painting a world of virtual reality

    Visualisation Studio for the analysis of massive datasets

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    This thesis describes the research underpinning and the development of a cross platform application for the analysis of simultaneously recorded multi-dimensional spike trains. These spike trains are believed to carry the neural code that encodes information in a biological brain. A number of statistical methods already exist to analyse the temporal relationships between the spike trains. Historically, hundreds of spike trains have been simultaneously recorded, however as a result of technological advances recording capability has increased. The analysis of thousands of simultaneously recorded spike trains is now a requirement. Effective analysis of large data sets requires software tools that fully exploit the capabilities of modern research computers and effectively manage and present large quantities of data. To be effective such software tools must; be targeted at the field under study, be engineered to exploit the full compute power of research computers and prevent information overload of the researcher despite presenting a large and complex data set. The Visualisation Studio application produced in this thesis brings together the fields of neuroscience, software engineering and information visualisation to produce a software tool that meets these criteria. A visual programming language for neuroscience is produced that allows for extensive pre-processing of spike train data prior to visualisation. The computational challenges of analysing thousands of spike trains are addressed using parallel processing to fully exploit the modern researcher’s computer hardware. In the case of the computationally intensive pairwise cross-correlation analysis the option to use a high performance compute cluster (HPC) is seamlessly provided. Finally the principles of information visualisation are applied to key visualisations in neuroscience so that the researcher can effectively manage and visually explore the resulting data sets. The final visualisations can typically represent data sets 10 times larger than previously while remaining highly interactiv

    Virtual Synchronous Generator Operation of Full Converter Wind Turbine ‒ Control and Testing in a Hardware Based Emulation Platform

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    Wind is one of the most promising renewable energy forms that can be harvested to into the electrical power system. The installation has been rising worldwide in the past and will continue to steadily increase. The high penetration of wind energy has bought about a number of difficulties to the power system operation due to its stochastic nature, lack of exhibited inertia, and differing responses to the traditional energy sources in grid disturbances. Various grid support functions are then proposed to resolve the issues. One solution is to allow the renewable energy sources to behave like a traditional synchronous generator in the system, as a virtual synchronous generator (VSG). On the other hand, testing the control of the future power grid with high penetration renewable often relies on digital simulation or hardware-based experiments. But they either suffer from fidelity and numerical stability issues, or are bulky and inflexible. A power electronics based power system emulation platform is built in the University of Tennessee. This Hardware Testbed (HTB) allows testing of both system level and component level controls, with a good balance between the fidelity of the hardware-based testing platform, and the coverage of the digital simulation.This dissertation proposal investigates the VSG operation of the full converter wind turbine (FCWT), focusing on its control and testing in the HTB. Specifically, a FCWT emulator was developed using a single converter to include its physical model and control strategies. The existing grid support functions are also included to demonstrate their feasibility.The comprehensive VSG controls are then proposed for a FCWT with short term energy storage. The dynamic response of the FCWT can be comparable to the traditional generation during grid disturbance. The control can also allow the FCWT to be dispatched by the system operator, and even operate stand-alone without other grid sources.To study the system response under faults, a short circuit fault emulator was developed in the HTB platform. Four basic types of the short circuit faults with various fault impedance can be emulated using the emulator. The power system transient stability in terms of critical clearing time can be measured using the developed fault emulator

    Virtual Laboratory Enabling Collaborative Research in Applied Vehicle Technologies

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    The virtual laboratory is a new technology, based on the internet, that has had wide usage in a variety of technical fields because of its inherent ability to allow many users to participate simultaneously in instruction (education) or in the collaborative study of a common problem (real-world application). The leadership in the Applied Vehicle Technology panel has encouraged the utilization of this technology in its task groups for some time and its parent organization, the Research and Technology Agency, has done the same for its own administrative use. This paper outlines the application of the virtual laboratory to those fields important to applied vehicle technologies, gives the status of the effort, and identifies the benefit it can have on collaborative research. The latter is done, in part, through a specific example, i.e. the experience of one task group
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