734,363 research outputs found

    Magnetic Modeling of the Diwak-Derekan Geothermal Area with Extension to Bawen, Central Java

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    In an effort to further advance understanding of Diwak-Derekan geothermal system, a second period of geomagnetic survey of the area including Kaliulo hot spring, Jatikurung hot spring and Kendalisodo geothermal hot spring has been carried out. The magnetic residual anomalies have been reproduced especially on the southern part of the study area. 3D magnetic analysis and interpretation of geological data acquired and collected in the field. Based on magnetic field anomaly and the field geological data, a speculation shows that magnetization intensity assumed for the existence of a cooling magma intrusion is suggested at the southern part of the study area, that is located at Sajen Village

    Hot Spring Goers: A Case Study of Raksawarin Hot Spring, Ranong Province, Thailand

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    This research focuses on the benefits sought by hot spring goers who visited Raksawarin hot spring in Ranong province, Thailand. It investigates their characteristics and identifies the set of benefits they sought, classifying hot spring goers based on these benefits. The data was collected from a set of questionnaires distributed to 384 domestic and international tourists at Raksawarin hot spring. The findings show significant differences as well as similarities in the benefits (social, relaxation, health, rejuvenation, and tourism) sought by hot spring goers in terms of nationality, frequency of visit, and type of travel party. Recommendations were made for hot spring goers seeking to improve their health and for the local municipality to better meet the needs of these tourists when they visit the hot spring

    Potensi Ekowisata Air Panas Di Negeri Nalahia Pulau Nusalaut Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

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    This study aimed to determine the potential for hot spring ecotourism in Nalahia village on Nusalaut Island, Central Maluku Regency. The method used is direct observation (survey method). Data was collected on all-natural tourist attractions through fauna data around hot springs. Tourist data collection is done by conducting interviews using a questionnaire for tourists with accidental sampling. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis of tourism potential in hot springs attractions and tourists visiting Nalahia hot springs. The results showed that hot water attractions in Nalahia country are found in two places, namely "Bantang" hot springs around the sago forest and hot springs on the beach known as "kerkof" hot springs with different temperatures between 38 ÌŠC to 43 C. Tourist activities that are often carried out by tourists are bathing and bathing, enjoying the natural scenery, taking pictures and research. The object hot spring tourism attraction in Negeri Nalahia, based on the results of interviews with tourists, is the main activity tourists carry out. The results of discussions related to tourist perceptions of hot spring attractions, 90% of tourists stated that the Nalahia hot spring tourist attraction has attractiveness and beautiful natural scenery, so many tourists think they want to return to Nalahia country, while facilities are limited, a suggestion from tourists to be able to carry out the construction of facilities around the hot spring tourist area. Community participation in the Nalahia hot spring tourism activities involves ideas, human power, and expertise


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    Taman Wisata Maribaya dikelola oleh Pemerintah Daerah yang bekerjasama dengan PT. Akurasi Kuat Mega Indonesia. Kemudian pengelola merenovasi dan mengubah konsep, baik dari segi penampilan maupun pelayanan dan diubah namanya menjadi Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort dengan harapan wisatawan yang telah datang berkunjung merasa puas. Namun sampai saat ini masih didapati beberapa keluhan yang dirasakan wisatawan setelah datang berkunjung ke Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis kepuasan wisatawan melalui penilaian wisatawan terhadap tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat kinerja produk wisata di Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort. Terdapat tiga indikator produk wisata yaitu atraksi, fasilitas, dan aksesibilitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini melibatkan 100 responden dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan wisatawan digunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) yang menghasilkan Diagram Kartesius yang memiliki empat kuadran dengan skala prioritas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, terdapat ketidakpuasan yang dirasakan wisatawan yang datang berkunjung ke Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort. Walaupun tingkat kinerja dari produk wisata yang ada di Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort dirasa sudah baik, namun pada kenyataannya belum mencapai titik kepuasan wisatawan dikarenakan nilai harapan wisatawan terhadap produk wisata yang ada di Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort lebih besar dibandingkan dengan nilai kinerjanya. Pengelola diharapkan dapat memperhatikan ketersediaan dan kondisi produk wisata di Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort serta dapat mempertahankan kinerja dari produk wisata yang dinilai oleh wisatawan sudah baik.;--- Taman Wisata Maribaya is managed by the local government cooperate with PT. Akurasi Kuat Mega Indonesia. And then the management renovated and changed the concept also the name to Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort in order to make the tourists who came to visit will satisfied. But after renovated, there were still some complaint from the tourists after came to visit Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort. The purpose of this research is to analyse the satisfaction of tourists through assessment of travellers against the importance and the level of performance of the tourist product in Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort. There are three indicators of tourist products are attractions, facilities, and accessibility. This research used descriptive method with quantitative approach and used purposive sampling. There are 100 respondents by using questionnaire. To measure the level of satisfaction of tourists used method of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) which generates a Cartesian Diagram that has four quadrants with a scale of priorities. Based on the results of this researched, there is a unsatisfaction of tourists who came to visit Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort. Although the level of performance of the existing tourism products in Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort its already good, but the fact has not yet reached the point of satisfaction of tourists because the tourists’ level satisfation of the existing tourism products in Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort greater than the value of its performance. The management are expected to consider the availability and the condition of the tourism product in Maribaya Natural Hot Spring Resort and can maintain the performance of tourism product which was good by tourist


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kepuasan pengunjung terhadap aktivitas wisata di Cimanggu Hot Spring and Cottage. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis tingkat kepuasan pengunjung terhadap aktivitas wisata di Cimanggu Hot Spring and Cottage. Tingkat kepuasan pelanggan didapat apabila produk/jasa memenuhi nilai produk yang baik bagi wisatawan sesuai dengan harapan wisatawan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner pada 100 responden. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini, menunjukan bahwa tingkat harapan aktivitas wisata berada pada tingkat tinggi bagi pengunjung dan tingkat kenyataan berada pada tingkat cukup sesuai. Berdasarkan data yang diolah, pengunjung merasa puas terhadap aktivitas wisata di Cimanggu Hot Spring and Cottage. Maka dari itu pengelola harus mempertahankan kepuasan pengunjung. Kata kunci : Kepuasan Pengunjung, Aktivitas Wisata, Cimanggu Hot Spring and Cottage This study aims to measure visitor satisfaction with tourism activities in Cimanggu Hot Spring and Cottage. The purpose of this study to analyze the level of visitor satisfaction of tourism activities in Cimanggu Hot Spring and Cottage . the level of satisfaction obtained if the product/service meets the velue of a good product for tourists in accordance with the expectations of tourists. The method used in this research is descriptive method with quantitative approach by spreading questionnaire on 100 respondents. Based on the result of this study, shows that the expectations level of tourism activity is at high level for visitors and the level of reality is at a sutticiently appropriate level. Based on the data processed, visitor are satisfied with tourism activities in Cimanggu Hot Spring and Cottage. Therefore the mamager must maintain visitor satisfaction. Keyword :Visitor Satisfaction, Tourism Activities, Cimanggu Hot Spring and Cottag

    The Official Student Newspaper of UAS

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    UAS Answers -- UAS in Brief -- Southeast Alaska Regional Science Fair seeks judges -- Appointments, publications & workshops -- Sweet meets sour at Woosh K.’s slam -- UAS plunges into winter! -- A shortcut to mushrooms: Trips to the Kingdom fungi -- Stretching the budget: Hot dog burritos -- First Friday at the REC Spring 2013 -- Campus Calenda

    A preliminary analysis of the formation of travertine and travertine cones in the Jifei hot spring, Yunnan, China

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    The Jifei hot spring emerges in the form of a spring group in the Tibet–Yunnan geothermal zone, southwest of Yunnan Province, China. The temperatures of spring waters range from 35 to 81°C and are mainly of HCO3–Na·Ca type. The total discharge of the hot spring is about 10 L/s. The spring is characterized by its huge travertine terrace with an area of about 4,000 m2 and as many as 18 travertine cones of different sizes. The tallest travertine cone is as high as 7.1 m. The travertine formation and evolution can be divided into three periods: travertine terrace deposition period, travertine cone formation period and death period. The hydrochemical characteristics of the Jifei hot spring was analyzed and compared with a local non-travertine hot spring and six other famous travertine springs. The results indicate that the necessary hydrochemical conditions of travertine and travertine cones deposition in the Jifei area are (1) high concentration of HCO3 − and CO2; (2) about 52.9% deep source CO2 with significantly high PCO2 value; (3) very high milliequivalent percentage of HCO3 − (97.4%) with not very high milliequivalent percentage of Ca2+ (24.4%); and (4) a large saturation index of calcite and aragonite of the hot water

    Reciprocating engines

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    An intake valve arrangement for positively controlling the opening and closing of the poppet valve in a hot gas cylinder in a hydrazine powered engine is described. The poppet valve is operated by the piston and gas pressure only. The poppet valve uses a pneumatic spring which holds the poppet valve against the piston while the valve is opened and closed. To accomplish this, a poppet valve is slidably mounted in a pneumatic spring chamber which reaches a pressure approaching the gas supply pressure and, during the opening of the valve, the spring chamber retains enough pressure to hold the poppet valve onto the piston. In addition, the bottom of the poppet valve can have a suction cup type configuration to hold the poppet valve on the piston during the down stroke

    Taxonomic Novelty and Distinctive Genomic Features of Hot Spring Cyanobacteria

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    Several cyanobacterial species are dominant primary producers in hot spring microbial mats. To date, hot spring cyanobacterial taxonomy, as well as the evolution of their genomic adaptations to high temperatures, are poorly understood, with genomic information currently available for only a few dominant genera, including Fischerella and Synechococcus. To address this knowledge gap, the present study expands the genomic landscape of hot spring cyanobacteria and traces the phylum-wide genomic consequences of evolution in high temperature environments. From 21 globally distributed hot spring metagenomes, with temperatures between 32 and 75 degrees C, 57 medium- and high-quality cyanobacterial metagenome-assembled genomes were recovered, representing taxonomic novelty for 1 order, 3 families, 15 genera and 36 species. Comparative genomics of 93 hot spring genomes (including the 57 metagenome-assembled genomes) and 66 non-thermal genomes, showed that the former have smaller genomes and a higher GC content, as well as shorter proteins that are more hydrophilic and basic, when compared to the non-thermal genomes. Additionally, the core accessory orthogroups from the hot spring genomes of some genera had a greater abundance of functional categories, such as inorganic ion metabolism, translation and post-translational modifications. Moreover, hot spring genomes showed increased abundances of inorganic ion transport and amino acid metabolism, as well as less replication and transcription functions in the protein coding sequences. Furthermore, they showed a higher dependence on the CRISPR-Cas defense system against exogenous nucleic acids, and a reduction in secondary metabolism biosynthetic gene clusters. This suggests differences in the cyanobacterial response to environment-specific microbial communities. This phylum-wide study provides new insights into cyanobacterial genomic adaptations to a specific niche where they are dominant, which could be essential to trace bacterial evolution pathways in a warmer world, such as the current global warming scenario
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