75 research outputs found

    Levada Construction Project for Conducting Hypotherapy Classes at Khortytsya National Training and Rehabilitation Academy in Zaporizhzhya

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    Особливий вплив іпотерапії на дитину з ДЦП полягає в стимулюванні розвитку рухових рефлексів, тому іпотерапія – невід’ємна складова комплексної реабілітації дітей з вадами руху. Левада для занять іпотерапією є необхідним елементом програми реабілітації дітей з порушеннями розвитку та підготовки фахівців реабілітологів на факультеті реабілітаційної педагогіки та соціальної роботи Хортицької національної навчально-реабілітаційної академії. Ефективність психологічної та соціально-педагогічної реабілітації дітей з особливостями психофізичного розвитку підвищується при контакті з такими тваринами як кінь і собака. Підтвердженням плідних здобутків експериментальної діяльності закладу стало надання йому в 2007 р. статусу інноваційного. Академія отримала відзнаку за її вагомий внесок у розвиток вітчизняної освіти, розробки та практичної реалізації інноваційних технологій комплексної медичної, психолого-педагогічної, соціальної реабілітації дітей і молоді з особливими освітніми потребами. На території академії є стайня з 6 кіньми, з якими протягом декількох років проводять заняття з дітьми кваліфіковані фахівці з іпотерапії.Заняття проходили на території парку академії, тому виникла гостра необхідність в будівництві відкритої левади для проведення занять. Створення спеціального майданчика має велике практичне значення. Оформлення цієї ділянки декоративними насадженнями, створення плодового саду, затишної зони відпочинку, прикрашеної квітниками та обладнаної елементами благоустрою, позитивно вплине на навколишнє середовище, поліпшить естетичне сприйняття території, дозволить комфортно, безпечно та ефективно проводити заняття з оздоровлення дітей із вадами здоров’я.The special influence of hypotherapy on a child with cerebral paralysis lies in stimulating the development of motor reflexes, therefore, hypotherapy is an integral part of the complex rehabilitation of children with motion sickness. Levada for hypotherapy classes is a necessary part of the rehabilitation program for children with developmental disabilities and the training of rehabilitation specialists at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Pedagogy and Social Work at the Khortytsya National Training and Rehabilitation Academy. The effectiveness of psychological and socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of children with peculiarities of psychophysical development increases in contact with such animals as a horse and a dog. The confirmation of the fruitful achievements of the experimental activity of the institution was awarding it the status of innovative in 2007. The Academy was rewarded for its significant contribution to the development of domestic education, the development and practical implementation of innovative technologies of comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical, social rehabilitation of children and young people with special educational needs. On the territory of the academy there is a stable with 6 horses, which have been used by qualified specialists on hypotherapy for conducting classes with children.Classes were held in the park of the academy, so there was an urgent need for the construction of an open levada for conducting classes. Creating a special site is of great practical importance. Decorating this site with ornamental plantations, creating a fruit garden, a cozy recreation area, beautified with flower beds and equipped with elements of landscaping, will positively affect the environment, improve the aesthetic perception of the territory, provide comfortable, safe and effective training for the rehabilitation of children with poor health

    Assessment of the influence of hypotherapy on psychosocial development of children until 18 years old

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    Introduction. Hippotherapy is one of the most popular forms of zootherapy. The ability to provide a disabled person with a close contact with a horse has a strong impact on the emotional, cognitive, social and physical spheres. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of hippotherapy on psychosocial development of children up to the age of 18. Material and methods. The studied group consisted of children and adolescents aged 4-18. The study involved 100 people, and the studied group was divided into two groups: intellectually disabled (n=59) and physically disabled (n=41). Additionally, in order to study the effect of the length of therapy attendance in relation to the achieved effects, the studied group was divided into 3 subgroups depending on the duration of therapy attendance (T1-0-2 years, T2-3-4 years, T3-5-10 years). The research tool was an original questionnaire addressed to parents and carers of disabled children. Results. During the study a significant improvement in the motor sphere was achieved, it was mainly an improvement of balance, posture and muscular strength. In the psychic sphere, aspects such as communication skills, speech development, motivation and family life improved. Conclusion: Hippotherapy has a positive effect on the psychosocial development of children, taking into account both the motoric and mental spheres

    Natural Therapy as Integral Technology of Social and Physical Rehabilitation

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    The concept of natural therapy is a product of the evolution of social work theories. The ecological model of social work was formed in the 60s of the twentieth century and assumed the inclusion of an ecological context in the social sphere and social work as a practical activity. In the 21st century, environmental methods of social work have changed the focus and social rehabilitation has become a priority using such environmental technologies as animal therapy, garden therapy, agrotherapy, aesthetic therapy, and so on. The article examines the Ukrainian national experience in the development of social and physical rehabilitation of various categories of the population using environmental technologies. One of the main features of the formation of national experience of the concept of natural therapy is that today the use of its components is at the initial level. The technologies for animal-assisted therapy are somewhat better developed in comparison with agrotherapy and garden therapy. The combination of these technologies into a single rehabilitation complex makes it possible to use the advantages of each of these technologies (animal therapy, agrotherapy and garden therapy) to achieve the maximum rehabilitation effect for each client, which requires social and physical rehabilitation

    Natural Therapy as Integral Technology of Social and Physical Rehabilitation

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    The concept of natural therapy is a product of the evolution of social work theories. The ecological model of social work was formed in the 60s of the twentieth century and assumed the inclusion of an ecological context in the social sphere and social work as a practical activity. In the 21st century, environmental methods of social work have changed the focus and social rehabilitation has become a priority using such environmental technologies as animal therapy, garden therapy, agrotherapy, aesthetic therapy, and so on. The article examines the Ukrainian national experience in the development of social and physical rehabilitation of various categories of the population using environmental technologies. One of the main features of the formation of national experience of the concept of natural therapy is that today the use of its components is at the initial level. The technologies for animal-assisted therapy are somewhat better developed in comparison with agrotherapy and garden therapy. The combination of these technologies into a single rehabilitation complex makes it possible to use the advantages of each of these technologies (animal therapy, agrotherapy and garden therapy) to achieve the maximum rehabilitation effect for each client, which requires social and physical rehabilitation

    Perbedaan Kadar Hormion Chorionic Gonadotrophine (Hcg) Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester I Yang Mengalami Hiperemesis Gravidarum Sebelum Dan Setelah Dilakukan Hipnotherapi Di Rumah Sakit Umum Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang

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    Anak autis kerap memiliki masalah terhadap perilakunya salah satunya hiperaktif. Anak autis dan hiperaktif sama sama memiliki permasalahan pada gangguan konsentrasi. Anak autis dan hiperaktif kerap mengalami kesulitan di sekolah, dirumah, serta lingkungan. Anak kerap dipandang nakal dan tidak jarang mengalami penolakan baik dari keluarga maupun teman dan sulit melakukan komunikasi timbal balik. Hipnoterapi dan healing touch merupakan salah satu terapi dengan memberikan sugesti dikombinasikan dengan terapi sentuhan diharapkan dapat menurunkan tingkat hiperaktif pada anak autis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh  hipnoterapi dan touch healing terhadap  perilaku hiperaktif pada anak autis di SLBN Ungaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksperimen semu (Quasi eksperiment) dengan rancangan one group pre test-post test design. Sampel pada penelitian ini 15 anak autis dan waktu perlakuan masing-masing sampel 30 menit dalam sehari. Ada perbedaan yang signifikan perilaku hiperaktif sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan hipnoterapi dan healing touh terhadap perilaku hiperaktif anak autis di SLB N Ungaran dengan p value = 0,000 (α=0,05). Diharapkan sekolah dapat menerapkan teknik hipnoterapi dan healing touch untuk menurunkan perilaku hiperaktif pada anak yang berkebutuhan khusus

    Perbedaan Kadar Hormion Chorionic Gonadotrophine (Hcg) Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester I Yang Mengalami Hiperemesis Gravidarum Sebelum Dan Setelah Dilakukan Hipnotherapi Di Rumah Sakit Umum Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang

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    Anak autis kerap memiliki masalah terhadap perilakunya salah satunya hiperaktif. Anak autis dan hiperaktif sama sama memiliki permasalahan pada gangguan konsentrasi. Anak autis dan hiperaktif kerap mengalami kesulitan di sekolah, dirumah, serta lingkungan. Anak kerap dipandang nakal dan tidak jarang mengalami penolakan baik dari keluarga maupun teman dan sulit melakukan komunikasi timbal balik. Hipnoterapi dan healing touch merupakan salah satu terapi dengan memberikan sugesti dikombinasikan dengan terapi sentuhan diharapkan dapat menurunkan tingkat hiperaktif pada anak autis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh  hipnoterapi dan touch healing terhadap  perilaku hiperaktif pada anak autis di SLBN Ungaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksperimen semu (Quasi eksperiment) dengan rancangan one group pre test-post test design. Sampel pada penelitian ini 15 anak autis dan waktu perlakuan masing-masing sampel 30 menit dalam sehari. Ada perbedaan yang signifikan perilaku hiperaktif sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan hipnoterapi dan healing touh terhadap perilaku hiperaktif anak autis di SLB N Ungaran dengan p value = 0,000 (α=0,05). Diharapkan sekolah dapat menerapkan teknik hipnoterapi dan healing touch untuk menurunkan perilaku hiperaktif pada anak yang berkebutuhan khusus