13 research outputs found

    Ante Vukasović, Moralni profil osobnosti

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    Ante Vukasović, Moralni profil osobnosti

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    Moška dominacija Pierra Bourdieuja

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    L’objet de cet article est de mettre en evidence quelques questions soulevées par La domination masculine de Pierre Bourdieu: sa construction sociale, sa dehistorisation, et sa naturalisation, sa légitimité, la permanence dans les changements et la révolution dans la connaissance pour transformer le principe de la perpétuation caractérisant ce rapport de domination

    Cultural capital and simbolic power: the three aspects of bourdieu\u27s theory of ideology

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    U radu se razmatraju osnovni pojmovi Bourdieuove sociologije – kapital, habitus, polje i simbolička moć – s obzirom na problem ideologije. U Bourdieuovoj analizi ideologije možemo razlikovati tri povezana i isprepletena aspekta. Prvi je povezan s Marxom i strukturalizmom i tu se ideologija razmatra na strukturalnoj razini društva s obzirom na njezine funkcije i način djelovanja te odnos prema drugim strukturalnim razinama. Drugi aspekt je „durkheimovski” a ideologija se razmatra kao sustav klasifi kacija (hijerarhija) i njihova legitimacija. Habitus kao socijalizirana subjektivnost ovdje ima središnje mjesto. Treći je aspekt „weberijanski” u smislu da se ideologija promatra kao polje a posebna je pozornost posvećena njezinim proizvođačima – specijalistima. Ideološko polje je, kao i svako polje, relativno autonomno, tako da se njegovi proizvodi ne mogu izravno povezivati s interesima vladajuće klase, kao što to čine vulgarne varijante marksizma. Bourdieu ne razlikuje dovoljno ideologiju u durkheimovskom smislu, kao sisteme klasifi kacije i aspekt „življenog iskustva”, od ideologije kao proizvoda specijaliziranog rada u okviru intelektualnog (odnosno ideološkog) polja koje se ravna po vlastitim zakonitostima. Mada procesi u ideološkom polju refl ektiraju i reproduciraju odnose moći u polju socijalnih klasa, ta veza nije dovoljno jasno pokazana.The fundamental concepts of Bourdieu’s sociology – capital, habitus, fi eld and symbolic power – are reviewed with regard to the issue of ideology. In Bourdieu’s analysis of ideology one can distinguish three related and intertwined aspects. The fi rst is linked to Marx and structuralism, where ideology is conceived at the structural level with regard to its function and mode of operation as well as its relation to other structural levels. The second aspect is “durkhemian” and ideology is considered as a system of classifi cations (hierarchies) and their legitimation. Habitus as the socialised subjectivity is central here. The third aspect is “weberian” where ideology is viewed as a fi eld with special regard to its producers – specialists. As any other fi eld, ideological fi eld is relatively autonomous so its products cannot be directly linked to the interests of the dominant class, as vulgar Marxism does. Bourdieu does not emphasise enough the distinction between ideology in durkhemian sense, as systems of classifi cation and aspect of “lived experience”, and ideology as the product of specialists’ work within the intellectual (i.e. ideological) fi eld ruled by its own laws. Although processes in the ideological fi eld do refl ect and reproduce power relations in the fi eld of social classes, the connection between the two is not presented clearly enough

    Pjer Burdije, sociolog i intelektualac

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    The Influence of the Habitus of Cultural Sttudies Students on their Perception of Employment at the End of their Studies

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je istražiti kako studenti kulturalnih studija percipiraju vlastite mogućnosti zapošljavanja, odnosno rada po završetku studija. Rad se pritom koristi s dvije društveno-znanstvene tradicije - antropološkom, odnosno kulturalnom antropologijom, od koje preuzima etnografsku metodu istraživanja, te sociološkom, gdje se koristi teorijom Pierrea Bourdieua, poglavito njegovim teorijskim instrumentarijem, odnosno razradama koncepata habitusa, polja i kapitala. Pritom će pokušati dati sliku suvremene vrijednosne dominante, kao i osnovne pravne i ekonomske pozadine rada i zapošljavanja. Rad će pokušati izložiti individualne habituse te pokušati dokazati postojanje zajedničkih značajki habitusa, zadobivenih tokom školovanja unutar humanističkog polja kulturalnih studija, kako bi u konačnici ukazao na njegov znatan utjecaj prilikom individualnog percipiranja mogućnosti zapošljavanja.The goal of this paper is to find out the mechanism through which the students of the Department of Cultural Studies in Rijeka, Croatia, perceive their chances of employment after obtaining their bachelors or masters degree in cultural studies. The foundations of the thesis lie upon two complementary social sciences: cultural anthropology and sociology of culture. It uses ethnography as its main method of research, closely intertwined with theory of Pierre Bourdieu, mainly his elaborate and expansive work on interconnected concepts of habitus, field and capital. This paper will try to display the habitus of individual students, and try to prove the existence of common values and dispositions, obtained during education within the field of predominantly humanistic bent, to point out its considerable influence upon individual perception of gaining employment

    Burdijeova teoretizacija simboličkog

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    Pjer Burdije: radikalna misao i praxis

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    Informal learning in the workplace and social identities

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    Predmet istraživanja je eksploracija procesa neformalnog uèenja na radnom mestu i njegovog odnosa sa višestrukim socijalnim identitetima pojedinca. Cilj je bio da utvrdimo da li su i na koji naèin povezani višestruki socijalni identiteti pojedinaca i proces njihovog neformalnog uèenja na radnom mestu. Takoðe i na koji naèin socijalni identiteti pojedinaca mogu da se dovedu u vezu sa korišæenjem, stvaranjem ili odbacivanjem prilika za uèenje na radnom mestu. Istraživanje je eksplorativno, u skladu sa interpretativnom paradigmom i kvalitativnom metodologijom. Prikupljanje podataka, analiza i interpretacija raðeni su u skladu sa utemeljenom teorijom. Uzorak èine ukupno 33 zaposlena na ne-menadžerskim pozicijama u meðunarodnoj organizaciji koja se bavi revizijom – 10 zaposlenih kroz program prakse, 12 saradnika i 11 viših saradnika. Izbor ispitanika napravljen je u skladu sa principima namernog uzorkovanja i biranjem lancem preporuka, a sa ciljem dobijanja maksimalne varijacije. Polustrukturirani intervjui su obavljeni u dve vremenske taèke - na poèetku i na kraju revizorske sezone. Izmeðu intervjua zadat je i jedan upitnik otvorenog tipa. Na osnovu nalaza napravljen je teorijski model odnosa izmeðu identiteta pojedinca i njegovog uèenja na radnom mestu. Elementi modela su: pojedinac u sadašnjem trenutku, vizija sebe u buduænosti, socijalni i organizacioni kontekst, investiranost i uèenje na radnom mestu kao proces socijalnog postajanja. Istraživanje ukazuje na moguænost da pojam identiteta, kako je definisan u objedinjenoj teoriji identiteta Burka i saradnika, koji funkcioniše kao shema koji je osnova percepcije, razmišljanja i delovanja u svetu, može da bude dobra dopuna socio-kulturnih teorija uèenja na radnom mestu.The topic of this research is exploration of the informal learning in the workplace process and its relationship with multiple social identities of an individual. The goal was to establish whether the multiple social identities and informal learning in the workplace process are related and in which way they are related. We wanted to understand the way in which social identities of an individual can be related to using, creating, or refusing learning opportunities in the workplace. The research is exploratory, within the framework of interpretative paradigm and qualitative methodology. Data collection, analysis and interpretation were conducted using grounded theory approach. The sample consists of 33 employees on non-managerial positions in a global auditing company - 10 interns, 12 associates and 11 senior associates. We used purposive and snowball sampling approaches, aiming to maximise variations within the sample. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in two points of time - at the beginning and at the end of the auditing season. One open-ended questionnaire was administered between the interviews. We created a theoretical model of relationship of individual identities and learning in the workplace based on the research findings. The elements of this model are Individual at moment, Vision of oneself in the future, Social and organisational context, Investment, and Learning in the workplace as social becoming. The research results suggest that the concept of identity defined in Burke`s and associates` unified identity theory, as a scheme which is a basis of perception, thinking and acting in the world, can be a fruitful add-on to socio-cultural theories of learning in the workplac