727 research outputs found

    Grape breeding in China

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    The paper introduces the achievements of grape breeding in China since 1950. So far, around 50 new varieties and many new lines of grape have been produced. Some new varieties are cold resistant, disease resistant with high yield and are suitable for making wine. Some are early maturing with large, seedless berries. Some are suitable for the climate of high humidity and for cultivation in rainy areas of southern China. Some bear large clusters and berries of beautiful appearance and are of high yield and quality. Some are suitable for canning and making juice

    Transcriptome profiling of grapevine seedless segregants during berry development reveals candidate genes associated with berry weight

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    Indexación: Web of Science; PubMedBackground Berry size is considered as one of the main selection criteria in table grape breeding programs. However, this is a quantitative and polygenic trait, and its genetic determination is still poorly understood. Considering its economic importance, it is relevant to determine its genetic architecture and elucidate the mechanisms involved in its expression. To approach this issue, an RNA-Seq experiment based on Illumina platform was performed (14 libraries), including seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight at fruit setting (FST) and 6–8 mm berries (B68) phenological stages. Results A group of 526 differentially expressed (DE) genes were identified, by comparing seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight: 101 genes from the FST stage and 463 from the B68 stage. Also, we integrated differential expression, principal components analysis (PCA), correlations and network co-expression analyses to characterize the transcriptome profiling observed in segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. After this, 68 DE genes were selected as candidate genes, and seven candidate genes were validated by real time-PCR, confirming their expression profiles. Conclusions We have carried out the first transcriptome analysis focused on table grape seedless segregants with contrasting phenotypes for berry weight. Our findings contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in berry weight determination. Also, this comparative transcriptome profiling revealed candidate genes for berry weight which could be evaluated as selection tools in table grape breeding programs.http://bmcplantbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12870-016-0789-

    Gombarezisztencia gének térképezése szőlőben = Mapping resistance genes against fungi in grapevine

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    Lisztharmat (PM) és peronoszpóra (DM) rezisztencia génekkel kapcsolt markerek szelekcióra való alkalmasságát vizsgáltuk szőlő inter-és intraspecifikus térképezési populációiban. Az interspecifikus hibridek a Muscadina rotundifolia x Vitis vinfera BC4 Cardinal, Kismis moldavszkij és Kismis vatkana fajtákkal előállított BC5 nemzedékei voltak. A M. rotundifolia az ismert RUN1 (PM) és az RPV1 (DM) domináns rezisztencia géneket tartalmazza. A BC5 nemzedékekben 1 CAPS és 3 SSR markerrel hatékonyan szelektáltuk a rezisztens genotípusokat. A V. vinifera fajták általában fogékonyak a lisztharmatra, de a fogékonyságuk eltérő. A Dzsandzsal karát írták le először PM rezisztens fajtaként, később azonban többet is azonosítottak, köztük a Kismis vatkanát, rezisztencia génjüket azonban nem jellemezték. A Nimrang x Kismis vatkana hibrid család elemzése során bebizonyosodott, hogy a Kismis vatkana PM génje, amelyet REN1-nek neveztek el, nem azonos a RUN1-gyel. A 13-as kromoszómára térképeződött, míg a RUN1 a 12-re. A REN1 körül azonosított 3 SSR markerrel genotipizáltuk a Génuai zamatos x Kismis vatkana és BC4 x Kismis vatkana utódokat. Az utóbbi család egyedei közül RUN1/REN1 piramidált genotípusokat szelektáltunk. Az azonos fenotípust meghatározó piramidált géneket tartalmazó növények azonosítása csak DNS-szintű elemzéssel lehetséges. A MAS hatékonyságának növelésére multiplex PCR módszert dolgoztunk ki. A REN1-gyel kapcsolt marker SSR profil alapján a Dzsandzsal kara is REN1 gént hordoz. | For validating markers linked to powdery (PM) and downy (DM) mildew resistance genes, applying them in marker assisted selection (MAS) we analyzed mapping populations, deriving from interspecific crosses of Vitis vinifera with Muscadinia rotundifolia carrying the dominant RUN1 (PM) and RPV1 (DM) resistance genes. One CAPS and 3 SSR markers proved to be adequate for selecting RUN1/RPV1 genotypes in the (M. rotundifolia x V. vinifera) BC4 x Cardinal, BC4 x Kishmish moldavskij and BC4 x Kishmish vatkana families. Kishmish vatkana is a PM resistant V. vinifera cultivar such as Dzhandzhal kara. Involving V. vinifera resistance genes into breeding gives the chance to avoid interspecific crosses. Analysis of a Nimrang x Kishmis vatkana progeny proved that PM resistance gene of Kishmish vatkana, called REN1, is different from RUN1. REN1 mapped into linkage group/LG 13, while RUN1 is in LG12. Three SSR markers were identified around the REN1 locus and applied for MAS in Génuai zamatos x Kishmis vatkana and BC4 x Kishmish vatkana hybrids. In this latter cross we proved the presence of the pyramided PM resistance genes. Plants carrying both RUN1 and REN1 for the same phenotype can be identified only with DNA analysis. This is the first time when SSR markers linked to REN1 were used for MAS. We elaborated a multiplex PCR method suitable for agarose electrophoresis. SSR profiles in REN1 linked loci suggest that Kismish vatkana and Dzhandzhal kara possess the same REN1 PM resistance gene

    Grape breeding and genetic studies in Brazil.

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    The development of new grape cultivars in Brazil has been carried out by the Grape Breeding Program and the Grapevine Germplasm Bank (GGB) , established by Embrapa in 1977. The main results of this effort include the phenotypic characterization of 1,000 accessions maintained in the collection, the development of a group of 400 advanced selections and the release of 14 new grape cultivars in the last two decades

    Remaily Seedless Grape

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    Since the late 19th century when grape breeding began at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, a major goal has been to combine certain fruit attributes such as seedlessness, crisp texture, and adherent skin of Vitis vinifera L. table grapes with some of the vegetative characters such as disease resistance and cold hardiness of native American hybrid (V. labruscana, Bailey) grape cultivars

    Nebraska Vine Lines, Volume VIII, Issue 5, October/November 2005

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    • Highlights of The North American Grape Breeders Roundtable • Paul Read to participate in Facultry Development Leave at the University of Tasmania • Grape Breeding 101 • Small Scale Commercial Wine Making Workshop • University Research Plots by Steve Gamet • Fermenter’s Supply and Equipment • Be Sure to put the 9th Annual Forum on your calendar • The Japanese Beetle by Chelsey Wasem • Reams Sprinkler Suppl

    Recent Developments in Seedless Grapevine Breeding

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    Grapes are one of the most commonly produced fruit crops in the world and are consumed as table grapes, wine grapes and dried grapes. In line with consumer demands, seedlessness continues to be an important feature that increases the chances of marketing grapes. Nearly all of the dried grapes that are offered to the world markets are seedless grapes. In addition, the demand for seedless varieties has increased steadily in the table grape trade over the years. Therefore, the production of new seedless grape varieties withlarge berries that are suitable for table consumption is one of the important goals of breeding studies in viticulture. In this study, recently bred and released new seedless grape varieties are briefly introduced, seedless grape breeding methods are summarised, and the latest developments in breeding methods are explained

    Studies on table grape germplasm grown in Northern Greece. 2. Seedlessness, berry and must characteristics

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    From 1991 to 1993 nine quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the grape berry and its must were evaluated using local and introduced table grape cultivars of the grapevine collection of the Greek Gene Bank. The data indicate a distinct variation in the grape germplasm in all characters and demonstrate the usefulness of the genetic material as a donor of important genes for grapevine improvement. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) produced 2 factors representing 68.1% of the total variation. PC1, explaining 43.6% of the total variance, is highly correlated with berry size parameters and characteristics of the berry structure. By Cluster Analysis the assessed cultivars were separated into distinct groups; while seedlessness, was associated with small berry detachment force from the pedicel, late maturity was combined with high acid and low sugar content and a large number of seeds per berry was accompanied by low sugar content