300,908 research outputs found

    Modelling of Temperature in Full-scale Systems: a Review of the Biological Heat Generation Within Windrow Composting

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    Windrow composting is the most common method for organic solid waste treatment. Temperature is an important state variable in modelling, which could be simulated by estimating the change of heat balance components at any moment. Biological heat energy is the most significant term in the heat balance. In this paper biological heat generation of the composting process are examined and their applicability for a full-scale windrow system is evaluated. It is found that, to date, the accuracy of predicting the rate of substrate degradation has been a major challenge. The use of an inductive approach based on either first-order kinetic expression or empirical kinetics relation was found to be more feasible for practical purposes. However a scale-up correction factor for particular processes and types of substrate may need to be further investigated to narrow the discrepancies of kinetic performances between laboratory and full-scale systems

    Full scale upper surface blown flap noise

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    A highly noise suppressed TF 34 engine was used to investigate the noise of several powered lift configurations involving upper surface blown (USB) flaps. The configuration variables were nozzle type (i.e. slot and circular with deflector), flap chord length, and flap angle. The results of velocity surveys at both the nozzle exit and the flap trailing edge are also presented and used for correlation of the noise data. Configurations using a long flap design were 4 db quieter than a short flap typical of current trends in USB flap design. The lower noise for the long flap is attributed primarily to the greater velocity decay of the jet at the flap trailing edge. The full-scale data revealed substantially more quadrupole noise in the region near the deflected jet than observed in previous sub-scale tests

    Full-Scale Digesters: Model Predictive Control with Online Kinetic Parameter Identification Strategy

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    This work presents a nonlinear model predictive control scheme with a novel structure of observers aiming to create a methodology that allows feasible implementations in industrial anaerobic reactors. In this way, a new step-by-step procedure scheme has been proposed and tested by solving two specific drawbacks reported in the literature responsible for the inefficiencies of those systems in real environments. Firstly, the implementation of control structures based on modeling depends on microorganisms’ concentration measurements; the technology that achieves this is not cost-effective nor viable. Secondly, the reaction rates cannot be considered static because, in the extended anaerobic digestion model (EAM2), the large fluctuation of parameters is unavoidable. To face these two drawbacks, the concentration of acidogens and methanogens, and the values of the two reaction rates considered have been estimated by a structure of two observers using data collected by sensors. After 90 days of operation, the error in convergence was lower than 5% for both observers. Four model predictive controller (MPC) configurations are used to test all the previous information trying to maximize the volume of methane and demonstrate a satisfactory operation in a wide range of scenarios. The results demonstrate an increase in efficiency, ranging from 17.4% to 24.4%, using as a reference an open loop configuration. Finally, the operational robustness of the MPC is compared with simulations performed by traditional alternatives used in industry, the proportional-integral derivative (PID) controllers, where some simple operational scenarios to manage for an MPC are longer sufficient to disrupt a normal operation in a PID controller. For this controller, the simulation shows an error close to the 100% of the reference valueUniversidad de Sevilla G9104541

    Fabricating subscale components for application to full-scale parts

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    Equipment requirements and fabrication methods required for manufacture of large cylindrical boron/epoxy shroud are based on subscale component production methods. Plywrap technique is well suited to fabrication of cylindrical shapes using composite materials. This method offers savings in time, labor, raw materials, and equipment costs

    Airframe Noise Simulations of a Full-Scale Aircraft

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    Computational results for a full-scale simulation of a Gulfstream G-III aircraft are presented. In support of a NASA airframe noise flight test campaign, Exa Corporations lattice Boltzmann PowerFLOW solver was used to perform time-accurate simulations of the flow around a highly detailed, full-scale aircraft model. Free-air boundary conditions were used at a Mach number of 0.23 and a Reynolds number of 10.5 10(exp 6) based on mean aerodynamic chord. This paper documents the simulation campaign for the baseline aircraft configuration at several flight conditions, including multiple flap deflections and main landing gear deployed or retracted. The high-fidelity, synthetic data were post-processed using a Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings integral approach to estimate farfield acoustic behavior, with pressures on the model solid surface or a permeable surface enveloping the acoustic near field used as input. The numerical approach, simulation attributes, and the effects of grid resolution, gear deployment, and multiple flap deflections, are discussed as well

    Ropeway roller batteries dynamics. Modeling, identification, and full-scale validation

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    A parametric mechanical model based on a Lagrangian formulation is here proposed to predict the dynamic response of roller batteries during the vehicles transit across the so-called compression towers in ropeways transportation systems. The model describes the dynamic interaction between the ropeway substructures starting from the modes and frequencies of the system to the forced dynamic response caused by the vehicles transit. The analytical model is corroborated and validated via an extensive experimental campaign devoted to the dynamic characterization of the roller battery system. The data acquired on site via a custom-design sensor network allowed to identify the frequencies and damping ratios by employing the Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) method. The high fidelity modeling and the system identification procedure are discussed

    Full-scale transmission testing to evaluate advanced lubricants

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    Experimental tests were performed on the OH-58A helicopter main rotor transmission in the NASA Lewis 500 hp helicopter transmission test stand. The testing was part of a lubrication program. The objectives are to develop and show a separate lubricant for gearboxes with improved performance in life and load carrying capacity. The goal was to develop a testing procedure to fail certain transmission components using a MIL-L-23699 based reference oil and then to run identical tests with improved lubricants and show improved performance. The tests were directed at parts that failed due to marginal lubrication from Navy field experience. These failures included mast shaft bearing micropitting, sun gear and planet bearing fatigue, and spiral bevel gear scoring. A variety of tests were performed and over 900 hrs of total run time accumulated for these tests. Some success was achieved in developing a testing procedure to produce sun gear and planet bearing fatigue failures. Only marginal success was achieved in producing mast shaft bearing micropitting and spiral bevel gear scoring

    Hover test of a full-scale hingeless rotor

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    The performance and aeroelastic stability in hover of a 9.8-m diameter, hingeless helicopter rotor system was evaluated. Rotor performance and inplane damping data were obtained for rotor operation between 350 and 425 rpm for thrust coefficients (CT/sigma) between 0.0 and 0.12. At constant rotor thrust, a minimum in rotor inplane damping was measured at 400 rpm. Good agreement is shown between experimental performance data and predicted performance. The influence of different aerodynamic inflow models on predicting damping levels is also shown. The best correlation with experimental stability data was obtained when a dynamic inflow model was used instead of static or quasistatic inflow models. Comparison with other full scale, hingeless rotor data in hover is presented. The hingeless rotor data and data from a full scale, bearingless main rotor test performed on the same general purpose test apparatus were compared. Although the bearingless rotor was more highly damped at design tip speed and 1-g thrust operation, greater sensitivity to operating conditions is shown. At low thrust levels the bearingless main rotor is less damped than the hingeless rotor

    Full-scale testing of an Ogee tip rotor

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    Full scale tests were utilized to investigate the effect of the ogee tip on helicopter rotor acoustics, performance, and loads. Two facilities were used: the Langley whirl tower and a UH-1H helicopter. The text matrix for hover on the whirl tower involved thrust values from 0 to 44 480 N (10,000 lb) at several tip Mach numbers for both standard and Ogee rotors. The full scale testing on the UH-1H encompassed the major portion of the flight envelope for that aircraft. Both near field acoustic measurements and far field flyover data were obtained for both the ogee and standard rotors. Data analysis of the whirl tower test shows that the ogee tip does significantly diffuse the tip vortex while providing some improvement in hover performance at low and moderate thrust coefficients. Flight testing of both rotors indicates that the strong impulsive noise signature of the standard rotor can be reduced with the ogee rotor. Analysis of the spectra indicates a reduction in energy in the 250 Hz and 1000 Hz range for the ogee rotor. Forward flight performance was significantly improved with the ogee configuration for a large number of flight conditions. Further, rotor control loads were reduced through use of this advanced tip rotor
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