92,079 research outputs found

    Improving the efficiency of planning as a basis for management the investment activity of an industrial enterprise

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    The first and one of the most important functions of management is planning. At the same time, in the current market conditions, the time for the implementation of this stage is very limited. In many ways, this applies to the oil and gas industry all the same. Due to the reduction of the resource base of the industry, the share of super-profitable projects has decreased significantly. Extraction of hard-to-recover oil and gas reserves is associated with active investment activities and with the need to introduce expensive technologies and equipment. The most common type of investment project associated with the geological and technical activities is being considered in the present paper. In order to increase the economic efficiency of the geological and technical activities it is proposed to implement an automated model at the stage of planning. This model, on the basis of the generalized geological, technological, statistical, macroeconomic and economic indicators, allows to solve quickly the following problems: of more precise and prompt planning the expenses on carrying out geological and technical actions; of defining minimum admissible profitable level of an oil flow rate after carrying out geological and technical actions; of determining the most economically justified duration of the overhaul of the well; of organizing the projects of geological and technical measures according to their attractiveness. As a result of the implementation of the automated model, an efficiency matrix for a particular field was compiled that determines the impact of the necessary investments and planned flow rate on the economic indicators of the project. The use of this matrix made it possible to exclude several inefficient geological and technical measures from the plan. The method of ranking based on the calculation of the integrated efficiency coefficient has been developed. On its basis, the issue of making optimal management decisions taking into account the impact of risk assessment in the case of projects with the same economic efficiency is solved. © Belarusian National Technical University, 2019

    Addressing the Long-Term Management of High-level and Long-lived Nuclear Wastes as a Socio-Technical Problem:Insights from InSOTEC

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    This report summarises the lessons to be drawn from the three-year collaborative social sciences research project ‘International Socio-Technical Challenges for implementing geological disposal’ (InSOTEC). Adopting an approach that is relatively novel in this context, the project focused its investigations on the complex interplay between what are typically seen as distinct technical and social dimensions of radioactive waste management (RWM), in particular in the context of the design and implementation of geological disposal. The aim of the InSOTEC project was not to arrive at a prescription for facilitating the implementation of geological disposal, but to foster and deepen the growing awareness of the interaction between social and technical aspects of RWM that has been evident within the technical expert community by providing stakeholders and experts of all kinds with a better understanding of the processes that shape the challenges which confront them. The report brings together insights for RWM that have been generated within the different research strands of the project and offers observations on their implications for practice, addressing in particular the processes of research and development, public and stakeholder involvement in RWM, and long-term governance of geological disposal of higher activity radioactive wastes

    Информационная система для управления геолого-техническими мероприятиями

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    The aim of information system for the management of geological technical actions (GTA) is the search of well-candidate to carry out GTA and the choice for them the concrete GTA. The elaboration problem of such system is highly topical but nowadays there are no unified methods to carry out all above mentioned work processes with well stock. The generalized algorithm of system functioning is offered in the report, the algorithm is based on existing methods for the well-candidates evaluation and helps to geologist make a decision. The architecture of system that is being elaborated is suggested

    Samoa technical report - Review of volcanic hazard maps for Savai'i and Upolu

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    Both main islands of Samoa, Savai'i and Upolu need to be considered as potentially volcanically active. The most recent eruptions in historic times happened on Savai'i in 1905-1911, 1902 and 1760 (estimated). Though detailed volcanic studies and dating of volcanic events are very limited there is evidence for repeated volcanic activity on both islands since the time of human occupation of the islands marked by prominent and fresh appearance of tuff cones as Tafua (= fire mountain) Savai'i, the island of Apolima, Tafua Upolu and offshore Cape Tapaga. This report examines the volcanic risks for both islands and defines for disaster management considerations potential eruption scenarios based on eyewitness accounts of previous eruptions, geological field evidence, remote sensing information and experiences from similar volcanoes. A detailed timeline of events, potential impacts and required emergency response activities are listed for the five potential eruption types (1) long-term lava field (2) short-term spatter-cone (3) explosive phreatomagmatic (4) explosive scoria-cone and (5) submarine flank collapse. Given the nature of volcanism in Samoa with hundreds of individual "one-off" volcanoes scattered along zones of structural weakness within the Savai'i - Upolu Platform - predicting the exact location of future eruption centres is impossible. At the current stage of knowledge a presentation of a volcanic hazard map is inadequate and would require additional baseline studies to statistically define recurrence intervals and areas of higher volcanic activity. Taking these limitations into account, maps showing the relative potential for new eruption vents on Upolu and Savai'i are derived from geomorphologic features. To improve our understanding and management of the volcanic risks of Samoa, suggestions for achievable future work are listed and prioritised. These recommendations include geological/volcanological baseline studies (e.g. dating/detailed analyses of past events, rock chemistry, volcano structure); installation of early warning and monitoring network (e.g. permanent GPS, seismometers); and disaster preparedness and volcanic crisis response planning

    A modern vision of simulation modelling in mining and near mining activity

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    The paper represents the creation of the software simulation system, which reproduce the basic processes of mining and near production. It presents the consideration of such systems for both traditional and non-traditional mineral extraction systems. The principles of using computer recognition of processes are also presented in other processes of carbon-containing raw materials transition, as well as power production and waste utilization of mining production. These systems considerably expand the manageability of a rather complicated mining enterprise. The main purpose of such research is the simulation reproduction of all technological processors associated with the activity of mining enterprises on the display of the dispatch center. For this purpose, is used so-called UML-diagrams, which allows to simulate mining and near mining processes. Results of this investigation were included to the Roman Dychkovskyi thesis of the scientific degree of the Doctor of the Technique Sciences “Scientific Principles of Technologies Combination for Coal Mining in Weakly Metamorphoses Rockmass”

    Understanding and Finding Solutions to the Problem of Sedimentation in the National Wildlife Refuge System

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    The National Wildlife Refuge System (Refuge System) is a collection of public lands maintained by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for migratory birds and other wildlife. Wetlands on individual National Wildlife Refuges (Refuges) may be at risk of increased sedimentation because of land use and water management practices. Increased sedimentation can reduce wetland habitat quality by altering hydrologic function, degrading water quality, and inhibiting growth of vegetation and invertebrates. On Refuges negatively affected by increased sedimentation, managers have to address complex questions about how to best remediate and mitigate the negative effects. The best way to account for these complexities is often not clear. On other Refuges, managers may not know whether sedimentation is a problem. Decision makers in the Refuge System may need to allocate resources to studying which Refuges could be at risk. Such analyses would help them understand where to direct support for managing increased sedimentation. In this paper, we summarize a case study demonstrating the use of decision-analytic tools in the development of a sedimentation management plan for Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, Minnesota. Using what we learned from that process, we surveyed other Refuges in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 3 (an area encompassing the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin) and Region 6 (an area encompassing the states of Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming) about whether they experience sediment-related impacts to management. Our results show that cases of management being negatively affected by increased sedimentation are not isolated. We suggest that the Refuge System conduct a comprehensive and systematic assessment of increased sedimentation among Refuges to understand the importance of sedimentation in context with other management problems that Refuges face. The results of such an assessment could guide how the Refuge System allocates resources to studying and managing widespread stressors

    QuaRRi: a new methodology for rock-fall risk analysis and management in quarry exploitation

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    Rockfall is one of the most critical geological events that can affect quarrying activities. Nevertheless, few tools are currently available to help designers and managers correctly define the risk conditions and quantify the advantages, in terms of workers' safety and quarry management, that can be obtained using suitable prevention devices. For this reason it is necessary to evaluate the various parameters that are involved, and to define the most important and which have the greatest influence on rock-fall phenomena, taking into account the Prevention through Design approach. A risk evaluation systemwhich is able to support decision makers in the critical rockfall risk assessment phase, and offer decision makers the updated information that is necessary for a continuous and dynamic operation design during exploitation activities is here presented and discusse

    Technological safety of sustainable development of coal enterprises

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    Purpose. Substantiation of conceptual base of searching the ways of threats prevention to sustainable development of coal enterprises in the presence of multidirectional vectors of economic pressure of the external environment. Methods. Methods of the structural and comparative analysis for an assessment of usage of the main definitions of a research, their essence and communication with other categories which define efficiency of development of the coal enterprise are used for the solution of the set tasks in the work; groups and classifications are used for systematization of types of economic security and stability of the enterprise, and also factors which cause them. Findings. The analysis of main definitions that reflecting essence of such scientific phenomena as “sustainable development” and “economic security” of the enterprise is conducted. Actuality and reasonability of scientific research conducting on formation of methodical base and tools of an assessment of a technological component of sustainable development safety of coal enterprises is substantiated. Originality. Research of opportunities of the comprehensive programs creation of adaptive management of the mining enterprise including a retrospective and perspective assessment of a pathway of its development. Practical implications. Introduction of adaptation activity at the coal enterprises in aspect of process of technological safety ensuring.Мета. Обґрунтування концептуальної бази пошуку шляхів запобігання загрозам сталого розвитку вугільних підприємств при наявності різноспрямованих векторів економічного тиску зовнішнього середовища. Методика. Для вирішення поставлених у роботі завдань використані методи структурно-порівняльного аналізу – для оцінки використання основних дефініцій дослідження, їх сутності та зв’язку з іншими категоріями, які визначають ефективність розвитку вугільного підприємства; групування й класифікації – для систематизації видів економічної безпеки і стійкості підприємства, а також факторів, які їх обумовлюють. Результати. Проведено аналіз основних визначень, що відображають сутність таких наукових феноменів, як “сталий розвиток” і “економічна безпека” підприємства. Обґрунтована актуальність та доцільність проведення наукових досліджень з формування методичної бази й інструментарію оцінки технологічної складової безпеки сталого розвитку вугільних підприємств. Наукова новизна. Дослідження можливостей створення комплексних програм адаптивного управління гірничим підприємством, що включають ретроспективну і перспективну оцінки траєкторії його розвитку. Практична значимість. Впровадження адаптаційної діяльності на вугільних підприємствах в аспекті процесу забезпечення технологічної безпеки.Цель. Обоснование концептуальной базы поиска путей предотвращения угроз устойчивому развитию угольных предприятий при наличии разнонаправленных векторов экономического давления внешней среды. Методика. Для решения поставленных в работе задач использованы методы структурно-сравнительного анализа – для оценки использования основных дефиниций исследования, их сущности и связи с другими категориями, которые определяют эффективность развития угольного предприятия; группировки и классификации – для систематизации видов экономической безопасности и устойчивости предприятия, а также факторов, которые их обусловливают. Результаты. Проведен анализ основных определений, отражающих сущность таких научных феноменов, как “устойчивое развитие” и “экономическая безопасность” предприятия. Обоснована актуальность и целесообразность проведения научных исследований по формированию методической базы и инструментария оценки технологической составляющей безопасности устойчивого развития угольных предприятий. Научная новизна. Исследование возможностей создания комплексных программ адаптивного управления горным предприятием, включающих ретроспективную и перспективную оценку траектории его развития. Практическая значимость. Внедрение адаптационной деятельности на угольных предприятиях в аспекте процесса обеспечения технологической безопасности.Authors express gratitude for the help and consultations during work performing for director of management of coal mining of LLC “DTEK Energy” Mykhailo Barabash

    NHEP Management Plan 2005 Update

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    NHEP staff met with each of the project teams during the spring, summer, and fall of 2004 and asked each to suggest changes to existing action plans or identify emerging issues or subject areas that were not covered by the Management Plan. Following these meetings, the NHEP Coastal Scientist compiled the information, combined duplicate suggestions, and eliminated ideas that were already addressed by existing action plans. The project teams identified two new issues for inclusion in the Management Plan: sustainable water use and invasive species. A list of changes and two draft action plans were distributed to all teams and committees for comment. The Management Committee approved changes to the existing action plans on December 9, 2004, and approved the addition of two new action plans to the Management Plan on March 24, 2005