2,494 research outputs found

    Spatial information technologies in geographic education

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    This paper describes a project focusing on the need to enhance communication and understanding between higher education and the K-12 system through the use of spatial information technologies, specifically geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), remotely sensed data (RS) and the Internet. The project has developed materials and identified data through an interactive exchange between Colorado State University graduate students studying information technology for resource management and K-12 teachers. The outcome of the project is twofold: 1) to help K-12 students meet content standards of geography: “how to use maps and other geographic representations, tools and technology to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective” (National Geography Standard, 1994, p. 106); and 2) to bridge the gap between higher education and K-12 by providing CSU graduate students with an opportunity to apply spatial information technology skills. Content of exercises developed by CSU graduate students focuses on specific natural resource management issues


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    Dony Andrasmoro, 2013. S881108002. PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI PARIWISATA PENDIDIKAN GEOGRAFI DENGAN ANALISIS KURIKULUM PEMBELAJARAN GEOGRAFI SMA DAN ANALISIS SWOT DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN DAYA TARIK WISATA DI KABUPATEN KARANGANYAR TAHUN 2013. Tesis : Pembimbing I Prof. Dr Sigit Santosa, M.Pd., Pembimbing II Danang Endarto, S.T, M.Si. Program Studi Pendidikan Kependudukan dan Lingkungan Hidup, Minat Utama Pendidikan Geografi, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah : Untuk mengetahui potensi obyek wisata pendidikan geografi, kendala, sebaran, arah pengembangan wisata pendidikan geografi di Kabupaten Karanganyar dan untuk mengetahui prospek potensi wisata pendidikan geografi kedepannya di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi kualitatif spasial geografi (Spatial Geography). Objek penelitian ini adalah semua lokasi pariwisata di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan : (1) Wawancara atau interview, (2) Pengamatan atau observasi dan (3) Dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Interactive model of anlysis, dengan tiga komponen : Seleksi data, Penyajian data dan penyimpulan data, dengan mendeskripsikan objek wisata dan menganalisis menggunakan kajian kreteria yaitu kurikulum pendidikan geografi SMA yang akan diperoleh potensi, kendala, sebaran dan di analisis dengan SWOT untuk menghasilkan pengembangan pariwisata minat khusus pendidikan geografi Kabupaten Karanganyar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari analisis kreteria kurikulum KTSP geografi SMA IPS yang telah disesuaikan dengan Strandar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar (SKKD) SMA dengan potensi kajian geografi yaitu geosfer adalah Lithosfir, Pedosfer, Atmosfir, Hidrosfir, Biosfir dan Antroposfir. Dari 35 lokasi wisata di Kabupaten Karanganyar hanya 24 lokasi objek wisata yang memiliki potensi pariwisata pendidikan geografi dan dikembangkan menjadi daya tarik wisata minat khusus pendidikan geografi. Pengembangan daya tarik wisata pendidikan geografi dilakuakan dengan pengembangan pariwisata berkelanjutan (Sustainable Tourism Development) 3A yaitu analisis Atraksi, Aksesibilitas, Amenitas sebagai penunjang analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Oportunities, Threats). Pengembangan pariwisata minat khusus pendidikan geografi menunjukkan potensi wisata pendidikan geografi yang sangat tinggi dan potensial karena hampir semua lokasi wisata memiliki potensi dan prospek pengembangan yang baik dan menunjukkan bahwa Kabupaten Karanganyar berpotensi menjadi daya tarik wisata pendidikan geografi dan tujuan wisata minat khusus pendidikan geografi. Kata Kunci : Potensi Pariwisata, Wisata Minat Khusus, Pariwisata Pendidikan, Daya Tarik Wisata. Deny Andrasmoro, 2013. S881108002. THE DEVELOPMENT OF GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION TOURISM POTENTIAL WITH GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING CURRICULUM ANALYSIS OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND SWOT ANALYSIS IN THE ATTEMPT OF IMPROVING THE TOURIST ATTRACTION IN KARANGANYAR REGENCY IN 2013. Thesis: First Counselor: Prof. Dr Sigit Santosa, M.Pd, Second Counselor: Danang Endarto, S.T, M.Si. Demographic and Living Environment Education Study Program, Geographic Education Main Interest, Postgraduate Program, Surakarta Sebelas Maret University. The objectives of research were to find out the potential of geographic education tourist object, constraint, distribution, direction of geographic education tourism development in Karanganyar Regency and to find out the prospect of geographic education tourism potential in the future in Karanganyar Regency. This study employed a spatial geographic qualitative descriptive method. The object of research was all tourist destinations in Karanganyar Regency. Techniques of collecting data used were: (1) interview, (2) observation, and (3) documentation. Technique of analyzing data used was an interactive model of analysis encompassing three components: data reduction, data display and data conclusion, by describing the tourist object and analyzing using the criteria study: geographic education curriculum of Senior High School to be obtained, potential, constraints, distribution, and analyzed using SWOT to provide the development of tourism in geographic education special interest of Karanganyar Regency. The result of research showed that the criterion analysis on the geographic KTSP (education unit level curriculum) curriculum of Social Science department of Senior High School had been adjusted with the Standard Competence and Basic Competence (SKKD) for Senior High School with geographic study potential of geosphere including Lithosphere, Pedosphere, Atmosphere, Hidrosphere, Biosphere, and Antroposphere. Out of 35 tourist destinations in Karanganyar Regency, only 24 tourist objects having geographic education tourist potential and developed into tourist attraction of geographic education special interest. The development of geographic education tourist attraction was conducted using Sustainable Tourism Development, namely 3A analysis: Attraction: Accessibility, and Amenity to support the SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threat) analysis. The tourism development of geographic education special interest showed very high and potential geographic education tourism because nearly all tourist destinations had good development potency and prospect and showed that that the Karanganyar Regency potentially becomes the geographic education tourist attraction and tourist destination for geographic education special interest. Keywords: Tourism Potential, Special Interest Tour, Education Tourism, Tourism Attractio

    Service-learning in Watershed-based Initiatives: Keys to Education for Sustainability in Geography?

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    A call for combining the strengths of geographic education with environmental education to produce an \u27education for sustainability\u27 addresses local problems for sustainable development. A place-based approach encourages civic responsibility among students. Using service-learning to extend education beyond the classroom in this case study connected students with local clients in a watershed-based initiative. Theoretical underpinnings of service-learning for geographic education are discussed, and the case study is viewed from instructor, student, and client perspectives to identify successful outcomes and provide suggestions for those who might adopt service-learning for the first time

    Implementation of profile differentiation in the content of geographic education

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    У статті обґрунтовано основні підходи до реалізації профільної диференціації в змісті шкільної географічної освіти. Автором конкретизовано завдання географічного навчання в умовах профілізації, розкрито специфіку вивчення географії на заняттях курсів за вибором.The article substantiates the main approaches to the implementation of profile differentiation in the content of school geographic education. The author specifies the task of geographic study in terms of profiling, discloses the specificity of studying geography in classrooms courses by choice

    Book Review: Stitching the World: Embroidered Maps and Women\u27s Geographical Education

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    Recently I visited a major exhibit on historic Irish art and design and was struck by a lovely embroidered map of Ireland. In the midst of outstanding examples of Irish furniture and art was an elegant girl\u27s/woman\u27s map, signifying her mastery of both geography and stitchery. Now, Judith Tyner has published Stitching the World: Embroidered Maps and Women\u27s Geographical Education, an examination of this short‐lived tradition of embroidering map samplers or globes as material artifacts of women\u27s geographic education. The slim volume is a noteworthy contribution to our understanding of map history, history of geographic education, and women\u27s history

    Digitale Medien und E-Learning - Ein Beitrag zum Globalen Lernen im Geographieunterricht?

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    Der Beitrag zeigt ausgehend von den vier Kernproblemen der Globalisierung (Bevölkerungswachstum, Wohlstandswachstum, friedliches Zusammenleben und Erhalt einer gesunden Umwelt), wie mit digitalen Medien und E-Learning-Angeboten der Geographieunterricht einen Beitrag zum Globalen Lernen leisten kann. Dabei beleuchtet der Beitrag kritisch die "digitale" Kluft zwischen Nord und Süd und stellt am Ende den Mehrwert der digitalen Medien für den Unterricht heraus. (DIPF/Orig.)Do digital media and e-learning add value to global learning in geographic education? Based on the four main challenges of globalization (population growth, rising prosperity, peace and environmental protection), this article demonstrates how digital media and e-learning can contribute to global learning in geographic education. lt provides a critical view of the \u27digital\u27 gap between the North and the South and shows key problems and solutions to integrate less well-equipped schools in global teaching concepts. (DIPF/Orig.

    Booklet, Geographic Education for the Air Age, A Guide for Teachers and Administrators, 1942

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    Booklet, Phoebe F. Omlie\u27s copy of Air-Age Education Series, Geographic Education For The Air Age (A Guide for Teachers and Administrators) by George T. Renner , Sponsored by the Institute of the Aeronautical Science, The MacMillan Company, New York, 1942.https://digitalcommons.memphis.edu/speccoll-mss-phoebefomlie2/1061/thumbnail.jp

    Humanitarization geographic education in universities

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This article discusses the structure of science. Highlighted border integration and cross-cutting areas. Considered the most important priorities of the Russian geographical education; humanization, aimed at the development of common cultural components in the content of education in the formation of personality; humanization, expressed by an emphasis on personal factors, the social aspects of the development of society; sociologization, object of study is sociosphere - a set of geographic and socio-economic factors, with increased attention to the social aspects of development; greening, reflecting spatial processes and forms of organization of the productive forces, in order to optimize and improve production efficiency; regionalization, promoting deeper identifying the structure, function, increased understanding of the regions, the study and development of a geographical approach to the management of the region; greening, characteristic of the whole complex of geographical sciences dealing with the interaction of society and nature. Presents the contribution of prominent scientistsgeographers: V.M.Maksakovskogo - his recommendations for the Study of the greening of industry and spatial aspects; YD Demetrius, releasing a comprehensive study of the major issues of geo-ecological problems; A.M.Trofimova, MD Sharygina on the role of general geography - basic science, which considers all aspects of the development of an integrated system of "nature-economy-population" in the space-time aspect, as well as trends in long-term development of geographical education. The contribution of scientists CFI and the Institute of Ecology and Mineral Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan in the environmental mapping

    Le Congrès National Council for Geographic Education, Kansas-City, 1-3 novembre 1968.

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